Why has no other Final Fantasy even come close to surpassing this masterpiece?

Why has no other Final Fantasy even come close to surpassing this masterpiece?

Yes, I'm back to defend it.

Disregarding the story (because you're a bunch of whiny autists that can't appreciate any sort of story), it is the best Final Fantasy game so it deserves it's own thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


I like Squall. He's funny and very handsome.

>why blahbla
Because you have shit taste, your shit taste doesn't deserve it's own thread, fuck off.

Whoa there, buddy. I love the game, and the story was great, but it's certainly not the best in the series.


V is literally the best FF though

Excellent post you sure convinced me to stop making this thread with those hot opinions

Nobody's really trying to convince you, you're the one looking like fanboy retard, all I have to do is to hide your shitty thread once enough shitty threads start cluttering my catalog.


Gameplay is broken, magic system is garbage story is full of plot holes and retarded "build your own story in your head since nothing in the last act makes sense!! DEEEEEP" garbage
Its literally the worst of the ps1 FF.

No love for XII?

The game is shit. This should've been Laguna's game, not Squall's.
His theme is still one of the best on the franchise.

Are you retarded? VI is the absolute best. V and VII are definately tied for a close second.

This nigga knows what's up

VI was really good. I'd say VI is a solid second, with II and V close behind. XII is still first place for me.

>close second

Isn't Seifer the coolest motherfucker in the game ?
He gets to literally do whatever he wants, ditch the SeeDs, join his foster mother as her knight to fight against the world, kicking Odin's ass, kicking Squall's ass multiple times, killing to his heart's content for bonus exp, take revenge on all the people in his garden.
And in the end he answers for none of it and he's just chilling fishing with his two fuck buddies having ditched that clingy bitch Rinoa.

Final fantasy was great until 10 came along then they all sucked ass the new one will suck ass as well they make the games into a twilight teen movie.

Will FF ever be good again?

No. VIII may be bad but still is not fucking shit like XIII and XIV

XIII sucked, but it had an amazing OST.

Agreed. FFs never disappoint with the OSTs, it's a shame for the gameplay though.

Say what you will about 8 the music was fucking awesome

Yeah. I'd like a game with XII's gambits, II's leveling system (albeit with maybe some more balance) and a class system like V.

I wanted Laguna to cum inside my pussy

>Drawing magic system
lmaoing at your taste.

>He draws magic
How does it feel to be stupid?

>II's leveling system

>Not learning magic from your weapons
Why even live?

FFVIII was the first FF I ever played (Eurobro) and it has a special place in my heart. The music is fantastic, I love all the characters, the world is amazing, the story is great and I love the battle system. It's a brilliant game.

But let's be honest it's not the best FF game ever mate

Op get your head out your ass!

>most retarded game in the series
Let me give an example

>You find your two best friends bleeding and dying
>Do you...
>1. Try and give them medical treatment?
>2. Immediately attempt to get help for them?
>3. Tickle them?

Also orphanages.

>tfw never got a proper VI remake
Fuck, I just wanted a 3D VI, a game like the IV DS could've been fine.

How was final fantasy 6? it's the only one I haven't played.

>>You find your two best friends bleeding and dying
>>Do you...
. Try and give them medical treatment?
. Immediately attempt to get help for them?
. Tickle them?

Better writing than body slamming a train

Because Square literally took care of every technical detail of the game, from having arguably the best graphics on the playstation, to having one of the worlds with the most content in the entire Final Fantasy series, all of this mixed up with a lot of subtle exposition about said world.

Final Fantasy VIII is one of those games you can replay 10 times and in every single playthrough you will find something new, it's a really unique game not only in the series but in the entire JRPG genre in general.

This might be actually one of Square most risky releases since everyone was expecting Final Fantasy VII-2, not just because it completely defies a lot of the things established in the series until then, but also because its form of storytelling might be one of the most subtle ones in the entire JRPG genre.

The plot definitely falls apart, but i think this actually helps the player to give more meaning to all the other pieces that form the world of FFVIII.

Mate it's arguably the best.

Thank you user. I apreciate it.
I never had the chance to play XII. I'll get it on PS4 so I don't miss it.
II isn't as bad as people say. But I wouldn't call it one of the bests.
What's the matter?

II's leveling system had good ideas, but was poorly implemented. If the progression was smoothed out better, and EXP gain on stats/for classes was actually adjusted to allow for meaningful gains to match game progress, it could be absolutely amazing.

>Stockpiling magic
>can't use it too much tho, or my stats will suffer
my regards to your wife's boyfriend.

Pretty good. The Magicite system is similar to the Materia from VII, you learn magic from them but also you get stat boosts when you level up depending on which one you have equiped.

>thinking he's not the cuck

Except this literally isn't a problem as long as you aren't a retard who thinks you can only get magic from drawing.


so many wrong opinions in this thread, ill try to set you all straight

every FF from the PSX era up to FFX is an excellent game. this is the time period where Square had no choice but to put quality and workmanship into their games.

from FF6 onwards there is a large jump in overall quality. for anybody to treat FF8 or any PSX final fantasy as if its just an objective pile of shit is wrong. each game has alot to offer because they put alot of work into the visuals, gameplay, and soundtrack.

theres simply too many tards who have bandwagoned saying that "this FF sucks" because it gets parroted on Cred Forums constantly. im not sure how anybody can play any of the FF games and come away with "its just shit" objectively unless you were playing like a NES era game or something. This is also back when square still had some quality left and didnt put their time into making mobile games and ff13 sequels.

tl'dr make your own opinion instead of just blindly hating this FF and others cause of Cred Forums. they are all pretty good around this era

Marry quistis
Fuck selphie
Kill rinoa

XII and X-2 have the best gameplay in the series.

If you want 2D, nothing can top Chrono Trigger and DQ games for gameplay.

Most Final Fantasy's are just shit-tier games overfocused on their shit-tier stories that are boring to play through, VIII and VII included. As a kid and growing up the early ones (FFIV and on) seemed wonderful but let's not kid ourselves it was mostly marketing and rehashing ideas.

fuck you troll

This is a copypasta, isn't it?

It's my own opinion, nigger.
The main story is pure trash, VIII should've been about the mercenary life of Laguna and friends.

FFVIII has sucked since 1999, no bandwagons or memes there, and none of the games have surpassed VI.

>tl'dr make your own opinion instead of just blindly hating this FF and others cause of Cred Forums
You're joking, right? Literally everyone hates FFVIII, it's not a Cred Forums thing. I know borderline normalfags who've never even looked at video game discussions online but played the PSX FFs and say VIII is shit.

It had shitty characters, shitty story, and shitty mechanics.

lol literally just bandwagon replies. the game's story is one of the best that Square has ever done. your opinions are truely shit and to be honest with you i almost didnt reply because of just how shit your opinions are.

try and getting some taste you fucking losers.


>and to be honest with you i almost didnt reply
You should've stuck with that plan.

Laguna is a faggot lusting for Zell's dick

Go fuck yourself bitch, VIII has the best summons and the best girls

>Go fuck yourself bitch
Just the kind of response I'd expect from an VIII fanboy.

>VIII has the best summons
Some of it's summons are pretty good looking, I'll give you that.

>and the best girls
Half the girls in VIII looked like dudes.


FF8 has a broken battle system. At first the junction magic and shit sounds cool but you then realize that the bosses are so ridiculously easy and die to a few boosted GF summons or abusing the limit break system that you don't need to worry about the junction system until you're 90% done with the game where you then junction the best magic. The scaling from levels is dog shit.

The writing is horrendous. You are literally fucking retarded if you thought the plot was good. You're suppose to be an elite mercenary corp going on missions and when you finally become SeeD throws you at chasing some faggot Sorceress you don't give a shit about. Then when you actually find the big bad she's some antler woman that wants to destroy time because uhh... Why the fuck not.

The main cast are god awful with the exception of Squall. Literally who the fuck cares about Zell, Selphie, Irvine, Quistis. They contributed jack shit to the game and plot, they had no character development. Your rival throughout the game is a little piss ant fuccboi without any intimidating factor.

FF8 had one of the best soundtracks. The plot, characters, and battle system was dog shit however.

A idź pan w chuj z takąopinią..

Seifer was boss. Beat his ass once and he will get back to you by torturing yours ass to his hearts content.

But honestly. Seifer and Squall were a great rival duo.

Slow start that can drag for a while but in the end finishing the game was completely worth it. Doing the sidequests near the end rewards you with more character depth which is the best kind of reward imo.

>Failing to realize entirely the impact your actions as Laguna had on the developing Seifer, leading to him becoming exactly the little pissant fuccboi he is today
Wew lad, a new one every thread.

I'm right there with you OP, it's my favorite RPG, and despite it being ridiculously easy to break, I still do a playthrough bi-yearly.

>Laguna made a movie
>Seifer decided to betray his comrades and be a dipshit in general about being a knight because of this


10/10 character, 12/10 rival, 5/7 writing would make my favorite char ever despite the fact that he's still a fuccboi and is one of the most hilariously easy bosses that jobs like a little bitch.

Nah only Cred Forums hates it. Maybe because you fuckers are mainly underage or barely 18 but it's pretty fucking hard to come across someone who played it relatively close to release who didn't at least like it. You mushbrains wallowing in your own shit like a sow all the time doesn't make it smear the whole world but only in your pigsty.

>Being retarded about being a knight
He saw an opportunity to fulfill a childhood fantasy, and fucking took it. I'll agree that he was a total jobber, but even a rudimentary understanding of the games mechanics makes EVERy fight a total jobber. Hell it's arguable that Seifer simply did what no one else in the game was willing to do, to actually pursue the dreams they had, that Is a very large theme throughout the game after all.

He's fucking 17 years old. He betrays his friends and company and decides to work for a fucking sorceress that wants to destroy all of fucking space and time because of his "dream." How in the world does this make a compelling character with reasonable goals.

When I was a kid I dreamed about gunning people down people with a machine gun in war because I saw Arnold movies and thought that was the coolest shit. Or massacring peons with a spear because I played Dynasty Warriors. You don't fucking see me joining the Taliban or buying a katana and fedora. You don't see other reasonable adults do the same shit when they probably had unrealistic dreams in the past.

this desu, this thread is mostly a coupl;e people jerking off their own posts without any actual discussion, theres alot to like out of ff8 and its a woefully misunderstood game

This game sucks donkey dick save for the music and final dungeon.

>Expecting them to act reasonable
First off, Final fantasy
Second, they were dumped into an academy meant to breed them as war dogs from a young age, and ignoring the bullshit of the orphanage 'reveal' the majority of them are children sucked by an academy meant to train them into hardened mercenaries, what part of that is 'reasonable' to you. I would agree with you, if Seifer ever displayed any sort of overt loyalty to anyone but himself. The entire setup of his character is the 'cool guy' who 'doesn't need the rules' and is largely policed by Fujin and Rajin to clean up his messes because he's such a spoiled little shit that he won't do it himself. Everything about him is about being the most important narcissitic self serving jackass that he can be. Look at the dollet mission. He was ordered to hold a square, so what does he do? He defies orders, pursues an unknown enemy element, solely for the sake of glory, and nearly gets his entire team killed because of it. Does that sound reasonable to you? How does his flip to serving the sorceress not make sense in that context? The fucker literally only cares about himself.

>because it's a FF game you can make a character completely retarded and dogshit and he's objectively good because he looks kind of cool

And this is why we have people who also defend XIII.

He was a child soldier.

all FF characters are retarted

Did I say that. I said that's how the game presents him you dipshit. I think Seifers a whiny little fucking manbaby that got spoiled on Laguna's movies, and ended up turning his back on the only 'family' the little shit ever had. At this point you're stuffing words into my mouth because either you've gotten bored, or you can't refute what I'm saying.

>And this is why we have people who also defend XIII.

You mean the Lightning waifufags?

>I think Seifers a whiny little fucking manbaby that got spoiled on Laguna's movies, and ended up turning his back on the only 'family' the little shit ever had.
Then why are you even responding.

>because either you've gotten bored

I can think that the decisions he's made in the game are poor, and that his temperament is that of a child's, much like yours, and still find the overarching reasons behind what he did to be good writing. I'm just confused as to why you ever thought that I was giving Seifer a pass because he 'looks cool'. I was saying that the games chosen motif for him from the fucking outset is to be someone with a blatant disregard for the rules, who isn't afraid to hurt others for his goal, nodding to the opening FMV here, and values others far below himself, ala the Dollet mission. All of these as I stated are valid reasons as to why his 'sudden' flip to joining the side of the sorceress isn't as out of whack as you make it out to be. This isn't even counting how fucked in the head he likely is from GF usage and the whole you know, child soldier thing.

For you.

>VII babby
>overrated dogshit piece of trash
>get your head out your ass

You're wrong and you have terrible taste. VII, IX, VI, X and XII are all better than VIII.


i'm defending FFVIII by default, nothing tops it except FFT and FFIX and Legend Of Mana comes second behind.

My ex never gave me FF VIII back. Fuck you for reminding me.

You should go play your fur-fag-annihilating game or New Vegas or fur-fag-games because I simply cannot tell the difference between the majority player base of these two games.

If you could joined taliban with your white fat ass you would have, too bad they don't want you. You could have joined the warring warriors but too bad thats back in 1800s.

How did you like that you cant visit towns on the last disc, how did you like that summons/gf became useless in the endgame in favor of limits, How did you like drawing awesome magic like meteor or ultima combining it to your stats and never using it because it would lower your stats? How did you like enemies leveling with you? How did you like that your whole parties grew up together but forgot because "summons"... i mean lets be serious there is soo much shit and stupid decisions in FF8..
I could keep writing on all the faults of FF8 but its already so obvious.
Its a good rpg but compared to FF7 or 9 its the weakest ps1 FF imo.

What the fuck is this post even trying to say?

I'd like to reply your posts systematically but since being a one para mess, i'll try.

I have no issue with visiting towns because everything that i have need to be done is done on disc 3.
Summon and gf became useless in the end game ? well its a 50/50 for me because stat effect gf still works really well for me even till the end.
Drawing magic ? not much of an issue, you can either place something heavy on the controller if you wanna be an autistic draw fag or you can scrap shit from other stuff to get it.
Never using drawn magic ? i use it bro.
Level scaling ? it was never an issue unless you level the fuck out at 99 on disc 1 or 2. Level scaling keeps the difficulty going on. Its not oblivion tier retarded at least.
Forgot summons ? dude we have all kinds of crazy magic going on the FF universe, expecting that is outrageous ?

I can write all kinds of fault in FFVII and FFIX or FFT or Legends of Mana, but none of them deserved to be called "Bad" in the series, well except the post Ps1 era as far as i can tell.

Same goes to parasite eve or any squaresoft games, once they went "enix" they went shit.
Now good news for some of you is we still get to see more cloud and the gangs like usual business.

My nigga.

Quistis is god-tier, wife material.

You can mask the other games as your personal opinion, but when you actually say that an offline mmorpg is better than VIII is the time I know you are just posting memes.

Trash battle, trash story, trash characters. Worst of the PS1 golden era FF games.

I agree, it's the best Final Fantasy, along with VII, IX and X.

Kill Quistis
Fuck Selphie
Marry Rinoa

>look ma, I'm at it again!

At least the five autists have a point.

This abomination of a post sums up the game pretty well

>muh gunblade

How does it make you feel that Lightning did it better

Fuck Rinoa
Marry Quistis
Kill Selphie

if we're not counting story it gets beat by X-2
if we are counting story it is pretty hard to call, but 8 has some dumb moments. however it's nowhere near the colossal trainwreck that is 7. I'd probably have to call 10 or 5 best story.

Half of the characters never got any proper development. Laguna's buddies are the same all the way through, Zell is a douche all the way through, Selphie barely changes up, Quistis manages to go from stoic leader to back bitch with no character motivation.

Worst Final Fantasy with only the environments being its redeeming quality.

>Broken Junction system.
>Boring underdeveloped characters
>Shitty writing, even by FF standards.
>Unnecessary amount of tedious micro management.

Go back to sleep VIII-kun.


is this inclusive of 10? i thought that game was fucking amazing... story, characters, music and all. gameplay in depth too, although i wasn't too fond the sphere grid. Granted, it could be that the advent of audible character dialogue helped bring them to life.

8 is a close second. admittedly though, i grew up with 10 and 8, so i have a strong bias towards them. i played 7 later and didn't like it nearly as much. its characters... i'd say the majority weren't very likable. Cloud, Tifa and Aerith were meh. just generic personalities, although Tifa the least so. Barret was a pretty awesome dude, and naturally Sephiroth was likable for being a total bad ass. aside from that though, there wasn't much to him. just a stereotypical nihilist who is also batshit insane. Cait sith and Vincent were cool.

as for Cloud... well, that's a tough one. with FF8, i didn't mind squall. and these 2 chars share very similar personalities. even so, squall had a lot more depth to his character, and his character dialogue was much more enthralling, just thinking back to his interactions with Quistis for instance. he may have appeared emotionally empty, but the writing in that game actually managed to engage me in his character. perhaps they focused more on bringing out the contrast his personality had with the other characters'?

Cloud, on the other hand, was just a dick. he never really stood out as a likable or interesting character to me. his circumstances, sure, but the character itself... i mean he's not Vaan, but no character of the year either.

I liked the majority of FF8's characters. Zell, Irvine, Seifer, perhaps Squall, and to a lesser extent, Quistis and Selphie. The first 3 at least are all booming with personality. And regarding gameplay, I didn't mind the junctioning system.

I felt like FF8's story, environments were better too. They had you going to all manner of places, doing all sorts of crazy shit, more so than FF7.

They try to appeal more and more to casual and non core audience

samefag. forgot about poor Rinoa. she was cool, more developed than Tifa I reckon. Still not Zell, Irvine, Barret etc tier though. oh and ff8's GF summoning was cool but having no option to skip (thankfully ff10 improved on this) and later on the booster mechanic were both retarded (pretty much for the same reason: tedious as fuck). FF7 had the same problem with its summons

out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on FF10? I agree that FF12 probably had the best gameplay of all the FF games.

I know it has is flaws, but I' ll always like it because it was my first FF.

Rinoa being Artemisia is still - to this day - the best uncomfirmed video game theroy.

marry quistis
kill selphie
fuck ultimecia

Your post reminded me of FF8's greatest fault: the shitfest its story devolves into towards the end. The moment the game started focusing on 'time compression', the story went to shit. i enjoyed everything up until that point


an exciting theory for sure, but the theory is not only unconfirmed; it's been flat out rejected by Square. that is, the company went on the record to say that Rinoa isn't Ultimecia

The "they all forgot the orphanage" shit is still stupid as hell. And before anybody comes with the "duh, foreshadowing, man, how could you not get it" argument, that's not what makes it shitty, fucktard.
It's shitty because they literallyhave zero reaction
>"hey guys, did you know that we all know each other since the beggining"
>"uh, I guess we forgot"
>"let's keep going"

The game literally wouldn't change a bit if only Squall was an orphan and only knew Seifer -and that girl that appears twice in the game and it's made out to be some kind of big deal when she's actually not, I guess- beforehand.

Like when they come back to the garden and there's a civil war but then they just go, kill Jabba the Hutt and nobody ever mentions it again. Like, holy crap, professors were throwing monsters at the students with killing intentions, how come there's no war trial, or some sort of funeral for the fallen, or something?

FF VIII was full of moments that had all the potential of becoming great scenes but were never concluded in any satisfactory way.

Easily one of my top 10 all time game themes, it works great for pequod too

Favorite Final Fantasy of all time, in a play-through right now on Disc 2, trying to stay on it as long as I can, because it's such a comfy disc.

I'm supposed to go to Trabia, but just finished the Shumi Tribe quest.

I really want to skip the Trabia scenes, so I was trying to glitch into Esthar, but there's an invisible wall that blocks me when I try to island hop from the Gandafi Forest, or whatever.

I mean, it looks like a 100% easy jump, but you hit a wall and it just forces you into the ocean instead, kind of a bummer.

Anyone had any luck getting to Esthar in Disc 2?