Tfw we will never get a good Harry Potter game

>tfw we will never get a good Harry Potter game.
Hello darkness my old friend.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck that i want a star wars game where i can play as a youngling through to jedi master.

We already have star wars games. I want a good Harry Potter game.

Can't GOG find a way to publish them? I only care about the first three.

And tons of people still want it. So make a not-Harry-Potter game with a similar premise. The money’s out there, you pick it up, it’s yours. You don’t, I have no sympathy for you.

Holy shit. Please fuck off to reddit. Normie trash must die.

Why would you expect good games from one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

...but that game was fucking good

nice pasta

I really liked Order of the Phoenix on the Wii.
Pretty sure EA still own the rights to the HP games.


This is the sole reason I opened this thread.


I just bought Book of Potions at a retro game convention and I don't even have a ps3, what's wrong with me?

PC version or Xbox version of Chamber of Secrets? I wanna try speedrunning the game but my PS2 version sucks ass

that game is complete shit. i replayed the first one a year ago and it was a horrible experience. thank god there was enough nostalgia to keep me playing

I hope you got the actual wonderbook with it as well
ps3 cardboard

Azkaban was the best. I remember eagerly awaiting Goblet of Fire thinking it would be Azkaban with an even larger campus and better graphics. Instead we got a linear piece of shit.

The problem with Harry Potter games is that no one wants to play as Harry Potter and his band of merry faggots, and no one wants to go through the stories contained in the books. People just want a Hogwarts simulator and no one will make one.

You're wrong, OP, we got at least 2 good ones

just play the hogwarts map on minecraft. its huge. you'll get lost at one point

>People just want a Hogwarts simulator and no one will make one
Isn't that what people thought Pottermore was gonna be?
Hopefully the new mobile games will be better.

Fuckin this.
I played the shit out of the GBC Game.

you mean fable with lightsword mod?

Incendio Tria all day every day

Chamber of Secrets on the GBC
The Quidditch game

who even cares the series is such garbage

Go play it again, either you had no standards as a kid or it's nostalgia speaking, that game was pure shit

The Quidditch game is shit, because it's way too easy. The AI are all braindead and you can win every match with a 300 point difference

this, holy fuck how hard it is to make a rpg set in hogwart with a character creation

but there already is

Stupid /lit/ maymay

>Why would you expect good games from one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises?

Because the early games actually were good.

Harry Potter is now reddit.
Are you ok user?

Is that a fucking NIMBUS 2000?


>Azkaban was the best.
Best was 5. That Dumbledore vs Voldemort fight at the end was magic fight kino.

Azkaban was my favorite growing up, first time Hermione is hot af.

>the series is such garbage
It really is not. Not in the slightest.

>only 1418
Get that weak shit outta here.

>no one posting the real masterpiece
it's like you guys hate fun

>we will never get a good Harry Potter game

>Not in the slightest
It's not particularly well written even for children's book
think about that, even with lower standards it's below average

I don't even have the actual wonderbook

best book
best film
best game

Well you also need a move controller.

One is made by Niantic and will thus be shite.
The other one is incredibly linear and grindy as fuck. There's playthroughs of it on youtube.


The only strong point 5 had was the big castle you could explore. The gameplay is incredibly disappointing.

>The other one is incredibly linear and grindy as fuck. There's playthroughs of it on youtube.
yeah, this looks pretty bad. It's like a sims mod.

At least this brings my total number of HP games up to 38.

Anyone got that collage of all the different versions of the games?


True best game coming through.

incredibly easy game

Is it worth updating this with the PS4/Xbone ports of Lego Harry Potter?

I don't have the unedited unfortunately


Might as well add things like Book of Spells/Potions, Fantastic Beasts and the mobile games at that point.

Ayn rand in god tier bait triggers me much harder than the regular all the popular shit is in the shit tier bait

Why is it cut off on the right?

HP3 for PC is the ultimate best version objectively.

Dunno senpai

I remember HP3 being pretty short on PC? Like, completed easili in an afternoon short.
It's been a while since I played it though.

Yeah, you can finish it in say 3 hours. But the polish that game has is better than all the other games I'd say. It's such a joy to play that I've beaten it over 10 times easily.

Well, I can't disagree with that, I remember having tons of funn with the first three games, 2 being personal favourite because it had tons of side content.

I never got to play 2 as a kid, my parents read a review that it was like the first one and didn't buy it.

Fuck game reviews.

no it goes like this


>no art of the deal
>no clifford
>no mein kampf
shit image

It kinda is, but the worst part is that you essentially have no choice in what options you pick, since there's always ones that reward more than others and the grind is incredible.

Never mind that it kinda ruins the lore even more.

The Harry Potter universe is RIPE for a Kino RPG.

Sorta like what KOTOR did for Star Wars. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet. All the ingredients are already there.

>the lego games
>the gameboy RPGs
>the ps1 games
>the platformers up to goblet of fire

Rowling would never allow it

Because this is the sort of shit Rowling prefers in her setting.


This sums up the entirity of the HP universe.
>write some light-hearted story
>realize some parts of it don't really make sense
>try to have it make sense by making it incredibly convoluted and dumb

It's clear she didn't have an editor for that, because surely someone would have told her
>you know outhouses exist, right? And you even included chamberpots in your books

This makes the setting more entertaining to me, honestly. Just laugh at it and carry on.
Also less arguing about what's "canon" like when people discuss timelines of games which were neverer intended to have one.

Really, the entire thing didn't even have to exist. This entire story only exists because she doesn't want people to call her out on why there's an elaborate plumbing system in an old medieval castle.

Thing is, nobody cared.

Did anyone else find this game hard? I got stuck on he part where you need to get Snape a ingredient from a room and the monsters guarding it was inanely difficult.

but you just posted the best one

well Cred Forums I made it, despite your directions
>Ah superintendent Cred Forums, I hope you're ready for an unforgettable thread

>Anything by Hemmingway
>Even remotely good

Kill yourself you fucking moron

A Farewell to Arms, For Whom The Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and The Sea are masterpieces, seek help user.

If you really think The Old Man and the Sea is good then it is you who needs help. May I suggest some slightly heavier, more interesting reading? Maybe the back of a Cheerios box or the ingredient list on a bag of chips. Old Man and the Sea was by far one of the worst books I have ever read. Nothing fucking happens the whole time. I put Old Man and the Sea on the same tier as Silas Marner, Eragon, and Great Expectations.

Don't reply to it, it's just /lit/ autism.

Harry Potter was always fucking reddit, what are you talking about?

> Nothing fucking happens the whole time

The mindset of the pleb in it's purest form

You have absolutely no idea how much of an utter fucking brainlet you are, don't ever post an opinion ever again.

>Maybe the back of a Cheerios box or the ingredient list on a bag of chips
>Food analogies

It's really not that good, full drawing are basically gone replaced by that chibi shit, only one girl and the chance of a gold edition coming out while I'm still able to get an erection with viagra is unlikely.

But can you jerk to it?

A man can jerk to anything given enough time and margarine


fuck off newfag

Is there an APK already?

Thanks, installing it

So this is what a Reddit opinion looks like? Neato, wanna teach me your ways you giant butt baby? :)

>we'll never get another rpg harry potter game like 1 and 2 for gbc

No, but some people are recording footage from the beta

How exactly?
What makes a movie/movie series reddit?
Please enlighten me.

It's popular therefore he's not allowed to like it.

I googled and there's some going around. Guess they're fake?

I bet you also fucking like The Beach Boys, John Candy, Stanley Kubrick films and Drudge Report you autist

I listen to pretentious jazz from the 60s, don't watch film or tv, and I don't know what Drudge report or a John Candy is but I'm not into gay strippers so I probably wouldn't be interested.

Well, aside from the vaults never being mentioned in any of the books or other media...
You shouldn't be able to win the housecup, since it's established Slytherin had a major streak before Harry showed up.
Also everyone acts like Snape's a well-known teacher and I don't think he even started working at Hogwarts till you-know-who fell.

Most of the users here use reddit too so "it's reddit" is just a way they try to fit in here.

Because that cunt J K Rowling doesn't like video games!
Her vision of a game is Pottermore
She won't let anyone use the franchise to make a game other than EA
and EA was absolute shit at handling them.
The only good harry potter games are 1, 2 and 4 and the Gameboy Color RPG one

Where the fuck is the Harry Potter open world Action RPG where we can pick a house, create and costumize our own character?

Do any of you realize the Harry Potter craze is long over


Tell that to the universal studios theme park

What rock are you living under?

>sleep for the entire game
>catch golden ball at the end
I know they wanted to make sure it's obvious that Harry has the most important rule in the team, but making it so that the actual game doesn't matter takes this way too far.
Also don't you think Quidditch is a bit too dangerous to be played by children?

When Alice in Wonderland is in the shit tier you know the infographic is wrong.

Women still never shut the fuck up about it

Honestly since HP books are first and foremost mystery books and about magic second you really shouldnt try to make sense opf the internal logics. The currency system is retarded, magic and theory behind it is handvaiwed away, time travelling etc. etc. The characters and story arcs themselves with pretty good dialogue (for children/teen books) carry the series, magic gives the setting that something that raised it above its peers.

They have a hostile tree and had super prison guards at their school, playing broom soccer is the least of their safety concerns.

>Great Gatsby
>God Tier

Triggers me every time.

Order of the Phoenix was pretty good
it was techically open world

Please tell me how you define "open world"