Splatfest results
I call bullshit. I literally was wooping love shitters all day
Splatfest results
I call bullshit. I literally was wooping love shitters all day
Other urls found in this thread:
You don't make up the entire team.
>Money Midget hoping to win
But seriously we cant let her get the nuclear codes
That's what happens when euro splatfests are rigged
>Love wins popularity with one of the most one sided amounts I've ever seen for a splatfest
>combat categories are both so close they probably could've gone either way
Checks out to me user. I don't have my list handy, but I'm pretty sure I ended up about even with the moneyfags.
Money can't buy you a Splatfest victory, sorry OP.
Maybe if you had just believed in a thing called love.
I just don't see Marina as a real supporter of love. At least Pearl seemed genuine about her support.
Who won splatoon 1 loveXmoney fest?
best squid of course
Wtf I hate Splatoon now
why do I find pearl so fucking disgusting?
Because she's a money grubbing mayo freak
Fuck off, sonygro
Bad taste maybe?
>Played 43 splatfest matches for team money
>Lost 13
>Battle scores being so close
I am confusion
>not liking an ugly goblin
>an ugly goblin, which is completely impossible because female goblins are literally made for breeding
>shit taste for finding the ugliest goblin possible, disgusting
yeah we get it, you have bad taste thinking pearl is anything but disgusting
thread theme
Because rich kids have the ugliest personality and shit taste
Good for Marina. Now she can finally confess her feelings to Pearl
goblin princess is there cutest
Hey now user if your dad had that opinion you wouldn't exist so have a little perspective
>you will never get to play the cannon Shifty Station again
Even if my team won I still feel like I lost something ;_;
I'm poor and with a very ugly personality. I can't win.
Which weapons are the signs of a shitter?
Rollers, Shooters, Brushes, Brellas, Sloshers, Dualies, Chargers, and Splatlings
Jesus, it's over already? I thought Splatfests were supposed to last the whole weekend? I didn't even get to play, since I was working yesterday.
t. sniper
Noooooooooo, I like those ;_;
Wait its over already?
So all the weapons, or are you a blaster wielding retard?
I still can't fucking believe Gherk-out won.
It's not worth caring about Splatfest. For every decent player, there are 3 or 4 of little Timmy who plays stick contols and holds the trigger on his roller all game.
No, they last for 24 hours only.
You missed out on best Shifty Station
You also missed out on best Shifty Station
I'd kill myself if I was locked out of the fun modes for 48 hours.
LOVE TRUMPS HATE, take THAT drumphf! xD
I do it for the snails, but I have no attachment to either choice. The only one I ever cared about in this game was the Halloween one because that's when furfag posting was at an all-time high and I didn't want them to win.
>T. Brainlet blaster main
Only skill weapons are splatlings, chargers, rollers, brushes, (except octobrush nouveau) and the basic weapon you get at the start, rest are crutches and ez win machines
I'm too honest of a player. I should make an alt account next Splatfest and throw all day.
>brushes and rollers
>weapons you literally don't have to aim
That's when you realise that europe is full of kids with awful taste
Don't sink to their level, play to win.
REAL thread theme:
>no more canon stage Shifty Station
It was so good, god damn.
I should have known leftists knew nothing about money considering they gave all theirs to Bernie for nothing in return.
I lost three Splatfests in a row, getting desperate here.
Yeah, all people with taste know it's the tomatoes that have to be removed.
Really real thread theme:
With the low range they have, you must suck if you can't kill them
Do those 3 less snails a month really mean anything?
>falling for obvious false-flag bait
Both you retards need to fuck off already.
They're so fucking fast though. Literally can't do shit if you're using a blaster.
>He gets mad at people shitposting back and forth to each other
That doesn't mean either of those weapons take any skill at all to get good at.
Splash damage, retard.
Not really, I just don't like being defeated constantly
Why does the rapid blaster pro exist?
to pick off retards
With Jews, you lose.
There are so many people playing that all of your games make up a tiny fraction of a percent of the total amount. Your choice or performance barely affects anything at all.
Or maybe most fast food places put sub-par pickles on the burgers. Those go. They're rubbery and shit-quality.
Why do grown men play this game? Embarrassing.
The same reason anyone plays video games: because it's FUN.
>Can't do shit with a blaster
Jesus fucking christ, you can't even kill at close range with a weapon this broken?>Hiding in ink and risking your life to get close to the enemy and killing him before he does isn't skill
If you say so, that's just my opinion
To reconize how skill-less the player wielding it is
>ohh, i went to this thread i don't like blindly and now i'm mad, how could this happen to me?
Fishing this hard for (you)s? How embarassing...
It doesn't take any skill at all to beeline at someone with a brush, then mash the trigger in his face with your eyes closed. It also doesn't take any skill to hide where you are practically invisible in a pixel of ink just waiting for someone to walk past where you can kill them without any chance of them getting away.
You're making it very obvious that you're a brushfag.
Try playing it in ranked mode if you're not yet sold on the game.
By having a good objective where action congregates and thereby giving more purpose to the maps' side routes, you'll find plenty of interesting strategies arise from the inking mechanic.
Cutting off the enemy team's approach while also making a speedier path for your own team by using ink is a very good concept and exemplifies why I think it's still in the upper echelon of shooters right now.
There is also depth in the gear system where certain stats can benefit you based on your weapon, leading to plenty of builds.
It's not the shallow kiddie shooter that its advertising might lead you to believe.
>You're a brushfag
Tried it once, was hard to play with but you're wrong since i main chargers
>reminder that "love" haven't won the team part
sounds cool
>telling anyone else what skill is
Whatever helps you sleep at night Richie Rich
>He thinks he can make it in S+ faster than me with a charger
Tell me, what weapon do you main? Also, post proof
Aw fuck its already over. I missed it too.
I hope they add all of the Shifty Stations once they end dev support. I've enjoyed them all more than the "real" stages.
>been on the losing end of every single splatfest
This is why you check the site regularly
I played Charger and Pro for the majority of Splat 1.
>chargeur main
Maudite tarlourse
I love shitty chargerfags, I just run up behind them and immediately splat them while they try to spam to no avail.
Similarly, the best part of the cannon stage from last night was people too dumb to look to their side in the cannon and were easily flanked.
The best part was stealing the enemy cannon, and being able to drop out backwards off the ledge if they were getting too close.
haha trump won
haha hillary got TRUMPED by LOVE
Love of Israel
Even though she's a fictional character and it's very autistic to feel sorry for a fictional character, I feel sorry for Pearl for losing every Splatfest.
>Skill-based weapon
Your opinion is somewhat valid
Maybe if she werent a fuck ugly gremlin it would be more fair
Thats why Callie and Marie worked so well. Neither were fuck ugly.
>all the salty pearl fags ITT
kek, best girl always wins baby
>I feel sorry for Pearl for losing every Splatfest
She wins almost constantly though
>he picks teams based on the idol and not the topic
Why don't you think with your brain instead of your penis?
Don't worry, that bitch bastard of a rich family is rigging europeans' splatfest and is winning 13-10 in total
>jet squelcher
>vanilla pro
>a crutch
I haven't played Jet since the Pro got buffed.
They're closer to even in NA now.
I dont
Bet your dumb ass thousands of other people do. Do you understand what I mean now?
You're right. I checked the Splatoon Wiki and Marina is only leading in number of wins in Japan. In NA/Oceania Pearl leads 4-3 and in Europe Pearl leads 6-2. In Japan Marina leads 6-2.
I really hope they turn that into an actual stage, shit was cash.
What’s all this about shifty station?
Wait what?
We don’t get to play on this stage from now on?
It's too good of a stage concept not to reuse in the future. Maybe in Splatoon 3 we'll see a legit stage using the cannons.
Fuckhuge map, each team starting on top of a slope. Each side has a cannon, with one cannon in the middle. Artillery flying EVERYWHERE. It was like a literal fucking warzone and it was glorious.
Never again unless the Devs surprise us
I want all shifty stations to come back after splatfests are finished with
so. love takes it afterall
Hopefully the final Splatfest will be all the Shifty Stations in one big rotation
the splatfest result talk
>The price of something doesn't determine its value
I see so many posts about Money destroying Love in Solo. I see so many Love saying they thought they lost. Everyone I know who went money had insane win ratios. I went 18/5 myself.
I honestly feel like this one is rigged. Far more than usual.
What could the devs possibly gain by falsifying Splatfest results?
>money gets one-third of the votes
>results are 49-51 and 51-49 splits
Marinafags blown the fuck up.
I'm upset there aren't actual numbers like last time. I want to know just how dead this game is in the US.
>3.5 MB
You know they invented better internet than dial-up?
Kill yourself Sony Nigger.
this is not what Moot wanted
It's a time limited stage for Splatfest
It's has cannon which are super dope.
Increasing the popularity of Marina and thereby adding to her marketability through merchandise like amiibos and other things.
I don't believe the devs are doing that but the angle is always possible.
Nobody needs high capacity assault internet. When the internet was made, they didn't have modems as advanced as we have today. This isn't what the founders meant.
But why would they need to do that when Marina is already the most popular character in 2 by a landslide? Her losing splatfests aren't going to change that.
Wait that actually makes sense user.
The Off the hook Amiibo are available for preorder so it's better to not have popularity lean to heavily to one character instead of both.
I like team Marina anyways because every time I pick the Pearl team we lose 1-2
>low range
user you're retarded
Guys! I couldn't play this Splafest. What was so cool about this Shifty Station?
what's wrong with dualies?
The map was basically Blood Gulch and had the mortar cannons from Salmon Run on either side.
And so you are to reply to a 3 hours old post that has been settled
Dumb bait poster
>What's wrong with a weapon that kill in less than one second, can roll away to confuse players and can spam tentamissles for maximum annoyance power?
I should have done more solo with money. I was almost entirely in team and was dominating.
>that kill in less than one second
that's every weapon in the game
Over already? They couldn't have waited till Sunday night? I've been debating playing all morning and all night and now my motivation is gone.
They only last 24 hours user, remember this for next time.
>tfw wifi at work is at least 10x faster than what I have at home.
My office probably pays stupid amounts of money for business class internet or whatever it's called. I sometimes bring my Switch to work to download games in 30 minutes that would take me 5 hours to download at home. If I could afford it, I would pay for faster internet.
Splat Dualies have a lower damage rate and low range, so kills have to be up close and personal. The speed to get away quicker and burst bomb makes up for it. Rolls are nice but not super effective. Plus I only unload tenta missiles 5 times per match in turf wars, stop complaining.
It looks too close. Haven't the last several matches been within 2%? I don't know man. Seems a little unlikely how it keeps happening.
>Oh, saw that charger *rolls twice*, sniper shot in between and misses
>Charger runs away but can't since he's stuck in the puddle
>Enemy is going up, charger throw a bomb at his feet, hoping for the dualies to die
>Dualies ate the full blast of the bomb but didn't die
>Charger gets fucked by the time he has to shoot to either get away or fight
>Dualies don't even have a bomb defense in their gear
>I can spam missles 5 times in a round but that's not annoying, amirite? :^)
Best shifty station.
>Fucking CANNONS
always fun when a team mate jumps in and stays there for the rest of the match
Fair enough
>I can spam missles 5 times in a round but that's not annoying, amirite? :^)
And every time I superjump back to spawn in order to maximize my view of the map and make sure I target 3-4 squids on the opposing team.
Only 5? Missiles don't even do anything, though.
But I pick money because I love Pearl
With the special boost their radius increase and it becomes pretty good
You just mark more people. They're still easy to dodge and leave you vulnerable.
I'm the user he replied to. The missiles are not effective for killing, but to disperse and distract the enemy. Incredibly effective in tower control or forcing pesky snipers to move out of wherever they're camping. It's a tactical special that isn't retard panic button mashing like splashdown or inkjet.
I don't even have special charge/power up all that much in my gear. 5 times is what I get if I die less than 3 times in a match. Aiming from spawn mostly negates special power up for tenta missiles.
Basically why I shoot my missiles from spawn
>He doesn't super jump to spawn
It force the enemy to move so it's pretty useful in tower control and sometimes splat zone
>to disperse and distract the enemy.
Never really been a problem for me. You shouldn't be that close to your teammates in this blaster meta in the first place. Just wait for them to start falling, then move away.
> Incredibly effective in tower control
At checkpoints, maybe. The tower moves faster than the missiles can track.
>forcing pesky snipers to move
Snipers suck in this game anyway.
>Basically why I shoot my missiles from spawn
Then you're back at spawn with no special, and nothing really accomplished.
I was listening this while watching these
And it matched perfectly
This is the only Shifty Station I thoroughly enjoyed
Missiles are just to force players out if their spot. Even if you don't get hit by it, it still accomplishes it's duty by moving you.
That makes for a really shit special when so many others force movement and can actually hurt you.
>Anywhere on the map
> Not as slow as sting Ray
>Shit special
Ok it's pretty obvious you don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, you can be a target anywhere on the map. It's not as slow as Stingray, but the Sting actually kills things. Inkstorm does a surprising amount of damage, too.
It's also perfect, if you have a competent team, to rush the opponents and lend a hand to your special.
Most specials in splatoon 2, aside from splashdown, are much more tame and weaker than in splatoon 1. I miss the inkzooka.
Inkzooka was cancer online. The projectile would miss you by a mile and you'd still explode instantly.
No Love Deep Woomy
Almost all the specials in Splatoon 1 were cancer
They could have fixed the hit boxes for it.
But all the specials in one and the more hectic. I literally don't feel the same way when playing splatoon 2
There's no point in "fixing the hitbox" in a game with shitty tickrate
Is Splatoon 2 tick rate still shitter than 1
Yeah, but neither are remarkable.
>Enemies swim through your ink like nothing
Yeah, sure is great getting seemingly instant killed by 3hko weapons.
>tfw picked love
>expected them to lose
>still tried my best
>tfw these results
i love u all
we didnt let the jews win
Could the tick rate ever be fix through and update or is there no hope
Don't take money
Don't take fame
Don't need no credit card to ride this train
It was Cred Forums who wanted money to win. They were raiding the Splatoon general bragging about how they threw a thousand matches to help money.
If true lel
what the fuck is that image
Am I a total loser for shipping them?
No, that didn't happen. Nobody can be this retarded.
Pearl once again is the shittiest.
It could, but I doubt Nintendo ever would fix it. They want to stick with the Switch's gimmick of
"you can take it anywhere!!!", and having a higher tickrate would make the game play worse on shitty public wifi.
I went money and got my ass kicked, like 4 losses for every win.
I just thought I was a fluke, going on everyone else. Guess not.
She doesn't have any redeeming qualities. Rotten to the core.
>Giant forehead
>Spoiled bitch
I was getting my ass destroyed by every money team I met.
It happened, just follow the pepes.
That happens every single Splatfest retard
I dont even care about the questions anymore. I always pick Marina's side
>Cred Forums damage control.
What did he mean by this?
Can someone explain to me why the fuck the 5 matches I just played (regular) had people jumping together in a corner and not doing anything and another ones just had afks?
What the fuck
Did you at least win?
can you guys not bring your garbage ass politics into every single fucking thing you do?
you're worse than furries.
we get it, you like trump, shut up already.
>Guy says he's Cred Forums
>He therefore represents Cred Forums
Cred Forums here, there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish.
Pretty obvious.
probably because no one really plays it anymore. splatoon burned out really quick.
I couldn't do 1v4.
That's called a Squid Party son, it's basically shitposting in game format.
Who the fuck is kier
But I just fired up a fucking xp booster
this is bullshit, user
Do rank then people are less likely to pull that bullshit
I can't.
I only just got the console and the game and I'm only level 6.
Like, just quit the lobby and find a new one when you see them doing that and don't like it
Personally I love Squid Parties
>camp on the home cannon
>stingraying the opposing cannon from across the map
>even easier to paint their base with the stingray and win from behind
>tentamissles literally do nothing to stop cannon spam
Oh damn you'll just have to power through then sorry about that bro
I did that 4 times in a row man.
yeah fuck me for wanting to play the game I guess
They literally mean nothing anymore because you can level up and get snails forever now.
For every player talking about how much they destroyed love teams, there's a thousand or more shitters on team money being ran through by team love shitters
Literally Americans and European shitters on right now. Wait till a little later when the Japs get on and take that shit seriously
Damn you must have some bad luck if you keep running into them
And I was expecting to lose with all the mirror matches I played lol
yeah yeah, I'll just play tomorrow or something
i have terrible luck when it comes to games
Agreed playing it using my phone's hotspot works almost like black magic. It's unbelievable.
Yet when I'm at home using Ethernet connection disconnects and communication errors are fucking rampant.
It's annoying and kinda takes you out of the game but that hour playing at the doctor's office just using my IPhone's hotspot where I leveled up, finished farming my pure gear and finished 4 Salmon run shifts with no frame drops, disconnects, nor communication errors has me extremely conflicted.
I want those two to fuck.
Online is regional matchmaking. Unless he got a JP version, he's not going to be fighting JP players
really because jap players are awful
Well I guess a lot of people just use Japanese names thank for telling me
I'm lurking 8 hours a day in splatoon's general and i can confirm that this faggot with his 2 faggots bragged about throwing around 1148 matches just because he didn't want to see marina win
Pearlfags are the most degenerate shitposter i've ever seen so far, even wojak posters can't compete against this much autism
marina is cute too bad she's a nigger
My thoughts exactly
I see why Nintendo disabled voice chat. It wasn't to fuck the west over it was damage control.
Every Splatoon forum is overrun with 10 year olds, furries, and "NiggerHater23" types.
Now imagine the level of shit posting on those boards multipled by 100 and can impact your game.
If anything the lack of voice chat might keep this game from becoming Splatoon 2 Toxic edition
It doesn't matter if he has the JP version or not. The matchmaking is ping-based.
I lurk everyday as much as i can in /ink/
To resume, this faggot, without any hesitation, draws guro and other porn things about squid kid and don't even censor or spoiler it
But you should lurk there for a bit to understand how it works since most of the posts are OC'S and RP, it's worth it if you can handle shitpost
I knew ShareBlue wasn't just a meme
>there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
Thanks, (((Cred Forums)))
>tfw totally forgot about the fest
at least I picked the winning side
>most of the posts are OC'S and RP
>it's worth it
You can still voice chat if you use the Nintendo Online app
no one uses the nintendo online app to voice chat
No thanks dude that shit sounds too degenerate even for me.
>most of the posts are OC'S and RP
Why are whites in NA so inferior to their EU counterparts?
To think all this hell once started with Special Woomy.
Eurofags are just laggy. They always get bopped on LAN.
Genocide the squid partiers. Squid partiers are always young children and they'll quit the lobby in a huff if you're thorough enough.
Didn't Europe have a shitty splatfest about pickles
"Gherkins", as they called them.
Yes, and the white candidate won. Pearl has won every EU splatfest so far. This is probably indicative of the European resistance to multi-racialism.
Europe always has shitty Splatfests
>pineapple vs no pineapple on pizza
And they still think they're superior
hawaiian pizza is good, definitely a different and refreshing taste to standard pepperoni or meat/veggie pizzas. Though 5-cheese is best.
>Haiwan pizza
But the five cheese pizza is amazing
Marina does all the heavy lifting, singing and plays multiple instruments during their concert and gets all the major cheers as a result. Marina going solo when?
>tfw browsed /ink/ before it turned full autism.
>tfw defended the OC autists from bullies
>tfw OC autists slowly started to take over the thread
>tfw I realized my mistake and tried to bully them out.
>tfw someone defended them from me.
rip /ink/
>They can't handle such degenerancy
I feel ya anons
Meh, thought is was good, now there are 40+ OC's (some of them are just bland) (also 2 oc's died, hobo woomy and hurricane woomy, their "owner" died), a fuck ton of rp's and even some lewd pastebin, last one i remembee being posted was "the grand 'splat'fest" which was just an orgy of all the oc's, didn't even read it, was too shitty for me
If you want more info just go in there and ask for the list of oc's, but for now, they're pretty chill and are also talking about the splatfest
You clearly didn't have enough money!
The only time this shit slows down is when there's a splatfest, it's still good if you can ignore the autistic posts, some still host SR, sometimes they host league, rarely any good OC
Marina essentially worships Pearl, so never.
Kouhai-Senpai relationship is strong.
Pearl is the musical genius of the two. Marina alone wouldn't last a week, she doesn't have the talent.
Actual thread theme
user I know, I was the guy that added the Splat1 artbook to the OP and did midnight highlight readthroughs for expanded universe tidbits and concept art. I don't go to /ink/ regularly anymore, the OC stuff and Kier circlejerking got unbearable.
Goddamn how the fuck did Nintendo manage to create TWO pairs of successful virtual idols?
No real competition.
Plus, it was more fan demand rather than Nintendo attempting to force them.
Is this the Brawl taunt parties of this game?
I don't play that garbage so I wouldn't know
Pretty much, yeah.
Who /squidpartyinranked/ here?
>Kier circlejerking
Not even, now people just namedrop some post they don't like saying it's serandrum, dot, kier, sputnik, koko or tia behind this or that post
Hell, now they even go on a discord-boogeyman if they feel autistic enough, even discord players see how fucking retarded /ink/ has been
Blasphemy! Keep Squid Parties to Turf War where they're pretty much inconsequential.
Stop being such an autistic tryhard.
Even if they're inconsequential they're still cancer. Fuck off with that shit some people want to actually play the game.
Doesn't that just prove their success even more if Nintendo wasn't even trying to make them into a thing? Splatoon is probably the biggest success story in recent vidya history.
Oh no! Someone took 3 minutes out of your day to make you have some fun! Stop being such a buzzkill faggot.
Oh yeah? Well some people actually want to be fucking autistic and just squidbag at each other while bumping the opponent's spawn, spamming specials and killing themselves by jumping off ledges.
Damn you must have one boring life if you think that's (((((fun)))))
You just don't (((get))) it you dense fuck
Says the virgin who needs every match to be a tryhard one, where no fun is ever allowed.
>Someone took 3 minutes out of your day to make you have some fun!
nigger I was having fun before my team sat in a corner sucking each other's dicks instead of playing the goddamn game
Yes it does.
>I need to get it to have fun.
>You have to tryhard to enjoy this game.
Messed with the settings and created a non shitty version.
FPS is overrated.
You have to tryhard to be some joyless fuck who can't let one game be anything but super serious.
>Super serious
Dude you can camp if you like and just take out shitters then squidbag them if you really need to do that. Literally just wasting time shitting in a corner and squidbagging isn't fun.
Maybe not for your autistic ass. If you really hate it that much, you can move on for the next game, it's only 3 minutes of your life.
It still my life dude. Maybe be more considerate of other people's time because some people only have enough time for one match before they need to do something else.
That's definitely PUBG or something.
>giving up map control for several seconds to use a mildly annoying special
>Maybe be more considerate of other people's time because some people only have enough time for one match before they need to do something else.
Yeah, so let them have a squid party if they want. Clearly they outnumber you.
> He loses map control in a few seconds
Lol I don't care. They can do whatever they want I'm just having fun shitposting
Chinese people don't count
Pick one
They did a bad job at translating her art into a 3D model. Which is kinda confusing because her amiibo looks as good as her art.
I feel bad for pearl, she's always at a massive disadvantage when it comes to popularity, she's going to get her shit pushed in during the final splatfest.
God damn their animations are better than the squid sister.
The first time I saw her art I thought she look really good and matched Marina's height. Now she looks kinda fun but I don't hate her design.
Same here
...and moneyfags, as well.
Pickles are disgusting on burgers.
Did you upload the artbook anywhere else? I chekced on fireden for a link but it's gone.
They were pretty shitty.
You don't have to wait until you're done shooting to go back into squid mode.
This speaks more to your splatfest power than anything else.
>using sticks
>She's always at a massive disadvantage when it comes to popularity
Why do you think she gets the more popular options?
>go on Shifty Station
>blasting the cannon 3 or 4 times is enough to fill up my special
>use Inkstorm over the middle cannon or block the enemy out of their own cannon by using toxic mist
>capitalize, win
>People forever thinking their personal experiences during splatfests matter in the grand scheme of things
I can't believe we've been doing this for nearly 3 years and people still post anecdotal webms like they're some kinda proof that *opposing team* should have lost.
Are we sure it’s regional only?
Splat 1 wasn’t
>I can't believe people on Cred Forums are retarded
It is now. thankfully
Me losing many time to money and having constant mirror matches really did make me think we were going to lose. Also I was the top of my team using the H 3 nozzle nose so I knew my team was shit.
I was throwing matches for Love, I've mastered the art of just looking like a retarded newbie instead of being one of those idiots who sticks out like a sore thumb by just idling in spawn. I could do nothing and money would win when it's technically a 3 on 4 shit was so lopsided in the power level of 1400-1700.
It's what makes Love winning solo matches even more amusing.
I still miss the Squid Sisters.
>Stop wanting to actually play the game!
Always remember: Just because you're doing a shit job doesn't mean the thousands of other people playing for your side are. Sometimes you just need to accept that you're occasionally the sacrificial pawns to a vastly better team while the rest of your side is probably out doing the same shit to the other side that's happening to you.
>Cannons in Shifty Station
Okay the next map they add besides reintroducing camp Triggerfish should have usable cannons. That was fun as fuck.
How else can I fuck around with super jump splash downs and practicing with a charger against foes that don't have clairvoyance?
I have fun playing the game as intended. I have less fun mashing a button like a retard when I could be playing the actual game. I bet you also buy new consoles and then play with the fucking box because it's fun.
>I bet you also buy new consoles and then play with the fucking box because it's fun.
Ironic coming from a Switch owner.
I meant to say that I was matched up with a bunch of shitters who kept constantly running to the center to get killed while I had to use the nozzle nose to try my best to keep map control. it worked for some reason but it always ended with me losing. I always won the mirror matches though
What if they reintroduce Triggerfish with cannons?
My 12 year old brother says tryhard in relation to people playing the game as intended too. So I'm gonna assume you're 12.
>that lag
stay mad turbojew love trumps over all!
Ironic how? This statement makes no sense.
Splatfests are regional.
Miiverse posts are regional.
Everything else is not.
Me too.
>Jews mad the superior choice always wins
Matchmaking is ping-based, so it might as well be regional.
>Human fossils are so common in Splatoon that Pearl just casually mentions digging some up.
Is Splatoon canon in the Mario universe?
Since when has the mario universe ever cared about Canon?
The Mario lore is deep
The Mario universe is Canon itself. The reality of other fictional works are determined by their relation to Mario.
I'm pretty sure that's a rich oligarch thing. Like owning 5 boats.
Marie did not put her head under Marina's tentacle, Marina just naturally began stretching her tentacle out to touch Marie.
to be fair, it's completely plausible considering how humans bury their dead in such ways as to preserve their skeletons.
you like octarians don't you marie
>Omae wa mou shindeiru.
>no special power
It's my scrubbing gear.
Splatoon 3 better just be Callie and Marina.
Although then I wouldn't know who to support.
I want to hug Marina
They really were likeable where for splatfests I just picked my favorite category. The dichotomy between Marina and Pearl is so great, I just pick Marina even if I prefer the category Pearl because Pearl is so unlikeable and shitty.
No, perfectly normal.
>Love wins
>Also happens to be with the one who's clearly "loved" beyond belief
makes my peanuts work out nintendo sure thought this through
I wonder how many "did" it for Marina
>vacate the area
>every enemy in the general area sees and hears you flying off to spawn
>immediately take over the area you were covering uncontested in the dozen or so seconds it takes to complete the jump, special use and swim back towards the middle of the map
It's objectively a shitty strategy unless it's a stingray jumping back to safely end an overtime push or something similar
>Love is like playing the stock market
Surprisingly accurate.
Me three.
>stick aiming
Fucking christ I hate you. Get the fuck off my team. You're the reason why we lost.
>choosing money over love
enjoy dying alone user
Call that a big gun? Here's a big gun.
Well if they're going to add fucking cannons to Splatfests I'm sure we'll get one with Grind Rails soon enough.
Enjoy bankruptcy!
That's good. I hope Marina's Splatfest win gives her the courage to confess.
>implying valuing love over money makes you retarded with money
okay, sure
you know you can be good with both right? just doesn't mean that money is worth more than love
As a Calliefag you should know what it feels like to be excluded and shouldn't wish that on others. They should have all of them host the news and mix them up at random with special dialogue for all the combinations. They should already do this post-campaign.
guys use your brains and think about it
>tfw to intelligent to ink turf
Or just don't play with shitters my dude
How the fuck Nintendo does that. Like, no company can do it, what the fuck.
Funny. I didn't lose to any money shills the whole day either...
REAL real Theme:
I wish I could see if my posts get fresh'd
>That feel when you sneak on their base, take cover their cannon and shoot 3 of them in one swoop as they were exiting the spawn point
Which is odd, in the US and Japan most folks lean towards Marina yet EU it's Pearl and pearl only.
This last EU Splatfest Pearl won 3-0
Do you do realize how many new IPs Nintendo have created only see them die or be shelved quietly over the years?
why the heck
Love winning doesn't surprise me at all. I played right when it came on and was getting wrecked despite being the top guy on my team 80% of the time. It got a little more even when I took an olympics break, but even then I still was only winning about 50% of the time. What does suprise me is the popularity results. About 20% of my matches was money on money
I don't care. I want them to be happy together!
There’s nothing gayer than joining a clan
thats not true because you exist
playing alone
>New Advance Wars never
>New Kid Icarus never
>New Pilotwings never
The fuck does [WUT] mean?
Woomy United Today
>Inky and their Brain
I miss the Killer Wail and Inkstrike so fucking badly. Not even gonna lie.
In the latter's case, it's even worse since it's missing even though the map has now been improved.
have some lyrics for those songs
>last splatfest
>marina wins
>pearl has a temper tantrum, throws her chair and leaves
>marina tells pearl to not leave but fails
>pearl is no longer present in the game, marina is left alone
>"Due to circumstances happening in the world of Splatoon, future Splatfests have been cancelled. We thank you for your understanding. Please enjoy Splatoon 2! - Nintendo"
>splatoon 3 has no splatfests
>pearl loses one too many splatfests
>it's revealed that her father was paying for the extra year and cuts funding
>squid sisters return
Pearl throwing a temper tantrum and quitting would not stop reflected signals from being received by the sacred fax machine and Splatfests from continuing. Someone else would take their place.
Isn't all squid music scat?
I want to see depressed Marina try to run the show on her own
she just has this pouty look the whole time
>sacred fax machine
The what?
That's funny because I was on team love and I only lost about 3 games all of yesterday and I played for about 8 hours.
so. they even added interviews with marina and wet floor in splatune 2
they love their fictional bands and lore
>He doesn't know Splatoon lore
Splatfest themes are actually ancient human signals sent into space, reflected back, and received by a fax machine the squids revere. The inklings celebrate receiving a message from their gods by throwing a festival.
>last Splatfest
>marina's team wins
>marina thanks pearl for everything and says it was a pleasure to work with her
>marina then leaves because she was on team pearl, while pearl was on team marina
>they love their fictional bands and lore
Japan has a mania when it comes to idols. However small, however insignificant or irrelevant, they put everything into their idols
There is no chance in hell that Pearl wouldn't be on team Pearl, just as there's no chance that Marina wouldn't also be on team Pearl.
>We also have some additional comments about the Squid Sisters. Inoue and Nogami shared the following words about the two characters:
>Inoue: “The world of Splatoon takes place 12,000 years after the present time and the Squid Sisters are those who receive messages from 12,000 years ago. Like there would be a discussion ‘rice or bread?’ in current time, and those words fly to another planet and bounce back for them to receive. Those divine messages come from kami-sama [kami means a god, sama is a honorific like -san].”
>Nogami: “Kami-sama is written as ‘paper’ when using kanji [kami has several meanings, two of which are a god and paper], so the topic of Splatfest comes as a fax-like paper. That’s where the name kami-sama comes from (laughs).”
other interview
>Next, Inoue and Nogami commented on the Squid Sisters. Inoue first pointed out that their function is to act as Splatfest announcers, and they make the polarity easier to understand. The latter point pertains to how there are two options in every Splatfest, and each is represented by one Squid Sister.
>Nogami also said:
>“The staff was very particular on the dialogue, like ‘Marie doesn’t say a thing like that’, so some adjustments were made. Originally, before they were idols, they were called ‘shrine maidens’ and their role was to transmit divine messages from god to people.”
Marina would definitely be Team Pearl. She clearly looks up to Pearl a lot.
Wew this thread is still active?
Come join us
No, thank you.
Sorry for your poor taste
c'mon. You'll love it once you try it.
Green > Purple > Red > Blue
we were close to having two octoling idols
>always valued love over money
>something told me the latter had a good chance of winning
Never listening to that side of me again.
Someone tried doing that to me last night, I shot the poor bastard out of the air point blank as I was aiming at something else.
True, though I think the Marina/Pearl dynamic is a lot better
Those two might have been cuter, but would likely just have been the same Maria and Cali but octolings
Look at how not trash Pearl is here.
I recommended Team Money to a few anons on the fence, so if that was me I'm sorry. I still don't get it. Team Love had the worst, most awful shitters I've seen in a long time. I won like 90% of all my battles. How they won is a mystery to me.
Have these been translated yet?
more art
"Idol who loses splatfest becomes brainwashed" is going to get old real fast, they need to do something else
no dancing octolings with the final boss
>Have these been translated yet?
not that i know
That wouldn't even happen anyway, since Octavio had a grudge against the Squid Sisters for his defeat in Splat 1, but Off the Hook is totally independent from the Inkling-Octarian secret wars being played out.
Human Pearl is cute. m.youtube.com
Isn't it supposed to be complete gibberish?
If we do get a Splatoon 3, I hope they drop the Octolings as enemies. At this point it's obvious the Inklings don't give a fuck and Octavio seems to be the only one who gives a damn. Shift the focus on say the Salmonids having an uprising or rescuing some squids from becoming chow in one of the various places overseas.
Nautilus' for the next big baddie I say
make em eldritch as fuck
yes, but these are what the lyrics mean in gibberish squid language
I say cuttlefish.
>super intelligent
>camoflauge like no other sea creature
>cute as heck
More like CUTElefish
Oh she finally won a fucking splatfest? It took them long enough to give her an option that wasn't fucking total dogshit.
>Isn't it supposed to be complete gibberish?
>Lyrics from the booklet included with Splatune 2.
>They are all nonsensical; the Japanese hiragana and katakana simply give the pronunciation.
another interesting tidbit
>In the liner notes that come with Splatune 2, Pearl's lyrics are rendered in hiragana, while Marina's lyrics are in katakana. In an interview with Famitsu, Toru Minegishi says that this is because Marina sings in a different in-universe language.[2] This is consistent with DJ Octavio's in-game text and some of her own text during the TV show (making it seem her text is said part in Inkling language, and part in Octarian).
only the interviews can really be translated
There's a nautilus in one of the bands. She plays the piano.
T. Pearl fanboy
it'd be kinda weird with the existence of Capt Cuttlefish though
Shit looks creepy as hell, I still want to see them as villains
or they go full meta and have evil angry they got snubbed alien rabbits
>>In the liner notes that come with Splatune 2, Pearl's lyrics are rendered in hiragana, while Marina's lyrics are in katakana. In an interview with Famitsu, Toru Minegishi says that this is because Marina sings in a different in-universe language.[2] This is consistent with DJ Octavio's in-game text and some of her own text during the TV show (making it seem her text is said part in Inkling language, and part in Octarian).
that's pretty cool
Which would be better?
>Cuttlelings are ravers in reference to their pulsing shifting colors
>Cuttlelings are old fashioned gentlemen in reference to their sepia ink
>Cuttlelings are dwarves because their tentacles look a bit like a beard
>Not having Salmonids be the next big bad
>Salmonids trying to do an outright invasion
>Force Inklings and Octolings to band together
>Octolings finally playable
>Octoling Agent 5
IDK man, then what of salmon run. It'd be kind of redundant to have them be the big baddie then have a side mode dedicated to them too.
Damn, that looks way better than the shitty one we got in the Europe splatfest, basically just a big empty ditch full of cannons. At least we had the better Splatfest posts.
Salmon Run is multiplayer, so I don't see how that'd be redundant.
Every region got the same map with no modifications. You probably just can't tell very well from that angle.
In the sense that there's more potential, for example in splatoon there are 2 enemy factions
Octos and Salmonids. Having one set of baddies for 3 seems like a step back.
I mean quality is a lot more important than quantity. Salmonids are established threats, and Octolings have been reduced to a complete joke over the course of two games. Why arbitrarily just slap on some new antagonists when there is one existing that is both threatening and little-explained?
Probably, the screenshot makes the map look a lot smaller than it really was. And honestly, it could have been a good map if it was reduced in size by a good third.
Because they aren't really a threat, if anything the inklings and grizz are the ones in the wrong for fucking their shit up.
They seem pretty darn threatening to me. Who started the conflict is irrelevant. Actually, scratch that, Inklings getting their shit fucked by Salmonids in 3 would make for a Splatoon that bothers to actually have a fucking story in story mode instead of just being one long, dull, plotless tutorial. Have the Salmonids get tired of Inkling shenanigans and invade.
Having an enemy with similar capability to inklings will always be more interesting in my book. To each their own though
I can't help but to think Nintendo will remove Salmon Run in Splatoon 3 and not replace it with anything even remotely similar
throwing is retarded, even if you manage to lose a lot of battles you're still nothing compared to the thousands of people playing and your effort will be insignificant
Who's to say Salmonids couldn't have new types in 3, one or more of which could have similar ability? Heck, what if other shit comes out of the water that's in cahoots with them, sort of like a Splatoon equivalent to the Covenant?
Removing or changing beyond recognition something people seem to enjoy? Nah, they would never do that.
What does people see in Pearl anyway? She looks like a angry gremlin
Contrarianism, mostly, to stick it to 'marinafags'. Most of Pearl's 'fanbase' isn't even a fan of her, they just want to spite Marina fans out of baseless angst.
That's really cool, I gotta say. I wonder if they have a "language" for every species.
Above all I think they should be cute. Whichever option provides the most "cute" opportunites is the best one.
She's a living meme and people think it's funny.
I suppose that's true but let's be honest here single player mode is always going to be less of a priority than the multiplayer components so why not bring something new to the table rather than something stale.
Kill yourself
I don't see how they're stale. We know virtually nothing about them, and they have tons of room for diversity of units because of that. Salmonid bosses could be all sorts of crazy shit from the abyss. If anything, Octolings were rather restrictive by comparison.
Your an living meme
Salmonids have legit been responsible for fucking up cities and small countries in the past. Check the Sunken Scrolls, yo.
ayo HOL UP
Young squids aren't fully human looking yet. Splatoon 2 is NOT CANON.
The Grizzco field manual tells more. If Salmon Run isn't open, you can check it in the Shoal at any time.
Obviously the Squid Sisters and Pearl matured faster than average, or were doing their best to maintain their human form throughout the folk-singing contests and lost control shortly after.
Listen to the irish punk songs, the seaweed guy is a different language.
young pearl between stage 3 and 4
>actually ancient human signals sent into space, reflected back,
>implying it's not just Nintendo beaming the splatfest theme into the future
Think outside the box a little.
I can't believe they bought into the DEEPEST LORE meme and decided to actually go through with it.
But pearl could easily be a teen at that point considering she's 21 at present
how do i get good at gyro anons? I can't handle having it on 100% of the time.
Pearl is 21 in Splatoon 2 and it's safe to assume the Squid Sisters were at least 18 during the events of Splatoon.
Just keep practicing with it. You'll get used to it eventually.
Looks like they for the most part knew what they wanted Marina to look like rather than Pearl.
Had it been the OG Marina, the one that would insult Pearl every chance she had then yeah, not a very good representative of love. But now she's all "aww fwends, yay! let's eat candies!" so it fits.
They are listed as "at least 17" in the first game's album. For some reason. That would make them 19 now.
>tfw no splat2 bf
And thank god for that.
Seems more like a Chaos Diamond to me
How will Shlomo ever recover?
These guys look like total fags.
>That Pearl and Marina in the top right
hey squid
>being this butthurt that they actually fixed her personality
Pearl looks so much better in the artwork it's not fair.
I might not like her all that much but you still have my sympathies.
pearl looks better in art
No. I like it.
I want to see Pearl naked and covered in mayonnaise.
I'm gonna have to get to a drawfag thread sometime.