Why are japanese games not so popular in eastern and most of central Europe?

Why are japanese games not so popular in eastern and most of central Europe?

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Because people buy consoles to play Fifa and nothing else.

Is it worth trying to learn enough Japanese to enjoy their vidya?

I like anime but i'm not a weeb. Don't want to people to start calling me user-kun or anything retarded like that.

In Poland ppl cant stand "weird" things. I've seen them complaining even about big swords in MHW. They shit on Zelda just because its japanese, "childish" and muh witcher the best game ever created.

user-kun, you know how we sometimes have great games that never get translated anywhere? Same thing there. They have relatively more gems in their library than in the west because the culture is so pro-artist/maker, so people tend to just do their thing and fuck off. I think 10% of the best of the bunch gets fan-translated eventually.

Disregard slav opinions.
Went to Warsaw for a convention, the old centre is beautiful but walk a block and it's a DDR brutalist concrete hellhole.

But i want to play their sugoi games.

This basically, cringey macho culture never went out of fashion here

I still remember one of the CDA reviewers refusing to play Guild Wars (a western game) because it's "too anime" lmao. Also another reviewer giving DNF a good score because nostalgia and sexist jokes.

Oh man, I remember that GW 1 review. Fun times, still CDA had plenty of reviewers so GW in the end was praised. That was such a fun game. This is a thing though, there are plenty of weebs anc typical macho chavs. Normal

they're super popular here, retardo. most people just hide their power level and look normal, then go home to their slav anime cave.

japanese games are gay and eastern europeans are too masculine to enjoy them

Because they are national countries, it's easy as that. Stalin put respective nations in respective lands and people lost touch with wide world. Rise of east european nationalism stems from xenophobia induced by communists. And, European and American culture is more similiar due to same religion, so western games are more popular. One of the reasons might be also that video games came late to post-soviet countries and it took for most of them several years to catch up. Life in Poland is similiar to life in the West only since something like 2010.

>get cucked out of a job by other slavs so they seek work in the west of Europe only to get fired because they can't handle the workload and need to drink all the time

Unironically PC gaming. PC gaming due to various factors was much bigger there so most slavs remember playing old WRPGs and Counter Strike in their childhood. Also sports are still big so muh fifa.

What a bunch of bullshit.
Look for the FIFA sales, they're meager for all that Cred Forumstard hyperbole that gets posted around.

Not a lot of people had consoles so they gravitated towards PCs which especially in the 90s and early 00s was basically devoid of Nip games

Because slavs have good taste and thus hate weebshit

Nah. I like anime and manga and I am a Slav. Problem is that I hate anime and manga that goes too much into beta faggot MCs or too cliche tropes associated with the two. Finding actually good stuff is sometimes really infuriating.

In this world you have no safespaces. It's all cuck or get cucked.

But yeah, in kurwaland we hate things that are 'weird' or degenerate. 'manga i anime to ciota i huj' is a common saying. Nobody has thankfully heard about furfags nor extreme sjws though.

Fucking this, finally. The real reason is that consoles weren't really a thing until recently, everyone has played or still plays on PC. And we all know what Japan thinks of PC gaming. Household names in Murrica like Kirby, Megaman or Samus are a big "who?" in Eastern Europe. There's just no tradition of playing Jap vidya at all.

Mangas were extremely popular in Central Europe in the late 90s, because the IP owners used to sell the licenses for next to nothing. I remember reading Evangelion in like 1999 (Poland). Besides, even back then we had a cult magazine about Japan called "Kawaii", which had a massive following, and also the tradition of translating Japanese literature to Polish was pretty strong at one point (even today we have Murakami translations months before the English ones, because our translator is friends with Murakami, look it up). Additionally, one of three most known movie directors from Poland, Andrzej Wajda, funded the Manggha museum in Cracow.

Actually a lot of kids/teens in the 90's grew up on consoles, like Nintendo (Dendy) and Sega Mega Drive, because they were a lot cheaper than a PC. On the other hand newer gen consoles not that many people had and more and more people started getting PCs.

Slavs are little more than animals, they can't appreciate anything creative because those parts of their brains have been hammered out by their Soviet masters decades ago.

>be like this
>cringe to death while playing the games
>still like the game
I don't get me. Here I am literally slamming my head on my table/pillow over how embarrassing a cliche is yet at the end of it all I enjoyed it. It's fun though.

>I like anime but i'm not a weeb
That's like saying that you like cute guys but that you are not a faggot.

because they arent translated and we cant play them

Maybe urban dictionary would help you? It's kinda weird seeing how weeb on Cred Forums has been used so much that it turned into another word that's been used so much that the meaning has changed. It's culture in the making.

kura xDDDD
my peanus weanus

Weeb is just someone who likes Japanese things like anime.

not him but
i like anime
and you are a faggot
btw i am a proud weeb if that satisfies you

Funny, you had just said otherwise.
Glad to see you come to terms with being a weeb and a faggot. We all are here

Cred Forums fags invented this shit?
kys right now

You're not making any sense, user.

Weeb is a derivation of weeaboo and Google my best friend will provide the definition. >Weeaboois a mostly derogatory slang term for a Western person who is obsessed ...
Which definitely coincides with the definition I've had for how many years I've been in this shit hole.

>you had just said otherwise.
how so?
if you like anime you are getting stamped as weaboo, arent you?
so what
it is not an insult for me


Yeah, but consoles like Dendy or Pegasus came with shitty bootlegs and barely any of the notable JP titles. There was what, Super Mario Bros. Everything else was either western or some Frankenstein's horror with sprites replaced with Mario shit.
And then they weren't even really popular. It was always "that one kid" in the neighborhood who had a console and everyone went to his place to play. Large scale gaming at home wasn't really a thing until PCs became common in the 00s, before that exposure to video games was pretty limited.

I see you're not from here. Stop using revised sources. If you like anime you're a weeb.
That's precisely my point.

Wyobraź sobie być polakiem. Problem w tym że nie będziesz w stanie. Typowy polak Janusz (głowa rodziny) uznaje anime za zło w czystej postaci. Przykładowo ja nie mogę grać w typowe gry japońskie wyglądające podobanie do anime, moja rodzina uznałaby mnie za dziwaka i odmieńca. Mało ludzi w Polsce gra w typowe jrpg i są to osoby które nie dają jebania o nic i chwała im za to. Niestety większość z polskich userów żyje w typowej polskiej rodzinie gdzie anime nie jest akceptowane w żadnej formie.
Więc tak, to jeden z powodów dla których japońskie gry nie są bardzo popularne w Polsce.

Try to imagine be a polish. The problem is you wan't be able to. Typical polish Janusz (the head of the family) thinks that anime is evil in pure form. For example I can't play japanese videogames with artstyle of anime because my family would find me a weirdo and a freak. Only few people in Poland play typical jrpg and they are people that don't give a fuck about anything and thank them for that. Sadly most of polish anons live in typical polish family where anime is not accepted in any form.
So yea, that's one of reasons why japanese games are not very popular in Poland.

nice thing that it is possible now a days desu ne~

dp (dobry post) (good post)

Good, I dont want my country to turn into soy boy low testosterone faggot shit like japan and korea.

>liking anime makes you a weeb

Welp, guess i'm a weeb then. That or you're just a moron. The latter is far more likely. I think actual weaboos are painfully unaware of just how cringey and embarrassing they actually are.

Does it feel good to not enjoy a certain type of entertainment solely because of a petty social stigma?

kurde bilingual xDDD

Istnieje coś takiego jak praca/wyprowadzka, just sayin'. Podwiekom kondolencje.

You're just using a normie rebranding, retard. If you like anime you're a weeb.
I bet you complain about "weebshit" yourself like a true hypocrite.

Weeaboo was just a wordfilter for wapanese
They both refer to the same thing, people like Ken-sama who think nip culture is inherently superior

Over time it started getting used as a buzzword for people who like anything Japanese

Weeb is short for Weeaboo.

Weeaboo originally meant "White person obsessed with absolutely everything Japan" but now it means "Likes anime" (Sort of like how "autistic" has broadened through overuse to mean "likes doing absolutely anything out of the ordinary")

The term Weeaboo actually comes from a Perry Bible Fellowship comic (look it up yourself if you don't know it.)

How did that term come to mean what it does today? Cred Forums. Many, many years back, probably around 2005, tons of people were using the term "Wapanese" to refer to a "white person who wished he was Japanese" the biggest symptom of someone Wapanese was that they would be obsessed with anime and Japanese culture - from media - instead of the real thing. Moot added a wordfilter on Cred Forums that filtered Wapanese to Weeaboo to get people to stop saying it.

It clearly didn't work.

Nie każdego stać na wyprowadzkę gdy dopiero zaczyna swoją karierę anonku, nie zarabiam ponad 8000 dolanów miesięcznie. Przy okazji moja rodzina jest cholernie religijna co też jest częścią problemu, nie żebym ja sam był ateistą czy coś.


I like cute guys but no homo.

>the head of the family
Just how Mafia are we talking here?

Me too.

A mieszkasz w małym miescie? W stolicach województw na słuchawie w korpo dostaniesz 2,5 koła na rękę (sam się o takiej opcji dowiedziałem z polskich chanów, o ironio), a dwoma językami nawet powyżej 3. To już jest wystarczająco, żeby nawet samemu wynająć mieszkanie, a jak wynajmniesz pokój to żyjesz jak we śnie.

>I think actual weaboos are painfully unaware of just how cringey and embarrassing they actually are.

this isn't even irony, it's steel-y or something

Quoting shitty references is not arguing.
The only reason weeaboo is a thing is because of that word filter moot had made. Ultimately the majority of 4cham back in the day was 'wapanese' before that shitty word fell out of favor and there's no shame in liking anime.
There's a very terrible retardation with people going "I like anime and Japanese culture but I'm not a [person who likes Japanese culture]". It's stupidity and irony at it's finest, those people are so insecure I bet they're responsible for the endless smear posts against anything 'too Japanese' before posting in another thread whining about the lack of good Japanese games and anime these days: because they're too insecure to enjoy those.

>It clearly didn't work.
it made it worse

>W stolicach województw na słuchawie w korpo dostaniesz 2,5 koła na rękę
Chyba w stolicy Mazowieckiego. 2k max na takim stanowisku.

Mieszkam w małym mieście. O pracy powiem tylko tyle że zarabiam narazie około 2,5 kafla miesięcznie i przebywam mniej niż pół roku w kraju. Więc wynajmowanie mieszkania nie opłaca mi się, lepiej uzbierać pieniądze przez parę lat i zakupić własne.

by the head of the family I just meant father ,grandpa or stepfather ect.

W Katowicach, Krk i 3city masz 2,5 koła w Capgemini z angielskim B2-C1, w PwC to samo. Byle debil się tam dostanie w busy season (czyli teraz), wystarczą jakieś studia, nawet rozgrzebane, no i cokolwiek lepszego niż kasa w Biedrze w CV (nawet staż).

Well, he later changed the filter to make "Wapanese" become "I am a retard, please tell me to leave Cred Forums." so Weeaboo became the only acceptable term.

kurwa, anony. chce mi się wracać do polski...

ja sie szulam po słowenii

nie, niemcy


I don't speak polack, but this sounds cute.

>te pasożyty które wykształciły się za polskie podatki i od razu spierdoliły z kraju za zarobkiem
Kurwa, prawo powinno wyegzekwować od was każdą złotówkę za ten dyplom.

Because they historically became popular in Americas through popularity of the Nintendo consoles. Here in eastern Europe almost no one owned them, besides bootleg stuff without proper library and we had more important things to do at the time, like trying not to starve. And nowadays they are just unappealing to the average player, with faggy guys with spiked or emo hair as main characters.

Does Polish use all of the sharp, pointy letters because they want to be edgy?

Pozwól, że nad tobą zapłaczę, Polaku-biedaku, nad drogą kolacją w londyńskim Ledbury xD



Videogames in general aren't popular in eastern Europe cause everyone living there is trying to survive to the next day. Specifically as to why Jap games don't have strong communities formed here is because mostly because of 2 reasons - there's not a big enough community (and peripheral communities such as anime watchers and general weebs) to gain traction from and there's a cultural disconnect already that people can feed off from.

I'll break it down a bit, anime is big in any 3rd/2nd world shithole because escapism is necessary in order to survive here, in a way it's the most expensive drug. But videogames require capital, buying a console was a pipe dream for most people 10 years ago and if you sort of miss that window of opportunity when you can get a generation to grow up with something enigmatic you end up with a culture that eventually shows little to no interest in it. So in the end it's money that's the leading problem.
The cultural disconnect comes from a very interesting angle. Western europeans/americans have games made about them right? GTA, WW2 games, Tolkien-esque RPGs, all that stuff right? That's all western european/american culture so you end up consuming too much of your own content and want to gravitate to something different, japs are the first clear option. To us since we don't grow up with games depicting our circumstances we end up gravitating first towards those types of games, cause we don't have games depicting our lifestyles.

Though I'm a huge fucking weeb I love anime, JRPGs, anything japan really and I'm even studying the language myself. Usually the people who do end up liking that end up liking it a lot more than most people. Bulgaria btw

All Fucking weebs must fucking hang

We have a language better suited for cyrillics, but use a Latin alphabet, hence all the diacritics.

>Videogames in general aren't popular in eastern Europe cause everyone living there is trying to survive to the next day.
Eastern Europe, maybe. Central Europe is another story altogether. Czechs have one of the best standards of living in the region.

What the fuck are you on about? Video games are one of the cheapest hobbies, much cheaper than drinking smoking or having a drug addiction.
Unless of course part of the hobby is to make the drinks, tobacco or drugs yourself.

>most people just hide their power level and look normal, then go home to their slav anime cave
This. You don't bother the people around you with your shit, because you don't want them to bother you. But Cred Forumsnime - Overlord, Attack on Titan, Shokugeki no Souma, Death Parade, Boku dake ga inai machi (or Fullmetal Alchemist, Berserk and Death Note, if you want older stuff) is pretty popular around here, and same for japanese games (especially Soul series, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Pro Evo Soccer). And Naruto.

I would say no. There are many hidden gems though. There are gems like Violated Heroine games which are fucking good, no, I'm not talking about the porn and the faps and lewd, it's legitimately a fucking good game, I enjoyed the combat, the balance, exploration, and so on.

You're on the wrong website nigga.

Don't listen to this idiot. Unless you live in a literal bomb shelter in former Yugoslavia, then this does not apply to Slavs.

>same for japanese games
>Names japanese games that try to be as western as possible (with the exception of Final Fantasy)

is there any filter right now?
i saw sonyneger become sonybro and sometimes desu and senpai appear
is there is list?

Desu = t b h and senpai = f a m.

I believe capital cuck becomes KEK
A relic from the attempt to crash Cred Forums.

I named the games me and my friends play. Sorry if they're too western for you, they're really eastern to us. Japanese horror is the best.

Here in Brazil is the same shit, most of the boys are insecure tryhards.
The best way to describe it would be with Bill and Fosse.
Remember those characters from South Park who only say "HurhuUhuhu, you're gay!" ?
Well, imagine a WHOLE country where the majority of the boys are like that.

How new are you if the days of baka desu senpai isn't recent in your memory?

poor people only understand price, not value

This. Everyone pirates PC games here and nothing else. If you own a console, you most likely bought it together with a friend to play CoD/FIFA together or at parties. The only chink shit we had were GameBoys and that was mostly to play Pokemon. Any one who is a gamer and does so primarily on a console is an outlier.
>t. Slav that bought a PS3 this year with my roommate so that we can play CoD AW and FIFA 16 when we have friends over

Also this. Eastern shit has such a distinct and cringy artstyle and dialogues that it's horrendous to watch or read. Only hardcore weebs watch that shit.

The really poor doesn't even understand price, and just buys until they're broke.

Not sure about that. I have Czech friends and they don't really get paid all that much more than I would. But yeah it's mostly Eastern Europe with the problems.

I mean I guess if you pirate games yeah, everything is cheap. But most JRPGs aren't on PC where you can pirate them, and if you want to play them you'll have to emulate them, therefore you need a good PC for that. You had to buy the console games for the most part as well, while I do know hacking consoles was a thing you need to understand why poor people would be averse to shady business practices like that where they have to give away their toy they spent god knows how long saving money up for to some random retard.
I don't know where you're from but all those things just like any other eastern European should know are extremely inexpensive here, booze is literally less than $1 and a gram of weed is less than $6 in most areas, even less if you buy in bulk, cigarettes at around $3 too.
How does any of that compare to a console that you have to pay a EUR converted price to, VAT 20% tax on, the shipping prices and the added profit margin the store set on itself? You know the minimum wage here is like $350/mo, right?
You're very disconnected from reality if you think videogames aren't an expensive hobby here.

Nice argument loser, how is what I'm saying inaccurate for anyone in Eastern Europe?

Yeah. I'm this too.


Because Poles hate Jap
Anti-Japan is popular in Warsaw

>talking shit

Fifa is good though. And playing with friends is much better.

Under the assumption that you pirate games, which wasn't thought into my initial statement, you can buy a 2000 euro PC and keep yourself entertained for at least a decade with pretty low upkeep. Sure, you won't be able to play the newest and best games, but you won't be able to buy good drugs or booze anyway if you're poor.

>How is what I'm saying inaccurate for anyone in Eastern Europe
Russians are literally known for being annoying online players. There are that many of them.

1 1/2 years old
i regret every day

But, the brother of a friend of mine (who is a pole) is the biggest weeb I know.
He is in his 30s, still lives with his parents and has anime girl posters in his room.

>i regret every day
Fucking casuals ruining my board!

Also this user is full of bullshit.
We are usually not massively indebted and don't live literally pay check to pay check. That's for retarded and poor Murrikans.
Here you have to be mentally ill, an alcoholic or really fuck something up to lose all of your savings, even if they are meager.
And there are a shitload of Slavic gamers, we just don't always play the same shit or in the same way, like AlterIWnet or pirated WoW like the rest of Europe/US.
Unless you have some hard data to cite, you are completely disconnected from reality and full of shit.

redit and gayogaf poster ruin your board

Only people who'd regret coming here are those people. Those who cling to an alternative social media while still coming here, saying how trash it is.

How great my family and friends are fucking crazy and don't give a fuck about my chinese cartoons. I even have one normalfag friend (former user of karachan) who has a bit low power level Dragon Ball, One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, basically normalfag-tier animes, but, still, I can talk to him about the chinese cartoons. But it's a group of friends that formed around alt theatre, so for sure people there are not normal.

>alt theatre
Is this the alt right for artists?

>a group of friends that formed around alt theatre
user, ja...

Poles generally hate everyone. Only neighbour of Poland we are okay with is fucking Slovakia, because there is a huge fucking mountain range between us.

This. I'm from eastern europe and that guy has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.

>Russians are literally known for being annoying online players. There are that many of them.
pic related
That's ONLY relevant to F2P games.
>2000 EUR
Do you have the slightest idea how much money that is? Here since I'm in such a good mood I'll break it down for you even further.
I used to work in IT, nothing too fancy but at least it should be something more than minimum wage, right? Well yeah I made almost double the minimum wage, how much was that again? I made around $600/mo. That's nice, I also have to pay rent which is about $150/mo, now we're down to $450. Cool, I also drive so that's $60/mo. Down to $390. Well I also need to eat don't I? Let's say I only ate $90 worth in a whole month, not possible but for the sake of the argument. Down to $300. What about my utilities? That's probably another $80 a month. $220. Might wanna go out with my friends at least once this month to a cafe or a bar. $200.

Best case scenario I have about $200 left. How much of that do I wanna save for a rainy day and how much do I want to spend on an expensive toy? You tell me.

Nice, the low IQ person is mad at me again. He yet again completely failed to understand the difference between pirating in PC games and f2p games and buying a console with a severely inflated price and having to pay for the games which are also at a severely inflated price.
Pic related is the minimum wages in Europe. And also if you were actually from here you'd know WE HAVE NO MIDDLE CLASS. Which is another cute detail you fail to take into account.
I can cite statistics all day I can even show you my paychecks and my STEM Bachelors and everything, but you haven't displayed an IQ sufficient enough for me to bother my time with you, fucking retard.

I heard Poles and Belarus are alright with each other too.

oops :^)

Alternative, kurwa. Made by amateurs, breaking the regular construction of the script, contemporary version of theatrical arts with influence of Grotowski, Kantor and others. Those two were polish, so generally most people in this field jerk off to those two the most, at least in Poland.

We are okay with Hungarians and Czechs, too. People in Hungary were much more friendly when I told them I'm from Poland, because initially they only heard my English and were pretty suspicious.

>I used to work in IT, nothing too fancy but at least it should be something more than minimum wage, right? Well yeah I made almost double the minimum wage, how much was that again? I made around $600/mo
Wtf? Unless you were the lowliest helpdesk scum, I can't help but wonder what your qualifications are.

So you're admitting that
A: You can save for a computer in ten months
B: You're bad with money
The fact that you can do that despite your inability to keep your money makes it obvious that it's not hard to save for a computer and some games.

>Poles generally hate everyone.
Pole here. I don't hate everyone unless they are clinically to be proven to be douches.

Western Europe is home to many large companies dealing in services. You must be fucking retarded to think that those don't blast the medium wage or whatever is that map sky high.

Wiem kim jest (był) Grotowski, bo jestem po gównokierunku, tyle że językowym :^) Takie grupki są tworzone zwykle przez stulejarzy i antysocjalnych spierdonów, stąd ten sarkazm. Jeśli się tylko dobrze bawicie, to spk.

>600 dollars a month
What the fuck is wrong with you? Kill yourself you slavic fuck. I earn 2000 EUR a month as an intern. Of course half of it gets taken away in tax, so it's a lot closer to 1000 EUR, but still.

>sexist jokes

I'm also Pole, and in general we are spiteful people still crying about that one time that somebody did something wrong to us, the CHRIST OF NATIONS. Americans should have nuked Warsaw, not Hiroshima.

CDA's Lineage II review had a full paragraph dedicated to boob physics of the dark elf females, so you're onto something.

Kebeb removal here. The fuck are you on about? I know plenty of weaboo losers in my small town, while Belgrade even has Japanophilia conventions. I never liked anime much, I stick to my western aesthetics, but anime and Japanese games have always been popular.

You must be fucking joking.
Switch price is the average monthly salary in Poland.

>Americans should have nuked Warsaw, not Hiroshima.
Bomber Harris should've made a U-turn.

No nie wiem antoni, jak robimy festiwale to ludzie którzy przyjeżdżają raczej nie są antysocjalnymi spierdonami, raczej nadwrażliwymi cipami. Jako kalkulujący chłodny skurwiel nie mogę czasem wytrzymać z tymi rozemocjowanymi siurakami, od pół roku jest u nas w teatrze tak ciężka atmosfera, że się zwyczajnie duszę będąc tam. Dobra, popłakałem to wykurwiam, elo.

Switch kosztuje ~1500zł w Media Markt, to jest minimalna a nie średnia płaca. Średnia to niecałe 4k.

Nope, first time replying to you ITT.
And I'll say again, you are completely wrong. Eastern Europeans have savings and your claim of them/us living literally paycheck to paycheck is wrong.
Again, unless you're an alcoholic, mentally ill or a major fuck up with your money (like moving out at 16 and spending everything on a nice Audi fuck up), you have at least some meager savings. This is not fucking America, where people are so indebt that an unexpected 400$ fine or expense totally cripples their bank account.

Chyba cie pojebało. Srednia to nieco ponad 2k.

more like why are americans so weeb
>be asian
>everyone asks you about weeb shit

ugh, toxic masculinity, just ugh

Nie, średnai jest 4k, ale to bezużyteczna statystyka. Powinno sie patrzeć na medianę.

>W grudniu 2016 r. średnia płaca skoczyła do 4635 zł, co było najlepszym wynikiem w historii.
To są dane GUSu. Aktualnie w dużym mieście byle debil wyciągnie 2000-2200 bez doświadczenia. Jak ktoś ma 40 lat i żadnych umiejętności poza zamiataniem podłogi i obsługą kasy, to już nie moja wina.

Yeah welcome to reality, I was a graduate from a Technical University working in the marketing and advertising sector. My job sure wasn't anything too fancy like I mentioned but it involved vetting our customers. My friend who worked there worked as an Ad Ops, as in a code monkey and he got paid even less than me for having to know programming languages.
It's very trendy in my country to exploit the low wages and only make business with 1st world countries where you have massive profits.
If you unironically don't believe me I'll link you their company website and I'll show you my paychecks. While obviously it's a starter wage and maybe after a year I'd get a pay rise (which my friend got), that is what my paycheck would be for a year and it's pointless to hypothesize how much I'd probably get when there's no way of knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow. Pretty much no one here has worked in a company for over 3 years so don't give me that bullshit.

A: I can see you still live with you parents.
B: Damn you really contribute a lot to these conversations don't you. How about you give me your breakdown? Oh right, mom still pays the bills?
You're so disgustingly confrontational and purposefully disingenuous. Here I am trying to help people understand how difficult our situation is in the honest pursuit of the truth and you're some kind of slimy sleezeball that's trying to undermine a person for no other reason than his own amusement. nigger

I'm happy for you that you have ways to make money.

Well unfortunate for you I also work for overseas contractors so I'm not as poor and stupid as you want me to be.

So I link you stats and then you fall back onto your extremely basic and uninformed argument that I have no way of attacking. I linked you the minimum wages, I told you how much I made, I broke down to you my spendings every month but I guess it's always not enough for you.
>people have savings

No to mediana wynosi ok 2,5k, a to jest jednak mniej niż 1,5k za Switcha, a o to sie rozchodziło tamtemu anonowi.

because we play superior slav games

Bo Polska to biedne cebulactwo i gówno. Wszystko z rozrywki i usług jest drogie w chuj. I nie, nie jestem jednym z tych lewaków co hejtują na Polskę na każdym kroku żeby się Żydom przypodobać. Kocham ten kraj i kulture no ale ja pierdole, trzeba zrozumieć jak chujowo tu jest.
>Chwalimy się bohaterami jak Pilecki, Kosciuszko czy Józef Poniatowski a przeciętny Polak to jebany Janusz z wąsem bez edukacji wpierdalający kotlety.
>Chwalimy się że Polska taki piękny kraj a mamy największe kurwa zanieczyszczenie w Europie i ludzie smiecą na prawo i lewo. Mieszkam w Krakowie i zanieczyszczenie jest prawie CODZIENNIE powyżej międzynarodowej normy, przy której powinno się alarmować mieszkańców.
>"Polki najpiękniejsze. Mama w mleku dała tą słowiańską mowę ciała" gówno prawda. Rosjanki lepsze, Azjatki lepsze, na zachodzie też lepsze. Przeciętna "piękna Polka" to gówno jak pic related.
>Wiedźmin 3 wielką grą był a Polacy i tak mają chujowy gust. Nawet "profesjonalne strony" jak gry-online.pl pierdolą takie głupoty że czasami mam ochotę sobie łeb odstrzelić.

>We brag about heroes like Pilecki, Kosciuszko or Józef Poniatowski, meanwhile average Pole is a "Janusz" with ugly moustache without education eating schabowe.
>We brag about Poland being a beautiful country but we are the most polluted country in Europe and people throw trash everywhere left and right. I live in Cracow and the air pollution is costantly over 50 microgram, which should be fucking critical.
>"Polish women are beautiful" is fucking bullshit. Average woman on street is nowhere near close below average woman from a civilized country.
>Witcher 3 is a "great game" meanwhile Poles have absolutely shit taste and even "pro game journo" sites like gry-online.pl write so much bullshit i want to fucking kill myself.

It's a fucking joke.

Linking minimum wages doesn't mean shit.
Until you cite some hard data that shows Eastern Europeans live paycheck to paycheck you can fuck off with your retarded opinions.
And yes, people have savings. My friend managed to be a complete fucktard. He moved out of his parents house with only some shitty HS done and immediately managed to go 9k in debt after buying and wrecking cars way above his pay grade. He also liked snorting coke and partying with us. Yet by not being a retard and with zero help from his family, he managed to dig out of it. And only with a minimum wage job.

That's because Slavs understand the benefits of cooperation and mutual help. Westerners are all about competition. Your friend would end up dead in the US.

>I can see you still live with you parents
I don't though. I'm still a student, but I have a job too, so I get a fair amount of money and little more than a rented room to call my home.
Income: Around 1000 EUR, not too far off and it's an easy number.
Housing: 420 EUR
Food: 130 EUR
Other maintenance: ~50 EUR
And all the rest (400 EUR) I can put into my savings or use on entertainment.
Before moving out I was also saving money and used those savings to buy basic furniture and a bike.

Pole here who doesn't like fantasy (so I even find witchers meh). They stucked in like two genres, rpgs and those dialog based adventure games. Weird design doesn't help either.
But when they go beyond that, they make really good games, gran turismo, ace combat, pre 5 mgs, I like these games as any others and being japanese doesn't matter.

Damn dude....Whoa....So I give you stats and you give me...an anecdote....daaaamn. Holding other people to a different standard than yourself....damn.....

I mean trust me, I'm not being a sucmfuck like you and I do want to cite you better stats. But I'd like you to try and google ANYTHING about wages and or in-depth statistics about eastern europe let alone my country. This isn't the fucking USA where there's a stat for how many people stuck their dick in a dog this year. There's barely fucking any articles written in English about us, no one fucking cares.

Here's one recent one in English, the numbers in there align with what I've said. Keep in mind those are the wages in the capital city, not fucking everyone lives there.

>g*erman having opinions on Warsaw architechture
fuck you you piece of shit

Hey you make almost 2.5 times as much as I do for an unqualified job, it's good to know you live in the comfort of a country where you actually have a chance of living a decent life. Good for you. Damn wouldn't my life be easy if I made that much, how enjoyable it would be to poke fun at people living in extreme poverty conditions and I can criticize their way of life from my ivory tower.


fuck off


here's another one pal, though I guess maybe these aren't good enough.....

Europe is either FIFA or PC.
Nips and the US are the biggest console buyers.

My expenses are equally higher, the reason they're so low in my post is because I live in impoverished conditions.

Czy pan implikuje, że nieironiczne nielubienie animu = zjebany gust
czy pan tak robi
pytam się

animu jest złe
pan to wie

bitch I could buy you
Just like I bought 235 games for my steam account

instead, you can kneel

>FIFA sales

Eastern Europe is PC country. Exception was PS2

Zjebany gust.
Czy ty czytałes jakies recenzje z gry-online?
Chwalą Mass Effect Andromeda i Wolfenstaina 2.
Srają się ze szczęscia na Zelde i Mario bo zachód też tak robi.
Wszelkie co jest anime to tylko Jordan recenzuje i każdy ma w dupie.

>Exception was PS2
I wonder why

So those conditions are impoverished. Well my conditions are actually considered not well off but at the very least not unsuccessful. Society looks at me and sees a young person in the IT sector and says "Yeah, he's doing better than most people."
Do you understand the contrast there? The difference? How your bottom line is higher than our well off line?

That's only the numbers though. Everything is cheaper in your third world country, so it adds up.

The polish nation is a bunch of deprecated, obsolete sub-people.
Literally everything good that comes out of poland is hostile to poland itself.

>t. slav
I'm not a animal user-kun, maybe for you, awoo~

Because we have extremely high IQs and very big brains

Because it was also a cheap DVD player and it practically chips itself.

I'm Dutch you cuck

Because after the iron curtain fell few people could justify spending a few months of salary for glorified toys... I mean, consoles. So the nostalgia for Japanese games never could develop in the first place. We've mostly started with PCs with pirated Windows and the market is still heavily PC-centric.

>czytanie recenzji gier
You deserve everything you get.

>game that isn't popular in the two biggest vidya markets still sells 5+million in its first week
>post-release it earns millions in Ultimate Team revenue per year

Everything is NOT 2.5x cheaper. It doesn't fucking add up, if it were FUCKING adding up we wouldn't have the FUCKING lowest birthrates, HIGHEST poverty rates and HIGHEST displacement/EMIGRATION rates in the entire EU. This whole argument started from JRPGs and consoles
A FUCKING CONSOLE costs not only the base price in EUR/USD here there's also a VAT tax, import tax, shipping tax, profit margin tax on top of it as well as ALL FUCKING PS4 GAMES HERE COST $76 (120BGN) and all steam games cost 60 FUCKING EUR.

God fuck you, yeah I guess you have it just as bad as me. Pat yourself on the back you have it fucking rough too. Is that what you wanted to hear?

>why are japanese games so unpopular in eastern Europe?
because we're fucking normies maet

>czytanie gry-online
tutaj popełniasz błąd

tam gdzie ja żyje, Dragon age, Mass effecty minus andromenda, gta różnego sortu, gothici, tekkeny, wiedźminy i cywilizacje to najpopularniejsze gry

a to czy mamy w takim razie zjebany gust, zostawiam całkowicie tobie do osądu

fanów persony jakich znam mogę policzyć na palcach obu dłoni
i na dodatek są rozproszeni po Polsce

In Malaysia too! Oh wait... we're in Asia.

Software and hardware is not. So, yeah.

Piracy is in slav blood. I'm now almost 30 and have over 100k in savings, but if you think I'm paying money for software, you're out of your mind.

tusk psie

Just don't be poor lol

I think his point was that Sony also left it on the market for two gens and it kept getting new FIFA games the entire time.
Most consoles could get PS2 numbers if they were that easily hackable but also kept getting ports for two and a half gens

japanese games are mostly on consoles and slav pajeets are too poor to buy consoles
they play on shitty old PCs and pirate all games or play free shit like dota2

Yeah the PS2 was a console with games, you don't see that anymore.

If you ever want to share that 100k, I'm right here. Unless it's in Belarussian rubles.

maybe if you weren't such a anime posting fuckup, you would manage to find a better job with you uni education despite your obviously non-existent skills and qualifications
junior java programmers with no higher education make 1500 euro easily

Only Russians and Belarusians play Dota
>t. Slav

We saw it with the Wii as well,but that didn't count because it was Nintendo

The American nation is a bunch of deprecated, obsolete sub-people.
Literally everything good that comes out of America is hostile to America itself.

See user, its easy to shit on a country without any evidence.

>Well unfortunate for you I also work for overseas contractors so I'm not as poor and stupid as you want me to be.

get mad i guess

As a polefag I find this thread amusing.

Poziom wypowiedzi i tak jest wyższy niż na typowym polskim chanie. Szkoda, że vichan tak często spada z rowerka, bo tam w tematycznych są jakieś porady dostosowane do polskich realiów.

looks like a cat walked on your keyboard

No w końcu na 4chanie przebywa sama śmietanka intelektualna.

I'm a bit like this except I do mostly avoid the cringy weeb stuff. I love a lot of things from Japan but I think the quality stuff gets buried by the cliched pandering media, that's why I pretty much avoid anime (usually low quality in every respect) and stick to manga.

Japan has crazy good illustrators, musicians and writers, but they are silenced by all the noise and bad image around otaku culture. I think Japan is just too accepting of superficiality and materalism in the end.

How does it feel to be a monolingual pleb?
>inb5 hurr English is the only relevant language

Radzę nie zaglądać do Poland general na Cred Forums

>You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

>y-y-yur amurican!
Everyone hates poles, not just americans. Especially other poles.
You have to find an meme against the rest of the world to poison the well like that.


yeah and it's true. do you really truly honestly believe the polish language is at all relevant? your economy is in the shit, no one is investing in your country, your people can't innovate and you depend on gibs from the eu. on top of that a lot of poolish "people" move to other countries for work making the polish language even more useless to know

No nie zaglądam, bo raz zajrzałem i był Wykop 2. Tutaj trzeba sobie po prostu znaleźć jakaś niszę typu /vr/ albo któraś z desek hobbystycznych i jest spoko poziom wypowiedzi.

The Brazilian nation is a bunch of deprecated, obsolete sub-people.
Literally everything good that comes out of Brazil is hostile to Brazil itself.

I just used America as a example, because why not? Don't get your panties in a twist

Why didn't you answer my question? Besides, how is anything that you wrote relevant in any way? No one is investing? You're not up to date, nigger.

>your people can't innovate

It's vichan: the general
Normies everywhere

A co, polityka cały dzień?

Przepraszam ale nie mówię po Londyńsku

I sorry, yo no digo el goblino

>can't innovate
>delta wing

fuck off europoor