Cred ForumsGAs 2017 - Thanks for voting/watching

The Vidya Gaem Awards 2017 have ended and the results are in. Thank you to all those who voted and kept the threads alive! You can now vent out, I'm ready to read it all.

These are the results:
In the coming week other sections will come live as well.

There's a stream recording for those of you who missed the award ceremony. It includes both the preshow and the main show and reruns of both. Skip anything you're not interesting in.
twitch tv/videos/230073331

These threads were run during the actual stream:

Other urls found in this thread:!rt1nlaTC!QJOb0XVarFWpjjTqUkXVkQJkuY1vTgSooZ-fD94IShk 2017.rar

thanks for this, missed it so got 5 hours of comfy kino to go!!!: DD

Are you still pretending that anyone gives a shit?

Why don't you take this circlejerk to reddit, its pretty clear nobody here gives a shit

Never thought you could make something worse than TGA but well there you go.

the skits this year were really good

The parpapa skit was 10/10 my compliments to whoever did that.

>Neir and Mass Effect get almost every award they were up for.
I whish Cred Forums wouldn't have this much bandwagon in them.

OP's circlejerk does not represent Cred Forums. He posts it to reddit all the time

>MvCI didn't win worst graphic awards
I should've know Cred Forums would have so much tolerance for shit, to give an undeserving game instead.

nier being out on pc probably got it their vote for everything it was in, giving it a huge advantage over other games

Well anons bothered to vote more this year than in the past three, so probably someone still "gives a shit". If no one voted, this wouldn't be a thing.

Well anons bothered to vote more this year than in the past three, so probably someone still "gives a shit". If no one voted, this wouldn't be a thing as there would be nothing to base on.

I think Andromeda may have been a compromise candidate. Something that not everyone ranked as first, but won because the overall first picks were too distributed among other games.
I'm not absolutely sure however because without deeper confirmation using individual ranking data, rather than aggregated as it is now, it's mostly a guess.

I fucking love NIER

I love it's stinky sister!

How do you know so well what happens there? Maybe you should return.


>Automata won goty over P5 and Zelda.

Oh fuck off. I know it's trendy to be a contrarian hipster on here, but that game plays like ass.


The Cred Forumsgas have always been autistic newfag nonsense. Congrats on putting a shitload of time and effort into something nobody gives a shit about and will forget happened in a day.

I'm not saying it doesn't deserve some recognition, but for a game like that to sweep in a great year like 2017?

What people voted for in those polls shows me Cred Forums are little faggots who still just rather try and get people angry than to discuss games.

Do you think you guys can step in when a game clearly doesn't qualify for an award? While calling Life is Strange pretentious is debatable And by debatable, I mean that Cred Forums thinks that any game from the west featuring a female protagonist that doesn't make their dicks hard is SJWS bait, it is certainly not an indie game, and thus shouldn't qualify for "most pretentious indie game".

I liked it more than P5 and Zelda, desu

>Nier sales on PC arent even half the PS4 sales
Dont kid yourself, a shitload of people with ps4s voted for it too, and i bet there are more people with ps4 on Cred Forums than switchs, just because one has been out for so much longer than the other.

Fucking weebs, you ruin everything you touch

>Even Persona 5 managed to win one award in "The Normie Awards" where Cred Forums constantly bitched about it previously
>Persona 5 proceeds to win Horizon: Zero Awards in their own awards show

>Nier Automata
>Nier Automata
>Yoko Taro
>Nier Automata
>Nier Automata
As always, Cred Forums is in charge of having the worst taste on the site

well you have bad taste.

For me its was honestly more creative and overall more enjoyable than Zelda, despite having more flaws.
BotW was pretty comfy (and won the comfy award), but i think it didn't bring up much new stuff to the table

You should post the Parappa video separately on youtube, it was too good

>Nier nearly won the Good Deed award despite no tangible reason to even be in the category

Great work pals, production values were great.

I enjoyed the show, the only thing I didn't really liked was nier grabbing everything, but that's the power of ass


The whole good deed category was stupid and made no sense, so people voted for their goty because "its saving gaming"


The parrapa section was fucking fun.

Maybe next year use another stage for this award. Maybe the one where parrapa kisses with the bear

>taro wins over platinum despite PG being the actual devs and Taro just being the director

You need to go back

I will not diminish platinum efforts, but you need to be crazy to think taro wasnt the key element that made automata good.

>cuphead over persona 5 fo aesthetics

>Higher vote count
>the majority of those new votes are literally confirmed crossposting redditors

The actual stream had the lowest view count. It's pretty clear that nobody here cares. You need to go back

>nekopara winning an award

hold shit retire the eroge award right now.

>h-how come my generic anime game didn't win best visuals

It's almost like these "awards" were designed by a genuine fucking retard????

I mean it. I legitimately hate Automata. It's okay as an "interactive experience" the story, visauls, music etc are all good, but the game play sucks donkey dick.

It's a subpar, shallow version of Platinum's other works and some of the worst, most pants on head retarded game balance I've ever seen that completely ruin whatever competent mechanics are in place. It's a 6/10 at best but has been memed into being this generation defining masterpiece. Seriously it's fanbase needs to get their heads out of their fucking asses. Taro is a hack and all of his games have bad gameplay. Dude's an okay writer, but he needs to just stop making action games already.

Persona had the best menu animations ive ever seen in a game.

Reminder that OP's twitch circlejerk does not represent Cred Forums

I enjoyed this year. Presentation was good, skits were mostly fine though some tried too hard with their voice acting or dragged on a decent joke for too long.
Voting is Cred Forumss fault so I can't complain about Nier somehow winning anything except maybe best story.


>Voting is Cred Forumss fault
Nope. Majority of posters were non-Cred Forums users.

Some random dude's pretend award show roleplay isn't Cred Forums

>pants on head retarded
Good job blindly following that autist Yahtzee you fucking newfag. Quickest "opinion discarded" to date

A game director is not the same as a film director in terms of creative control. People like Taro and Kojima have influence on a project (particularly writing and such), but focusing on a single man dimishes the efforts of the 50-100+ people working under them.

Nice bait

Its not a very deep action combat game but i really dig the whole bullet hell elements being mixed into another genre.
Its fun and something you don't see in many other games.
Now i want Serious Sam 4
Also i strongly dislike turn based games and will absolutely never understand how people like it. If automatas gameplay is bad, P5 might as well not have gameplay. Cool attack cutscenes and menu isnt gameplay

>Cred Forumsga's 2017
>Cred Forums
lol not for a while now.

Grammy award should be part of the main show, and you should play the winner song in the intermission.
Turns out this shitty song won but I only saw it now:

Taro is also the main writter, which adds up a lot to his creative control side. I would say he being the writer is more important than he being the director.

Then let me rephrase "Voting is the fault of all people who were aware of the Cred Forumsgas and actively voted".
There, that's better?
Not like the Cred Forumsgas are supposed to be representative of Cred Forums anyways. Never has been and never will be

Kill the pixels award next year

>this video is not available
Alright, thanks for nothing.

>Do you think you guys can step in when a game clearly doesn't qualify for an award
That filtering I suppose is done during the nominations phase, some candidates just don't fit a category under any narrative. Once they get to the voting phase however it's harder to justify throwing out votes, so it should be done as early as possible.
As for Life is Strange specifically, I'm not sure why it was left in for the category. Curiously the previous title from the series was also nominated for same award back in 2015, so I guess to search for arguments we would have to turn back time. It didn't win then though, but still got 2nd place. I think partial argument for inclusion may have been an indie vibe the game has, though I think the category may been have unnoficially fixated only on pretentiousness. So it would be better to have more properly defined categories as a solution.

He got nominated just as equally as Platinum got. However I think this should go back to what I mentioned in previous reply, better defined categories would help a lot, in this case can a single person be considered a developer if he's not doing it all himself.

You didn't have to watch it on twitch, I don't think the people who were chatting there even visit Cred Forums. I was running streamlink+mpv myself because twitch is bloated crap.

>Not like the Cred Forumsgas are supposed to be representative of Cred Forums anyways. Never has been and never will be

Then jannies should purge it. Twitch shilling isn't allowed so idk why OP gets a free pass

Remixes uploaded where?

>I was running streamlink+mpv myself because twitch is bloated crap.
Din't encourage OP's twitch roleplay

>Nier won "best representation of women"
>my vote of Samus Returns was discarded by the judges because Samus is "SJW dyke leftist propaganda" all because she isn't in lingerie for the whole game

>NintendoGAF this much on damage control

>A game director is not the same as a film director in terms of creative control.
It completely depends on the game/film. In a western AAA you're right. In a Japanese AA, there are cases of directors micro-managing every single aspect of the games, similar to film directors.

How new are you to not realise the plot and backstory award is basically the "sexiest bint" award?

I'm sorry but the way chips are balanced break the game. The game is pathetically easy on normal to the point where it may as well be a walking simulator.

Sure you can play on hard but then the early game becomes frustratingly difficult until you get a decent chipset (don't tell me running around spamming dodge and items is good design in a character action game).

After that the difficulty evens out, but it still feels like certain encounters are poorly designed for this difficulty (2nd eve battle's final stage and escort quests in general come to mind) and it doesn't change the fact the game is easy to brute force with items and chips instead of actually learning the mechanics and enemy movesets. Also 9S sections are tedious and not fun to play.

It's fine to like Automata, but lets not pretend it's not a DEEPLY flawed game like Taro's other works.

Who even cares? It's just a random autist's twitch. It's not even an actual Cred Forums poll

>It's not even an actual Cred Forums poll
Keep tell yourself that Nintendofags. One day you'll admit your shitty BoTW is overhyped trash by the media.

fair enough user, but as a fan of character action games, Automata disappointed me greatly. I was really hyped for it and ultimately let down. If Automata was some game I picked up for 20 bucks on a whim, I probably wouldn't be so harsh, but it bugs me how so many people tend to gloss over its glaring flaws.

It's not hosted on Cred Forums. Thus it isn't Cred Forums related.

Keep pretending that you belong here, twitchbaby

Because people like you are here.

That was still no reason for the judges to laugh and discard my vote. I thought these assholes were supposed to be professionals.

What part of "a random dude's roleplay" din't you get?

>In a Japanese AA, there are cases of directors micro-managing every single aspect of the games, similar to film directors.

Really? I guess with a smaller development team that makes sense.

It has been like this since 2011 you fucking newfag. kys

I liked it this year, was pretty comfy with great production levels
As for sweeps I guess that theres no way to avoid it other than to actually VOTE next time.

>people like you
Exactly, people like me. Can you say the same?

>Activision in 4th for worst publisher
>In the year it patented lootbox-based matchmaking
Blizzdrones are a disease.

you need to go back. You do not belong here.

Is there any explanation for the preshow yet? I still don't understand why anyone thought an hour of some random Japanese dude's GoPro footage was a good idea.

Cred ForumsGAs have never been a good gauge of Cred Forums's opinions. I remember last year DOOM sweeped and that game was shitposted to hell and back.

>watching some dude's twitch for an hour
Go back

That's fine to like it, but it's combat is the shallowest of all platinum games, and an empty as fuck world that's emptier than zelda. Plus having a worse cast and story than OG Nier.

P5 and Mario were much better polished games.

Unlike Zelda it has an actual game structure and meaning though. And Mario is just boring now.

Yes, Cuphead had better aeshetics.

Could be worse. I expected Wolfenstein to get it's dose of shit too but instead it got nothing. For once I overestimated Cred Forums's influence


You are new to this site. I suggest you fuck off and kill yourself.


>Breath of the Wild second or later in these

Lmfao, never a more contrarian list.

>still defending some random dude's Twitch shilling
So when are you going back, Twitchbaby?

All games are shitposted to hell and back. Specially if they are good and people like it, because then baiting and shitposting even easier.
Thats why we still cant have good automata threads, because people who didnt play it (and most likely dont even play games) show up and derail it.
Exact same thing for MHW threads nowadays

Twitch does not represent Cred Forums. Stop trying to normalize some faggot's roleplay

It won most comfy, which is the only thing it deserved.
The only other thing it does right is world design, but that's not an award.

It's a good show and it's well done, but the votes themselves are retarded. Forget about Cred Forums, lads, it's a lost cause, Cred Forums's opinion is worthless

>having a worse cast and story than OG Nier.
Being worse than the 2010 GotY doesnt mean it cant be the 2017 GotY
Are you stupid? Why are you even bringing that up?

>All those prizes to Nier
I know I will boycott this shit next year.

OP's poll isn't Cred Forums related in any way though. Its almost all non-Cred Forums voters

The voting wasn't done on Twitch. How buttmad are you that BoTW lost?

>half the nominees muted for hate machine award

good job dumbos

Get the twitch link at the bottom of OP. """Keymasters""" think of fixing the video and posting it to youtube on Monday/Tuesday.

Not really. Level design doesn't get any better, 9S route was boring, same with controlling him in D/E and having to go through that boring factory again.
No. It's quite basic.

Automata is Portal 2 all over again.

>Its almost all non-Cred Forums voters

The voting wasn't done on Cred Forums, and neither was the stream.

Go. Back.

Its not a Cred Forums poll. Thus it isn't Cred Forums related

This is some prime autism.

In 2014 Bayonetta 2 won (or am I remembering wrong?) but you can't find a single thread about the series or action games in general that isn't full of people calling it a casualized travesty and whatnot

It's weird to try understand Cred Forums, console wars and contrarianism cloud everything

All three of them.!rt1nlaTC!QJOb0XVarFWpjjTqUkXVkQJkuY1vTgSooZ-fD94IShk 2017.rar


>The voting wasn't done on Cred Forums, and neither was the stream.

where have you been the last two months?

Agreed. It's OP's prime autism that drives him to spam his roleplaying twitch on/v/ constantly

The voting was done on Cred Forums you fucking newfag. It was open specifically when the Cred Forums threads were up.

On Cred Forums. Hence why I know its not a Cred Forums poll

Thanks for that 2B smug. I saved it.

nigga are you retarded

The voting was done on OP's website. Not Cred Forums.

You want a Cred Forums award show? Ask the mods to do one. Some random dudes site and twitch aren't even slightly related to Cred Forums.

Other than AoE not winning 1997, this list looks ok.

you should switch to viewing in the catalow format instead of the traditional one.

You fucking newfag. The codes were posted on Cred Forums and only Cred Forums. You literally can't hold a vote on Cred Forums. It's impossible.

Agreed. OP's roleplaying twitch is VERY retarded!

>people praise Nier
>take out the sex appeal
>suddenly nobody ever praises it

Nice "game" you got there.

>You were only allowed to vote with a code OP would randomly drop in threads
>But somehow people from outside Cred Forums voted on it.

not watching a shitty stream recording with missing audio

holy shit stop roleplaying that you belong here

>award for redemption in gaming
What the fuck did Cred Forums mean by this?

holy fucking cringe

>>take out the sex appeal
You mean Nier Automata after 1/3 in the story?

Whelp that is the sign that you've lost, lol. OP's personal site, twitch and his personal poll is not in any way related to Cred Forums. This cannot be argued.

OP's roleplay isn't Cred Forums related

You don't even play as 2Butt for two third of the game.

Nintendofags had to win something not to cry that their cel-shaded Ubishit clone lost.


The Switch and recent games' success put a stop to the more negative times of the Wii U


You mean the game that won another category?

Agreed. OP's twitch roleplaying IS cringe

>Portal 2 and Bastion sweep 2011
>MGSV swept as well
>Nier Automata sweeps
PCockmonglers fucking up on Cred Forums as usual.

And who said it was only 2B that was the sex appeal? Did you forget about the sick degenerates who want to fuck 9S? Or A2?

Have you seen the fucking twitch chat? Clearly anyone who participate or care about this shit show are just little children.

the story of the wii u to the switch

Or the Twink Link degenerates. Don't forget those.

>Best Males representation
>Nier Autmata
What the fuck?


What do you mean discard? If there weren't enough votes during nominations, there was no way it could continue to the voting phase. For some categories, nominees had to only get 5-7 nominations to get past. If your candidate can't get floor-scraping sized number of people to vote, then it won't get any win any further down the road. Nominations are just as important as the voting phase itself.

9S is actually the protagonist of Nier Automata.

if you got a bunch of mods to make a sticky or something it's probably get alot more attention and we'd get a better representation of Cred Forums's actualy opinion.

Not knocking the guys who make the Cred Forumsga's appreciate the effort and all, but the Cred Forumsga voting threads were few and far between so only a small portion of the people who browse this board actually voted, meaning the results are a bit skewed.


Don't encourage OP's make believe Game Award show. He spams his poll on Cred Forums every year for some reason. We don't need people giving him validation

holy ding dong diddly cringe this deadrinds game


winning over Yakuza 0 is an outrage.

How the fuck did you not spot a thread? They were up almost every day.

>the sick degenerates who want to fuck 9S?
If that is a factor then botw has absolutely no right to complain, because i cant think of any game with stronger gay/fujo bait

Why would you expect people to care about a random thread? If the mods don't sticky it then it isn't a real poll

How can one video game poll make so many people so mad?

How about you read the catalog from time to time? Don't get mad at us that you don't browse Cred Forums enough to spot those threads. That's a good thing.

This award made me realise that Cred Forums is quite literally pic related. Thats why so many people get defensive when you call them ironic weeb because they know its true.

How about you stop pretending that a random non-Cred Forums poll is Cred Forums related

t. brainlet

Here's it's mostly a single person obsessed with it for some reason.

I'm surprised doki didn't get as many "bad" awards. Must've been because it was overshadowed by the nightmare that is Andromeda.

I hold BOTW accountable as well. Both games are degenerate cinematic trash.


>this faggotry used to be banned on sight
>nu-Cred Forums loves it

>Ask the mods to do one
Those cucks need their shit kicked in before they stop going against the community. You can't ask them anything. Assemble yourself and don't expect handouts.

>giving a fuck about a random non-Cred Forums twitch award show

You need to go back

Not going to lmao lie anons, ever since my gaming rig ducked itself the only current gen console I have is a Switch, and even I'm loving all of the Nimtendrone salt that came out of this. I personally would have preferred persona or botw winning, but even I recognize that Nier is a competent enough game to warrant most of its praise and I'm happy to see it win. Maybe obsessive console war faggots are The true lolcows of this board after all.

On a side note, I really loved the VGAs this year and I genuinely appreciate the effort you guys put in

>those cucks

Who won worst character in chloes first year? I imagine her personality would fasttrack her there .

How many times is this little buttmad toddler going to repeat himself?

Your twitchtrash isn't Cred Forums related

this was alright when it was nyanners and duke doing shit for it and everyone knew how stupid it was, now fucking soyboys took it over and try and make it some big deal.!rt1nlaTC!QJOb0XVarFWpjjTqUkXVkQJkuY1vTgSooZ-fD94IShk 2017.rar

I still have to see anything showing that it's Nintendo fans doing the shitposting. On the other hand the threads are full of "LOOOL NINTENDIES SEETHING XXXD" and posts dismissing the awards BotW and Nintendo did get

Who? They sound like fucking faggots.

>Sonic Mania didn't win best soundtrack

>reddit spacing

How many times are you gonna shill your twitch here?

>this was alright when it was nyanners and duke doing shit for it and everyone knew how stupid it was, now fucking soyboys took it over and try and make it some big deal.
>>he doesnt remember the shitfest that was that meme awards

The Cred ForumsGas were good this year. Probably the best year it's had. The awards were obviously a steam roll but that's on Cred Forums and not the awards themselves. It's a good thing you kept the smaller awards till after the show to lessen the repetition. The skits were good. Especially the David Cage one. The UI and music were also really good. The ending credits was also a nice touch.

Honestly I can't believe you fucks do this for free and with this little gratitude from this board. Oh well. See you next year.

>If the mods
t. bootlicker

The last 2 years for nintendo were filled with half assed releases while they prepared for the switch launch. BOTW and odyssey are true 10's compared to mario tennis ultra smash and star fox zero

Nothing did. It's not a real poll so nothing actually won

Great show, production values were through the roof! Happy with the results too, I thought Cred Forums had maximum shit taste but you guys redeemed yourselves in my eyes.

Nobody cares about the Twitch channel. You could also watch it on Youtube. The Twitch channel isn't even used outside of this event. Get the fuck out.

You can stop samefagging OP

You can stop seething nintendofag

Go. Back. To. Twitch. Your pretend twitch show does not belong here. It's not Cred Forums

Lmao best post in the thread

>being this much of a retard

>nintendo nintendo nintendo nintendo nintendi nintendo reeeeeeee
Not that user and I liked the show, but what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Agreed. OP's twitch roleplay is retarded

>andromeda beats all the multiplayer bullshit games that had nothing to play with for the press x to win award

It kind of counts as a redemption if you consider that no one gave a shit about the series or yoko before this game aside from drakenfags

>Cred Forums staple anime game like Yakuza and Persona win nothing
>ironic weebs trash for normalfags such a DDLC, Nekopara and Nier won

What did nu-Cred Forums meant by this?

Why are you acting like OP's pretend poll is in any way related to Cred Forums?

>nier wins everything good, while ME wins everything bad
>results in general reek of alt-right
Sounds like Cred Forums to me

The NeoGAF GOTYs is more up your alley.

But it isn't Cred Forums

what the FUCK I haven't seen any threads in months now its suddenly already done?

>Cred Forums staple anime game like Yakuza and Persona win nothing
>implying that also isn't weeb trash

The streams were divided in viewers because a large subset of Cred Forums wanted to go to YouTube and watch it without kappa spam. Some people didn't even watch it on a traditional stream or just missed it entirely during the initial show

t. ironic weeb

I don't think Nier: Automata was that good.

>Not ironic weeb trash
Also DDLC and nekopara only won meme awards

What's your location/timezone? What days are you most often on Cred Forums? We can't predict everything but really try to space out and cover as much as feasible.

>designed by retards
>designed by Cred Forums

What's the difference

>The streams were divided in viewers
Nah its just that nobody actually cares about it on Cred Forums. Hence why it primarily uses twitch and reddit to garner voters

It is not but it also happens to be the game that is played the most among the folks so with such a scoring system, it will rank high on the list.

>using subs for a vn released in english
what am I missing here?

Tell me how they used Twitch or Reddit to garner votes.

wew lad what is this garbage

>designed by Cred Forums
Things that never happened

>calling shit weebshit makes me ironically weeb
holy shit nigger what

Tell me how a random twitchfag's roleplay is Cred Forums related

Answer the question fucktard

Wojak posting aside, this is exactly what happened. Not a single person on this board likes Nier for the gameplay. They only do it for the fap fuel.

And if you deny it, you're lying. I'm sorry, but I won't take someone lying to my face.


la creatura's skit was pretty good.

Answer the question fucktard

Not a single person liked BoTW period. Just admit that it was shit and all of the critics were shilling it.

>he doesn't buy games with his penis

Don't worry. The poll was primarily reddit, twitch, and discord users. It's not indictive of Cred Forums at all

I agree with that. I hated both games.

HA! Epic ironic weebpost my fellow ironic weeb! Desu desu I love all of the waifus gor laifus :3

How old are you?

>I waste 60$ on kusoge shit just because it got anime girl boobies!!!1
Cred Forums is legit full of children. You're the kind of retard that waste 100$ a week on gacha games aren't you?

>go on about how storyfags are the cancer killing video games
>but its okay if its some obscure weeb shit cus muh T&A


Trying to recreate the automata credits is pretty fucking cool. nice try fellas

So we all agree to get this shit purged next year? It's nothing but a twitch circlejerk

>If I spam daily threads about why I don't like a game then that means that Cred Forums doesn't like it

I guess that means that Cred Forums doesn't like any of the your soytendo games either now do they

Everyone has been sayin that since its creation. they keep making them anyway.

This is it guys. The Nintendofags are having a complete breakdown.

how mad are you right now on a scale from 9 to 10?

P5 should've won most thing Nier did.

Nothing won because its not a real poll

>weeb trash should have won over weeb trash

Because Bayonetta is DMC3/4 with more QTEs and Witch Time

OP's twitch does not represent Cred Forums

>P5 should have won because of my feelings

shut up idiot, I like P5 too. Nier is a fucking awesome game.

What the fuck is your problem?

But it isn't. Its objectively poorly made

>shouldn't win least worst
>shouldn't win writing since p5 has awful writing, full of plot holes and terrible written characters
>atlus shouldn't win best dev beacuse of terrible attitude like shitting on streams, garbage dlc, and fucking witht he ps3 emulator
>shouldn't win plot and backstory, cause nier has better fan service.
>same thing for Privilege Award
>shouldn't win parappa, because nier soundtrack is literally god tier, while p5 is "just" excellent
Maybe it should win best boxart?

>shouldn't win parappa, because nier soundtrack is literally god tier,
>gay emo music being god tier of anything

best boxart should be an award tbqh, and even then p shoudnlt win because atlus USA tried to cover up anns boobies

Cred Forums gas


I agree user, it honestly makes me mad that people defend this game. It has the most shallow Platinum combat, the most cliche anime plot, characters are just pandering waifu stereotypes and the only thing it has is the MUH FOURTH WALL moments. It is unironically the Undertale of Cred Forums. A completely shit game made popular by teenage brainlets.

>best boxart should be an award tbqh

Damn you checked all those buzzwords in all go. Well done!

>it's bad because it's too anime
>he said on Cred Forums

I swear the organizers just do this to then come here and pretend to hate the results

Don't start

>everyone says this
>it must be wrong
Yours truly is the brain capable of enjoying Nier

>it's bad because it's a cinematic experience that relies on fee-fees and storytelling and sex appeal


Yep, that's exactly what everyone says. It's not the long time anime fans who are bored of anime cliches, it's the anime haters who never watch anime. They're the ones who really hate the cliches they're not even aware of

>ddlc got 4th place best writing
All I need to know in order to know this award show is dogshit infested by a lot of people voting down whatever they can't play.

They need to be banned

>polls linked only on Cred Forums
>requires code only found on Cred Forums
>done for an awards ceremony dedicated to Cred Forums

>the brainlet show gets no awards
>...because every fucking category was won by nier automata

>best rep of men Nier and not Yakuza Zero
>best VR game SOTN over star fox 64 and Blood is not even on the list
>best game of 2007 Mario Galaxy and not Tf2
>nier winning best boxart when it's nothing special

Shit list nerds

>complaining about anime
>on Cred Forums

Nothing got any place because this award show isn't real. It's one dude's autistic roleplaying

>fedoralord Neofagger mad over a game with beautiful women

When will you realize that this is a popularity/hate contest and games that half the voters have no access to because they're exclusives have extremely low chances to win?
The only way for games like Zelda, Persona, Yakuza or Mario Odyseey to win is if PC gets literally nothing good the whole year.

>It's too Japanese
>he said on Cred Forums

The mods are probably bigger newfags than the people running the awards

>the game features too many attractive women and fast paced gameplay
>he said on Cred Forums

Not a Cred Forums poll. You have no proof that the codes were only released on Cred Forums.

It's not representive of Cred Forums. That's like saying a random strawpoll represents all of Cred Forums.

Bayonetta 2 won on a console nobody bought, go figure

Should've voted.

>random poll on a completely unrelated website
>stream hosted on twitch
>no sticky

Fuck off

>The game is too weeaboo
>he said on Cred Forums

>atlus USA tried to cover up anns boobies
Im gonna say you are wrong, but im not gonna say why you are wrong because you clearly get all of your "facts" from Cred Forums so im giving you the opportunity to figure it out yourself

Why are you telling lies on the internet

I did.

hey you
yes you

Do you think image-based verification, aka posting a specifically crafted image would help?

>Make the Wii U with generic nsmb trash and no good Zelda
>Make the Switch with Odysee and Botw


>tumblrite who hates gameplay wants games to be nothing but cutscenes

Its obvious that most of Cred Forums doesn't give a shit or yet doesn't even know of its existence since there is only one thread on this and its from the creator of this show.

Hey you guys running this shit you should honestly put your editing talent into something else.

>The game feels too problematic for western cultural norms
>he said on Cred Forums

A real Cred Forumsga would be hosted by the mods and be held in a sticky. Anything else is irrelevant

>You only ironically enjoyed this niche Japanese game
>he said on Cred Forums

>stickying something represents Cred Forums

Pic related represents Cred Forums right? You're fucking retarded.

>stickying something represents Cred Forums
why are you putting words into my mouth?

>would be hosted by the mods

>stickying something represents Cred Forums

Who are you quoting?

>Cred Forums liking a Japanese hack&slash with a charming and tragic story?
>Was it Russians hacking the polls?


>one minute samefagging the same question after getting BTFO
Sad! Nintendofag should take a break. He seems exhausted.

Someone get this hothead out of here.

lol twitchbaby is having a meltdown


Why do you keep bumping this thread if you don't care about it. Your samefagging is heavily obvious, you're approaching ACfag levels of noticeable autism here

the good releases of 2014 were too niche to win anything, let alone a popularity vote

I will never get over this and Nekopara winning anything. This isn't the Cred Forums I fucking remember.

Will Toobie win again in the 2027 Cred Forumsgas 2017 award?

Tell me, do you feel in charge shitposter?

This poll doesn't represent Cred Forums. the votes almost ALL come from other sites

DDLC and Nekopara only won meme awards that were practically made for them. Persona and Yakuza also at least reached the top 5 for most of the awards

Cred Forums is full of underage/adult weebs. can't say i'm surprised.

So you managed to get yourself a GOTY

What's the next step of your weeb plan?

It's not a Cred Forums poll

>implying Cred Forums isn't 90% of the voters

Crashing this industry...


>Cred Forums shitting its pants while I'm here enjoying the evening listening to Nier concert

Stay mad losers

Nope. It's not even slightly a Cred Forums poll. It's not even slightly representive of Cred Forums

>wasting your existence on bad games
I sometime feel really sad when I see mindless drones like you. You have no self awareness.


I'm going to pretend this is a serious comment so I can look like my anger towards problematic female representation isn't completely unwarranted

>all the games were literally Cred Forums games
>it's not even representive of Cred Forums
>most hated game was pubg
>yoko taro best dev

Gravity Rush 2 should gotten more nominations
Gravity Rush 2 should have won more awards
Gravity Rush 2 was the ACTUAL GOTY 2017

Fuck off samefag

>problematic female representation

>Cred ForumsGA awards
>Cred Forums
>IT'S NOT Cred Forums GUYS!!!!

shut the fuck up queer. those results are 100% mirroring Cred Forums.

>all the games were literally Cred Forums games

>it's not even representive of Cred Forums
Not a Cred Forums vote. It's a vote on a completely seperate website. Not a Cred Forums poll. Go back to twitch

>most hated game was pubg
>yoko taro best dev
exactly. Not representive of Cred Forums

Don't post again please. You simply don't belong here

>If some autist calls his twitch stream Cred Forums then it's official and Cred Forums related

Is this bait?

>ironic weeb trash like DDLC and Nekopara
>Cred Forums games
Wow modern Cred Forums is literally riddit.

>make a poll on a completely seperate website


t. Mod bootlicker

Nah, it's just that the votes all came from reddit and twitch

>not following the rules
You need to go back

dumb question but why hasnt Taro Yoko acknowledge the Cred Forumsgas yet? we got him so many rewards but he hasnt tweet about it yet

Nothing good would come out of it.

Why the fuck would he give a shit about the most irrelevant award ever?

>following the rules
Mods and janitors treat rules however they want. Their authority is only technical, they have no integrity.

Why would anyone care about a reddit roleplay award show?

*lick lick*

Yum mod butt tastes so good!

*lick lick*

>N-No, you're wrong. Because...I said so!

This is what your average Cred Forumsga twitch raider looks like

I've already proved that it's not Cred Forums. Stay mad, twitchbaby

games that arent playable arent relevant either. the only reason anyone even knows what botw is is because it came out on the wiiu so pc player could emulate it

>Download an image from somewhere else
>Wtf images AREN'T Cred Forums
>Solve a captcha you also saw used somewhere else
>Wtf captchas AREN'T from Cred Forums
>Use a computer you didn't buy from Moot directly
>Wtf I'm not using Cred Forums right now

Who are you quoting


yes, they were faggot. no one else hates pubg more than Cred Forums. you are fucking delusional, and you don't belong here if you don't realise pubg is the Cred Forums that hated most this year, barring b

I like the show well enough but the actual winners just goes to show that Cred Forums's now filled to the brim with normalfags, it's kinda disgusting.

This nigger has been shitposting on a thread he hates for 2:30h
I don't know how someone can be more pathetic.

you either have no idea about the type of cancer you are sharing a board with, or you are the cancer itself.

itt : Cred Forums pretending they are not bunch of tasteless weebs
>it wasn't us, it was twitch guys! xD honest!
you niggers are delusional

>no one else hates pubg more than Cred Forums
source: your ass

>a poll on a completely different website represents Cred Forums now

yes it is when majority of votes came from where.

>majority opinion is that a crossposting roleplaying twitchfag doesn't represent Cred Forums

You sound upset. Maybe it's time to go back to twitch

Baseless claim. what a worthless post

>source : actually browsing Cred Forums

yes it does you nigger. your tastes are literally twitch tier. otherwise you are admiting that people on twitch love obscure shit like nier or ddlc.

>341 posts
>76 IPs
>implying you're not just one faggot

A poll on a completely different website for a fucking twitch stream isn't Cred Forums related in any way, and you can't prove it is.

Go back, crossposter. You have no place here.

>majority of the posters agree that twitchshit isn't Cred Forums
Hi twitchbaby.

>le crossposter
the level of denial in you people is beyond belief.

>implying TWITCH THE GAME was voted most hated by people on twitch.

>yes it does you nigger
Nope. It's not Cred Forums related at all if it's on a completely different website and represents a fucking twitch channel

A poll on a completely different website for a fucking twitch stream isn't Cred Forums related in any way, and you can't prove it is.

>b-b-but PUBG

irrelevant. It's not a Cred Forums poll, and it didn't even get a fucking sticky. Not Cred Forums in any way.

>it's not Cred Forums related xDDD
who the fuck are you tell what's Cred Forums related or not? are you a mod, moot or hirojew? you just don't want to admit the obvious : that you people have shit taste.

>Nier sweeping because ASS
>Lawbreakers, without a doubt the most disasterous game of 2017 doesn't win a single negative award

You tasteless, retarded weeaboo faggots.

You're a retarded fucktard

Who the fuck are you to say it IS Cred Forums related
>not approved by hiro or mods
>not even fucking hosted on Cred Forums. You need to go to some asshole's personal site
>streamed on fucking twitch

It's not Cred Forums at all. It's a random twitchfag's make believe pretend award show

Anti-weeb tears are so delicious.

how the fuck is that irrelevant, if the most hated game on Cred Forums was chosen the most hated game on those awards, and non-normie shit like ddlc and nekopara were voted 1st in some categories.

>b-b-but it's irrelevant

keep backpedaling faggot

You're literally mentally ill.

>best representation of women is Nier
>best representation of men is also Nier

my fucking sides

ironic ironic weebposting is still ironic weebposting

>i can tell what is Cred Forums culture and what's not!

Haha, look at this pretentious cunt. Who the fuck died and put you in charge soyboy to speak in the name of an entire board?

Stay mad.

>the most hated game on Cred Forums
You don't get to decide what the most hated game on Cred Forums is. Your baseless claims are worthless.

Neither the mods nor Hiro have approved the poll, and it's hosted on a completely different website.

Not Cred Forums. I bet you think /r/Cred Forums is Cred Forums related as well you autistic fuck

>non-normie shit like ddlc and nekopara

Is this retard for real? You have no idea how popular these two ironic weeb ''game'' are with normalfags are you?

which you niggers voted in! i saw the shitty stream last night, it was literally full of autists like you. i bet my last buck that you were there too. so shut the fuck up, wake up and smell the fucking roses. this is the current state of this board.

>it doesen't bear the official Cred Forums seal of approval
>it wasn't a sticky


>what are you do

>which you niggers voted in!
Actually the majority of votes came from other websites.

>this is the current state of this board.
Actually it's the current state of twitch. You don't belong here

well, you don't get to decide what is "Cred Forums sanctioned" or not either. so your claims are just as baseless. however, logic is still on my side, since the results of the votes reflected the state of common threads on this board.

>being so angry about reddit loving your game you reply to 3 hour old posts

>actually the majority of vores came from other websites
>source : my ass

ok nigger ,i sure find you a trustworthy source

>ironic weeb
Is this some new Cred Forums meme?

>non-normie shit like ddlc and nekopara

not that OP, but it's in the thread OP

>nekopara over playhome and meltys quest
What kind of senseless memery is this?

Great work everyone nicely done.



>well, you don't get to decide what is "Cred Forums sanctioned"
Nope, but Hiro and the mods do, and they haven't decided to make this non-Cred Forums poll official. Not a Cred Forums poll

>since the results of the votes reflected the state of common threads on this board.
That's a lie and you have no proof to back it up

you are twitch, and twitch is you.
>le sekrit club

Cred Forums has stopped being anything relevant or special years ago. your board is nothing but a bunch of fucking normies and autists sperging at each other. if anything, being compared to Twitch or Reddit would be a compliment to the current state this board is in.

Everyone saying that Nier Automata won all those awards because of 2B's ass are (partially) wrong.


Don't post again. You've clearly lost your mind

Only "Certified Cred Forums" got picked for winners. Others were filtered but are presented for comparison purposes. I think that's explained on the website.

nigger, i don't need any proof. if you'd be someone that visits here regularly, you would know the general consensus people have around here. and one of the biggest, most clear points is that people on Cred Forums hate PUBG. if you want proof, scroll the archives and look over the pubg threads.

I wish.

>nigger, i don't need any proof.
And that's all there is too it. You've been btfo, so feel free to scurry back to twitchchat now :) This poll is CONFIRMED not Cred Forums

95% of the others are just tinfoil anons who hide referrers

>fails to provide source to back-up his retarded claim
>you clearly have lost your mind xD

nah faggot, you did. talk to me when you got some actual sources to prove what you are saying.

Twitch muted it. Is there another link?

>i don't need any proof.

>Certified Cred Forums 3502 votes

hahaha 3500 Cred Forumsirgins voted

>it's not our poll guys xDDDD

Then leave, twitchfag

why is this making aspies so goddamn mad?

Did you get banned on 8khan?

the titles are all fucking retarded

>roleplayer posts roleplay numbers
Yep that sounds right

>you've been btfo
>i declare myself winner of this internet argument

top kek. on any other day, i would just let you be. you got me in a good mood, so i'll just keep replying, saying that you are fucking wrong, and that this Cred ForumsGA = Cred Forums, untill you prove me wrong, with some actual sources, instead of your autistic comments.

Reminder that Nier only won awards because there were literally no PC games last year worth a shit. This forces the P Cucks to vote for a PS4 game, and it's barely functional PC port.
They literally can't be more desperate for games than they already are.
They couldn't be more pathetic.

As a PChad I can say there were a ton of great games last year and I voted for NiER with my dick instead of my mind.

>poll on a non-Cred Forums website for a twitch stream
>represents Cred Forums

Nah that's not how representation works

show me some other numbers then.

>show me numbers for a pretend poll
That's not how it works

>Sonic Mania didn't win ANYTHING
You fucking failed, Cred Forums.

Nah, Cred Forums didn't even vote

where to pirate?

>7 Nier Automata awards
Fuck you scumbag. Learn to run an event.

Imagine getting this fucking mad over an internet award. Jesus.

Because Nintendo didn't win

Ah the sweet scent of victory. I feel bad for all the losers who couldn't match to the sheer fun that was Nier Automata. Maybe next year suckers.

>muted audio

>implying Zelda and Mario weren't far and away the best games released
PeeCee gaymers were just jealous

>being a twitchfag
go back

>being so assblasted that Cred Forums literally mind broke you
I pity you

Bomb this trash.

You need to go back, crossposter




Why didn't Divinity 2 sweep?

>indie trash sweeping
PChildren at least want to have the facade of actually having good games.

>muh menu animations
Nah, they were obnoxious.

>twitch trash will finally stop being spammed
Good. Now we have a year to convince the jannies to keep it purged

Yeah, they didn't win anything expect the things they won, sad!

Nobody won anything. It's not a real poll

>Nintendo wins award
>whole chat goes BING BING WAHOO
Honestly cracked me up fuck

You need to go back

is spending 4 hours complaining in a single thread about video game awards a good usage of time?

Make me bitch

This is what OP's cancerous twitch stream does. It brings literal twitch chat scum here

How can anybody defend this shit?

5 hours later and he's still going. Is this a record for an autismal sperg on Cred Forums?

lurk more, twitch newfag

Contrary to what you have been told, the amount of people on Cred Forums plays on PC is still a minority compared to console players. It's just that the PC users are by far the loudest.

>this poll
>having anything to do with Cred Forums

>93 posters
>almost 500 posts
Holy shit, it really is just one autist having a breakdown

Twitch is a dick and muted half of the video. Where's a proper mirror you kikes?

OP is losing his mind lol

That meme started on Cred Forums, Nintentards.

It's not that Lawbreakers wasn't a massive disaster, it's just that there was too much large scale autism in.The industry this year alone. I personally voted for wolfenstein in most of those categories but I can see why andromeda still swept everything


It has more to do with CRPGs not being that popular. It's a bit misleading because CRPGs tend to be the games that Cred Forums can "agree" to be good easiest, because the people who don't play them don't hate them, but rather think the genre's just not for them. With most other genres it's "this genre is fucking shit", but with CRPGs it's different for some reason. They might admit that the game's are good, but that they're not for them.

But since Cred Forumsgas are a popularity contest, they don't fare well.

>Cred Forums can "agree" to be good easiest
The poll isn't Cred Forums related

Are you replying to every single post that mentions Cred Forums and the Cred ForumsGAs in the same paragraph?

if there was a mod to remove fan service i would and enjoy the game even more than i already did

>Nier sweep

So this pretty much confirms these to be the Reddit awards. What a waste of time.

Drakengard is a shit series and belongs in the trash.

Everyone else is doing it as well

>So this pretty much confirms these to be the Reddit awards.
You never found it suspicious that the OP tries his best to funnel you to his own site? These awards are just the dude's personal choices

it's almost as if NieR is a good game
who would've thought?

Youtube upload when?

Twitch has part of the broadcast muted.

>people still crying about automata winning all the awards it deserved

It's fine.
Did it have the best writing? The best sound track? Fuck no.
Was it the best game of 2017? Not even remotely.


Yeah sure buddy

Monday, maybe Tuesday.

>Drakengard is a shit series and belongs in the trash.
This kind of statement doesn't work how you think it does when most of the people who enjoy it would completely agree with you.


fuck yeah it did

>best of 2017
for me and other autists it was
it's certainly the game i most enjoyed in 2017

2B demands more Nintendo fag tears.

But it isn't.

Thank you, the parts I saw were great! You guys are unsung heroes!

Guy that wrote "Todd Howard of Bethesda Games" here, thanks. c:

IP count proves this thread is mostly people shitting on OP's shilling

Go back to discord


You could only have your vote counted with links that were posted on Cred Forums specifically you donut.

They were posted to twitch, reddit and the OP's personal discord.

Not Cred Forums.

Holy shit this

>it’s just nier circle jerking
Wow it’s just like reddit!

watching the preshow cuz muh completionist autism
at least you fags didn't disappoint where it mattered

That's because it's literally a reddit poll

None of the votes were actually counted, outside of the Cred Forums ones.

>twitch chat
holy fucking hell go back. Proof that this poll isn't Cred Forums

Now post the image where they are all acting like reddit and twitch tier retards spamming garbage meme emotes.

Mods would never do that. Mods aren't meant to do anything community related, unless it's a joke.

You can literally see all the discarded votes from other sites.

>Mods would never do that.
And thus we'll never know what Cred Forums's GOTY is each year

all i had to do is look back at the twitch chat after reading your post
it still is 50% v tho

>it still is 50% v
Fuck no. These pics are 100% twitchchat.



>someone posts something on Cred Forums

Shhhh, 2B and 9S are sleeping.

and it still is 50% of what we see in every fuking thread
so either 50% is us or 50% of v is reddit

I like the awards show, make sure you guys don't listen to the five retards that come to these threads just to complain.

You put a lot of hard work in, it's nice to have an awards thing that isn't shilling or taking itself too serious

>it still is 50% of what we see in every fuking thread
And we finally reach the problem. This non-Cred Forums poll is attracted non-Cred Forums trash to Cred Forums. It's gotta be purged

What games were better than Nier this year?

Persona 5 easy.

Nice samefag

>not shilling
>literally shilled 3 indieshits

lol no
it was good that's it

from what i've seen so far the only award Nier didn't deserve is the best male representation because Yakuza
but i get the feeling memelords are to blame

>but i get the feeling memelords are to blame
That's what you get from a fucking twitch poll

>Hollow Knight lost to Cuphead in all categories
It's not fair bros

>The r/GA's

The poll isn't real

>People are finally noticing that this dumbass award show isn't actually a Cred Forums award show

THANK FUCK. I've been saying it for years.

>single autist
>agreeing with yourself


Based Nier in with a complete and total sweep, as it well deserves.

>Nier wins the reddit vote
counts as a loss

Nier deserved every single award it got you faggot and/or feminist.

Stay mad. Cred Forums is finally purging this cancer. This is confirmed the final year you twitch raiders will get away with spamming this board

It didn't get any awards tho

>This is confirmed the final year you twitch raiders will get away with spamming this board
This isn't confirmed with Hiro or mods. You're no representative. Why should I listen to you?

>This isn't confirmed with Hiro or mods. You're no representative.
The same could be said about these twitch spam threads.

btw shilling your twitch is grounds for a ban

Remember to flag the video when it goes up, guys.


Be happy this thread will autosage soon, you can finally go to sleep

That was my first post in the thread tho

Ignore him. He's OP and he's spent the last 6 hours trying to claim that his reddit roleplay poll represents Cred Forums

It's laughable

Yoko Taro is a fucking faggot and Nier only win because of 2B's sex appeal.

It won because reddit loves tryhard fourth wall breaking undertale shit

Ninten-year-olds BTFO for the entire year.

Maybe you should make sexier games you whiny faggots.

>deflecting because you have no argument
6 hours. 6 hours of your life wasted because you're mad about a make believe twitch chat poll.


Nier didn't get any attention at any regular award show, so they voted for the most contrarian game. A shallow beat em up with nice looking graphics and a sexbot for the MC.

>Nier didn't get any attention at any regular award show

You mean REAL award show

not even mad.
Hope to see you next year

>Zelda won the VGA's GOTY
>Nier didn't win any GOTY awards
How are Nintenbros BTFO again?

Jesus Christ dude chill. Maybe you'd be less upset if you returned to twitch chat

