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100 million dollar budget, wow!




>Yfw they murdered the biggest RPG franchises of last gen for no reason

oh yeah i forgot about this game. is it even remotely worth playing for how cheap it is?


>implying they ever stopped at Mass Effect and won't tank the entire studio
Anthem is looking like either a cancellation if they've any sense or another egg on their face. What else do they have? the carcass of the Dragon Age series and TOR.

it died after 2

How does a 2017 triple-A game with 5 year development time and a 100 million dollar budget from one of the biggest publishers in the world have worse facial animations than a game made by an indie developer in 2004 who had never made a 3D game before and was using an unfinished version of the Source Engine? And th facial animation isn't just worse, it's oceans apart in quality.


Is Andromeda worth playing just for shit and giggles?

>They are doing again with Star Wars.
Why SJW wants to kill Space Operas soo much?


It could be worth $5 and still not be worth it

a shame. i beat the first mass effect like 4 times, i loved it. where did it all go wrong


You would think so, but no, it's just incredibly boring and mediocre. DA2 is an entertaining trainwreck with signs of potential though if you haven't played it.

>That headshake 3 secs in
it's like they knew


No. It's not bad in a good way, it's bad in a boring way. Don't bother.

>Tfw I didn't give a shit about the glitches or facial animations just the shit story and bland boring characters.

I mean gameplay wise it was kind of a step up but I'd rather have the linear corridors if they're gonna remove the only part I care about.


Tfw MEA makes DA2 look like The Witcher.

What’s his name again, Cred Forums?


oh fuck, I didn't know that there is more of it

I miss Shepard :(

jesus christ ME4 was so bad

I wanted it to be good, but I just couldn't force myself to finish it. I got maybe 40% of the way done? idk. buggy, bad voices, bad scripts, bad acting, boring story, the asari in your party is ugly af, etc

Curry Thunder

What compels these men to do this to themselves?

the racist curry

>We'll bang, okay?

El Goblino...

it's funny because he was just a racist hiding behind the veil of a SJW all along

>DA2 is an entertaining trainwreck with signs of potential though if you haven't played it.

Already played that, enjoyed it much more than DA:I.

Fuck,when did Bioware turned so shit?

>I miss Shepard :(
just imagine that ME 3 and Andromeda never happened, and that Shepard saved the galaxy


Why isn't dragonage in the same boat as mass effect?
I'd say the disappointment in DA2 was comparable to that of ME3. Then Andromeda was just Inquisiton in space. Yet Mass Effect is shelved indefinitely yet people still expect another Dragonage.
Is it just because the stuff they reased for Andromeda was so easily mocked?

I picked this up for £16, gonna get drunk and play it next weekend. Expecting a shitshow.

It is a game that isn't even worthy of being pirated!

You say that like it's not true for most SJWs

>I miss Shepard :(
Shepard's got better things on his mind than you user

Dragon Age has just as much shit at the time, but newer releases tend to take priority when you're pointing out how awful a company is.


Is that you nigger canadian Betty?

meathead chad renegade male shepard was god tier, i don't care what anyone says he's the best protagonist in all of gaming

jennifer hale was SHIT

Are there any Quarians in Andromeda?

you got ripped off, i got the special edition for 10 euro.
gameplay is fine, story and characters are shit
multiplayer is average, and they really try to push you to spend real money to get more characters or better guns

Exploration, politics and cool technology are all aspects of heteronormative white patriarchy.

But I liked DA2 and DA3

their ark got trapped somewhere
there was supposed to be DLC where you go and save them. but because andromeda flopped it won't ever get made

but instead there will be a comic book that will show the fate of the quarian ark

>Are there any Quarians in Andromeda
Was suppose to be planned DLC/expansion until....well you know

>Thanks for filling my cup tonight Stephen Harper
Fucking gross

I thought language between species was translated on the fly? Considering the Asari's language most probably does not have a gender-imperative, wouldn't pronouns and such be turned neutral anyway?

Or am I still stuck thinking the first game's codex still hold up in any way whatsoever? Retcons, man.

Why does Mass Effect attract so many autists?

Multiplayer in 3 was surprisingly fun.

It's like a sick joke.

You could say that about literally any other series.

>Are there any Quarians in Andromeda
Was suppose to be DLC,but ''OTHER'' priorities need first like making that Knuckles the echidna alien gay and bisexual to quench the degenerate faggots thirst


>Garrus was standing directly behind Peebee
>Shot enters her head from her left

>But I liked DA2 and DA3
I bet you did user

>space gypsies didn't even have a planet until years after people left for andromeda
>not only do they have an ark but one that could also house the other minor races


>game set in another galaxy
>best they could come up with is autistic fat twi-leks
Mass Effect deserved to be forgotten.

That is what happens when your fem!protagonist is Goddamn fugly and playing male is only option.

*dabs racistly*

>tfw every single shitty dialogue line let you know this thing wrote the script

I'm so glad the game went down the toilet like the turd it is.

turbobitch renegade femshep was golden though

>this post

this is a fucking joke, right ?
please say yes

We all do, user.

Name a final boss more worthless and fucking lame in any series than this guy Cred Forums

I'll wait....

>Are there potentially interesting aliens from the trilogy in Andromeda
That would have required work

Yes, it's fake.

>be Bioware
>someone tells you this fat landwhale can actually write
>they bring you something for you to judge
>its utter shit
>you cant say shit because you are too cucked in your SJW ways
>proceed to destroy the jobs of everyone on the team to avoid being a sexist fatphobe

>That post

Every time
Every fucking time I see this, I think it's DSP at first

If they convert you via hijacking what you like its a victory for them, if they fail to convert you and destroy what you like in the process its also a victory.

thank god

>I think it's DSP at first
fucking kek

Yeah, I too feel sad for the fate of Dragon Age


That is what happens when every female in this game is so fucking hideous that only rule 63 Garrus was acceptable option before update 1.08.

something something, calibration

el goblino de la justo

More important , where are my Vorcha bois

What a gay name

Daniel isn’t fooling anyone

SJW and being a racist is heavily tied. they look at a person and don't see John or Juan who likes football and cherries, and has a bit of trouble with math. They strip people of their 'self' and just their skin colour.

They police groups and criticize everything that's not a perfect rainbow. They disregard peoples opinions or treat others like babies who need to be handled with gloves depending on their skin.

Did anybody else nope the fuck out of there, uninstall, and request a refund when the first Krogan appeared with a fucking faggot's voice?

Don't worry user. Our glorious leader shall fix autism of 'Muricans today.

The thing is, we know exactly where this hatred of whites comes. Because women prefer white men to colored trash who shit in the streets.

It died with ME3's ending, rather violently might I add. You can make a case for ME2 being the death of mass effect also but at least it was fun

>Do you take pleasure from committing genocide, Shepard?
>Depends on the species... Turian.



This made me giggle even though it's so stupid.

How is that ME 3 looked and played better than ME A

Don't know who I'm going to use as my second squadmate when I start. Definitely going to use the female Turian, the rest look fucking awful, maybe the Krogan.

What is fucking deal with Indian folks? I'm starting to think they're this autistic by nature.

To put it plainly: fanboys. Bioware has some of the most ravenous fanboys in the industry despite having garbage video games. The reason for this is because of the unchecked, rampant waifufaggotry that has become synonymous with bioware as a developer.

People dont buy bioware games because they want a good game its because they want to fuck the characters and frankly its pretty pathetic and needs to fucking stop

Because EA wanted the Bioware A team to make a shitty Destiny clone. Single player games no longer matter according to them.

It's sci-fi, of course it's full of autists. But that is some next level autism.

all sjws are racist


I'd probably take the female turian as well considering how bad the rest of the cast looks. That being said you'd have to pay me to play this shit heap. Actually I take that back, you'd have to pay me WELL to play this... like hundreds of dollars

I have literally never seen a game try to be this "SJW-y" before. They try and fail so hard that even actual transgendered people found the trans character annoying.

I've literally seen polposters and various other crazy rightwingers claim this exact thing.
Maybe the horseshoe is real : ^ )

That thing from ff9.



La creatura...

>final boss
I thought bosses were "too videogamey" for bioware?


The people who thought that don't work there anymore or were temporarily somewhere else.

>Maybe the horseshoe is real : ^ )

I once saw an SJW and a neo-nazi bitterly shitposting, then finally it ended with them both agreeing that race mixing is bad (for opposite reasons).

Nazi went the usual route of "racial purity" and "keeping bloodlines pure" etc. SJW felt whites racemixing was tantamount to "colonisation".

This can't be a coincidence. That... thing, hamburguer herpers and then pic related in Beamdog (made by some bioware members).

Do they have a fat fetishism or somethng?


La goblina



What if I told you that SJWs are more right than the alt-right and neo nazis are more leftist than most SJWs?

Commander Shepard.

>Carth seems to have something on his mind

>for £16
>10 euro

why you do this to yourselves?

For a laugh.

Except it died at the first one. 1>3>2 if you wish.

geeee I wonder why Andromeda bombed so hard...

That's fake, doofus


She's so lazy written in me3 that nuking her in 1st game is the only option.

She's definitely my favourite human, and one of my favourite characters in the whole setting and if I ever was to replay the series I'd mercykill her for sure.

>i don't like writing about straight/white/cis people all the time, it's not reflective of the real world, it sets up s/w/c as the "normal" baseline from which "other" characters must be added
But doesn't this contradict the whole white or straight privilege that is prattled on about?


>She's definitely my favourite human, and one of my favourite characters in the whole setting

that better not be shopped

I don't want to talk about it, shepard



I bought Andromeda for $10 for the online and still regret it.


>tfw you beat mass effect
>faunts starts playing
>your eyes are bleeding from hours of playing straight
>it's like 2 am
>you can hardly sleep because you can't wait to start your second playthrough
how bad is Andromeda? Still haven't played it.
Is it like Dragon Age 2 bad or is it somehow worse? I don't care too much about janky animations.

Heh. I played one hour of the 10 hour trial and still felt regret.


>yfw 'I've had enough of your snide insinuations'

Luke obviously used the force to kick him

>my face is tired
Truly up there with some of the greatest literary lines of all time

>boba fett in the background

You didn't forget him, did you?

>their ark got trapped somewhere
I remember them saying that it wasn't ready for launch. Pretty funny actually, the reason was that the arc with the most diverse alien population didn't work because they had too many "needs". Even SJW's are aware that diversity is shit.

>story is unbelievable, full of plotholes and can't even stand true to the its own lore (even if you'd ignore the original trilogy)
>characters are either boring or like straight out of a US sitcom
>maps have nice design, but are Ubisoft-tier with a lot of questmarkers and point of interest thrown around
>combat is faster, but piss easy (even for an ME game) since the AI is beyond retarded
>no control over your squadmembers, besides where to go and who to attack (can't even manage their equipment)
>Nomad handles better than the Mako, but can't do/handle damage and needs a special off-road mode to drive up slopes steeper than 30° (at the cost of reduced speed)
>crafting is useless since you find enough equipment for yourself and the only interesting parts (augmentations) can only be crafted once to unlock and then need to be found by looting enemies/containers
>again comes with a few dozen fetch quests
>still has glaring bugs (gamebreaking ones in the PS4 version, unavailable quests, unavailable achievements on PC, etc.) after all those patches

Maybe because Garrus shot her in the face.

Best girl.

He tried to save us

Oh well. Combat is the thing I like least about Mass Effect games, I'd much rather play a slower turn based game. Characters, dialog, story are the things I like most. I guess I'll just skip it.

>Saren sided with the reapers because he knew what they were capable of and prayed they wouldn't instagib him the second he stops being useful.
>When Shepard tells him that it was a stupid plan he literally shrieks at Shepard to shut up and stuff like that.
I haven't played Andorkamena but is the villain even half as good as Saren? Or is he just a generic "I want to destroy the universe" type of character




>I haven't played Andorkamena but is the villain even half as good as Saren? Or is he just a generic "I want to destroy the universe" type of character
The main villain is supposed to be turning every living thing into clone troopers for reasons but got distracted by ancient alien technology for other reasons. He's not even a big deal in his own species, he's basically the commander of a fleet tasked with clearing up some backwater shithole.

But what about the saga of melting merc queen?

He's part of a galactic superpower that tries to assimilate the Heleus cluster. However he's somehow not able to eliminate a small species, that just lived through a tech-Armageddon and doesn't even own spaceships anymore. So he gets interested in weird alien terraforming technology in order to make all planets inhabitable and force his enemies to surrender.
He's about as good as a villain as Corypheus in DA:I. He can land one hit against you, but gets beaten at every other opportunity.

Forgot the link:

Post autism edits

archangel is a true gift from the gods.


are you retarded? it's a female

he killed trillions

Peebee is fat, FAT

She wasn't a writer on Andromeda though. People other than SJWs can fuck up, you know.

I always just assumed Ryder had shit taste, which is why she looks so ugly.

He killed way more than trillions. Trillions is ONE Reaper invasion.

Let’s be honest now, nobody actually cared to shitpost the story

the modelers were the real problem

Are you stupid or are you just pretending to be?
Do you understand the scale of a game like Andromeda in comparison to VTM Bloodlines?
You're comparing an on rails game with small scale areas to a game with multiple open world planets you can seamlessly explore.

The facial animations are lacking in quality because of the frostbite engine, the engine allows for vast, gigantic worlds with lots of graphical fidelity, detail and optimization, what the engine isn't good at, is animations, you'll run into tons of problems trying to animate your characters into the engine, there's going to be glitchy and janky animations, random animation freezes, it might be a compatibility issue, but who knows.

Try at least once in your lifetime to get behind the process behind game engines and what kind of work goes behind them.
It's not a walk in the park.

It was Manveer unironically. There were some user posts floating around about why it failed, but I don't have them saved. It went something like:
>Original animators got halfway done 2-3 years in
>Team leads do a complete 180 and change animation frameworks
>Old animators quit because fuck that
>New animators are shit/outsourced
>Have to redo old animations to fit "new" style
>It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down

This is why the early demos look better than the finished product. They literally threw away years of work.

How much fucking longer till he does it?

If you liked the features of ME1, you'll like Andromeda. It's sort of the exact same game but with enhanced features. Both the game's UI, writing and animation is shit but that's Bioware for you. People claiming it has a weird comedic tone like it doesn't take itself as seriously ME1 is half right because your character now has a sarcastic option. I'm playing it right now mostly picking Professional/Logical/Emotional dialogues and it's been fun so far.

It has the best combat of the Mass Effect games too. Majority of the bugs have all been stamped out but I do rarely get stuck against a wall in a corner if I get melee'd by these dog like enemies. Game looks beautiful and capture's ME1's wonder quite well.

I hate how the Asaris look like they've all been hit by the ugly stick though.

>Team leads do a complete 180 and change animation frameworks
>They literally threw away years of work.
That's retarded.
For what fucking purpose?

Femshep indeed was amazing.

Bioware outsourced most of the work and didn't bother to touch up most animations manually due to time constraints.

Also funny that you mention those vast, gigantic worlds, because that's what Bioware allegedly had problems with when it comes to the Frostbite engine.

I miss the threads when the game first came out.

Weren't they trying to make randomly generated worlds or something? I think I remember reading that.

I probably know the answer, but does Ryder ever develop any kind of personality? Two hours in and it seems their name is Ryder because the only thing they can do is ride on the coattails of their dead dad. Who was apparently some kind of N7 badass despite dying like a bitch and should have been the main character.

>the dead Dragon Age general gave me one last gift
It's /dadg/ all over again. It'll be a damn shame when Dragon Age dies with Bioware.

You need to leave.

I miss Mark Meer really, why isn't he getting more work? He really fucking came into his own when ME2 came out.

Knowing how these things work, it was most likely EA's mandate to use whatever product they fancy, either because of licenses or just intra-office politics. These office drama and power play usually fucks with a team's momentum.

From the interviews I've read, it seems Bioware Montreal complained about this kind of shit but the main office Bioware just followed suit with whatever EA wanted. And in the end they got thrown under a bus for it.

>tfw mass effect is dead
>tfw no more shepard
>tfw no more best girl

They are pushing the games out too soon and then try to fix things later with patches. Common practices of modern game devs.
And yes, I am aware of their problems with Frostbite Engine, DA:Inquisition was a good example of that, whereas the game wasnt AS broken as Andromeda is.

the gameplay is GOAT though

If you believe the article, then yes. They wanted to do hundreds of explorable worlds and at some point realized that it's difficult to fit a linear story in there somewhere and that the exploration aspect gets boring after a few dozen planets.

The possible personalities range from trying to be professional (but failing) to being quirky all the time. There are some rare moments were you actually get a somewhat good dialogue line with decent voice acting, which sounds like a true paragon/renegade dialogue choice, but that's it.

the problem is that games have gotten too cheap due to inflation

So it's retardation. Got it.


>best girl
>not Tali

You have shit taste and should be embarrassed.

>sacrificing his life to save his child
>didn't even panic for one second, just gave his kid one good look straight up transferred SAM to Ryder
>dying like a bitch
You're a heartless bastard, user.

I'm blue dapadie dapa die

While I agree that $60 in today's monopoly money is too cheap compared to the $50 of the 1990's, they make up for it in:
a) dlc
b) microtransctions

Also, with a 100mil budget, you think this wouldn't have been an issue. It's more an issue of mismanagement than spending.

>Space gypsy
No thanks


>generic daddy issues bitch from a bad 90's alternative rock movie is in anyway better

I bet you pick Liara.

The game tracks how much you gravitate towards a given dialogue option so eventually, when Ryder only has one thing to say, they automatically pick your favorite personality. It's actually one of the better if subtle features of the game.

if prices were higher we wouldn't have to put up with microtransactions or the gameplay consequences (increased grinding, restriction of features) that it creates

More like the death felt so contrived and unnecessary. The game went out of the way just 20 minutes earlier to show the omnitool could fix busted helmets. Then he dies because of a busted helmet.

Oh yes, the really tragic self-sacrifice. Why didn't they swap helmets? Who thought that helmets, that can't properly protect you against physical harm were a good idea? Why didn't SAM cushion our fall like the first time? Why do they act like the argon-nitrogen atmosphere is extremely toxic or am I just retarded when it comes to chemistry?

REST IN PEACE (since we all know Anthem is going to flop)

post your favourite Bioware games and moments

it's DAO and ME1 for me, still one of my favourite WRPGs

>Shitting on other people's waifus when he picks the worst one
I bet Tali was cucking Shepard with Garrus BTC the whole time.

K(ino)otor 1 was probably my favorite

The other problem is that the market has expanded and so it no longer caters to a small market of (well-off) consumers. Also, since wages have stagnated in that time due to automation and whatnot, raising it above $60 might price out the average consumer, especially since they're used to paying that much.

The whale model works because it matches the current distribution of wealth at the moment. Raising the base price of the game will only hurt overall sales and won't capture those coveted whales.

>raising it above $60 might price out the average consumer, especially since they're used to paying that much.
>normies being priced out of the market is a bad thing
finally we could have AAA games that cater to our tastes again

>mocking anyone's wifu
Absolute pleb, as I said.

Even though her fist didn't connect with her opponents face, he still went down! Could this be the...「PHANTOMU PUNCHI」?????

That's a force kick

>liking le edgy emo girl

It fixed a crack. It didn't replace the entire missing faceplate.

user, they did swap helmets.

>Why didn't SAM cushion our fall like the first time?
You already hit your face somewhere in the middle of your fall. Also, doesn't SAM caution you not to fall again because the suit's resources/power or whatever got fucked when he intervened?

>Who thought that helmets, that can't properly protect you against physical harm were a good idea?
Shit, nigga. That's just nitpicking at this point. It broke because the story hangs on it being broken. I mean look at this shit That's a fully armored Krogan with a kinetic shield and the walking nuclear dust heap just took him down with a shot. ME has always been kinda iffy with this shit and they all unravel once you start pulling at the seams like this.

>you could never fuck the doctor
Worst part of the trilogy desu

Well it's EA, user. What did you expect?

It was a mistake you raging retards.


>user, they did swap helmets.
I mean repeatedly. Hold your breath for a minute while the other has the helmet.
>You already hit your face somewhere in the middle of your fall.
Ok, that was nitpicking on my part. They were lazy while animating it, so if you pay close attention, the box hits Ryder at his shoulder and his helmet is still intact.
>Shit, nigga. That's just nitpicking at this point.
Yes, it is, but ME:A is full of such stuff. Just look at the tutorial mission and you'll have enough to fill a whole thread. Animated scenes where the characters go into the wrong shuttle, the big storm suddenly disappearing once you fall out of your shuttle, SAM being able to re-activate a broken QEC link, the Kett beating and killing humans, even though they're known to take prisoners for further experimantation, and so on.
And I'm not saying that ME1 is perfect. It's far from it, but that's not the point when discussion the shortcomings of ME:A.


BG2 of course, I still have the 4 original cds 18 years later. Leaving BG aside, I fucking love Jade Empire and I would sell a kidney for more games with that setting and with focus on martial arts (real or fictitious).
Also, best ending ever:


Jade Empire is my guilty pleasure. Too many things irritate me in it, rpg elements are too lacking, game is too short. I was shocked that I can only have one follower in Bioware game and that follower is useless in fight unless you set them for support. I think I like it for setting and story only. Some characters are alright.

>It has the best combat of the Mass Effect games too.
You might have a point if they removed the stupid fucking 3 ability hotbar, and actually bothered to try and balance the guns.

does anyone else hate the voice actors in andromeda

not the voice acting, the voice actors, they've got the worst english accents imaginable, especially the ai voice

I hate everything about andromeda

What is his name again?

>people still says the ending was the only problem in ME3

Buff BeefBroth

>just copy pasting Garrus
Well I guess you are what you eat

Thiccbrap Swoleson

Punch Rockgroin was the only good thing about ME3.

Beachmaster of Jersey

>SAM being able to re-activate a broken QEC link
Yeah, because SAM is the Mass Effect of Mass Effect. Pic related.

>the Kett beating and killing humans...
The Kett are a capricious bunch. One of the Angaran, I forget which, says as much. Sometimes they kidnap, sometimes they kill. They also always change their tactics hence why the Angarans can't quite fuck them up until HUMANITY FUCK YEAH happens.

>shortcomings of ME:A
And my point is, the entire franchise has always been like this. Weird mix of quality and QUALITY. Shitting on Andromeda and praising ME1 in turn is just pure nostalgia faggotry at this point.

Yeah this is my biggest complaint about it too. I guess they were trying to balance out the profile switching and this is the best they can come up with considering powers become ridiculously strong eventually.

>tfw wiping out entire encounter with a singularity + shockwave combo within 2 seconds
The game really needs to shit out more enemies. Even at the hardest they die like flies.

he was actually an alright character

what's with the shirts everyone's wearing?

>ME2 characters are just as cameos in ME3
>New characters are completely devoid of any personality.
>Only shit ones come back as companions.
Javik was alright I guess.

>>ME2 characters are just as cameos in ME3
I fucking wish. EDI, Tali, Garrus and Liara were the most TV Tropes versions of their previous characters.

you're saying like it's a bad thing, retard

Bob Johnson
oh wait

what do their faces look like

the artist was selling t-shirts with that design

Splint Chesthair


Unironically only good thing ME3 added.
Javik was 1day on-disk DLC so he loses points there


>Yeah, because SAM is the Mass Effect of Mass Effect. Pic related.
At least they tried to make sense when it comes to the Mass Effect and how it influences all aspects of life. SAM is just space god.
Also when will the "all species in ME speak English" meme end? Did nobody ever bother to read the codex entry about translation technology?
>Sometimes they kidnap, sometimes they kill.
Then how are the Angara able to hold out on Voeld? You are told that the Angara have two advantages:
a) the numerous cave systems known to them
b) the Kett wanting them to surrender instead of outright killing them
What the Kett do (seemingly capricious) is to kill Angara, who are unfit for Exaltation, in their prison camps.

Also the far bigger question is how the Kett aren't able to fuck up the Angara. In the end they have a space armada against a species scattered throughout the cluster with nothing but bare-bones functional shuttles.

The Kett doesn't really want the Angarans off the face of the universe. They want them to propagate so they can harvest them later.

>insane person says one thing that kinda makes half sense
>"omg youre the same as us" :^)



no quarians is the real travesty


If EA only cares about making money, why did it let Bioware kill the golden goose? It doesn't add up.

>evil dawn star path cut due to deadline pressure

It still hurts.


The ending, the stupid little kid and Kai Leng were the only problems in ME3. It wasn't great, but it's better DA:I and ME:A.

Voice actors were on strike (maybe they still are?) so they had to get nobodies.

Nah, that ended a few months ago.

>women would rather date niggers than POO IN LOO
The CITY of Curry

>install Andromeda
>the menu is already buggy
Part of me wants to play it, but I cant bring myself to it.

tfw I liked her voice
tfw thats the only reason why I played Fallout 4

>Part of me wants to play

God lord user, WHY?

>Kai Leng

*eats your cereal*

I spend a lot of time on Shepard Effect.

Pleb. It died with ME3s demo. Atrocious RPG dogshit cover shooter and the first new character you meet instantly and randomly tells you how gay he is.
lmao @ anybody that played 3 to the end.

Let's switch debate topics.

1) Were the Quarians within their rights to shut off the geth, their creations?

2) Were the geth justified in exterminating 99% of the Quarian species, including children, the infirm, and those unable to resist?


Brent Hardpeck

I really hate that in Andromeda everyone has a faggy voice. Especially SAM, the female Krogans and female Turians. And then you have those faggy new aliens.



RPG died after 1.

Female Krogans always had faggy voices, see Eve
Female Turians always sounded like lesbos, see Nyreen Kandros

They removed picking up 90 of the same weapon.

>No stream
>No one even demanding a stream
This board is dead


>those were the only problems
Yeah user everything else was great!

I loved the part where Ashley turned into a tranny miranda, Edi turned into a sexbot your pilot could stick his dick in and all the other shit moments of writing that happened in 3.

Too many people in this game have a lisp.

Cheap Voice Actors of course.

Salarians can get away with it though. Turians/Krogan men are hit or miss and the Anagran squadmate+his leader sound alright.

But everyone sounds lispy or british.

Andromeda sweeping all the awards just wasn't right.

Hang in there, Knight-chan

Same as anything: pussy or the chance at some

>that "asari"
I'd unironically have sex with gay frogboy in the pilot seat instead

I'd have sex with peepee

I could handle the lisps if even one of the voice actors could deliver a line. It was like watching a highschool play, in fact I've seen better acting in highschool plays. No voice acting would have been better than the shit that made it into the game.

Combat is streamlined and arguably the better of the iterations for combat.
Characters are hit and miss, there's some interesting aspects to the Kett they bring forward, but it all falls flat due to the writing as well as any interesting characters more or less being dragged down by the writing.
The premise of the story is fairly interesting, as well as some of the things it teases at introducing (Development of A.I. integrated into organics, exploration of a totally new frontier for most parties involved, first contact, the possibility of racial tensions, etc.), which could be introduced and balanced between the developer agenda and the actual game, but falls flat since they mostly shoehorn in our own modern social and political issues into the game. The writing is shit too.
Vehicle is actually pleasant to drive, shame there's no way to upgrade it to be able to return fire actively or passively. Would be fairly nice if you could adapt what was originally exploration equipment into ad hoc combat equipment and vehicles in general. A missed opportunity for crafting.
Another missed opportunity is growing Initiative settlements and using resources to gain benefits from them. The actual founding of new settlements just adds onto the boring Go Here, Shoot This, Talk to them, with the optional Collect and Turn this in.
That whole quest/storyline progression ruins the fact they made some interesting planets that could have much more interesting and involving activities than shoot, collect, talk.
Release day bugs have been mostly patches, from what I've seen in patch notes. I couldn't be bothered trying to play it again to verify it personally.

Overall, ME:A feels like it's written by a person writing a fan-fic of ME. They add a couple new things, but not enough to justify a whole game exploring the concept nor done well enough to justify a purchase to at least experience it.


Weepee woopoo

>Edi turned into a sexbot

What was wrong with that?

You have to watch a cripple voiced by Seth Green fuck her.

You mean that little Turian kid from the andromeda concept art?

He's just a little boy you sick fuck.

Yes and no, fuck synthetics.

weird, usually everyone jumps on board to defend the geth

The amount of terrible animation that they put in the promotional material was a whole new level of full retard.
It's like they wanted it to be a laughing stock out the bat.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if their PR department harboured a burning hatred of Bioware and deliberately sabotaged them at every turn

If I recall this is the same team who made the Omega DLC that should have told you everything

>Reapers ignore their strategy in ME1 for absolutely no reason
>The Crucible, AKA the worst deus ex machina in history, makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever
>Mordin 180s for Tuchanka, but still delivers the only decent story arc in the game
>Cerberus pulls an army out of TiMmy's ass in order to distract the player even further from the premise that's been building since Shepard met Vigil
>Quarians are only saved from being the biggest retards in the galaxy by the fact that the Get went full retard first
>Udina gains ground from his revolting ME2 character assassination, then promptly crashes it into the ground even further when cerberus start an invasion lead by coldsteel the hedgehog
>The asari are revealed to be so advanced because they were hiding prothean tech, and despite this they still manage to be worse at it than humanity and the salarians
>We find out Cerberus got an army so large by violating everything the game established about indoctrination and hoping the player didn't notice. How the fuck they managed to arm and outfit them is not once raised, because Bioware writers have had no fucking clue what logistics are ever since TiMmy's secret base in ME2 was a thing

The ending was nothing special. It was bad, yes, but it was par for the course.
The only unique thing the ending had was the realisation that you couldn't delude yourself any further. It was the event horizon. After the ending, you couldn't filter out the bad and hope something good was coming.
THAT is why the meme of it being good until the end persists.

This isn't even getting into the lazy sidequests and general bad quality of writing outside companion interactions.
I'll admit the combat/power mechanics were handled pretty well, and Slab Squatthrust was a surprisingly good addition.

Does someone have the teleporting Aria webm/gif?

>since Shepard met Vigil

That whole moment, that soundtrack, was so good.

What happened to Mass Effect and Bioware?

>Omega DLC

Hack and Casey got more control and started shoving in their pet characters/factions.
You'll notice that obnoxious characters you're railroaded into agreeing with/can't say no to, like Aria, Tela Vasir and TiMmy started cropping up the moment they took control.

With Omega? Oh yeah

-Aria teleporting glitch they never fixed
-The whole lesbo vibe with Aria and Nyreen is uncomfortable
-The only memorable NPC from ME2 Omega to come back is the Batarian Preacher who calls you a Blight. There's so much more they could have used.
-When it's all said and done, Omega is NOT turned into another Hub World and Aria sits back on her chair in Purgatory

And of course there's Liara who you can't be mean to or kill off like everyone else.

Asari are cancer.

Aria was a garbage character. One of the few bad parts of ME2.

Sheploo was handsome as fuck.

>clothing isn't even grammatically correct

>tfw Relic somehow managed to do Bioware and kill Dawn of War series in a single fucking game.

It still hurts

What's wrong with being a nazi though?

Pavlovian kneejerk response that's been programmed into everyone in the west from birth for the last 70 years even though the commies were worse by several orders of magnitude


>what's wrong with authoritarian socialists that don't acknowledge nations and borders

Yeah, fuck the EU.

>turian shotas

good job retard by replying instead of just reporting him, this thread is going to descend into nazi discussion hell. have fun ITT, just know you're ruining this board. replying to his bait comment instead of just reporting it and moving on is WHAT IS GOING TO KILL THIS BOARD.


Nazis being evil is a social construct.
So are human rights.

Thus, just like the social justice warriors dismiss gender as a social construct, we can dismiss their holy cows because they are equally, if not more socially constructed ideas.

I enjoyed it. The fighting mechanics are better than every other entry in the series, so it was good to me.

>Turian Shotas
>Salarian Shotas
I'm not sure if this was a dodged bullet or a missed opportunity

It doesn't have to descend there m8.
It only will if people get ass-blasted for someone just presenting that question.


Wow, what a great post.

Literally every human interaction is a social construct

And the geth doing a 180.
And any time a Reaper spoke to you.

Hence the notion of something being a social construct, and thus up to negotiation, is pretty damn asinine.
People spouting that "gender is a social construct, thus you need to respect muh pronouns" have no legitimacy to their claims. You can just tell them to fuck off, and refuse to play their stupid fucking game.


Imagine that someone in there was probably believing that she will became loved le quirky character hahaha PEEBEE cuuuuuute


Nazi's, commies and the EU are all the same breed of people.
But they try to shove it unto people who just want to live in their country with as little problems as possible.
>oogs booga nationalism is bad *invades your country*

The Alt Right are larpers and cowards
I WISH they were "literal fucking Nazis"

>be huge mass effect fan
>even loved ME3 and think it's underrated
>hyped as fuck for Andromeda
>ok so the characters don't look great but I don't care
>so what if the animation sucks, that's not important
>yeah the dialogue that's shown is not very good, but even if it's not the best I'll still enjoy the game
>the enemies and new aliens look... depressingly generic and bland, but that's not really a problem I guess...
>ok so the gameplay is just boring open world garbage but I guess it's not as bad as it could be
>alright now the class/power/upgrade systems has been replaced by confusing nonsense where you just instantly change from infiltrator to adept, fine, whatever, just tell me the MP is as good as ME3
>the multiplayer is just a shitty slower version of ME3

>end up not preordering a game I was sure I was going to preorder
>hear that it's even worse than I thought, bugs everywhere, my friend can't play MP because they fucked up their netcode or something, random tranny and gender pronoun discussions thrown in to virtue signal, story makes no sense, etc.

I gave this game so many chances to satisfy me, and it not only failed to meet the low standards I had for it, but it ended up being far worse than I thought possible.

The funny thing is that if ME:A were a good game, the animation quirks would be overlooked. Many games have worse bugs/animations than that and are still loved.

I think Bioware fell for the endless replayability through garbage quests meme. And spend their time on that instead of refining a smaller game.

modern bioware in a nutshell. they somehow made DA:I less playable than the dumpster fire that was DA2



Thing is that would have worked if they would've just made her more attractive.

Liara is such a forced shitty character but people still fell for her because she's not awful looking and she had some nice tits.


umm sweetie, good looking people dont exist in real life.

imagine how fucking GOOD andromeda could have been

James turned out to be a surprisingly good character

It took effort to make Andromeda as bad as it was.

Jerk Beefy

>love ME1 and ME2
>Despise ME3 but a ton of time into it and still play it for it's MP
>Hear of Andromeda set hopes severely low
>"I just want to explore worlds again"
>Buy Andromeda, don't hate it nearly as much as ME3 and thought the world exploran wasn't half bad
Game has faults and issues out the ass but ME3 almost destroyed my love of ME1 and ME2.
This is just comfortably mediocre for me.

Turian husbandos don't exist in real life either.

The games I've lost, IPs and universies of great opportunity. Opportunity for so many stories to be told, that wont because of a mixture of incompetence, greed and people just people just not caring.

mass effect deserved better

its one of the few games from the last generation people still regularly discuss

Yeah it was comfy as fuck.

>just wanted to romance everyone for gamerscore
>doing jacks romance
>slowly seeing through her "tough girl" act
>feel bad about her childhood
>see her regret what she did as a child
>final scene she comes to you
>Not looking like herself at all
>"Shepard... I-i..."
>shhhh no more questions
Back is best girl. She's not a typical girl.
Not a sex figure Miranda. Not awkwardly cute like tali or liara. Not a tough independent marine like Ashley.
She is broken hurting child still. She doesn't know how to trust, she doesn't believe anyone could love her. Back deserves Shepard.
I wanted to make her a mom. I had this desire to give Shepard and her a colony life. A simple farm world. She'd have hair like in 3. Maybe wear a lot of summer dresses. The other colony kids would always talk about how cool their mom looked with all those tattoos. How cool it was their dad was THE Shepard.
No raider in the galaxy would dare attack the colony. Not just out of respect. But fear.
Of course bioware fucked it up

for as fucked as the OT were in the animation department they were never as bad as this

I really liked Zaeed and Kasumi. Shame they were DLC characters.

>tfw Jack was gangraped at least once

As much as I wanted to like her, I just can't find myself romantically drawn to a character as used goods as that.
She could love my Shep with all her heart, but in the end she's still damaged goods. Who could want someone like that?

Just my two cents.

When you're falling your face smacks the cliff and your face plate shatters. We've known since masseffect2 that space suites can be compromised.
Farther looks at you choking and radios for help. Realises it won't make it time. Takes his helmet off and puts it on you. Transfers Sam to you because he knows he's going to die.
I knew the farther figure was gonna die. But even I thought they planned the death good. You get multiple interactions with him towards the end of the mission based on how you played the rest of the mission.

This scene actually gave me a very real, deep existential fear.

It will never not baffle me why someone decided it needed to be a shitty fistfight and NOT HEADBUTTING THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER LIKE KROGANS ARE KNOWN TO DO

hell yeah dude

Youre a bad person.
That's ok. The world need renegades.
Also I don't think she was generated. I think she was sexually abused by people she thought loved her. Unless your referring to the pirates that picked up as child. I don't think it expressly said though.
Aditionally I doubt pirates could overpower her biotic abilites considering she killed Cerberus guards as a child
But that's my two cents


Her gangrape is mentioned in ME2.

Why does me not liking that make me a bad person?

>you broke a thermometer in my hand

You're a complete tool. She's cucking you with animals behind your back.

>Diversity caused ME:A's failu......

That would be Kelly Chambers you're talking about.

>like making that Knuckles the echidna alien gay and bisexual

You get blown off the platform in front of the vault control terminal, but manage to grip onto the edge and hold yourself for a few moments. Then a box comes flying towards you and hits you in the shoulder (actually I think it's supposed to be the thing to shatter your helmet, but it wouldn't be the first animation inaccuracy in this game), which finally throws you off the cliff for good. Fade to black and then you wake up on the ground with your helmet destroyed.
I'm just saying that there was no need for him to die this way. He could've taken a few deep breathes, switch helmets with Ryder Junior and then switch back after a minute or so. The codex says that Habitat 7 has a argon-nitrogen atmosphere, so you'll suffocate, but it shouldn't do anything otherwise. I'd also question who thought that the transfer protocol for SAM was a good idea. The prior pathfinder needs to live in order to transfer it and if he dies during the transfer (like with Macen, the Turian pathfinder) then it'll fuck up the AI. I get it, that the human SAM had secret capabilities, so it's a special case, but you don't just do all that shit to save their mom and then don't come up with a back-up plan in case of your death.

Also please just look at this thing. Who thought of producing a helmet, that doesn't properly protect you from things falling from above?


Skip Cutscene

What's wrong with that one?

Oh, nothing. It's just that she's holding the gun backwards and shooting from the back.

You've never shot a gun have you?



>TFW Mass Effect Andromeda is a real person

Nah, that's when you've had an extra spicy vindaloo.

Don't insult the coolest mutt in the mill. Okay?!

Despite what a lot of people say, the female default face of Andromeda was cute.

A Chance at pussy

t. someone who was like this before the Social Justice overtake happened

the model is literally backwards you newfag

Devils Reject's was fantastic


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>t. someone who was like this before the Social Justice overtake happened
How do you live with yourself?

el goblino

I was suicidal as fuck and I hated myself.

Now I'm the exact opposite and contempt with my life.


As a white chick, Indians are fucking nasty, at least most white and black dudes I meet wherever have heard of deodorant or taking a shower.

Same here man, was throwing away my ideals and everything for a woman that constantly had me in the friendzone. Luckily a buddy pulled me out of that bullshit to and got me on the right track by making me realize what I was doing

Pussy is a powerful thing, mesmerizes men without them realizing it

>Needing this much makeup, filters and light to cover up that horrible 56% face
what a horrible looking mutt

Worth it.

Suit rats were garbage anyway

The real question with this game is, was it too videogamey or not?

forever blacklisted

>fully expect Peck Squatson to be the biggest generic chad character
>kinda was
>still managed to be one of the best things in the game somehow
I will never not be mad at this game and series.

Wait so if Asari are supposed to look like the most beautiful thing you can imagine then why do they have varying appearances.

The boss fight was a boss fight with everyone on your team and people you've dealt with helping you out and not a pretentious conversation with a space ghost child.

Sovereign > Archon > Terminator Baby > Space Ghost

The other pathfinders were cool, I wish we played as them instead of Daddy Issues the Protagonist

Could Shepard take Ryder in a fight?

does the pope shit in the woods?

Are biodrones even a thing anymore? How did they reconcile the andromeda disaster?

So no?

Is that the cunt who was screeching at that he will not divide us thing?

They practically dissapeared, so there's that.


Shepard can take everyone in a fight.

>White tears
He knows that's a euphemism for semen right?

How do Indians even procreate when they are all so mentally and physically repulsive?

Sticking your penis inside of a vaginal cavity and shooting splooge to impregnate the female.
You idiot

Yes. It's a man.

birds of a feather...

Best thing to come out of ME3 was easily Citadel DLC. Fucking legendary.


Anyone else bothered that shepard doesn't react at all to a gun being put in front of her face and fired?

Well you know how they shit all over anything and everything? New indians actually grow from the poo, whenever you see videos of dozens of them shitting on the beach or in the street what they're actually doing is laying Pajeet poo eggs, the reason they refuse to use toilets is because they don't want their children to be flushed down into the sewer

Red Dot Indians? Rape.
Feathers on Head Indians? They don't which is why they're dying out

Which is a shame because those are the cool indians

Her face was tired.

The quest system it is an irrefutable proof that they aimed at the most brainless kind of player and, incidentally, one way to shit on the face of traditional players.

That will get you kicked out of most gaming conventions, universities, and places of employment.

>too retarded to know it's fake

Only in New York, California, and Canada

WOOOOW just like in the games then

That reminds me of the Salarian on Illium having trouble getting breeding contracts because it's in a quarantined tower with mercs in them

You eavesdrop on him sure but when you give him the contracts he's very grateful to you

TOR is extremely profitable and a solid game. I still don't understand why everyone shit on the game. The shit surrounding it like EA removing the ability to cancel subscriptions was shady as fuck, but the game is just standard mmo fare with a really solid story.

>All these internet politics buzzwords

I miss the democrat/republican binary


>blaming his looks instead of his glaring personality flaws

If a white man did the same thing SJWs would be tearing him to shreds and accusing him of feeling entitled to women's bodies.

For anyone who wants to know if Andromeda is good. Look no further.
Before people get triggered, these are mine.

Arranged Marriages
Combination of both

Anyone else here pirate all 3 games?

I'm wondering if I should upload my PS4 clips to my youtube account because boy do I got some dumb shit I'd love to post in full
>Liam doing a Poochie float from the Simpsons
>Invisible Glass Drinking
>The horrific lagging in MP before it got some patches
>walking though the closed door.

Bethesda killed RPGs

no but i pirated all the DLC

I can't believe how terribly done some of the cutscenes were done. Like even if they didn't glitch like in your videos, they just looked like they were made by some indie studio on a shoestring budget.

neck yourself my dude
>unironically defending Bioware in any way, shape, or form

Your game failed and your studio is collapsing, I'm pretty sure you've stopped getting pennies deposited into your shill account months ago so why are you still here my friend?

Whoa... so that's how they made him...

>before the Social Justice overtake happened

When was it exactly when all the SJW stuff took off? From what I remember, it feels like it was 2012 when people started going nuts.