Does Cred Forums still like persona 4?

does Cred Forums still like persona 4?

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I still like Rise

I still like Yukiko.

Only the normalfags.

I never stoped liking it
Best music easy
Your family and those who came from the city are the only ones worth interacting with tho, shame

Kinda wanna play golden, but the vita seems to have gone extinct.

I don't start hating games because they got popular, do yes

Nu-Cred Forums, on the other hand...

I still like it. It's not my favorite Persona, but it's still great.

i want to replay it someday but i cant beacuse i want to play golden.

have a vita and P4G ready to go, just need to finish my backlog to reach it.

I loved persona 5, will i enjoy 4?

Probably. It's obviously going to be a step-back in some ways because P5 improved on a lot of things, but P4G still has it's own merits and the more relaxed, SoL tone is to a lot of people's liking.

as far as I've seen of gameplay from golden, it's not as simple as persona 5 was in regards to it's systems. More mechanics to fill out after combat, stricter date systems, but if you enjoyed 5, I think you'd enjoy 4

Sure. Gameplay is not as good as P5 but it still fun.

I think it was the weakest game in the series, but I still enjoyed it.

Still like it better than 5. I had such high expectations for it, and it just let me down for the most part outside the 10/10 first arc. Maybe in the obvious milking rerelease they can add more events that actually have the fuckers interact as friends outside phantom thief business.

They tried to make it more like P3 when they're supposedly friend but not really.

I'm honestly looking forward to the inevitable rerelease? If it's as good as Golden got to be, it could work well

They didn't do that at all. They just stuck their interactions with each other in Mementos because when they met as the PTs it was because they had work to do. It wasn't as SoL focused as P4 because it wasn't going for the same kind of tone, it had a much stronger emphasis on its themes than on having fun with the characters.

It's still my favourite. I wanted 5 to be my favourite so badly, but I think a decade of anticipation ended up working against it

>you now remember beating it for the first time and hearing this
>ywn experience this again

I never did. Even 1 was better.

It's a great game, just not as good as Persona 5 and, at least plot-wise, 3

I actually agree. Worst part of P4 probably the ridiculously bad OST, followed by the piss easy dungeons and bosses.

I felt really emotional after finishing 3 and 4, especially 4. Felt nothing after 5. I know its partly because the final dungeon was awful, but I was surprised either way.

Honestly, some of the bosses in Persona 4 were harder than even SMT4 bosses for me, fucking Kunino-Sagiri and Shadow Mitsuo

>P4 OST is bad
Opinion discarded

>Boring slut voiced by Burch

Absolutely kys J-Pop shiteater.

baby baby baby baby xDDDD

>a few songs have japanese lyrics
>hurrrrr jay pop fag
Ebin. How will I recover

P4 fucking sucks and I hated it though the music was nice

what about any game thats not p4dan?