How do you decide which platform to get your vidya on if you own most?

How do you decide which platform to get your vidya on if you own most?

I have a PS4 Pro and Xbone X and it stops me buying vidya because I can't decide which platform I want it on

throw the xbox away
it will solve the problem

There is no reason to own more than 1 major home console per generation if you are an adult with a job and responsibilities.

>not wanting to be able to play all of the exclusives
>his big responsible adult job can't support one measly hobby

There's no reason to play video games if you are an adult with a job and responsibilities.

what xbox exclusives?

Serious question

>wanting to play

There I just had the rest of this conversation for you, you're welcome

>muh responsabilities

Best goy

near as I can tell they are all on pc, excelpt perhaps Forza?

there is no reason NOT to own all major consoles if you are an adult with a job and responsibilities

300 only seems like a lot to children and the unemployed

I do research on what version of the game is the best

>job and responsibilities
Translation: I'm so underprivileged that i have to work in order to even survive ... among other commitments that make me a slave to others

I honestly feel disgust at the way people who are not born into wealth make a virtue out of their slavish necessities, as if subjection were not a wholly unnatural and unbearable condition for most lifeforms.

>adult with a job
Actually needing a job is the true sign of the poorshit.

>original game performs better on PS4, locked to 900p or some shit on Xbox
>sequel runs at significant higher resolution and more solid frame rate on Xbox One X
>autism prevents spreading the same series amongst different platforms

>larping as upper class on a bhutanese bukkake bulletinboard
yeah sure

Why the fuck would you buy an xbone if you have a PC?

>Why the fuck would you buy a console if you have a PC?

i only have a shitty laptop which i use for all the rts and indie games i want to play, but i still want to play certain ms games and i prefer consoles in general

You don't have to be anywhere near upper class to not need a job.

>play exclusives on their respective console
>play everything else on PC
Since building my rig I've had no reason to turn on the Xbone and not much reason to turn on the PS4. Might sell the Xbox.

you're either neet or underage, either you're wrong lol

Be aware of your financial situation and it's surprisingly easy. You could do it with only 250k by buying a house and renting rooms out.

Xbone is perfect for backwards compatibility of the OG and 360
Rare Replay, Sunset Overdrive and the Halo series are still not playable on PC and I don't expect them to arrive on Pc either. There are not really any new games coming up except Crackdown 3 tho

XboneX for multiplats.
Pro for exclusives.

and how do you get that 250k without being either a) born in to upper class, or b) working????????

He's right though. You don't need to be upper class to have enough finances to support yourself. Hell, even some people who are technically self-employed don't need to do any actual work, depending on their assets.

>250k in savings
>upper class
Shut the fuck up if you are this ignorant of basic economics.

Work and don't blow your money on crap, instead invest it and wait. I lucked into big money due to the bitcoin meme but even before that I had 35k at 19 (not inheritance, student loan and wagecucking), which was way more than most at the time.

Don't go around acting like you'r not a poorshit when you are.

just buy it on which ever console your friends play.
oh wait...

>you don't need a job
>you just need a job to earn this much first

Why not just google which has the higher framerate?

simple, I enjoy gameplay so I got a switch and a pc. my pc is outdated so I can only play older shit but that's fine.

If my priority was story and cinematic experience I would get a ps4 but as of now nothing on it interests me

Xbox isnt even worth mentioning they literally have nothing

Nice reddit spacing

>Not getting free money from government


I needed a job, but I wouldn't act like I wasn't poor.

I told you to shut the fuck up because you are ignorant (and now evidently illiterate). You don't need to be upper class or have a job to inherit 250k.

PC because it's worth least to me and I don't mind fucking it up. Consoles are more valuable because you can't just open it up and replace a part as easily. I even emulate games of systems that I own, because it'll prolong the consoles lifespan.

>everyone with a job is poor
okay user, you can go back to larping as a multimillionaire bitcoin memer on a malayasian manganese forum if you want

>You don't need to be upper class to inherit 250k
wew keep going this is great

I own a house, am married, have two children, live in one of the most expensive counties in the country, am not rich, but still have all consoles and a decent PC. You don't need to be rich to enjoy a hobby.

I would just have an Xbox One X and a Switch, the fuck you need a PS4 Pro for anyway?

Lol you acted like 250 was upper class earlier, when in reality that's lower middle (upper starts at 10 mil) Whatever your job is it's done wagecuck tier shit

I only buy consoles that you can pirate on.

Own a Switch, PS4 Pro, and vanilla Xbone. Mostly depends on multiple things.

>If its a FPS, RTS, MMO, then PC
>If its a multiplatform release and there is a PC version close to launch, then PC. If not, then PS4.
>If its a Japanese game that has a PC port and it has major issues, then PS4. I will also get a PS4 release if the game has very minimal changes on PC and is cheaper on another platform (Happened with Tales of Berseria, where the PS4 version was on sale for $20 and the PC version was still $50).
>If the game is better portable and isn't a huge downgrade, then Switch.
>If the game is primarily a multiplayer title and isn't a FPS, I will generally get it for whatever system has the bigger playerbase (Like MHW I decided to get on PS4).

With that said I have considered getting a Xbox One X for the better backwards compatibility and multiplats that are more then likely not going to get a PC release. I honestly haven't bought a Xbox One game in a longass time, nor do I use it for multiplats.

>lower middle
you have absolutely no grasp on reality, congrats on outing yourself as underage

Why did the PC and Switch turn him into ice?

>question 1: does the device give me elbow cramps (fuck the 3ds)
>question 2: does it have acceptable performance for a modern device
>question 3: does it offer anything compared to its competitors

Thats how i choose my device of choice.

I'm replying to this post since I felt it was biased towards the Switch (not surprising when its the most modern he has). This is my more objective idort experience:

Having a great PC is the best solo choice since it can play the multiplatform games with the best settings, usually.

PS4/XBO are also good because sometimes the PC versions are worse, or the online experience is less optimised.

Switch is very underpowered but has the most portability, albeit not to the extent of current-gen graphics like PS4+Vita.

All three consoles also have at least a few good exclusives, which makes them worth getting if you can afford it.

Including house that is the upper part of lower middle in fat dollars. It's very common to own a 250k or above house

If you think middle class is being able to buy a PS4 and Xbox you're delusional

You don't. Even some working-class people who paid off their mortgages will have assets in that range.

>I own a house, am married, have two children, live in one of the most expensive counties in the country, am not rich, but still have all consoles and a decent PC. You don't need to be rich to enjoy a hobby.
But to enjoy it hardcore, you need time and independence ;)


Intelligently I won't purchase a platform unless there's an exclusive for it I want to play. That means I don't own "no games" platforms such as gaming PC or Xbox. If last gen has taught us anything it's not worth owning both PS and Xbox and AAA PC exclusives have faded away

cause he's cool now

Honestly he's probably just too angry (beside being ignorant and illiterate) to look up basic socio-economic categories.

We might be wasting our time. But if he's really open to learning i think he should just google whether 250k in total assets makes one upper class. The answer is no, and no one "in reality" that had even the least knowledge about how these things are classified will disagree.

It will be tougher for him to accept that you don't need to be upper class to not have to work though. Probably part of the reason he can bear his wageslavedom is through blaming it on an unjust system or conspiracy designed by the upper classes directly.

>no games

There was already discussion of why you don't need to be a NEET/dependent to not have to work.

But have fun with your strawmen and bogeymen, maybe it makes you feel better about not being lucky enough to descend from wealth.


I'm sorry that's just how I feel
PC has no games

>If you think being able to buy a PS4 and an Xbox is middleclass you're delusional
ah yes please put words in my mouth mr. strawman mmmm

retard i mean 250K a year, that's a quarter of a mil and isn't remotely "lower middle"
you also have no fucking clue about life at all of you think people usually buy 250K houses outright and not with a mortgage

>still larping
post screenshot of your bank account

Life isn't just about doing things you enjoy, eventually we have to all grow up and be an adult.

I have all consoles too and I always go xbox one with the multiplats because I know microshit always will support backwards compatibility

I only have a Switch.
What console would be best to have for the Switch to play companion to? Is it actually PC or have I been meme'd and it's actually the PS4? Or is it 4K Pepe?

Try seeing things from their perspective. Experiencing less enjoyable times makes the enjoyable times more special. Playing video games as a kid was more enjoyable than as an adult because I had less video games.
That said I would rather be born into a rich family and never have to work than vice versa.

You dont need to be upper class to have 250k.

You don't need to be rich to shoop a screenshot of your bank account.

Doing what you want when you want is practically the definition of nobility. It's only considered bad because for many people (not all) it's unsustainable. Tough luck if that's you. But don't feel superior because of it.

You're going to get more value if you go with the new Xbox, in my opinion. I feel that it's a better console all around than the Pro with better features and online if you're into that.

guy you replyed to.. I think you kinda summed up my point.. I'm not worried about graphics at all.. hence why i dont have a ps4/xbone/beastmodepc

I want fun engaging games and for my taste the switch has given me those while I dont see it on other consoles.. PC has great games too but I dont upgrade parts because most modern stuff that comes out doesnt look great gameplay wise

new games dont have to be the best graphics/fps/resolution w.e.. they need to be fun and keep me entertained.

When I first bought my pc it was pretty decent and could run new games 45 - 60 fps depending on the game.. I bought some pretty intense graphically games and was impressed for all of 5 hrs then they got boring because of recycled boring gameplay

Switch is under powered absolutely.. but for my taste.. it has the best games of the other home consoles.

>Try seeing things from their perspective. Experiencing less enjoyable times makes the enjoyable times more special. Playing
You don't need to be a wageslave to queue up some different recreations for variation though. Even ones that arent instantly gratifying.

>It's only considered bad because for many people (not all) it's unsustainable.
Very few people can live like that and living like that in itself is a burden. 'Bob' enjoys a weekend beer after a hard shift at the factory more than you've enjoyed a video game in years.
Superman doesn't find the grand canyon impressive because he can fly there and get back home in the same evening.
Get what I'm saying?

>don't feel superior because of it

If I worked hard and you didn't, then I have every reason to feel superior. Don't feel superior because you were lucky enough to be born into wealth you didn't earn.

That's fair. I mainly want it for multiplats, since DMC series (thus far) and Dark Souls are on everything. Only issue I have is if DMC5 is PS4 exclusive and, of course, the elusive Bloodborne.

Master race reporting. Playing FREE mgs 4 on my cracked ps3 right now. Will install hacked firmware PS4 very soon.

I don't have anything against your preference for Nintendo's games, i think theyre amazing too. But i think youre biased against the other systems when you imply that their greater hardware only allows greater cinematics. Greater hardware also allows new innovations in interactivity also. That's why even Nintendo's consoles get somewhat more powerful each gen.

Don't listen to him, the One X has better graphics but still doesn't hold a candle to PC(of which all on Xbox's games are available for), the Xbox doesn't have any upcoming exclusives either. If you can afford it go for PC, if not you'll save a ton of cash with a PS4.

>Very few people can live like that and living like that in itself is a burden. 'Bob' enjoys a weekend beer after a hard shift at the factory more than you've enjoyed a video game in years.
>Superman doesn't find the grand canyon impressive because he can fly there and get back home in the same evening.
>Get what I'm saying?
That's wrong though since wageslavedom is classically associated with ennui. Everything is middling and repetitive in the slave life. Whereas i have the greater biological and mental capacity to be thrilled by the latest games after coming back home after backpacking for months at a time. Similarly, Superman enjoys the Grand Canyon more than the peons that don't have the time or the powers to be intimately appreciative of it, after he has been away on completely different planets for ages.

>If I worked hard and you didn't, then I have every reason to feel superior. Don't feel superior because you were lucky enough to be born into wealth you didn't earn.
Not necessarily. First of all you can work hard at things you enjoy, not just working for others. Secondly, even people squandering privilege can appear superior to those making the best of their lack of privilege, if the privileges themselves make them superior alone. For example, i find even a 1st world slacker who appreciates technologically-advanced culture like movies, gaming, electronic music, etc more interesting/superior to a hardworking 3rd worlder who managed to get rich but his culture never introduced him to the fruits of physics and art.

Also just to further support my first paragraph, your own example of the cold beer is instructive: beer is a literal sedative which deadens sensitivity, and would diminish the contrast between enjoyment and hatred of things. It only seems nice because it is an escape from strong feelings.


>That's wrong though since wageslavedom is classically associated with ennui. Everything is middling and repetitive in the slave life.

If they decide to stick to a boring, meaningless repetitive job that they hate, without trying to better themselves in a way that allows them to get out of that job, then yeah, fuck em. But some people genuinely enjoy that kind of work, I don't understand it but each to their own.

> Whereas i have the greater biological and mental capacity to be thrilled by the latest games

And you know this because? How long before we find out you're a 6'6 navy seal as well? For someone of greater mental capacity you do have a sure hard time capitalising your 'i's.

>after coming back home after backpacking for months at a time.

Backpacking? If you're gonna argue between boring, repetitive tasks, at least the wage slave is there making things more convenient for others.

>i find even a 1st world slacker who appreciates technologically-advanced culture like movies, gaming, electronic music, etc more interesting/superior to a hardworking 3rd worlder who managed to get rich but his culture never introduced him to the fruits of physics and art.

Fuck Magumbo and his hard work, Jimmy watched the latest Marvel movie, he's clearly superior.
And yet you choose to backpack for months on end?


I didn't say he got drunk but fine, replace beer with a cola and my point still stands.

you are right, there's no money on pc gaming so devs dont pay attention to that crap

I have XO, PS4, Vita and 3DS + shitty laptop, but I don't play on it. By default, I buy XO version, because I am huge Xbox fag.

>tfw you own an xbone, piss4, and a midrange pc cause your not a brokefag

Price mainly.

I have a PS4, PC, and a switch. When I hear the console version of a game is especially fucked I get it on PC but other than that I usually get shit on ps4