Games that pulled a 180 in the atmosphere and story tone as the series went on. I'll start with pic related

You already won the thread.

Thread would be incomplete without it.

Fuck yea, I knew someone would remember

I guess the prince of persia reboot or whatever those are called would fit it as well. Don't remember anything about the plot but artstyle was completely different

Fucking japs

That scene was kinda hope-draining as a teen, knowing there wasn't any going back to where they've been before

I liked those games, wonder if they are deemed too simple for a new release.

Remember that they canned the series because of muh ass creed and sheeeeit

That game was still pretty silly.

Fucking SR3.
I like it but it fucked the series up.

I’m still mad

Anybody got some games that did this in a really cool way? Pic related.

Still holding off that this was just a spin-off game and Banjo 3 is really coming
And getting announced this year during E3

>voice acting
>action set-pieces
>intearction with other races and the galactic federation

Felt like a move away from Metroid towards a more Halo-like game. It actually turned out pretty good though, my second favorite in the series.

Rare doesn’t do games like Banjo
Plus, the original team isn’t working there anymore

I don’t trust anyone else with Banjo

Banjo Kazooie is dead

>Rare doesn’t do games like Banjo
Sea of Thieves has been Rare's Dream game since before B&K and that releases next month.
I have faith in Rare, and if not them another company. Just look at KI 2013. Best game in the series and it wasn't even made by Rare.
I would love a new Banjo just as a big Fuck you to Yooka Laylee like how MM11 is a fuck you too MN9

Best Zelda.

Such a weird fucking game, even for the Crystal Chronicles series..

that's only really the start, once you step on bryyo it's like the other two

Shit, Forgot pic

At times, I guess. But it had a very different feel overall to me.

You killing the other hunters and the robots talking to you from time to time. Felt a lot more story focused, which I guess makes sense for, what I presume, was supposed to be the conclusion of the trilogy.

Red Steel 2

I felt like it released a bit too late and got forgotten. Really good game and a huge improvement over the first, might as well have been a new IP.