So, after you take me back to my place, how about we do some....overtime?

So, after you take me back to my place, how about we do some....overtime?


even as a 12 year old playing that I knew something was up. Like leon you went to hell and back to save this prime pussy and you no way fag her? Like I would have raped ashley the second I found her let alone when I come face to face with a regenerator. Leon fuck you, you aint my nigga.

>ruining the goods
Leon puts work before pussy you mongoloid


shes like 14 years old and whiny cunt, fuck that

He not only prefers Ada, but you don't fuck the presidents daughter just because she asks.

Yeah ruin her goods. What are you a fag?

Leon was in love with Ada. But you probably haven't played Resident Evil 2 because "muh action" and "muh graphics".
When actually you love a woman you don't give a shit about other females. It's not all DUDE SEX LMAO

holy shit what happened to my Cred Forums. You used to be edgy man, fucking cucks

>Hey Leon, I was just kidnapped by cult, was experimented on, chased around and attack by murderous infected people, and saw more gore and killing than anyone my age should. I probably have horrible PTSD and will desperatly need years and years of therapy to become a functioning member of society again. Want to go back to my place and shove your dick into me forever so I can make sure I'm never alone?
Leon was 100% correct in no way fagging her


Hey highly skilled agent that works for the president and anti terrorist unit wanna fuck an underage girl that can ruin your job.
Hunningun and Ada are Leon's girls.


you don't deprive yourself of sex just because you can't have the one you want. leon didn't want to compromise the mission by giving her various STDs he acquired in the back alleys of thailand.

She went to collage you idiot.



>Staying loyal to one girl.
You're an idiot. On that note Leon wasn't against the idea of dating other women. He hit on the cutie that he worked for a time or two. Ashley was someone he was sent to save and the presidents daughter on top of that.

All that being said I did like her tits and thought looking up under her skirt from below causing her to react was pretty cool.

>the chad Leon

Rescues Ashley and goes on to do new and badass shit with his life

>the virgin Griffith

Rapes a Princess just because he can and ends up tortured for a year. The pain is so unbearable he starts fantasizing about murdering all of his friends, cucking Guts, and becoming a demigod while he lays dying on the torture room floor

I’d rather be Leon than Griffith. Just saying.

>becomes a transcendent being with godlike superpowers
>fucks Guts' bitch in front of him
>goes on to be reincarnated in the physical world, rule a kingdom, and marry the chick he fucked that landed him in the dungeon in the first place
Opposite of a cuck, really


>Rapes a Princess just because he can and ends up tortured for a year. The pain is so unbearable he starts fantasizing about murdering all of his friends, cucking Guts, and becoming a demigod while he lays dying on the torture room floor
What the fuck are you smoking.

>Rapes a Princess just because he can
with this i can confirm that you didn't read shit, hell you've probably just watched the movies

Beat me to it.

you don't know what a collage is?

She's American you fucking idiot.

The movies don't even imply he raped her, it's pretty much the same scene. No idea where that guy got the notion that he raped her from

pshhhhh... ask... your mom...

>20 year old college student

RE is weird like that. Sometimes they'll have the most absurd shit going on, other times they go 100% realistic, like this and the actual fall of Umbrella Inc, a publicly traded company, going down via its stocks crashing and not because a bunch of vigilantes went in and blew the place up.

>Berserk, a fucking comic

You don’t read comics, you just look at pretty pictures. Berserk fans always try to make it sound like their precious comic is on the same level as The Divine Comedy or Catcher in the Rye.

Comics are even further below video games on the true art scale.

Novels > Renaissance era artwork > film > video games > TV > comics (Like Berserk)

Watching the films is the objectively ideal way to experience Berserk.

I forgot she was twenty but still you wanna fuck the presidents daughter the guy who pays you?


Of course not. That's what I meant. Especially with RE4, you almost think it's a Bond movie where of course he's going to fuck the chick who offers up gratitude sex at the end, but Leon remains completely professional and politely turns her down.

>Implying the kindom of Falconia wont end up blowing on his face and all the shit he did wont bite him back in his ass
Griffith go to bed

He has yellow fever.


Playing this game for the first time on ps2. its fantastic. its a really long game too, im like 20 hrs in and i just finished rescuing ashley at the island, though they captured her again. thanks for recommending lads

Once upon a time I thought Leon just didn't like white women, since he likes Ada and asked Hunnigan for her number. But then he was ready to go 'diving' with Angela in Degeneration, so I guess he'll nwf 'em all


racism isn't funny

Leon doesn't go around raping people user. He has a crush on Ada and Ingrid anyway.

>The subterranian ruins of Falconia were already under Wyndham, littered with thousands of corpses marked with the Brand of Sacrifice
>Griffith destroyed the boundaries of reality so he could corral all the humans into Falconia
Falconia's a great place to live if you want Griffith to sacrifice you. Again.

"On the same level as Catcher In The Rye"
That book is just fancy toilet paper, what you talking about clown?

>Catcher in the rye
Seriously nigger?

he prefers yellow pussy

It seems ridiculous to me that she would even offer herself up in the first place.
She seems like one of those dumb cunts who would exclaim EWWWWWWWWWWW every time she saw Leon while secretly scribbling the both of them cuddling and having babies together and all of that shit in her notebook.

It's not a long-term crush thing, it was an emotional response. Guy went through hell and back, saving her life innumerable times. She felt extremely grateful to him, to the point where the only thing she figured she could offer him as thanks was a night of ballistic orgasms. He realized that she was just being emotional, which was part of why he refused.


i dont blame him, she looks like a rat. Jill, Claire, and becca are really the way to go if you are a straight white male

So, after you take me back to my residence, how about we do some....evil 4?




Traumatizing anguish sex is best sex

That's a no-go, homo.

Hes a man with principles. Definitevely your nigga

Sure thing babe.