>the Church is the bad guy
>the Satanic magician is the good guy
ITT vidya tropes you hate
Other urls found in this thread:
well yeah that's kinda the point of satan. To lie and deceive you.
Goddammit I posted the wrong pic. Please stay on topic anyway.
Oh no the fictional church is evil!
you and I both know that's not happening
in most JRPGs the church is evil
any reason why?
t. not familiar with japenese culture
>the satanic magician was the bad guy all along and the church was working for him
My pee pee is confused.
>Goddammit I posted the wrong pic
sure thing pal
Because japanese knows that western culture is debased, immoral, and without any moral integrity.
false protagonist
>the Satanic magician is the good guy
Name one, triggered christcuck
>the empire is evil
>elves are peaceful, wise, and powerful but keep to themselves
>the hero is a warrior that can use magic
OP you could've just asked for an age gap thread
>church = west
>west = whittu piggu
>whittu piggu = evil
>an ancient evil awakens
>the king is an kind hearted idiot and his right hand the antagonist
>church is the bad guy
>satanic magician is also the bad guy
>healer/caster is a girl
>literally every other race are better than humans
>humans are the majority because the lore says humans breed like bunnies since they're lower race but somehow still out-populates races like goblins and shit
>magic in general magic is the faggiest power system there is
>online team game with classes
>girls will always play the healer
user, I...
>final boss is you from the future
That's pretty hot. Does this ever happen IRL or just in Nip fantasy land?
>the only form of magic is shallow, ATLA-tier element manipulation
but that shit is hilarious
i especially loved it in inFamous
what the fuck do you think, idiot?
IIRC Old-school Satan was a total bro and basically sacrificed himself to save humanity from God's petty, judgemental wrath
>drink soylent
>STR boost
>I am going to be le screencap on le reddit just like that Cred Forums post!
Not fucking happening, mate. Time to post the usual pictures tho.
Name juan game
>not the edit
Wh-What usual pictures?
I've seen 'church = bad' a lot, but not 'satanist = good'.
Usually there's either one or the other, but for the purpose of being bad in both cases.
Milton pls go and stay go
Well the one I posted for a start.
It seems we get a lot of /u/ age gap these days, not that i'm complaining
Because the Church was pretty fucking evil back in the day and they kind are now to a much smaller extent
Look up the Spanish Inquisition my dude.
these two show up every fucking time and with good reason
well people have started to realize that age gap yuri is the patrician's fetish
>t. chink
Successor to the king is evil.
Don't forget this one.
>Game remake
>They switch things to be different
I just thought about the ass tower I saw on /wsg/.
A shame it was deleted.
>Look up the Spanish Inquisition my dude.
Well, I didn't expect that at all
About time
I'm glad this is a thing.
Yeah look I have no desire to place fucking tentacle land on a pedestal here but people who attack their morals while living in the lands of sand-niggers and school shootings make it tough not to.
Was just about to post it. Shame. That's all I know that exist by the dude.
why did he waste money on dg2? if she wanted the third one, then obviously she already played that one
Nobody does
>The Church isn't actually evil, except for the leader who is a demon that brainwashes people and their god who is literally Satan who looks like Jesus
You just posted the image of mine, OP.
>God creates humans to be boring and knowledge-less
>Satan gets them to gain wisdom and the ability to choose for themselves
>God throws them out of paradise
>Humans proceed to create countless civilisations and thrive to this day
>Humans want to do great thing and meet God and/or his friends
>God throws a hissyfit and gives us the massive inconvenience of multiple languages (which we had apparently not done to ourselves by then, which is actually pretty good)
Old Testament God was an asshole
>Making a thread on Cred Forums with /u/ trash as the OP by accident.
>Saving /u/ trash on your computer in the first place.
I smell bullshit.
>what is the modern catholic church for 500
The last bastions of civilization in their respective continents.
I got you covered f a m
There are several JRPGs where your typical christianity equivalent religion is portrayed as good guys. It's just that the abrahamic religions are seen as exotic to the Japanese audience. I don't think historically the Japanese have any reason to see the abrahamic religions in a bad light, if anything christians were persecuted in Japan hundreds of years ago, but I could be missing something.
>Satan who looks like Jesus
Isn't the word you are looking for "antichrist?"
Yes, I know, you're an edgy teenager that just discovered Laveyan Satanism, but this is an 18+ website and you need to leave.
>The last bastions of civilization
t. Argentino
I’m playing another run through FFT. Making all the girls melee fighters and all the boys ranged cowards. Pretty great desu
>Game teases romance options but never lets you take them
Already been posted by me.
>power of friendship
> rock paper scissors system for elements
>final boss is just a decoy for the real final boss
user, Yuri is the only thing that allows me to escape these horrible thoughts I have right now. Just allow me to be /u/-shitter in peace.
>Being a Christfag
>On Cred Forums
Imagine being this clueless
Just realized that
Compared to the rest of the continent, yes.
I'm an atheist, but I'm also an adult. "WOOOOOOW DUDE GOD IS SUCH AN ASSHOLE" is juvenile. Also, Cred Forums is full of Christcucks.
Nigger I'm agnostic, I don't want to worship that nutter
Actually now I'm on this topic, I really want a Tower-of-Babel-style story in an RPG. Something where [insert player civilisation] attempts to create [insert way to reach godhood] and their [insert deity/overlord] stops them, leading to the MC going on a journey to succeed.
Add plot twists where you like.
>villain has a unique/interesting design
>They're a throwaway/fakeout villain you don't even get to fight
>started Citrus today
>now at episode 4
>see this
>what is every Rune Factory milf
I'm so fucking glad half the love interests in Persona 5 were women older than 20.
Did you enjoy the ride, user?
I love that trope. God is a dick even in real life.
>You have to fuse your dog with a demon
Manga is several times better. Trust me on this one bro
>Boss is so huge he's int he background
>dodge his haymakers and attack his hands to win the fight
All girl fall for the cock that is an udeniable truth of this workd, your peaceful delusion need to be shatter so you can grow from those chain that is limiting your potential.
>y-you'll see, those girls will fuck me eventually
>He's actually serious
As an Argentinian, no amount of characters or reaction images can describe how funny this is
Have this instead, as a consolation prize
Sure, let the girls fall for cock that way even I might win one day but right now I just want cute girls without any of that boy/girl drama.
>Dude just let me wallow around in my filth while I do nothing to better my own life
The guy looks pretty cool.
>he says while posting on Cred Forums
>want to talk about KCD
>all the threads are shitposting, falseflagging, cherrypicking webms, Cred Forums shit and other crap
It's depressed me. This thread is cheering me up.
First part was true until Papa Francesco took over.
God bless Papa Francesco, he needs all the blessings he can get.
when do you think you will finally an hero assphaget?
>Wait, what do you mean you're not a smelly neet like us guys?
>western rpg where you can romance girl
>obvious dyke is straight
Yeah, girls can't orgasm without cock, that's a scientific fact I learned from some virgin user on Cred Forums.
>every notable character uses a sword
>implying normies give a fuck at all about prequels or the like
See: Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Doom, etc
You can lie to me, but not to yourself user
being agnostic or atheist doesn't mean that you declare/disavow your loyalty to a god you fucking idiot
what? If that's a reference I don't get it
I like how in nipland this became a legit concept.
Like there is in many games a warrior class, a mage class, and a Hero class that can use both warrior skills and spells.
She looks plain, but not bad.
What are you talking about? Don't talk to me like you know me you fucker
Christians used to aggressively spread their religion in Japan.
Basically like Muds try to do the same and getting similar reactions from the rest.
Of course they will be vilified.
>Get gf recently
>Finally, I might not become a wizard
>Has mentioned at least twice that she's on the 'sex after marriage' side of things
>mfw either have to ruin her purity, or just keep masturbating for a few years
>Or leave her but she's cute so I hope that's not an option
I think that was more or less the backstory to End of Eternity, though it was a long time ago that I played it and after a while I stopped registering the plot and just focused on being stylish.
The character's dumb and didn't know which one she wanted.
Zerclea about to fuck some people up
All these soycuck think that beause they can't pleasure women mean that other men are as weak as them.
The main difference being that Jesus is actually the only way to salvation.
you cannot be serious
>Wanting to deflower a virgin before marriage.
>Not waiting until you're a wizard so as to harness the climax of energy released.
Fucking faggot.
Go on...
Not sure why you wanted to blogpost to my post but I'd try to fuck her user, that shit is pretty redflag unless she's devouted christian and even then I'd think about it.
That manga was so depressing. MotherxDaughter is so rare and this had so much potential. It was the thing that pushed me into futa, just to get some more motherxdaughter. Then that opened up a dark path I don't want to go down.
still dont hate awkwardzombie
This is a good thread.
I see.
Daily reminder that yuri is objectively worse than cuckolding, scat, guro, ryona, and vore.
>omega faggot cucklord sucking the semen left by his paid slav wife's bull pretending he's some alpha chad
Norrin looks like a woman.
I'd smash
awkwardzombie a cute
It's not hentai. They just talk about why she likes those books. There's like, maybe, one scene.
> Hates church being evil and Satanic magician being good
> Put an image of lesbianism that God does not like
>Church is the bad guy
>Satanic magician was the bad guy in a previous incarnation and now only wants you to realise your full potential
Why do guys like yuri? Are they just trannies in denial?
To be fair, he was a cut bossfight.
Jesus was a Greekaboo Jewish philosopher who grew up in hellenified Egypt and got his education there.
If he is the road to salvation, then so is Sokrates.
>Old Testament God is a raging bastard who kills everyone who doesn't do exactly what he says exactly when he says it
>at some point has a massive change of heart and sends his son down to Earth to spread his new message of peace, love, and understanding towards fellow man (apart from when people try to fuck with your brothers, then go full-blown Armageddon on them)
Does God have the single most influential redemption arc in human history?
>you have to fuse your dog with your daughter
at least they admit it.
>A-theism, literally 'disbelief/lack of belief in a deity'
>Doesn't mean that you disavow you loyalty to a god
Is this because you can't disavow loyalty to something you don't believe exists?
Stop talking to people who claim atheism due to being in a religious family, user
The way she draws herself looks more like a long haired guy than a girl
It's juvenile, what, because you say so? Fuck off, user. He very clearly was kind of a fictional asshole.
dos it have a bad end?
Oh look it's the self insert fag
Ryona is patrician tier tho.
I like her comics.
>Character pretty obviously dies
>Gets well-written death scene that's a fitting conclusion to their character
>later turns out to be fine with little to no explanation
>tfw I did this but as a dude and reversed
>happily married 5 years
>took 8 years waiting for her to grow up
God age gap yuri is my drug
Vorefag here
Yuri is far more pure wtf are you on about
>falling for British propaganda
The SI wasn't that bad, they killed like an average of ten people a year
Read it yourself. There's some scenes, but it's mostly talking.
it's hentai for your heart. one layer of abstraction above generic naked asses interacting with each other
Jesus is actually a pretty good thing to have for the midpoint, since it's not a direct 'I'm being nice to you guys now', it's more an awkward 'h-hey I'm sending you this guy to talk, he's definitely not me or anything I still hate you'.
This was a good doujin
this manga is so weird haha
who even enjoys reading this hahaha
>Games that aren't pure repetitive slaughter suck.
>Games that are pure repetitive slaughter suck.
>Games suck.
>Best girl.
>Let's fight over that.
same reason why plenty of western villains are pagans
>Wanting some bitch to fuck a cute girl and not yourself.
>Call me a cuck.
In a way, I'm not surprised at all this became a trend. The Church has always had rotten apples working in the background and all manner of sick acts were done by blind people who either didn't know better or just wanted an excuse to kill someone they hated without charge (see: the witch hunts from medieval times). I bet a huge portion of them didn't even pray before going to sleep.
I'm also not surprised the "good demon/succubi" idea became a thing, but I've never really seen a game where Lucifer is the good guy (not an unwilling ally, like an actual good guy that won't backstab you since he is the Prince of Lies for a reason).
>it's more an awkward 'h-hey I'm sending you this guy to talk, he's definitely not me or anything I still hate you'.
Holy fucking shit, can we please not depict God as a tsundere anime girl?
>inb4 she dumps you for a chad and you dont even score
>Top left panel
Mitsuru? What are you doing here?
>being so far gone you think watching some random guy fucking a girl is the same as doing it yourself
The cuckest
I have no idea who red guy and green 'girl' are but at least the red guy looks like a proper adult version of his avatar while the green one is... a horrible outcome of an adult version. Is 'she' his mother or something? They can't possibly be the same age
Agnosticfag here, but I'll defend Milton to my dying breath. He literally intended Paradise Lost to be read non-ironically with Satan as bad guy to symbolize our problem with distinguishing Phenomena and Noumea. It was stupid fucking Enlightenment criticism that thought he was trying to make Satan into the hero. Despite the fact it was literally the fucking point that humans would confuse these sorts of things.
Plus he advocated for free speech and legal divorce WAAAAAY before it was okay. Dude was legit.
>sex scenes in video games
Name one (1) game where the actual scene isn't way fucking awkward and jarring.
Non-canon books and some other Gnostic lore believe Old Testament God was a fake God.
>Satan is actually an alien invader
>Church isn't even religious, they just specialised in White Magic
>Not wanting dumb anime versions of deities and/or religious idols
not raping her mom
i can't believe i'm still smirking every time i read it. i saw it hundred times, yet it never fails to make me laugh
There's literally hundreds of instances to choose from to show the Church's brutality, pretending one wasn't as bad as it was doesn't help
What's the appeal of yuri? If self-insert, you're a tranny, if you don't you're a cuck.
What are some videogames with two really good female friends?
Witcher 2 and 3?
Has this ever been done
>MC is a loner
>antagonist has the power of friendship
But user, God specifically created humans with free will so they could choose
most porn games.
>if you don't you're a cuck.
Not as much as straight porn
Sorry image didn't load.
That's specifically why I brought it up. Design isn't that interesting to me, but I'm still disappointed by Downpour, years later.
Silent Hills never ever ever.
Death Stranding when?
thats lucifer bro
And seeing some random bitch isn't because?
>implying I watch porn
OP here. Can we please stay on topic?
Do you have a fucking problem with that?
But you know, considering God knows all that happens, he knew man was going to be seduced to eat the fruit and gain knowledge. Whether or not this was to show that man can be independent and thus needs no more guidance, or just god being fucking jerk, I don't know.
Girls are cute
Girls kissing are cute
Therefore girls kissing girls is cute squared
>saving images of jobbers
Looks like Anthony Fantano with a wig.
The gang rape scene in dark souls.
When the fat guy and the skinny guy double team your ass.
It was pretty tastefully done for such a brutal rape.
I want to BE a hot girl having sex with another hot girl
>Literal Rocket Scientist
>Face like a tweeting bird
You'd be mad not to smash that if you could.
It's juvenile because it's fucking obvious to literally anyone that has ever read any part of the Bible, ever.
I don't know, I don't go full retard and self insert
Only women and faggots like cute.
>tfw Pascal the dog is not here
Sauce me.
>A Bro
Depending on your reading old School Satan was either those kids they hire to buy cigarettes from conveince stores to catch them selling cigs to minors or worse Mr Akashi from YuYu Hakasho and is just trying to tempt and trip up humanity because he thinks we're all shits.
Except christfags.
kinda creepy desu
t. virgin
Seriously. Started Witcher 2, and it was all BOOBS'N'SHIT and I just sat there and waited for it to end. I didn't come here for titties, goddammit.
Cuteness is justice
Basically if Mimika's and Yozumori's age were reversed.
What does you being a virgin have to do with anything?
While I largely agree with that assessment I would like to point out that the Jews were really really bitchy when god was taking them out of egypt and to the promise land, and that though he did destroy sodom and gommoragh that one guy did initially manage to talk him down to sparing the city if he found one dude who wasn't a prick. Who could've known that angels don't have a rape fetish?
wasnt there one who the younger girl said something like "i'm gonna marry you, when i grow up"?
He would know about creepiness.
She wanted to get married first. I just made the dreams of a young girl come true.
>this is your brain on anime
t. history brainlet
seriously, you sound like an absolute retard. if the inquisition is all you can come up with
>dual yuri/theism thread
WhAt ThE fUcK iS gOiNg On?
>Insults your musical preference while you fuck
>When you're done, recommends artists you've never heard of based on your favourite genre
Well if you look at the OP, it's clearly what he asked for
Where the fuck do you think fire-and-brimstone types come from? What the fuck do you think the Westboro Baptist Church is?
Dumb fucking teenager. Hope you have fun at school tomorrow, being a socially awkward outcast that's so insufferably smarter than everyone around you.
Yes, look through the thread.
I'm none of those though. Maybe I don't watch enough anime.
Don't forget history, sort of.
God blesses all Yuris. Innocent cute couples to be claimed during the future Far Eastern crusades as concubines.
Prime time Cred Forums at it's best
>panels read right to left
>comic reads left to right
Well I usually think of all the knowledge the Catholic Church repressed when I think of how evil they are, as in the long run the lack of scientific progress probably lead to millions of preventable deaths, far more than the church killed personally (which, don't fool yourself, was a fucking lot)
>yuri goggles
Didn't that show actually have a canonical incestual lesbian relationship? Don't think you need to look into what isn't there when that actually was.
Isn't the whole point of porn a fantasy that you can project into, also a thing I noticed from yuri material is that there's alot of cheating, cucking and raping examples being OP pic while majority of straight anime and manga have very vanilla romace in it. Said alot about the consumer of both.
Well if /u/ is to be trusted half the girls in catholic schools are dykes
google search isnt delivering, would you be so kind and give a source?
where can I buy this
Boys should love girls and girls should love girls because it makes boys love girls more.
Give me 5 reasons this is not degenerate faggotry.
>Not showing chad on the couch
I swear I read somewhere that in Iran it was acceptable and commonplace for men to have boyfriends until they were 18 because they weren't allowed to be with girls until they were married? At least in the 70's? I can't remember.
Jupiter and Saturn, but Jupiter is staring at Mercury's butt/genitals there. So she was basically the lesbian, while Saturn was the obvious dyke. The goggles applied mainly to Venus + Moon, Pluto and Chibi-Moon and Mars + Moon (I think, long time).
Have you considered anal?
I dated a purity girl once and she was fucking nasty. Let me do the other holes in any order I wanted
What anime is this even from? I assume the dog kills the girl.
>a lot of cheating, cucking and raping
>mostly vanilla
But Miku you already love a man
>Does God have the single most influential redemption arc in human history?
actually I think Mormons believe that the god of the old testament is Jesus, and he's an asshole because he has no real knowledge of mortal life
once he lives as a mortal in the new testament he starts to teach about love and forgiveness and stuff like that
>boys should love boys
It's likely just the same situation as female prison. Women cannot exist without a pecking order to fight over so they will pretty much all turn gay if the environment demands it ie no men.
http sauce nao jesus christ iqdb button is right there
>Isn't the whole point of porn a fantasy that you can project into
>also a thing I noticed from yuri material is that there's alot of cheating, cucking and raping examples being OP pic
I don't see any cheating, cucking or raping in op's pic and ntr shit is mostly straight
But the manga doesn't have the cute Yuzu noises.
>Tfw no dual concubine christ-chan waifus, because sex before marriage is a sin
Well prison gays and prison dykes are a thing
Just tends to happen when there's only one kind of ass to get for prolonged periods of time
If /u/ is to be trusted then half of all girls and young women are dykes and all the rest are lezzies in denial.
She´s got 3 holes. God only cares about 1.
t. Went to Catholic school.
you're clearly using
in a relative context and then you mention the inquisition (it killed barely anyone, was in a remote region of europe, and didn't last long) which pales in comparison with so many other things in history. I can understand
>bad at times
>which, don't full yourself, was a fucking lot
I'd enjoy a good estimate as to how many people you think the church has personally killed?
>previous antagonist joins party
>stats de-level
>completely crush enemy in game
>they win in the cutscene
>time travel
Read the thread, I already provided it. It has a few scenes, top. Just CTRL + F exhentai to find it.
Full Metal Alchemist. Her dad basically hates her for not being a good enough daughter, so merges her with the pet dog.
>God creates humans to be boring and knowledge-less
Wrong. They had knowledge, just not knowledge of Good and Evil.
>Satan gets them wisdom
Wrong. Satan does not appear in the Garden of Eden story, and barely appears in the Hebrew Bible at all. Christfags read him back into the Hebrew Bible because they were desperate to prove to the other Jews (remembering that the original Christfags were Jews) that their shit was true and that the Hebrew Bible predicted it all.
>thrive to this day
We clearly aren't thriving at all, compared to living in literal paradise. We suffer, age, and die.
>want to do great thing and meet God and/or his friends
Wrong. They wanted to "make a name for themselves", which can be understood as desiring to become as God.
Read a book nigga.
He's right tho.
What in the everloving fuck is going on with that foot
somebody already posted the exhentai link in this thread you turdburglar
its mostly her glasses
>tfw get rock hard at the thought of being the lone shota boy in a dyke catholic school
>they would all bully me
>the alpha girl would force her beta gf to do things to me
This has gone too far.
I'd rather be a soy"cuck" than watching some random dude's ass fucking a random bitch.
I put cuck in exclamation marks, because it is you who allows some random guy fuck "his" girl and no amount of self insert will magically change the fact that the guy is still not you.
>implying girls need any more love
If God is benevolent, why does he allow the existence of hell, a place where billions of souls will suffer for eternity?
And to think people always complain about /u/ being just girl holding hands
is she even a virgin?
Let's disregard that the Tokugawa regime outlawed Christianity under death penalty. They must have killed tens of thousands over the years.
Because the latter has a boyfriend (female).
Hell exists not to punish sinners, but so that nobody will sin
Cute yuri girls need all the love in the world.
lesbianism is a disease
too many chocolates
Why does it say -3 for age?
Is this a fan tribute to brown lesbian couple or did the original artist have a stroke and now the art is 50x worse than before
consequence of free will. you can't have free will and no possibilities to do evil, but you have to be punished for evil deeds
>Miku canonically sees Hibiki as her boyfriend (female)
Because he has good taste. DG3 was a fucking travesity of a game. Shit writing, shitty casualised combat, quest marks all over the place, not to mention cut content put in the dlc and all those bugs. DG2 is the patrician's choice.
They already get the most love of any other group.
>bamco funding season 5 and already selling merch
Game soon.
I am talking about anime not ova or doujin I myself have a bone to pick with those, the anime in OP pics is Citrus which boils down to lesbian incestual rape, while the first confirmed anime about NTR was Netsuzou Trap a yuri anime.
what is this?
looks cute
It's his
Maybe it was just a rushjob
Her comics used to be cute and simple, now everything has a fuckin political undertone
>in Iran
not just in Iran, most of the middle east has a pretty big catamite culture.
"boys are for pleasure, women are for marriage" is kind of their thing over there.
Back in the days we called it "pulling a Neo Tokyo"
wtf. I love furries now.
>the Satanic magician is the good guy
Fucking when.
Wait, wait. They look cute
>Isn't the whole point of porn a fantasy that you can project into
What is it then? If you're not self-inserting as one of the participants, you're "self-inserting" as a spectator.
>the anime in OP pics is Citrus
Stop posting about things you know nothing about
So, it's not considered gay? Is it still a thing?
Is it cheating if its her edgy AU version?
>you're "self-inserting"
But i don't, that's the whole point you fucking retard
she's one of those "I can't even" white girls who nearly killed herself after the election, it was fucking hilarious
Pokemon sun and moon if you play as a girl
>mixing pixel and non
disgusting image
I know what you mean, it was disappointing to see that such a pretty girl was a fucking racist piece of shit.
I used quotes for a reason. You're doing the equivalent of watching two people have sex from outside their window.
I used to do it too.
>have a crush on a girl i work with
>on st. valentine's day tell her she's the most beautiful woman i have ever seen
>she just said thanks, it was super awkward
>then yesterday she gave me a napkin folded into a rose
>she tucked it into the front of my shirt
>she stood really close when she did it, close enough i could smell her hair
what game lets me better understand the mindset of a woman?
Yoooo what happened to my man, the skin tone has no depth now. Wtf.
The fact that God is so OOC in the New Testament, is why some Jews doubt the Messiah status of Jesus.
>the anime in OP pics is Citrus
Not even close.
>which boils down to lesbian incestual rape
I gave up reading Citrus about 5 chapters in because it was like telenovela shit, but the girls are sister-in-laws. That's barely incestuous.
I'm not going to argue anything about NTR because it's shit and I've never wanted to look at it. I don't care for Citrus either. They're both drama shit, don't act like het dramas don't have similar nonsense in them.
I love how Cred Forums is desperate to call people 'cucks' or 'gay' or 'trannies' for fucking 2D fetishes. It's almost like they want them to be cause it's their fetish to tell people they are.
i can't get how people like the same "BUT LE FORBIDDEN LOVE" anime #1236548756
>got really excited for show when I heard/read this
>turns out it's step-sister bullshit
My mistake there was another thread about that piece of trash I was in, also didn't Kannazuki no Miko have cucking in it too, seriously what with yuri anime and cucking.
It was definitely still a thing in Afghanistan when I was over there. Apparently it's not truly gay if you're just fucking a young chai boy, and "devout" muslims allow it.
They'll put them in makeup and everything, it was weird as fuck to see. We had orders not to stop it but there were plenty of fights that broke out because Americans would obviously think it was child abuse.
Sometimes I wish the USSR had leveled that country to the ground or crushed them to the point of secularization
None. But if I were you I'd just ask her out already.
Ok fuckers let's try this one more time
PLEASE stay on topic this time
She left because she was embarrassed by the sudden compliment.
>it's a "Cred Forums missclicks into /u/" episode
im just gonna assume you are one of those retard that thinks a girl looking your way is her wanting to fuck you
she said thanks
talk to her some more
>Look up the Spanish Inquisition my dude
>reconcile thousands
>kill an average of like 3-10 people a year
In case you forgot, the spanish in the middle ages were in a war against invading muslims that lasted like 800 years or something. That does a lot to your psyche, especially when one of the biggest differences is your religion. IIRC they had some rule where you had to prove you weren't arab or north african otherwise you would be forcefully expelled
The church was the cornerstone snd moral/spiritual center of every community, acting as the earliest forms of hospitals and schools. Games and movies like to make them the good guy on paper but secretly the bad guy because they're unoriginal hacks that can't write a decent twist to save their life, that's all it is
Please stop posting that webm.
I hate yuri, but I really like this artist
>They wanted to "make a name for themselves"
So the sole reason God got mad was that they got too close to him? That's even worse
I'm not reading an entire library of disconnected stories from multiple authors just so I can shitpost in more detail m8
>I hate yuri
I wouldn't call it my fetish but I don't hate it
>being this mad over some dude's opinion about god
I don't know whether you're delusional or downright retarded and I don't know which is worse
Won't show up in searches then. Shame.
Yuri is fucking shit, m8. Yurifags are delusional
That's pretty much what porn is and no amount of pretending you're the guy will change that
yuri is cute as fuck, i don't understand people who dislike it
She already has a boyfriend.
the jews wanted a conqueror to destroy their enemies, not some peaceful, loving, chill philosopher
the conqueror part doesn't happen until the second coming, hopefully they convert when they see him then
You first b/u/llshit enabler.
Tracks with a 'dark' tone always work well in this subgenre
Waifufags who thinks it's stealing their girls
Because it brings up repressed shit
I love those episodes.
But I'm a /u/fag and I hate Shitrus, its a fucking telenovela
How often is the Church the good guy anyway?
Neutral doesn't count as good.
Frankly, I think that would subvert my expectations at this point.
I guess it was good in DQ IX because you're an angel... who goes to punch god in the dick?
you look like someone who would be able to give me a name of this one hentai where there was a girl who found boy's porn stash and it was full of fit sports girls, and then they awkwardly fucked because she was kind of a girl he fantasized about
it was overhelmingly wholesome
Jesus Christ, user.
The seventh volume of the Kagerou Daze manga.
>muscle girl with fat tits but it yuri
getting real tired of this
>completely crush enemy in game
>they win in the cutscene
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is full of this, when will this shit stop, we are in 2018 for fucks sake
>it's cold in space
>cars blow up when they catch fire
>lawyers are bad people
>you can stand next to lava and be fine.
Shit, I think I know exactly what you are talking about. Was there one panel where his mind is filled with the scent of fit girls or something?
>tons of cute clothes
>they take them off immediately
mildly bothered
If I'm supposed to lose I want the enemy to be OP, and if I win when I'm supposed to lose, I want recognition for it.
But it's just pictures man, what the fuck.
one girl is cute
two girls are even cuter
Buddha-chan is mai waifu
I can understand people hating most yuri works; it's a genre that really really REALLY hates breaking the mold in a medium that is already notorious for being derivative as fuck, and that mold is really fucking bland and can't even rouse the most battle-hardened dyke to give a singular fuck.
There's also the subgroup of men who just hate it because they can't self-insert into it, which is fucking stupid when there's so many VALID reasons to not like most of it.
Ultimately yes, but your own perception of things is pretty important in how you live them.
Also, I'm not pretending to be the guy, I'm pretending it's me instead of the guy.
yes, exactly this one
He has straight doujins too that will never ever get translated
Look up mamluks my dude. Western religions aren't bad compared to middle eastern ones.
See also attached image.
You fucked up.
Iran allows you to be a tranny, because for some absurd reasons it is not connected to homosexuality, which IS bad and will get you hanged.
Homura Subaru is a blessing
what is this type of fetish called?
son of a bitch, i tought i forgot about that
>out of all the webms you had to post this one
Soap club something. Just search soap yuri and incest.
I mean I agree I guess, most yuri manga is trash.
But yuri pictures are qt
>thing I want
>never ever get translated
I feel like there's stiill huge potential growth in the yuri field because it's absolutely mold driven. A breakout work could really take over.
>Isn't the whole point of porn a fantasy that you can project into
Only with the current generation.
If this was true boards like /s/ wouldn't exist
It usually bothers me, but I forgive them this time because this artist draws tons of lesbian nipple play an I love that shit.
We don't deserve someone who creates such beauty.
I bet you pretend your gf fuck you when she's visiting the nigger next door faggot
how do you fuck up Legend of Mana that badly?
Didn't know that. Pretty interesting.
So you can fuck a dude as a dude until you get married cause it's not gay either? But if you refuse to get married and get a girl, you're then thrown off a roof?
i figured.
>thread about video game tropes devolved into discussions about religion and pedoposting
Fucking why
I swear leo was so fucking useless, edward on the other hand is a beast
Is she a religious nutbag or something? That or shes just leading you on. People dont do that shit anymore. You dont fuckin buy a car without a test drive
While you just watch from Jamal's window.
>A branch of church created to protect the country from Muslim invasion after Muslims tried to destroy Spain for hundreds of years
Ye, i bet crusades were evil too? Those poor Muslim just trying to rape murder and kill every non believer were the real victims.
Fucking Jewish propaganda, we need another holy inquisition today.
I'm not self-inserting as anyone, since I don't have a personality disorder.
Fucking what?
stop being such a pussy whipped faggot just because shit doesn't go like you wants all the tiem
holy shit
like actually seriously
That won't stop her.
If you're serious about discussing my topic, come to the other thread
If you're just gonna spam yuri, then stay here and do not touch my other thread.
>empire ANYTHING
>they are based on prussia or nazi germany and they not only are painted as bad guys but get the short end of the stick
>republic ANYTHING
>starting town/area that is for poor people that never make it far either suffers from the war passing or everyone on the middle is corrupted as fuck
>rebels anything
>they are always the good guys that never run out of funds and never do anything until you meet them
Leonardo is great too, but he can get screwed by Edward rather easily.
Tell me this shit isn't pedoposting.
>Game gets harder as you progress
>This gives off the impression that the enemy's morale, numbers, and resources continue to increase despite your repeated success.
ayyy he doesn't look so bad and OH HOLY FUCK
I'm not a cuck though
these edits are funny, more
The first step is not defining itself as a yuri work. Most yuri stuff has to establish pretty quickly that it's yuri, otherwise the intended audience loses interest, so it ends up feeling rushed, hamfisted, and lacks any sort of impact.
Exactly, you're just watching from the outside.
Also, if you think being able to self insert is a personality disorder, I've got bad news for you, your autism is more severe than your parents thought.
this thread is glorifying child grooming.
Fuck you man, you don't know about all the shit I'm going through
Also needs more numbers if you're trying to emulate chief
[Mado] Kinkyorirenai | Abs-solutely Close-Range Love
hell yeah, found it
What happened, user?
As someone who was a teacher in one of those, this is totally not true.
The amount of boy and cocklust in that environment is pretty high and considering how girls change their behaviour if boys are absent this behaviour is amped up to 11.
If you want to lose any illusions considering girls, work in that institution for a while.
It isn't. It's an anime and they're not kissing, the brown one has to suck mana out of a magical person to literally live. That's why it's the way it is. It's not nice for the magic person. It's also 2D.
Is it?
oh that's a good one.
blue shirt and yellow shirt seem pretty correct to me
I'm really curious about what sort of porn you watch.
>no matter how low you get at least you'll never be as retarded as a self insert fag
>they are always the good guys that never run out of funds and never do anything until you meet them
Clearly they were saving up their funds until they met the protagonist.
Damn it. I literally just found it again
i wanna play both heroines
>Is it?
All the images of little kids growing up wanting to marry an adult and the people in this thread supporting it?
>in most JRPGs the church is evil
Arent they sisters?
no u
no u
Of course the church is the bad guy. Is the magical evil overlord had any sense, the first thing they'd try to take over is either the government, the church or both.
Besides, a lot of the time, it's not even the church itself that's evil, just a certain member of it.
So you watch porn and... what?
god I wish that were me
Fuck yeah i worded it wrong i mean.
>they were rebels since a long time
>never have troubles nor they advance at all
It's always yuri
same person
only one dies if she doesn't sex
So youre telling me a catholic all girls school is a institute ready to be made into delicious concubines?
We call them the Kneehawks now.
>Rebels are the good guys
>They invade the evil church's cathedral to free people brainwashed by the satanic church
>The leader's assistant is captured
>He run's to save her
>They both die and the rest of the rebels run away
>So you watch porn and... what?
literally gay pedophilia
I watched a bit of Sakura Trick a couple of months ago and those lesbians are loud, he wasn't wrong
No wonder my female Catholic friend is such a fucking degenerate
If her glasses were square, it would be a pretty close match. That camera angle isn't doing her any favors.
You can't get lower than a soyc/u/ck though.
>taking /u/ seriously
There's a reason why the terms 'spitting distance' and 'yuri goggles' exist.
In Jewish theology, they are banished from the Holy Lands and forced to live under foreign rule until the Messiah returns as a punishment of God.
The Messiah thing didn't happen, the state of Israel on itself is blasphemy, since it goes against direct orders of YHWH
Japan is a stifled as fuck nation where the cultural ideal is devoting your life and soul to being an identity-less cog in the machine. Lots of Japanese media for teens and young people, like anime and video games, like to rebel against that scary reality and paint a false escapism for the target audience that values inner power, individualism, expression, and friendship. The church is an institution that, by nature, seeks to conform as many as possible under one belief, and change the way they think and feel to be more in line with their message. So in role-playing games that seek to whisk the player away to another world and let them live out a power fantasy where they go killing all that is evil, it's a natural extension to make the church out as an evil force that seeks to shackle all free will. At least that's my guess, but I don't live in Japan and create this media, I just consume some of it.
Also these
by your standards, pretty much every single organisation throughout history that ever held any significant amount of power qualifies as "pretty fucking evil"
is Larry dead? I haven't seen him in the comment section in ages.
Just go to any waifu thread
She is a real girl and younger than him, she is also his girlfriend
This one may need a bit of Photoshop.
But that's Secret of Mana.
How can you be such a fucking newfag to not know anything about FMA or DBZ, jesus christ. Go back to facebook.
It's all the sexual repression that's in the catholic culture.
you can't just post master shake. Theres so many things he could possibly say
>Western religions aren't bad compared to middle eastern ones.
Nigger, Christianity came from the Middle East, are you retarded? Everyone in this thread fucking pisses me off when talk about things they don't know about
I've been banned for posting it. I've been eating snacks and drinking all day and it's too far to go reset my modem for me so I don't feel like getting banned. You know what Shake said.
I mean, seriously though, how often is this actually the case? Out of the few settings in which the Church has significant presence, I feel like it's not even that common for them to turn out to be evil.
It didn't stay there, that's the point.
Grow up.
I know the fusion dance is from DBZ you Cred Forumsutist and I've heard of FMA but I've never watched FMA and I have never been interested in watching it. I'm sorry I hurt your precious feelings because I don't care about your favourite anime.
>I've been banned for posting it.
i doubt it
Guru Larry's is rather Disney, but really not a stretch besides.
At least a waifu fag don't want to see his waifu getting fucked by some dyke while calling it cute or hot.
>Middle east
there's a difference between where a story takes place, and what country the writers are from
Someone post that greentext about the kid in school surrounded by lesbians who's mad because they're constantly going at it.
I cannot find it for the life of me.
I remember it. It's cute as hell.
Are anti-yurifags the most butthurt people in the universe? I've never seen a group of people so adamantly hate a common fetish.