Is this shit playable on non-supercomputers yet? Last I checked they were only making $30,000 a month to optimize a single game
Is this shit playable on non-supercomputers yet? Last I checked they were only making $30...
>Just buy a gpu lol
>You don't need a supercomputer lol
>Just download the right build for the game you want lol
>The glitches and fuckups are a feature lol
>Nobody cares about the other part of the wii u library, it just hasn't been ported yet lol
>They'll fix it soon don't worry bakero lol
Get a Wii U or a Switch. Wii U if you don't have a Wii but have a spare hard drive or two. This emulator isn't worth the space it uses.
Ignore this guy, he's a butthurt nintendrony
What kind of CPU are you rocking?
Ignore this guy, he's from /emugen/.
>an i5 can now get almost locked 60fps
>it still uses more than 8GB of RAM, you can pagefile if you want to though
>it highly prefers Nvidia GPU's
Zelda works at 30fps on my potato, haven't tried anything else
this is in Zelda by the way
with the hacks you can get it to 60fps in the overworld and like 45fps in the villages
only tried tropical freeze. on old 965be it was playable on certain versions of cemu, but the game wasn't very good.
i7 2600k
I got some fps fix thing that got me up to 30fps after the mutli core update
yeah but you can set it up even better than that
to be fair, a WiiU wouldent be worth the space it takes up either user. Hows your hurt butt??
Yes as long as you don't have amd you're good.
>tfw 5fps in botw with amd gpu
I thought emulation has little to do with GPU why is it so bad for AMD.
Opencl drivers are uter shit.
does CEMU do opencl/cuda shit??
WTF that guy in the Switch thread said he played BotW at 4k 60fps on a toaster. Was he lying???
CEMU is a joke, the compatibility is extremely low. All they're doing is optimizing BOTW, which is a fucking shit game anyway but the internet won't stop sucking its dick.
no because an i5 or ryzen 5 is enough for that shit, paired with like a 1050ti