Steam profiles were a mistake

Steam profiles were a mistake.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Don't read my lower bio if you know me personally
If I knew this person in real life, I would stop knowing him after reading that lower bio
>I wish i was a girl, but, m a boy
It's like poetry

It's a necessary evil. I make money off these chumps by selling nonsense digital cards.

Found the profile
I just had to read the rest of the bio.

>I like thinking about thoughts

>those comments

The background is cute. I wouldn't use it because I don't have massive emotional issues like the dude seems to have, but it's still cute.

Every time

>there's a Cred Forums steam group with 55k members
Fuck this place.

everyone here is lonely and autistic
especially the shitskins

Honestly this is why mentally ill people should not have access to the internet. It's bad for them.

post your avatar.

>added three Cred Forums people on steam
>all three have tried to erp within two weeks
>one of them tried to do it one day after the only time we ever played a game together


Literally everyone is mentally ill

This one isn't that bad, compared to all the self important furry fucks.

>"Don't add me unless you talk to me every day"
>"don't expect me to talk first ever", "I will remove you if you don't remember my birthday and say happy birthday to me"
>"don't message me if I am listed as Away or Busy".

What is is with those people and erp? I honestly don't get it.

Keep telling yourself that.

Maybe it's all the time you spend edging but it's a pretty good fap.

Is it time?



Sure, but some people are more mentally ill than others.
Someone who lists several mental illness on a steam profile clearly isn't right in the head.

>i really like philosophy



makes sense


>transgendered community on steam

All this is just shit dumbass teenagers do to feel special

I really hope you don't actually read the shit that pic is from.

Steam profiles were a gift

I know, now that I think about it, I used to do it as well

Goddamn, fuck being 14

In that case... Person in OP pic, if you can read this, your profile is so pretty! I bet you would make a pretty girl too! You should buy more cards so you can be even prettier!

Na I just liked the cap


how come so many autists like shoegaze?
am I an autist for liking it?





Why do you guys keep posting this? It's really not cool. I'm thinking of privating my profile just because of this.

no it's a great genre, it just attracts a lot of pitiful tfw no retards for some reason


do it
this is a direct consequence of you being a massive faggot on the internet

prove it's actually you









Please don't. Buy more cards and craft some badges, qt. I'm a few cents away from getting a game I want- I mean you're so girly and cute.




Lol ur momgay
Nah but seriously, get some help

I know that feel. Nothing beats the thrill of not spending a single cent of your own money on Steam games.


>jim sterling group

>2 elfen lied groups


>jim sterling group

Wow, it's actually the worse thing ever.

So Cred Forums, what mental illness you got?
Diagnosed schizophrenia here

This guy is a fucking pedo.

Jesus fuck
Why do so many attention whores want to have autism? It's pathetic

>you've got child bearing hips


>mentally ill tranny
>in the steam Cred Forums group

>tfw my groups used to be like this because shitters would always send invites and i just accepted
i didnt realize how cancerous that shit is, goddamn
good that i cleaned up

Not surprised


>im a pretty girl

Avoidant personality disorder. Until a few years ago I wouldn't even post in case I got shit on and felt compelled to close and hide the thread

>Cred Forums
>jim sterling
>"im super awkward and very depresed..."

Serious question - does anyone really give a shit? I fire up Steam and click on the game I want to play. I have my mates in my friends list, and that's it. I don't really go around looking for random Steam accounts to check on...


There is nothing wrong with being trans. It is NOT a mental illness. Stop repretuating this false stereotype.

>it's always a weeb faggot or a furry faggot with a whole fucking bible about themselves in their profile
is it really that fucking hard to not be this autistic? holy shit. I have three things in my profile info; a quote, my specs, and three lyrics from three different songs. Am I autistic? Hopefully not, but holy fuck I'm glad I'm not as autistic enough to have a "function stack" and details about self-harm on my profile


Oh no no no

If you're cute it's fine. If you're ugly you're mentally ill.

R8, h8, and toler8

>a quote
>three lyrics from three different songs
Either autistic or a total normalfag

that's still pretty bad and you deserve to be bullied, but you get a pass for now because you pale in comparison

Not that user, but gender dysphoria is a mental illness user, and gender dysphoria is what makes someone trans. (if I understand correctly)



over 100k on facebook



>>a quote
JFK quote
>>three lyrics from three different songs
Two japanese rock songs and a korean song

>mentally ill tranny
>soaking wet water

this must be a joke


>loli lovers anonymous
>public group


>dingo rinpa
>over 500 screenshots
it ok

It literally is unless if you do it purely for attention, but that's indicative of other mental problems

>I like video games.

Definitely autistic

fug :DD

It is not a mental illness, no matter how much you transphobes try to say it is.

10/10, it only gets worse from here

Bipolar disorder and autism
When I finally got meds to balance the bipolar it was the best day of my life

>having anything written in your profile
>joining any groups or making friends with randoms on Steam
>not just playing with your irl friends who already know who you are and thus don't need an introduction

>No information given.
Is the best.

What is gender dysphoria then user?



you mean 3
add me up losers


This. The only interaction I have with these people is selling them their stupid cards.

He should kill himself..

t. Got bullied by a cute girl that was in love with you in High School but was to dumb to realize

Quality post.

Dysphoria would be legitimately thinking you're the opposite gender on the outside instead of just the inside

but you don't play videogames

this profile makes me cringe and i aint even done anything in it

>looking back at your Steam profile comments
>it's a graveyard of old friends turned private accounts and trannies

I miss you, Dennis

>it's not a mental illness, but a mental disorder

add me up loser

this is the only correct way to go.

>"Worthless piece of trash"
>proceeds to write a fucking essay autobiography
Meanwhile I feel like I'm taking up too much of other peoples time by writing more than a single line on my bio.

Shut the fuck up nigger. I almost got expelled.

I'd really rather not


rate me senpai

I used to think this until I watched the last AGDQ. Never again

2 sentences max, nothing quirky

add me up loser

Steam is literally normalfag tranny central

