>game has a brown girl
>she's the best girl
every time
>game has a brown girl
>she's the best girl
every time
>like brown girls in games
>like brown girls in real life
>go to Cred Forums
i just want to date a cute black girl bros
Why is she flashing her armpit pussy?
Every time indeed.
Brown girls are inherently sluts
"Brown girls" aren't black. The ones depicted in Cred Forums threads are always 2D brown, resembling tanned white girls or mixed girls at best.
Here comes la bestia...
>background is a whirlpool of poo
it doesnt matter. they call them niggers anyways
>best girl
Wrong, SuMo was filled with better girls.
I want to fill those better girls.
>game has dark skinned girl
>she gets white-washed in the sequel
>black girl bros
You want to date what?
>the armpits ITT
I want to mate with a South American or an Arabic woman and there's is nothing Cred Forumsdditors can do to stop me.
I got you the first time, though cute black trannies may be hard to find.
>South American
Sure, power to you, have at it. Probably better than the women you'll find in the US anyway.
Stop right there, criminal scum.
You can't protect your women forever, Abdul Abdullah.
they're brown asian girls, moron. Literally Okinawans.
Black = Monkey with human rights
Brown = Human but brown
get your facts right.
>Not a swirl of sweet sweet chocolate.
Well SuMo takes place in fantasy hawaii, so the girl in the OP is definitely not japanese.
>best girl
you retarded? Hawaii is 99% asian with a large chunk of them being japanese.
There's a lot of japanese people there because it's nearby but come on, user.
May as well be a boy. It's almost if you like traps.
>We've gone from calling everyone niggers to calling everyone niggers and thinking we actually hate niggers
Fucking nigger hating nigger
Can we talk about how good Mallow's color balance is?
>definitely not japanese.
>wojack posters
>best girl
ayy lmao
Any good recent anime with cute girl who gets wet for her senpai?
japanese are only a minority there. actual ethnic hawaiians are basically brown asians.
I wish there was a cute girl who clearly liked me but acted like she didn't.
this applies to dangan ronpa too yes including akane
Why Americans like brown girls so much?
You wouldn't like them if they were all you see everyday
>that body
Uh, yeah. That's why it's exotic.
is this current gen pokemon? all the girls are wearing flip flops? fucking gotta get sun and moon
> old hag used goods
not pic related unless you're into getting cucked
once again, not quite pic related.
Why would you post this? You know what's going to happen now. Fuck you.
When was the last time you saw a trap with sukumizu_under_clothes, faggot?
That's what I thought.
Stop spreading lies you poophead
Tanned/Okinawan complexions are what nips mean, not your shitty mudslimes.
can you imagine, that theres people out there who don't think Lana is the best?
i'm not even sure they're people to begin with
I want to drink a Cappacirno.
I can’t speak for other anons but brown girls are sexy because they are exotic. Like I dont like black girls nor find them sexy but brown girls make me crazy.
Not all brown girls are Mexican.
Nagatoro is pure. Cease those preposterous allegations.
I don't understand guys who are into black chicks, because frankly they might as well be another species
South Americans and asians though seem very exotic
you jest
Nagatoro would have a heart attack if she saw senpai with someone else
Brown ain't black
if you want IRL brown get a naturally tanned gf from a land closer to the equator line that is not africa
>b-but I don't want a south american or SEA monkey gf
Then go to okinawa and fuck that brown jap pussy
Have you guys ever fucked a girl's armpit?
I can’t either. A good friend of mine that was black even hated black girls. They are just the nastiest and vile yet think they are queens or some shit. Still they could still love them and it wouldn’t change my mind about breeding some brown goddess.
no, but I fucked a girl's sternum once
pretty good
So wait...you titfucked a flat chest? Not that I’m against it just wondering how that works.
I thought this thing was a boy at first
I don't remember a single new pokemon design from S&M. The waifu designs, on the other hand, are better than ever.
South Americans are fine (except Peru)
Mexicans and Central Americans are shit tier
I rubbed my dick against her sternum. You can do that against pretty much every part of a girl's body. Stomach, armpit, back of the knee, etc.
Metroidvania starring Bullet when?
are any pokemon games after gen 3 even worth playing? ive heard B/W are ok
>best girl
>best girl
lmao no
I haven't played the game yet but damn she got nice doujins
Mimikyu, angry fucking toucan, Hugbear, Donald Trump mongoose, waifu roach, swole mosquito, mascot dog, big horse, fairy guardians.
>tanned white girls
The MAJORITY of white girls are ugly, tanned or untanned.
Depends. If you're not invested in the series then probably not, since they're pretty much the same game over and over. Might as well just play the old games if all you're looking for is that nostalgia blast.
I for one never include black women when I talk about brown girls. Facial structure and hair texture is just terrible. Take a white or brown girls and slap black skin on her and I would be fine. Shame the skin pigmentation comes with too many strings attached.
None of those are better and Chicken is one of the worst player characters ever.
oh shit i forgot about HG/SS. perfect. thanks anons
Having played the original blue when I was young and ultra sun just recently, both to completion. Nothing has really changed in the 20 or so years other than most monsters now have dual elements and you have to cheat in best pokemon hitmonchan.
>Pacific Islanders are brown asians
BW is one of the best entries in the franchise. Everything after BW2 ranges from mediocre to terrible.
>playing bw2 without playing bw
you'd have an even worse experience than just playing bw, which is already a pretty bad experience
Most black girls are either ghetto rats or overly serious wannabe commies
The few that don't fall into those stereotypes tend to be decent people
You realize most indigenous people anywhere near the pacific are Asiatic, right?
play xy if you want to get overwhelmed with pokémon you didn't know existed, it has the largest regional dex out of any pokemon game so you can have fun running into new things at every corner and really narrow your team down to using what you like. Otherwise no, it's just the same babymode evil team takes over the world plot every game.
If you're going to play the whole series play these
>FireRed or LeafGreen
>HeartGold or SoulSilver
>Black or White
>Black 2 with hard mode
And then stop.
>can you imagine, that theres people out there who don't think Lana is the best?
outside of that one trial, you really don't interact with her that much
Tried Indian chicks?
same goes for white girls.
if you see them everyday, they get super annoying.
Tbh platinum is pretty good too. My 3rd or 4th favorite.
la creatura...
>semd pendis open ballzac
B/W is the only pokemon game I enjoyed after gen 2. Gen 4 and 6 are irredeemable trash. 7 would be fun if GF didn't constantly interrupt their own game with shit cutscenes, frame drops, and loading zones.
> Tamagoro
t. congolombian
>A good friend of mine that was black even hated black girls
This is pretty much me. I'm black and the last race I would find attractive would be my own. Save for maybe natives. Still there's always the very rare exceptions for any race.
>best girl
don't make me laugh
>irredeemable trash
There's always that one underage angsty faggot.
Care to explain what elevates BW2 so high?
HG/SS suffer from gen 4 syndrome hard if you ask me. You're better off playing Crystal.
Black & White and their sequel BW2 are great though.
It has everything
I know /vp/ is tolerant towards the underaged but stay in your containment board
>people trying to shit up threads about brown girls
There is a special place in hell for you fags.
Now could you explain it in terms someone who hasn't played a Pokemon since FR LG would understand?
It's some strange circlejerk that Cred Forums and /vp/ has, never understood the fascination with that game myself.
>game comes out
>Caters to my cute girls with nice visable pits fetish
I'm starting to feel really perverted
>I want to mate with a South American
If you say so...
Lots of content, good spread of old and new Pokémon throughout the game, gen 4 and 5 have the best soundtracks, Rosa.
It is indeed strange how a good game is appreciated rather than endless nostalgia for gen 1.
Are Arabic women that aren't Muslim rare, because Islam is a boner killer for me...
It's the same polished turd syndrome you had with D/P vs Platinum. BW was such garbage that the improved BW2 look great by comparison.
>so obsessed with cuckoldry that you have to tell lies on an Inuit whale carving image board
I've never understood this shit. Even stepping on a tiny piece of glass hurts like fuck. Now imagine stepping on a building and getting entire windows stuck in your foot.
No memes, Indian chicks reek of curry, and are usually hairy and ugly
I want to marry and impregnate Hilda
>BW was such garbage
If I prefer Hilda, is BW1 still as good?
Your taste is clearly worse so the worse game will suit you.
>decently sized region with a lot of new areas post game
>about 300 pokemon in the national dex
>has a hard mode (but you need to trade or use cheats)
> pokemon contests are now fun
>battle frontier thingy where you can fight every gym leader and champion from gen 1-5
> the story was alright
Shes underage you creep.
I played Red in 1999 faggot. Everyone agrees D/P are trash; Platinum is a slightly polished turd that fails to redeem it. HG/SS are all style and no substance; they failed to address the awful leveling curve, trainer battles, and pokemon distribution in Johto, which is the fundamentally most important part of the game.
Not gonna bother with gen 6 because it's the most obviously phoned in generation as a whole. There was no 3rd game because they knew nothing would make it good.
are you in love with both lillie and lucario, like to argue about whether decidueye or incineroar gets btfo harder and like starting threads while RP'ing as a groudon? If yes you are a true /vp/ citizen and will love the games. If no then why are you listening to the people that would respond yes to this.
>half a shade off of pale
c'mon m8
Wrong best brown girl
>posts waifu image as an argument
Amazing. I was on /vp/ once that conducted the demographic of bw2 fans. Turns out most of them were kiddies born past 94' who didn't even start off with rby or at the very least gsc. Might as well introduce a 10 year old kid now to usum, they will surely say it's the best game too.
I want to grope an idiot
Hilda best. This isn't bizarro Cred Forums.
Doesn't mean they're asian.
>Half a shade off of pale
>Not white
C'mon Cred Forums
Sorry but I played Red in 99 just like the rest. Continue pretending like gen 1 is fun to play though.
actual best girl here
This guy gets it
Gen 5 has slowly creeped to the top of my favorite pokemon games
All the new mons have grown on me and I like that everytime I played through it I would always switch up my teams
I also like that the region is based off NY
Shitty hag with an ugly haircut
Am I the only one that feels like this manga is too one note and gets boring way too soon?
I know nanachi has been cooking this idea for almost a decade, but all the bullying and soft resets get boring without some progression
Gen 1 is outdated, but gen 4 is still better than gen 5.
>little 8 years old girl
>somehow is a Chieftain of sort
The ages in SuMo just don't fucking make sense.
BW easily has the best designs the series has seen since the originals.
>I also like that the region is based off NY
Ah, that must be the reason. Amerimutts just love their 'merica too much to see past bad games. So of course a region based on it is "da best".
Gen 4 plays so slowly it's almost a pain to play. Platinum is good though and so is HG/SS.
there better be porn.
Mi negro
Also it had 156 new pokemon.
people bitch about muh icecream garbage cans but most of the designs are so good, the game adds a LOT of type diversity and it's fun to playthrough without the same 3 fucking water types that plague literally every other game (magikarp, wingull, and tentacool) shitting up the game
Literally a reddit meme made up because 'oh no SM sounds rude xD'
2D > 3D normalfag
why do they always give hilda small tits
Because she has modest ones.
I think there is only you who actually cares about this. Let me reiterate: SuMo.
to further accentuate her ass
>not having porn
Olivia is black stay mad
Hilda is primarily for ass enthusiasts.
Underage armpitpussies are best pussies
What Cred Forums hates is black facial features, not the skin color.
What if the idiot gropes you instead?
>girl designs since Gen5 have only improved
>games get worse
more cute brown plz
Good tier
Good but surpassed by remake/third version tier
Shit tier
Absolutely ideal
Gambler club is the best pokemon doujin author and you know it
don't worry bro, eating ass is totally halal
Ass enthusiasts ruin everything by created grotesquely deformed asses that lack human form
That's not Akusei-Shinseibutsu
Fucking diives. No you can't just not do proper loops then pass it off as some kind of style.
what makes RS fine but ORAS bad?
That's like saying "all breast enthusiasts ruin everything with oversized cow udders." What's true of a unique subset of fetishists does not apply to everyone.
Actual best SM girl coming through
To be fair there has been a fair bit of progression that has been shown throughout.
>Senpai can now talk to her without stuttering
>he can now draw her
>he looks forward to her visits
>first kissu
Also her bullying is getting a lot more physical and sexual. Where in the beginning she brought him to tears with a few mean words, she now pinches, strokes, and straddles him to get him blushing like mad.
Plus it's started to affect him to the point where he dreams about her.
>pic related
it literally removed things
what things
Yep. I don't remember liking dp that much, but platinum still remains one of my top picks. HGSS is legendary.
move sm down to shit, move usum down to some new tier between shit and average, and move crystal up to high and it's more accurate
Can nanashi just go back to make porn, holly shit
Normal porn, I am burned out of his pig stuff
The same could be said for all focused fetish art.
Footfag? Better have the feet take up 99% of the picture while the girl is in an insanely unnatural position. Like tits? That body better be 300% tits. Ass? That ass better require a 50 inch dick to penetrate. Abs? She's got a 16 pack and so on.
battle frontier
also the delta episode gave us one of the most hated characters in the series
he makes good art and he has an appealing style so whatever
Am I just older than I was?
I remember the racism on Cred Forums being less grating, but in the last few years it seems harsher.
Brown Girl Thread?
>Gen 7
>High Tier
Fuck outta here
Battle Frontier wasn't in RS either. It was added for Emerald.
>You wouldn't like them if they were all you see everyday
But I do, and I still like them.
The mindset was fucked from the start.
Unironically Cred Forums
but they acted like it was in it only to be lol it's not
Gen 7 does have high tier waifus
There was no stuff like that in G/S, that didn't stop them from adding new areas for it in the remakes.
>go to route 118 for the first time
>steven shows up
>lati@s shows up
>fly to southern island
>beat up some thugs
>lat@s is gifted to you
>comes with its mega stone
This right here. Diives haters are getting a lot more vocal over time, without a lot of reason to be hating on it.
My nigger, I've been asking the same question in threads from Cred Forums to here every time he's mentioned
Someone said he was supposed to make doujins based on the rest of the girls in this line up picture
>game lets you create brown girls
>she becomes the best girl of all time
Well it does have thicc or tone brown girls and many cute lolis
I like to eat brownies
Meant for
>follow artist on twitter/pixiv that do a lot of...
>Lana's Mother
>Lusamine + Cynthia
>Lillie + Chicken-chan
>barely anyone does Touko or Mei anymore
My problem is its so fucking boring.
Everything he does is just a shitty loop with the same boring body type that he drew over some 3d porn gif
I want to get that brownie pregnant
The real best girl is coming through.
Mega evolutions and the fact that you are gifted many of them for free as well as being gifted a lati for free (you don't even catch it) after the third gym
Other than that it has all the same problems as RS and none of the improvements of emerald
Coca Cola Areola tastes like Chocolate
>shit tier Lana
>not Lana's mother
Even before the game revealed she was a kahuna, I got the impression she was a midget adult rather than a loli.
>that one doujin
One thing ORAS has going for it is the -rather- active online. You can still find people to trade with and battle at any time of day, unlike XY. And the online function system of gen 6 is miles better than of gen 7.
What if Hilda was brown?
Honestly the only shit of his that I've managed to find that I can stand is the vampire story.
The other stuff he makes has good looking girls but the whole sucking the nastiness off of a monkey's cock is bonerkill.
The only hate i've seen him get is from Cred Forums what does in all honesty doesn't mean a whole lot
I do agree that the hate he gets here is rather silly
Everywhere else he's been getting nothing but praise. Hope he does something for Lana.
who? literally no one is calling them niggers.
i know you guys love to be victims but come on...
Her in-game appearance is weird. It looks like she's super cross-eyed.
I follow that artist.
>go in a thread expecting a Chocolate-Caramel Image dump
>actually it's about the ethics of race mixing!
fuck all of y'all, seriously. Ain't gonna even bump this thread.
>white girl becomes brown girl
>turns into a huge slut
Why does Japan do this?
It's a Japanese thing where if you turn evil you turn brown or something.
See: Cia and Lana
Yes. Multiple times. Feels just as good as tit fucking.
Y'all are some gay niggas
Corruption = becoming Ganguro.
Brown girls are healthier
Ro is the closest depiction of heaven that humans have created
>Curly hair
that's shit tier, suiren's mom is for NTR
Lana is second best after Mallow, Mallow is top tier and one of the all time great Pokegirls.
Then do so? People on the internet aren't going to stop you from doing things irl
I suggest you keep looking through his work.
I don't like his bestiality shit either and sounding looks gay and painful, but the rest of the doujin and the Yupiel were supreme, some light lolidom is the best
I still kinda like that one islander looking pokegirl. She was light brown, had short hair, and wore a skirt.
I'd dick Mallow silly but Lana is cuter.
If you haven't noticd, nigger, this thread is still mostly pokemon talk. Not our fault your attention diverts to retarded things in threads.
NTR is a meme fetish.
man why did you have to say that, now I gotta find it
Mallow is the kind of girl that would show you if you show her yours.
He's right, they're Polynesians.
Which? Don't recall seeing any doujins with mina
By that logic people in Japan should hate Japanese girls
She shows up a bit more in USUM
It always makes me laugh that Pokemon has more consistent porn/doujins then any of Nintendo franchises. Even if you ignore all the furry shit
Gen 4 needs a remake really, REALLY badly. Like it's the one gen that legit needs to be remade and not simply "it sounds like a good idea"
Brown 2D girls are yummy
there are some artists aware of this and capitalize on it, see: anything by takahashi note
Mao is cute!
A deal's a deal.
Gen 5 was the peak of the series though.
Not yet
The second half of Gen 5 was. Mpost people hated regular BW when they came out
Move over, bitches.
Sluts can't be best.
People are starting to come around with regular BW
I think it's actually an armpit thread
There's literally no reason to play it instead of the sequels.
>this artist
>actual negro women will never look like delicious Japanese 2D brown girls
For the story and characters. BW2 does wrap up N's arc
I never into pokemon, tried that once got bored, but pokeporn is really high-grade stuffs.
Why is my favorite brown pokemon girl never cared about?
I mean, it's fine that she's all mine, but she seems to be very low tier to a lot of people.
The story was honestly the most criticized thing about Gen 5 when it came out. That and the forced "only use new pokemon faggot" feature
I want to play with giant Acerola
she was pushed as the LI pretty hard in XY
Honestly from a mechanical standpoint USUM is a massive improvement over regular SM
Small tits + big ass is objectively the best body type
This isn't brown, this looks like a lightly tanned white chick.
yeah, nah. Dawn has the best body type over all
That's because unless picture related, a 2D brown girl is simply a southern Japanese girl.
false flag history revisionism kill yourslf libshill
I've never heard of diives before this thread and the gif in is pretty shit.
Thats a weird way to spell Rosa
I didn't go on forums and such when BW came out but I can assume it was "why are they focusing on story" Nowadays it seems people like the story of BW/2 more then the games themselves. I for one am glad they are trying to tell a story but i do wish they gave us a skip cut scene option for multiple playthroughs
Did ya'll just say ya'll wanted a real 2D black booty? Stop posting tanned white girls, get some real brown sugar ova' here ~#
It's that it was focused on a story that was bad and tried to create a moral quandry that doesn't actually exist in the universe.
Will NoA ever stop changing everyone's names?
Literally most of south america is like that
kill yourself
They're usually all puns in Japan too
Its even in english
I'm still mad about how shit the second half was.
Yeah, and then practically forgotten.
Is yoruichi a negro, a poo in loo, a south american, a dark skinned nip or some other la creatura...?
Well good thing an expert weighed in.
How are you gonna ask?
I'll take a special snoflake name over another cookie cutter name anytime of the day desu
These are still better than real black women
It's anime, they have no race
Your words are as empty as your soul, manjind ill needs a saviour such as you!
A dark skinned Japanese grim reaper that desired to be a cat.
Now Tia Halibel? That's s a woman.
I think the story is actually pretty good sans the ending. Has some stand out characters like N and the pacing was decent. much better than gen's 4 pacing Is it perfect no but its a sign of GF stepping out their comfort zone with the series which I appreciate
I have no idea, assuming I get into a decent relationship at some point in my life I'll probably just accidentally leave an armpit fetish photo open on my PC, or just ask her one night
I like her a lot
you're fucking disgusting
go back to /r9k/
USUM is what SM should have been
>Necrozma story, as the big-bad, ultra-necrozma etc
>legendaries and shiny hunting
>the interactive pokemon in the overworld
>the quests/stories/events in all islands
>battle agency
>kommo-o is usable now
>early game inkays
>giovanni bro
>ghetsis bro
>cyrus bro
>colress rekting them
>everyone is much stronger in story
>the new battle tree mode
>totem stickers
>totems are more optimized
Etrian brown girls are top tier, in every single game.
Always reminded me of an ex I had that liked to be chocked during sex. Wonder how she's doing right now.
I don't browse a lot of poke art in general but whenever I see her, she reminds me of a rodent with her hairstyle combined with that artistic mouth style that makes the whole top row of teeth look like a single tooth.
She looks great in yours and though
So glad 5 lets you customise colours
Made a whole party of them plus 1 pale white male warlock
I thought it was that girl from Basquash for a second
She's my 3rd favorite brown pokegirl behind only Mallow and Iris
Brown pokegirls are the best brown girls
That's because the first one he quoted was.
It's SM, you Reddit fag.
She does seem to be the inspiration
Because her hair is stupid.
gonna need sauce
>you can't even make it 1 post in Cred Forums anymroe without it being a political thing
I fucking hate every single one of you.
>Main Elite Four PokeTrainer
>She never appeared in the Anime
>The anime that was adapting those games instead had a HUGE derailed detour to a complete Original side story
>they didnt even introduced most of the foreshadowed antagonists in the OP
>Oh shit, we forgot about the main story of the Ruby and Saphire games
>Only introduced the old hag only causeOOPS sorry we got sidetracked with our Filler bullshit, just like the Orange Islands Arc.
Life is like a Pukeriicane, Here in, FuckBluur....
Bullshit, Cucks and AsspieBalls, Its a ClusterFUCK DERP
I got lucky. She suggested it as a joke. I said lets do it.
Is there more porn now? Last time I checked her tag on gel there were only a very few pages
>on gel
>using gelbooru
>I actually once had a dream of the lost undubbed episodes of Pokemon and one of em had introduced Phoebe, and it was actually dubbed in spanish but from the japanese version of the show while the rest were the 4kids dubs.
I think i understand pepipopo know.
So then where the fuck am I supposed to go nowadays? I know there's a mega booru site that browses and searches most imageboard porn sites like gel and dan and a fuckton more and I know plenty of sites I just don't browse those sites all that much anymore nowadays
>Cirno becomes Capaccirno for one game
>She loses her tan a short while after
Why even .
Danbooru has better quality
Sankaku has more posts
I don't remember the mega crawler but if you do then use that
>brown girl is the best girl
>she's also the playable character
>using gel for anything other that searching for more than 2 tags
>It's a thinly veiled pokemon thread that's out of it's containment board
Mocha is a special treat.
Vanilla is the regular
>containment board
mother fucking this
>Neckbears make realistic porn with SFM
>Sony somehow thinks this robotic animation is alright
>Brown girls in anime/games.
>10/10 perfection dick is diamonds.
>Brown girls IRL.
>Smelly, unshaven, have 20 kids from 20 different dads and can't even poo in the loo.
>those last few frames where you can see the dopamine rushing to her head
You gon' get fat katty.
2D is perfection
but nagatoro is just tanned
Iris a cute
>2D brown girls are rare and therefore best
>go outisde
>every girl is brown
>blonde girls are just roasties who bleach it
It's not fair bros.
>wanting some amerinigger's used goods from the okinawan rape cave
best girl
>I want to mate with a South American or an Arabic woman
>South American
these are /OUR/ mujeres, ese, go cuck someone else
>Cred Forums
shiet negro, i like them dick sucking lips, so you can fuck yourself
>It's a real thing
I like her tamagoro doujins.
Vete a la chingada chicano de mierda
Good job grabbing that low hanging fruit, as usual Cred Forums.
impeccable taste brother
It seems like everyone problem with diives that his shit doesn't loop, and because of that compare him to Shadman. Is that it?
Thanks lad.
Next gen cannot possibly have better girls.
im just merely pretenting
im actually venezuelanin chile
The loops aren't even the bad partHe only gets insulted like twice a thread. He's nowhere near shadshit levels
Is it even possible to have that much hair at that age? Much less make it that thick and poofy while still being full
>brown girl is worst girl
2 or 3 doujins
That's what you poke furfags say every generation. This is why you have an autism containment board for yourselves
Cred Forums is the containment board.
>shit doesn't loop
what a silly reason
>compare him to Shadman
now that's REALLY pushing it. diives is noowhere near Shadman's level
she would be better if she didnt have the undersuit.
>like the girls
I like everything except that I think his faces are atrocious, that's it
Best girl right there.
>he doesn't like sukumizu
What a fag.
People used to know the sense of how serious someone was
Yes people were racist but not like pol where they ree at anything that remotely political
>does not appear in SM or USUM
such bullshit
Yeah but you gotta roll for good genes. Don't listen to anyone about growing hair, genes matter first.
Yuko is fine!
>containment board
Only because unovabortions are getting old enough that they shitpost here
>Cred Forums says black girls are bottom tier
>post a cute black girl
I hate that shit so much they are trying to monopolize cute and I won't stand for it! Besides white girls are like low mid tier at best
midriff > jap shit
It doesn't matter who is best girl (it's Lana) I'm sad this gen is nearing the end and attention on them will wane.
Someone saved an image of feces in order to post it on Cred Forums. It is also now in their temp folder as well. Let that sink in for a moment. They also had to search for it in the first place, to boot.
>tfw want a cute black weeb gf
>tfw tried talking to one once and she flat out told me she wasn't interested in whites only blacks
post more?
Yeah technically. It was created when Pokemon threads flooded Cred Forums around when BW came out.
>brown girls
Brown looks like shit.
how do i delete someones post
Is Mercedes a brown vidya waif?
>Game focuses on brown girls
>Is last and only game in series
quite the opposite
>be me a few years ago
>most of the brown girls aren't really nice
>there is one who hangs out with a group of stoner weebs, but she doesn't toke, and she is a total nerd
>also two years older than me, glasses, and a little thicc
>awkward around her, but compliment her artwork whenever I walk past her
>think about telling her she is cute one day during class
>get into class, but I prepared myself
>half way through class, she stands in front of the class
>"I'm leaving to pursue job school"
>she comes over to me and thanks me complimenting her art, and for always being nice to her
>I am super awkward now and say of course
>she smiles and walks away
>she isn't in class the next day
At least I helped her year be more positive?... Right bros?...
please say she has a vagina. i've gone all day without getting rused
galo sengan
My nigga
Well it's been a nice thread everyone
Thanks scatfag
>This entire sad post
The world needs to be nuked. 2018 is fucked.
Her foot is backwards.
Excuse me
>A literal shit poster
I just hope the mods ban him before they 404 the thread.
>dead ratto is fine
>but scat isn't
Are we Cred Forums now?
What the fuck
>> 5
>tfw married to a qt mulatto girl who has white features but creamy brown skin
please ban scatfags
>light brown skin with freckles
>light brown
Is this the same faggot who was posting gore in another thread today?
Where is their tard wrangler
We've been /b2/ for years.
she was craving that protagonist peen
Bet he's the same faggot that spams bara in threads he deems not-vidya.
That nigger needs to be put down.
Why do you make shit up? If people spammed bara then Cred Forums wouldn't be so awful. Show me this spam.
Why can't we have nice things?
go back to your furfag board pokefaggot
why are all the scat videos and that rat torture videos all white people
Sup scatspammer
Wow that's a lot of no threads you're showing me.
This girl does things to me.
This scat isn't even vidya related
>2 minutes of this
Post vidya scat plz.
Shit forgot my pic
Thank you for posting normal lewds
Do I have to catch up on the anime now or something?
2D brown thighs are yummy
Plenty of brown already.
White people are fucking degenerates.
No, but I sure as hell hope to do it one day.
Though 3DPD armpits are much more of a mixed bag, as with most other things.
>i'll counter these threads by posting scat
way to go, champ
someone drew a grown up version of her which makes me diamonds
iktf user, I just want a qt black girl to do nerdy stuff with it'll never happen because I'm literally non4chan meme autism autistic and it took me forever to be able to approach the one that rejected me
Do it for best girl.
Because it's canon Rosa has bigger boobs
more like chimp lmao
this was genuinely the first thought i had when i saw her and it made me hard
That's a boy.
Post pic, motherfucker. Age Progression is GOAT.
I don't have it sadly.
I'm pretty sure people only watch the anime to give them inspiration for new Pokemon porn. A good example is Mallow's baseball scene
He can't go back because he knows Lady Yulpiel and its sequel was the height of his porn career.
Nvm manage to find it on google images
Don't say never user, I believe you will.
Lana's mom
Lana's Sisters
Wait a minute, aren't we forgetting someone?
Your hair is a shit! SHIT!
switch HGSS with B2W2 and you're pretty much good
You could literally make shit a playable character and it'd still be better and more memorable than Leaf, Kris, Serena and Mari- I mean, Lyra.
Shit taste
spotted the mexiheadless.
pretty sure Lana's popularity comes mainly from the anime.
even her mom got like 10 doujins.
dat nip slip
>liking brown girls
The SuMo anime is actually really good though. Characters are more lively and don't look and feel like stonic cardboard cutouts like the other seasons especially the game characters like gym leaders and elite 4 members.
>abo sheboon
Nigga, you don't understand.
>Mallow will never step on and grind her foot onto your face
>gets mad about blacks
>posts whites doing scat shit
really got my noggin joggin
but user I don't leave my house why would I care about her?
God his artstyle is so hideous.
Didn't say it was bad just that people use it for inspiration for new fap material. The most buzz I've heard around the anime was when Brock and Misty came back
there shouldn't be anything political but the very first reply is someone complaining that the 4chins said something mean about black people and that somehow affects their real life sexual preferences (???).