
Also Datamine user, are you done with datamining?

Other urls found in this thread:


That gave me a chuckle, OP. Well done.

Eh, good joke user.

No seriously, let's talk about Survive scenario, it look deeper than just "muh zombie" .

Honestly only interested in MG Survive to see what the modders can do with its assets.

>it look deeper than just "muh zombie" .
No, it doesn't.
You kill zombies, you loot, you craft shit to kill more zombies.
That's it.


It was over before it even began, shills.

>side op is called "Try to make people think this is not MG: Survive"


2 threads ago, we were all having a meaningful discussion about datamine user, and some spoiler text reaped from the game.
Then all of a sudden, Kojimadrones woke up and just started to shitpost because they've got nothing better to do.


a sad reality we live in

It's really hilarious that 2 years have passed and this is the only defense this massive turd has.
Although they are pretty useful to ensure this game's failure.

so now its Wormholes, Timetravel and Corporate Sabotage? Very interesting.

fuck off retard

Spread the word on how the mechanics work!

Ignore Kojima cultists, post survivors.

Propper thread

i hope this kojimadrone boogeyman is just bait.
it's hilarious

lmao these redditors just want a circlejerk

>That's it.

Literally fucking Monster Hunter and everybody loves the shit out if it on here

Monster Hunter requieres skill, grinding only guarantees that you won't get one-shotted.
The moment you start looting and crafting in Survive it becomes easy mode.

I love kojima, but please, can we talk about Survive and only Survive? no shill please.

look at that poor ventilation, you'll cook up in a desert

Just now finished shitting on everything Kojima ever did by buying the game. Really looking forward to the campaign.


You know it's ok to support all the devs that aren't Kojima as well, right?

I mean 90% of the Survive team are MGS2/3 veterans.

>its 150 reais

I ain't wasting that money on this game.
Shit should be free or like 40 dollarinos.


I know. But I like triggering Kojima drones.

Konami really fucked us up this time around. GMG has a code that makes it 18% off though. In theory a gringo could also buy a code for you, would be even cheaper even if you throw them extra cash on top.

The new guys recruted for the "next mgs" are probably working on the REAL next MGS.
Probably a remake or a game with The Boss.

>play game for just like 3 matches
>instantly realizes planting mines in the zombies routes is a easy win
>do it during a normal match
>faggots see me doing it but dont join me
Most people seem to completely ignore the mines and traps. You KNOW the route the enemies are coming in from, its that easy to plant explosives in their ways.
I think I only saw one enemy that could jump around.

>"I'm buying Metal Gear Survive on launch

MGSurvive feels like a breath of fresh air for the series, and that's a good thing.

I think I spent that much in MGSV but Survive doesnt seem to have not nearly half the content.
Also I'm guessing the multiplayer will die really fast anyway.

>if you craft 6 fences and dont use them you lose them
false, if you bring 6 fences use them then craft 6 more you keep the fences as you started off with 6, unless you put them in storage, then you lose them

official Metal Gear Survive thread theme

>Hey this game isn't actually that bad!
>random youtube link Hey check out this gameplay!
>greentext about trying beta and it being good

Konami must really be worried to be shilling this shit here so hard. It's sad that some of you fuckers are taking the bait.

but the game isnt bad at all user

...I really like this version.

the game is far better than MGSV, its like a true PW sequel

>i only play on easy

most people dont see it that way unfortunately.


Ah, i guess some of those are "Active" Skills you can use in battle using the T Key.

>someone doing non-stealth takedowns for bombers

Let's be honest though, MGS V didn't have that much content either. A lot of it was traveling and completely plotless missions.

you don't need to sneak to do backstabs. you just need to be behind the enemy and get the prompt
backstabbing bombers is how you kill them without them exploding

you that looks like i could be "parry" or "block" moves. huh.

>people on Cred Forums spend money to make others mad

>I mean 90% of the Survive team are MGS2/3 veterans.
Considering how clunky Survive is it shows.
I want Kojima and everyone who worked on this franchise out of business.
MGS has had a cancerous influence on this industry for which it must pay for.

Metal Gear is awesome, fuck off. Go back to playing COD kiddy

It's a doomed franchise for a good reason.
All it did was force the cancerous idea the plot in videogames matters.

Good fucking riddance.

>All it did was force the cancerous idea the plot in videogames matters.
t. I've played an adventure game or an RPG.

I've been fucking with sounds. No idea how to get them to people though if I find something interesting. There isn't a wavur.com is there?

Name a single game that tries to be like MGS. MGSV on the otherhand tried to be a Ubisoft open world game.

I just hate all these games that focus obnoxiously on their garbage plots like TLOU or Uncharted.
RPGs as a whole too, focus way too much on narrative and "choices" rather than playing a character that you improve as you play.

>MGSV on the otherhand tried to be a Ubisoft open world game.
Exactly, first time MGS tries to focus on the gameplay and it's in a creatively bankrupt model that everyone is getting tired of.

mute your fucking mics.

>my mic icon keeps popping up despite me disabling it in control panel
>realise it's my Rocksmith cable
>probably been broadcasting second bursts of static noise to everyone for the whole time I played