Cred Forumsermin Cred Forumseekend

Make monsters and watch them fight! We are just about done for the day.

Other urls found in this thread:

>highway ronin

burst tourney roster is shit

VBH extend to 24

gnawhost post round 1 fight 1 of gba 2 except you drew all of them and they each have 20 blast

Waiting for Duel Host's mystery finale


>tfw could've been paired with burst manos and his 25 muscle + exclusively muscle attacks
>he didnt make it



vbh decrease to 8



me :(

not even fucking close


third chance when?

It's okay.

extend to 69 lol

>only 12 muscle
A brainlet, a blastlet, and even a musclelet.

it was inevitable, but that does keep me from being angery

Reap and weep.

29, but extensions are dumb, potentially 64 crazy as shit abilities would be way too much to code



Hope you like your vermins being raped with nerfs.

I guess 2/3 for postrushes isn't too bad.

I might actually draw Yellow Jerkass "Enjoying a 20 year old bottle of Crystal Pebsi".

>16 vermin
>the burst tournament is going to be a whopping five fights long


I think my guy has the simplest ability of them all. He simply has increased accuracy for an ability.

It's okay there's always next time user

Your going to die


>Finally another Burst tournament
>It's only 16 vermins
It's sad but i guess it works better for VBH

>Go take a piss
>My computer's virus have a seizure and submits a vermin for me
>It gets in

Maybe I’ll get in next time

Last reminder to vote for what you want to see.


Shame he didn't make it in, would've made a nice teammate for Skeletronus.
The nerf will be minimal or none you nerd.



I want to make an army general Vermin, who's ability is to disable any other Vermin's ability and burst form, reducing them to a plain level 3.
I'd call the ability "Knock that shit off and give me 20!"

2many 2bh

shorten roster to 4 vbh

>just realized I went all in on muscle in VBH's engine
>where all muscle mins get absolutely shat on


Well it's called a BURST tournament for a reason.

This guy vaporizes your pathetic solar system from light years away.
wat do?

Ambiguous ending actually fits, neato.


That was my only chance to finish her off

>Flying Kick
I considered for making a /rlg/-memey burst mode for Phareraoh but I haven't gotten to work on it.

>The Nuclear Family

took me a while

Some of the ones that got in are cool, so I'll probably pick a team or two to root for, plus there's always next time.

I hope that he don't get hard countered this time.

reposting from last thread for those who ask for it to be colorized

you and me will beat the odds, brother

delete blast

>Double dipped two vermins made by different people into the postrush
>They both made it in
I don't know if I'm /IN/ or not /IN/, considering everything.

Literally kill yourself furrfaggot.

>tfw your planned teammate got in but you didnt
go get em doc


It's okay though. I made this as a shitpost because Gum is one of my favorite vermin. Maybe another time


it's seven fights

inb4 shark lawyer burst

My kind lizard got in, yay!

>literally so CHAD, they get rid of children's card games all together

>Chadinal holds his cards with his dick
>Fight suddenly turns into a regular tournament battle


I'm okay and glad with this.

Maybe i can make burst modes in the future.

he has one




One plus ten....

Alright, but
Pool Host engine when?

yeah but they're still FUCKING NERDS

Well, that was very silly.

>It turns into an actual battle
This amount of kino should be illegal.

to be fair it's just the regular engine but with the cards hidden, and only muscle/blast cards


Just take me out back and shoot me.

Make it anyway! There will certainly be more burst tourneys.

>we saw the balloon above them in the shadow realm
>the shadow realm is just whats below the balloon

God damn, that was good.

Good job man.

Holy shit, that was fucking nice

Skeeto had...
>Three hosts
>a tournament considered as big as halloween
>almost a year of experience with his engine

>Duelhost had...
>three birds he pulled out his ass


>chads turn card games into RPG battle
Fucking incredible

>comparing hosts
fuck right off, this weekend was comfy, we don't need this trash

Duel Host

holy fucking shit

t. rpg host

How many vermin are trapped in the shadow realm? Do they ever get out?

>>almost a year of experience with his engine
It's almost halloween, guys!!!

buzz off, skeeto

Here I go.

Thanks man, i'm sure you'll make it the next time.

>battle turns into a normal vermin fight

Can you imagine being a functional human being, user? What size helmet do you wear? Does your mom make you wear floaties when you're eating breakfast?

Well obviously M.O.S.B did

So we all can agree that this tournament was one of the best in vermin story right, it was definitely worth the wait.

Skeeto should stick to making comics.

Maybe next time

no since i lost

Yeah. It's definitely my favorite Duel tournament.

Only if their friends come and get them

I agreed. Great champs, great finalists, and great semi-finalists. Plus, everything else was great too.

This tourney was fucking amazing.

that healing is ridiculously strong, hope it beats skeletron

Just out of curiosity, would there have been anything special if the chads somehow got beaten during the card game segment?

Yup. I can't think of a better tournament.

I hope everyone enjoyed the tournament, it was a ton of work with the extended bracket but I think it paid off in the end. Thanks for all the fanart, I really like seeing it.

Also please don't make "fights become traditional fights" abilities, this engine is extremely clunky and is right

And I guess while we're still waiting for VBH, you can shoot me some exhibition requests for next week.

there was one recording where Pixior pillaged Chadinal's entire deck


>no Bazelgeuse vermin that shows up in random fights and blasts both vermin

Given that their ability card costed 0 mana, it'd be incredibly unlikely they wouldn't play it over a full battle.

no because this is entirely scripted you dingus wingus

I missed out on most of it but god damn was it worth the month long wait.

nelly wearing a pasta costume with 2 pasta ability cards and 2 nelly ability cards with a crash bandicoot/(you) fusion with 2 ungood moments cards and 2 pop music torment cards vs team heaven and hell

superbosses aren't serious fights so probably no
he'd just redo it

WC7 levels of kino

Regium slammem and LOVV member of your choosing (or 01 if you don't want to code anything)
Team Return of Slammem


>Jerkass has to have a swarm of Little Pricks and Hornarses drag his ass out of the basement of the car uhh I mean 'The Shadow Realm"

I want to see that pillage.

uhh do pool man vs pool man mirror match

>That pixior spoiler
Don't mess with Pixior's friends or you'll get Shadow Realm'd apparently.

>implying you can't get out of the shadow realm

You just gotta know your way around the place and find the door

Yeah but I'm hittin' you wit dat better MHW meme tho

Well even if the more traditional battle system is still clunky as fuck, I would like to see the Aerial Alphas take on the Creep of Power, just to see how that goes down.

>Pixior pillaged Chadinal's entire deck
post it

do any match that shows whatever team 8-kit's mystery ability was

It's just the basement with a fog machine. After they lose, they just leave.

billiards vs billiards
they play all their pylons at the beginning of the match and all other cards are replaced with pool host

toby, spiky mats, and this guy for vermin fight club world when

uhhh do AA vs LUK
also fuck new captcha

Thanks for hosting, man. I enjoyed this tournament a lot.

why do so many of your vermins look the same but slightly different

Nelly Blanco vs OP Cashwhale Azul

Something with team 8-kit so we can see that ability in action.

new vermin for duel host, need names and feedback


bill vs someone who summons a lot of things





It was a fantastic tournament, Duel Host. Thanks for hosting!

>Pixior pillaged Chadinal's entire deck

Only if I can do 50 instead.

He has no style



Creep of Power would just be a big bag of stats since he couldn't play any cards.

I have a loooooot of re-recordings of this fight so it'll take some digging

you have no place.

Host. I just want to say thank you. The work you put in was nothing short of amazing and it really paid off. You rock.

Guess mine's teaming up with Infernknight then
Time for Fiery Sisters

You have a funny face

skeeto where them bursts at

Thank you for everything you fucking madman

give me funny music

>leave after christmas
>come back this weekend
>see comfy tourney
>no hostility
>everything is fine
>immediately after the ending, people go back to shitting on people for no reason
Now I have no reason to come back for real, and no reason to finish my project.

I'll extend my fist, just for you.

I finally had a chance to draw our team for Gnaw's tourney.
Good luck this Friday, everyone!

Yeah right, you're not VFC

bye VFC

Not even close.

>Creep of Power is so focused on children card games minmaxing that he is actually incompetent in a proper fight
I still want to see that exhibition match even if that's the outcome.

hello falseflagger

neil cic the end

Man, that was great. This was so much fun, even though I didn't participate.
Thanks for hosting, Duel. You're a great host.

>See one of the best tourneys in Cred Forumsermin

Woah, you came back ~4 months early?

See ya faggot.

fake and gay

Just wondering, what was your favorite team? And what did that 0 ability that 8-kit had do?

y'all stupid

Why is KDE fighting?

Proof enough?

no really whatzitdo?

Post vermin that are robots

no since we already saw that shit fuck off

Is ok user, I give free (You)s to everyone even Marielx, have my gift.

That's an old gif

did we ever finish picking teams for eagerhost's tourney? just woke up

It does a lot of random shit. It's sad they didn't make it, they're definitely gonna get an exhibition match.

u mega gay

hi TH_

>implying anyone really leaves when they say they are
Dik came back, I'm sure vb is here right now, etc etc

robutts are overrated like eveelutions butokay

Look at me, I'm so ENLIGHTENED and SMART in this sea of DUMBASSES. Look at how SMART and ENLIGHTENED I am! If only everyone were as SMART and ENLIGHTENED as I am instead of the DUMBASSES they are.

we already saw that thing
nice falseflagging

>ABC summons
>used in conjuction with any cards with the word "Scorpion" in their name

You can go suck me off faggot.

>Finally get my Monk to level 100 in wow
>Have to hear this every time I go to the inn area of the Monk order hall.


>not on the booru
when was it posted? i missed it?

Post more then, that we have not seen

Please don't falseflag as VFC. That's a really mean thing to do, dude.

Spideranon here, I love it!

hopefully my curse doesn't make us job in the first round



>guy gets on a team with himself
Why is this allowed?

around december when the 'kekman' posting reached their peak. someone was posting imgur links on the booru/in the threads hidden in images

Today I will remind them.

d13 > VFC

That's your opinion and I respect it

Today I will remind them.
TH is the best host.

forgot image

Jim Dress is a bodysnatcher


no sock host is

I'm sure that's not the real VFC but there's no Skeeto VFCO gif on the booru?

Nah you got that wrong

d14 > d13

What sort of map feature would Team Heaven and Hell even have?

>VFC will never team up with d13 to finish VFCO
It's such a good dream team too, d13's game dev experience would help immensely


____d15____ > d14

>Thanks Doc is the only lesbian team

Tag team Creep of Power with Shadowfellow vs. the Chad Birds.

it's just someone in the host discord fucking with us, try to ignore them.

Don't worry. We'll pull through, I know it!

heaven and great mega super duper ultra hell x1000 VAC disabled

>Duel Host made the vermin who builds the champion houses

>that fucking ability

It's been a nice weekend.
I find it kind of odd that aside from GBA1 and the ToL both ending on Friday, this weekend almost consisted of a single tournament.

d15 < d10

heehost was going to post some fights today but since I spoiled it he probably won't now

Might want to change that ability so it can't override pylons or you'll probably kill yourself.

Super Hell

Host here, just someone reposting something from many threads ago, best to just ignore it

Don't even reply to drama guys, we've been over this

I’d be down to team Nesslander with Ronin if his creator wants.

>now that heaven and hell won, super hell is unlocked
Deepest lore

This was a great weekend!

Does anyone have the tomato knuckles girl's sheet? I'm on her team and I can't find it on the booru.

Laggerpillar poster here, I love it too!

It's a tough tourney ahead of us, but we got this!

thanks, that would be a really lame way to lose

>it's just Shadowfellow's ability
It's probably not that broken actually.

is this funny


I wonder if champ image user will have a hard time trying to draw Pixior.

>that music
I like you host

The design doesn't look too hard to draw, actually.

darn i cant believe i just got namedropped

are these team names final? if so, gonna put this on booru

Think so.

It's not that hard, is it?

Bit of a selfish request, Team Scream 3rd form vs the champs? I just want to see how you would implement Frogints dying thing.

Is this call of duty?

They're final.

uhh gnaw is this balanced
>Only attacks buildings. Increased range. Is ignored by minions, but takes 50% more damage from heroes.

VBH are you going to post the teams today?

reggie post feminine benis to borru

genuine question, how are you gonna implement vengeful chef's ability?

I guess stat buffs whenever one of his allies die?

gnaw how do stats work in your assfaggots engine?



How will Literal Who's ability work?

No, but it might be hard to do justice to the original style.

It was absolutely kino. I had a great time and Duel Host is amazing. I have to give him mad props.

>oneshotjohny will fuck the shit out of the opposite team

can't you hear those AWP sounds? that's clearly counter strike

imagine having taste this shit

now do uhhhhhh instead of 50 blast they have 50 fast

I haven't figured out abilities yet, I'll do that when I start recording round 2. I guess it'd be a a chance to activate the ability for a short duration on attack, and while it's active he attacks whenever he gets hit.

This was just ridiculous.

alright if you're in the tourney and care about putting your shit here it's up

Not much to do until VBH shows up I guess

Well, I can see it's not hard for you to fathom.

I hope Rocko/Dark Booster charge around the arena when their ability activates.

Draw me a wumpus.

do the stickman in a pose thing again

we could...

Post WIPs!

If you have one I mean

We could guess what teams there will be.
Inferknight and Rushlyth is a given.

he already showed up

I have nothing planned and nothing I'm working on.

Now that the dust has settled...

Minecraft server when??

I still say make an ARAM mode.

>Even when they are poorly drawn shitposts, they still share some of their style with eachother

I think I'll take my time and draw something for the champions of the latest Duel tournament.

Any skellies in besides Prime?
This could be a skeleton scorpion situation

does this count

This is killing me, how I'm supposed to draw dragons? it don't helps that the next form is around 3 times bigger than this one.

Post a crop of your favourite vermin lewd.

I have about six vermin that I'm sitting on and they're all on paper, so no.
I might hold a strawpoll at the end of the thread for which I should work on though

I'm pretty sure he's the only skeleton who made it.

Got a hot new Duel Vermonster brewing up

Hope you boys like meta decks!

I don't mind. I'm always grateful for any kind of fanart. I'm more interested in seeing Clamity since he's a cool dude.

uuuh teams

suggest how the last 6 should pair, i'm not sure

Do a CTHUN vermin next

I considered posting this in the Burst tourney but decided I'll wait until it's actually finished instead of mashing export on a WIP and clogging up randoms space.

Not really
Pixior is pretty easy to draw

no WIPs but i finished this recently and i like it

I have a proposal that might save vermin, please consider the following
>one Duel tournament a month
>Duel champs are not considered champs
>everyone who's not WC and D13 stops hosting forever

pair motivational kaiju with T (because they're both fucking huge) and pair arm man with physidroid (because arms)


uuuhhh, first 8
cutoff in one hour


to and a random other vermin get doubled stats but go solo

pair the the robot and fission
to with the scorpion
and clown with the thundery one

d13 is a shit, lazy host though

Blitzkriegal+Fission for element waifus
Sword Scorp+Physidroid because sharp edges
To+ the clown because retardation

Shitpost vermin that I gave up on. Might finish latter.

Pixior really is one of the cuter vermin.

Ha ha ha YES! I'm saying this mainly because I like that old meme, though.

Doesn't the scorpion have 0 blast? In that way he's fitting for to.

>someone beat me to the Tobi vermin


I'll be honest, I've been waiting for a long time for someone to make this


Not a WIP, but here's another moth I made.

uh pair t with sword scorpion because uh all muscle with no blast



I guess that I'm ok with this.

Put nuke waifu and medicine waifu together
Put Clown and brainlet together
Put Skeleton and Scorpion together
then uhhh leftovers

This thing gives me diabetes when I look at it, it's so fucking cute.


Do Dodogama.

>to with the scorpion
I like this actually

Very nice, user.

im probably gonna drop the undertale theme and just make it a full tunak tunak vermin

Countering a cursed image with a cursed image. Good move

Aaaaaah! So adorable! I'm going to save this one to my folder. Thank you so much.

Pixior and Clamity are too good for this world.
>wanting me to make a vermin that does nothing but peacefully eat crystals




can you post their sprites

I had it on the backburner for a while, but I had to see how based Joey would handle himself first

Gotta get that material.

These teams are terrible.

How would you improve them?

Blood for the Blood God vs another jobber team.

This is good, sports vermin are always good.


hey duel host do you actually play yugioh?

>5 muscle every time he blasts
>in any way balanced

>I literally just thought about drawing a jade panda too
Well, this looks way funnier, never decking out, here we come

I don't anymore

oh, when'd you quit?

1v1 me in yugioh faget

I'll probably change it to +2/+4, honestly. (It's still a do nothing to get +4 after all) Maybe if he ever gets a Burst I'll have it be +5 because everyone else has some OP ability or another


I doubt burst tournyies will get popular but save it anyway; I really want to see this guy trash a one attack wonder.

This is beyond disturbing.
I love it.


>samurai and scotsman

Fission and Physidroid because making science

>not using burst


When is nu-vb getting rid of the Son of Blorf to The Worst Monster alias?

I like this.

when is nu-vb going to being back user voting
when is nu-vb going to prove they exist

uhhh never *dabs*

I’m very satisfied with this pairing

I'm very close to done.

>last vermin was nearly two weeks ago
>no ideas for a new one

I'll get around to drawing something for Elemental evils some time this week, hopefully my partner's around to also do stuff.

Alright, can this video help you get a new idea?

you are like a little babby

>last vermin was literally more than a month ago
>no idea what to fucking do right now

to and clown because both shirtless

here's an idea

a mushroom rabbit

>last vermin was for christmas tourney signups because you wanted to git gud
>too lazy to get good at drawing

>made the first form of a min
>no idea how to make the next two

I second this idea. Sounds pretty cute.

What Duel Tournament 4 matchups did you want to see that did not happen?

Also, Duel Host, if you're actually sifting through recordings to find the pillage you're a madman and I appreciate it.

draw your teams from next week
>vbh burst

no WIPs but i did finish this, been wanting to make a vermin like this for a while

working on comic for mine right now
It's gonna be a gif so it'll take a while

I'm only in GBA2. I may as well draw others' teams.

>tfw have 4 different things I want tro draw
>lost my stylus last weekend
>still can't find it


What about this?

I like it but I don't think the hosts will

>my vermin arent in a single team tourney next week

Team Circus Jerks and Team Space & Time


i don’t have any
the last non-gnaw tourney i got into was this duel one and i jobbed instantly
fuck me lads


draw ALL teams

nigger what those are terrible matchups

uhh dont know

already did
i should draw some others

>hopefully my partner's around to also do stuff.
I honestly didn't even know they were in a tournament until later

Even if I'm only in HH, I might draw my team again since they're cool dudes

>Hostkiller being able to summon a hostkiller

>motivational kaiju and sword scorpion
>arm man and physidroid

The coolest of dudes

uhhhh motivational and swordpion are both spiky boys
arm man and physidroid are both armed and dangerous

Southernlion makes the best vermin

>quad fail

What the fuck
this is not a Host Killer, this is a Host Obliterator

Why haven't you made a mecha out of all your board game Cred Forumsermin and other board games?

thats retarded

>Go to Cred Forums
>Mix the first two images that aren't porn
Cred Forumsermin

uh scorpionmin when

Post vermins that are shapes

what happens if i mix a non-porn image with porn?

the end of the world

It'd be nice to see the abilities of 8-Kit, I guess.

>33 on eager
I'm still mad


hahaha cuck

Is the second in the list of vermins that I will make, I almost finish the dragon, so... two or three weeks since I'm the slowest moving person in this part of the world.


post bracket fag



that card...


>Someone drew my team without my vermin in the picture.

already did friendo

You make porn.

uuh final? teams

expect this tourney in two weeks because there's already three good ones on schedule for next week and I'd like some time to work on this one
also expect a losers' bracket because i'm doing all the abilities anyways




these are good matchups host use these

How is that even possible?

>loser's bracket


I accept it.
Oh boy!

I mean uh sure


nah i like host's teams better

Quick, who will be rigged into winning the burst tourney?

good point
if nothing else i'm easy if a host can't be fucked and ditches abilities, instead just giving +1 to each stat (an extra +2 to queek since it's understatted)
or we could go one step further and have it be able to summon the original thimbler, lord of misrule and wonderband :^)

hasnt reached cutoff

>draw my team
>exclude my vermin
It was planned on my behalf, anyway.

Already did. It's gonna be a fun tourney.

clearly intellectuals or Skeletronus
good art= free rignig points


There was some confusion for the team since it's in the GBA tourney.

Did whoever was doing the bursts post more wips after the first thread?


See ya in two weeks.

I guess the scorpion and doctor are team surgery?

Well, Nuclear Medicine isn't a thing but at least cutting-edge leftovers is neat.

Oh heck
Good stuff user
Who's the little guy in the cloud

I'm working on a burst mode my Cred Forumsermin, anybody got some input?
Left is normal, right is burst.

I think the last image he posted was the one with Swordoom colored.

reference min


wait a minuite that card...

Huh, well let's hope he didn't die.

I kinda wish I had used the Evil Hat theme for something else rather than the "good sphere becoming evil" thing, but I guess it kinda fits that the hat would posses something so basic and easy to manipulate

Clouderous's friend/former teammate

Looks like one of the most pointless abilities ever, to be honest. It changes the battle function but it doesn't benefit much from it.

put the droid with fission

Oh, neato

I'll get to work on something over the week though yeah, hope to go far in this tournament user!

I don't quite get what I'm looking at, I assume it's a bug with some kind of aura or something?

post dumb lore

I'm not proud of it.


You should be, it's great

uh edge


I really wonder of his fate in the 3D/Nutfellow universe.

son of blorf is a literal bastard

The genera idea is that he's a bug in amber armor.

I'll get to work on it, I guess

All the female vermin in the ToL got pregnant from their partners.


what about the lesbian teams

they went to the sperm bank obviously

what sort of sperm impregnates blorja
all the radioactivity probably made her infertile

Ohhhh and in the Burst form it grows big, right?

If so, that's a neat idea, but I think you should use the amber in more ways than just the face and wings

In case you missed it in one of the earlier threads today, Yellow Jerkass shitposts in what ever the vermin equivalent of these threads are. Its unknown if vermin make other monsters in their vermin threads or regular human beings, but whatever the case is, Jerkass doesn't actually participate in the them outside of shitposting.

>He use HH

uhh last call on votes

I don't understand how this shit is Cred Forums related and has 10 threads every fucking day but if I make a thread about a cute vidya girl it gets deleted within 5 minutes

What are you looking at them funny for, it's just simple biological geometry.

not!swordoom is easy as fuck to draw

She is FAT.



verm/i/n come from an alternate universe in glasgow, scotland

true verminkino

I love this image so much

*Golf swings you*

how about

I thought the portal to the vermin world was in Montana.

Ben Garrison vermin when?

Working on it

guess i'm doing the simpsons one

Cred Forumsermin are from montana
verm/i/n are from scotland

tfw no /vr/min

Could someone explain to me how this works? I've always seen these threads but there's never any explanation on how to participate

and if this is any indicator, vermi/n/ are from detroit

Do one.

Rev up that MS Paint and draw some weird thing. The weekend is pretty much over for us, though.

i gotchu senpai

Make your own fakemon, wait for someone who has managed to cobble a battle engine together out of code to set up a tourney and try to enter, pray you don't get demolished round 1.

I should finish him


>try to fit in with community by being nice and doing stuff for people
>everyone ignores it
>try to improve my art to be accepted by the community
>still get ignored
>try to make friends with another community since this clearly isn't working out
>still get ignored

I feel like if I'm ignoring something but I don't know what.

>do shit without regard for others
wow so hard

Berserex can only be fueled by Pebsi
There is a gate to hell under Crack Frost's house
There's like 200 individual Fossaults
Steph needs a wheelchair after feeding hard
Snaking is the ruler of the snake planet
Death Adder is what snakes think appear to them when they die
Slamael can make meteors fall but he's too obsessed with basketball to do it
Glass cannon spent the holidays with Elven Archer after losing at Xmas but never found his way out of the forest

Sorry for spending so much time typing this shit up

I also get ignored, it's not so bad, I'm used to it anyways

>watching Black Panther for the second time with my friends
>plan to go to secretly post from my seat for the Burst rush
>discover no internet signal in the theater
>at 10 minutes before rush head down two flights of stairs to lobby
>connect to wi-fi of medical office next door
>enter min
>got in
>went back and enjoyed the rest of the movie

How was your afternoon, anons?

All the Jack Frost vermin hail from the Frosty Void, as do many of the Christmas vermin

Nigga what are you doing on Cred Forums?

I just do as I feel, which has worked out fine for me. People do appreciate what I've contributed, which is good enough for me, even if it's just one person.

You forgot the part where you had to dodge the penis inspection booth and dripped melted butter from your crab legs on your falconer's glove

Just b yourself.

I see, thank you.

I have about 8 years of programming experience including 3D graphics programming. Is there any demand for development?

Fuck, you're right

You can do something if you want to, but we've got plenty of stuff for now.

>No one likes me unironically because i draw furries
>even if i improved still people give me shit

Why live

Kill yourself furrfaggot.

chalo team watersports engaging in watersports

Man don't be stupid. The more hosts the better.

user join us and have fun

You could make an engine and become a host. The engines are usually 2D but hey maybe you can figure out somethng cool

It is because you are underage

... topdon?

Hey, sure, if you want to cobble together an engine and dazzle us with exhibitions, we'll always have vermin to throw at you. We've been getting crazy with our spinoffs too now with a full-blown MOBASSFAGGOTS simulator, so by all means get creative. No engines are the same, just give each stat in the basic template roughly equal meaning in whatever you make and try to incorporate abilities in some way (but you can always tweak them if necessary to fit)

You realize you're still spelling that wrong right? Also good luck in HH18, I really like your team.

If it makes you feel any better, I don't dislike you, but I do dislike your vermins that you make very blatantly sexualized

Last minute new verm, rate?

Draw less furries and more megamans and I would like you more jjerkoff

Draw a Garuda vermin that shoots out spikes

Abilities look pretty damn strong. I do like the idea of YOOOOO possibly being used as a sound effect, though.

why bother getting armor

>didnt mention anything about animals or furries

oh tvc

>glass cannon spent the holidays with elven archer
Jojo and Garbo are my namefag otp

If someone posts a picture of MC Ride, its most likely JayJay. That being said, your not a bad kid JayJay. Just apply yourself a little more and stop worrying about what other think of you.

I want this played in every match it's in

Is pretty cool, stage 2 looks stronger than stage 3 imo.

post new never seen before vermins

>that final evo ability
just give into the dark side and say it user


Have you tried not being a creepy pet fucker who brags about his fucked up fetish and make some cool vermin instead?
Thanks user, let's hope we don't job horribly.

>MC Ride

What the fuck I thought that was Kimbo Slice

uhhhh tekkit when

I've got nothing like that to show off. I do want to make something new some time, though, and something I do like too.

uhhhhhh this is now a vermin, all in lifes

It wouldn't be the first time the *Yoooo* sound effect was used for a vermin

Oh no, we're fighting round 1, just wanna be courteous since I genuinely like all your designs, even if you hate our guts.

this post


Any last thoughts for the weekend?
I enjoyed the Duel Tournament a lot. It's probably one of my most favorite tournaments yet. I am also digging GnawHost's new engine. I am looking forward to next weekend and its tournaments.

>people ignore all of my robot/mech vermins
>draws anything animal related
>gets more shit than topdon

Kinda sad that I didn't get into anything, but still interested in the upcoming tourneys. At least I'm in Hee's team tourney.

Yeah ok.

T.chicken kunt

I made this ages ago and never did anything with it.

how the fuck does wasteland wanderers have such good art and design synergy

I'm sad my team jobbed in duel but at the same time it was a good tournament. Very excited for GBA3 and Burst tourneys which I'm in. Lots of kino teams.

owowie k i'm going to burruu

I miss making vermin

Incumate evolution