>MC is over 25

Other urls found in this thread:


>ITT: things that never happened

Name EVEN ONE JRPG that does this.

Nier: Gestault, but that is technically an ARPG.

Vagrant Story

Oji-san needs love.



W-what's wrong with being over 25?

>being this old and not killing yourself.

Whoops, forgot image.

In Japan, life is pretty much over as soon as you turn 20 since you have responsibilities and obligations then

That's why you don't see many "adult" heroes in Japanese media; adults don't have the time or freedom to go on adventures.

Unlimited SaGa. Kurt and Laura are early 30s.

Also why most the adults you see doing anything other then working are evil.

You stop being a person once you become an adult and just become a drone. Anything showing otherwise is seen as counterculture and evil.

Mario RPG.

Reminds me that Cloud is 21 in FF7 and all he'd like to do is pay the bills to have no bullshit until the whole AVALANCHE thing turns into a giant clusterfuck and he has to save the planet.

And here his late mother was complaining about him being lazy and needing an older girlfriend.

The entire plot of FF7 was a protest of Japanese culture and the Govt. With the main points being anti-nuclear power and weapons research being done at the time.



>wanting boring, generic, teenage MC's

Disgusting. 20-30 is the ideal.

Late 40s - early 60s is ideal.

>MC is the Dark Lord

Yuri is 21, close enough.

The same is pretty much true around the world. Once you reach the age of majority your parents expect you to do adult things. This varies by culture, but most parents expect you to have a job and start looking to get married and have kids at the very least. Some kick their kids out which forces them to work and put a roof over their head. Some cultures encourage cohabitation but still expect the younger generation to begin paying for household expenses and stuff.

You have to remember your typical poster on Cred Forums is very far removed from this. They either are mentally ill in some fashion and their parents gave up on them, or they live partial adult lives while still failing at most things normal people their age do (have jobs, live alone, etc, etc).

Strange Journey



There isn't. People seem to think that being over 21 means you're an old fart. 25 is still pretty young relative to our lifespan. But as most people are already saying, by that age you don't really have time indulge in the same things than when you were 16, and there are exceptions to that.
I say as long as you feel young/healthy, that's all that really matters.

Parasite Eve? Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together?


When did this movie release


2009. That's the same year Persona 4 came out.

Stop moving the goal post.


He's 24, but it still counts.

Hes 78 so not in his 60s so YOU'RE WRONG


If 24 counts, then Maya from P2:EP counts too (she's 23).

SMT Strange Journey

Because Japanese society is very strict and re-enforces culture norms. Despite the fact that some people actually get stronger and wiser when they get older, Japan actively makes sure that people past age 21 conform to societal standards. This is actually good and bad. Good because from a young age kids get overloaded by thinking life is going to be about conquering and adventure only for the total extreme opposite to happen, thus leading to depression and a high suicide rate.

Good because their country is non-pozzed and they get to keep their traditions, customs and keep their bloodline pure.

Well, technically... Disgaea counts.

Not to mention the fact that most consumers of video games are kids so they make games that appeal to them because they have time. Adults literally have no lives in Japan besides going out with their bosses.

>depression and a high suicide rate.

That is the norm unless you're a 2d loli like myself.

23, but close enough

Even better if the young girls want the MC in his 40s.

Does it count as long as he reaches that age by the end?

Because if so, SaGa Frontier 2

>MC is a teen
>Antagonist is an adult

Any games where the opposite happens?

Oh, SaGa... such a fantastic series.

The Last Story


How old is stocke?

Your little brother in Mario Kart when you play against him.

>tfw you reach 25 and you notice anime and games start making fun of people over 25
I'm not old, Cred Forums.

You are not young either

>Antagonist is your dad

Xenoblade X
He's 19. I think Rosch is like 22 or something

I feel completely unable to connect to a character under early 20s anymore.

>late 20s
>not 25+
are you fucking retarded? i hate that I'm 2 hours late but goddamn your parents must have been disappointed when you slithered out of the abortion bucket. some kids have the ups but you definitely have the downs

This drawing truly is the definition of "boner, but also despair."

>Turn 25 this year

How do I handle it, Cred Forumsros?

put me in coach, i can carry this jrpg

>game has younger men fawn over older woman

Every single JRPG with character creation that is worth a damn.

Name some that don't let you do this

Is this game any good?

You said good twice.

Man, the problem with Japan is in another scale. People there tend to work over 24 hours just to make their bosses, and consequently their families, happy. That is why if don't marry before your mid 20's you'll probably stay single for the rest of your life. Doing anything other than working there is counterculture, most of people that like movies or games do it hidden. You can even expand this explanation for their fetishes, "cute"(kawaii) culture and etc...
Okay other place can more violent, but in Japan the division younghood and adulthood is much more harsh.

Fucking, this game. Jansen is best bro mage!

And they manage to get nothing done since they are always so burnt out.
Sad for everyone to get that stressed and overworked just to accomplish less than a normal workday would.

>turning twenty eight (28) this year
>never kissed a girl, haven't spoken to one since high school, no friends outside of coworkers who aren't even """"""friends"""""
My life was over before it began, wasn't it?

Hey at least you have a job.

t. stuck in uni limbo for another three years
t. 25
t. live at home
t. nofriends

>tfw also turning 28 this year
>also never kissed a girl
>but have several female 'friends' and interact with females on a regular basis (currently in grad school)
I'm just average--ugly to women--and crave the sweet release of death on a daily basis.
polite sage for off topic

>at least you have to spend the vast majority of your time doing things you don't like for other people's benefit so you can buy things that bring you no joy and also hardly use because you have no time
Yeah, it's a blessing alright. Life sure is great
>yw most certainly die in your life time
best feel

So why won't you do some thing about it?

Incompatible with people

Do what?


bitches have astronomical physical standards
kill yourself, normalfag

Should I watch netjuu?




Even autistic people have friends/girlfriends.

idk get out, meet people.

>bitches have astronomical physical standards

they really don't believe it or not.

>turning 26 this year
>happily married to a very supporting wife who cooks, working through a tough STEM degree.
>Enjoy a lot of time with my friends and still manage to fit in physical training
You know sometimes its hard to realize things worked out.

happy for you user, you made it

just b urself

27 here
no friends
no job
no education
I sit at home and jerk it and then lay in bed all day
I've already given up

>they really don't believe it or not.

Why are you still on Cred Forums then? Get out and never return.

Is it okay to finish a degree at 28?
I'm pretty much in panic mode right now. Thinking of dropping out or killing myself.

Better late than never

yes, absolutely

>turned 20 four months ago
>already feel like a huge manchild despite being in uni
Almost everyone I know who went to to high school have their own houses or apartments, have long term gfs and/or aleady has a kid. Anyone who doesn’t have that are going to better colleges than I am while I’m still playing the same old ps2/PS3 games I did when I was 14. While I am young, it’s shocking to see the face of a man in the mirror instead of a dumb teen.

I just turned 25.

>While I am young, it’s shocking to see the face of a man in the mirror instead of a dumb teen.
you're going to feel like this for the rest of your life, even when you're successful and happy. most people do, including your parents.

I genuinely don't have an answer

user who gives a shit how fast others are moving.
If they had a kid at 20 they've already fucked up

when you think a website with 200k simultaneous users is comprised of losers
go home robot

20 year olds are still dumb children, any who imply otherwise are acting.

Having a kid or owning property at 20 is dumb unless you're planning on being a farmer for the rest of your life.

Nigga own your hobby, you play PS3 games. yolo.

College quality is just one tool in an interview and never comes up again.

t. old man

>College quality is just one tool in an interview and never comes up again.
Going to a "good" school opens a lot of doors.

You should really have your kids in your 40s so they can have autism and down's syndrome.

There are people that finish degrees at 60.

>20 year olds are still dumb children
This. You're not an adult until 25--on average--when the frontal lobe of your brain develops fully.

Completely depends what you want to do but I would never want to trade an extra 20k a year for having to put up with smarmy ivy league asswipes who couldn't engineer their way out of a structurally deficient paper bag without daddies trust fund.

tl;dr do something skill dependent and git gud at it.

i turned 20 3 months ago as well.
I'm still in high school like a faggot and i currently revisiting old games of my life time as well. feelin patethic

>making 55k a year
>decent job, easy enough
>go home and watch anime / play video games
>repeat for 3 years so far

Should I just continue on like this? I wouldn't say I'm unhappy. But if I put in effort I could probably make more money.

However the question I keep coming up with is, "Why?" I get that money is nice, but I just don't have anything I need to buy right now. Is it alright to just live life through complacency and coast until death? It sounds kind of nice...

>only an extra 20k

What's the best age

Like 10 probably.
Time feels infinite, and you don't have to worry about teen bullshit.

As long as you don't have kids/debt 55k/year is more than enough to live comfortably.

i would say 18, not my case but i can imagine it in one of my daydreamings

22-26. you're no longer a dumb kid and you're not so old that people write you off

Yeah. No kids and zero debt. Making max contributions to my roth IRA every year too. Have a large amount invested...I feel like I'm probably in the upper 95% percentile for people my age (turning 28 this year).

I have a coworker who just quit and changed jobs to get like a 50% raise and he's been trying to get me to look for a new job. And I just can't bring myself to do it. I like my job right now and making a lot more money just seems pointless to me.

Ask yourself what you truly want out of life, what might give you the most fulfillment. Having a girlfriend, maybe wife? Having more wealth? Creating things from a passion/hobby of yours? Etc. If you like your life like it is and ARE happy, then there's nothing wrong with being complacent about it user.

Early 20s is your cognitive peak but again, ~25 is your maturation.

Unless you're working for a real shit show or a start up, engineering is paid pretty competitively whichever company you end up.

30-35. That's going to be hard to realize for a while, but its when you're old enough to make solid decisions, have enough money to do whatever you want but aren't saddled with children yet and aren't seen as old by most people.

If it's not a lifer company, you generally want to move on to a somewhat better paying place ever 3-4 years. If you stay a company for a long time, it will be hard to leave when you get sick of it.

What do you do for a living?

It's much easier to get the good job at good company if you come from good school.

I guess I wouldn't mind having a gf / wife. The problem is I dated earlier last year and it became a situation where I was not looking forward to using my weekend hanging out with these girls because I'd rather spend the time playing vidya or watching anime

That might just speak to the quality of girls I was seeing, but it made me think it just wasn't worth it. Also doesn't help I haven't gotten over my relationship of 5 years that ended a couple years ago.

I work in digital security in a SOC. Company has a lot of people that have been there going on 25+ years.

I got a few more certs since I've started work

If you're a lawyer or have some cuck degree like finance or business.

Actual STEM stuff doesn't work like that, at least not at companies that are actually innovating their fields.

Companies don't give a rats ass what school you came from. They care about experience.

Somebody who got an internship or has experience will always get the job over some ivy league brat.

Well if you are satisfied and at least decently happy with your life right now then there's no need to lose much thought over it. Give yourself time to recover from that 5 year relationship. I get that girls will take away from your free time as well, I think that was definitely the quality of girls you were seeing. I got sort of lucky with my girlfriend, we share similar interests but she isn't a typical Overwatch playing e-girl either. Often if we aren't going out, we will be hanging out together at my place and I get to play games and whatnot and she does her own thing. My ex before this always wanted me around, and wanted to constantly go out and I got sick of that shit.

>Actual STEM stuff doesn't work like that, at least not at companies that are actually innovating their fields.
lmao yes they do, a Stanford degree is basically golden ticket unless you're complete retard.
Companies target better schools for recruiting, you also have more opportunities for better internships at better schools.

>No Chad edit

>Somebody who got an internship or has experience will always get the job over some ivy league brat.

Good joke. Nepotism and networking are something that only Ivy League schools can provide and are much bigger determining factors on income than experience. Sorry, bro, thinking your state school degree and few years of job experience are even in the same league as an ivy league degree is bluepilled as fuck

Are you serious or just joking? Serious question.

If the former, lift and learn to code. Its all I did when I was a NEET at 26. Best year of my life, then I got a job and my purpose to live is slowly draining away.

Not unless you like blueballing, cliffhangers, and cuckoldry.


>lmao yes they do, a Stanford degree is basically golden ticket unless you're complete retard.
Not unless you have the real references to prove it. Ivy league STEM is the golden ticket to being a worthless academic, where its completely mandatory for becoming a tenure track professor anywhere reputable.

In the private sector they expect results and all the nepotism in the world wont make a difference, especially outside of the east coast.

>I do STEM because its "a good job"
hello future suicide statistic

I never said Ivy League, Stanford is not Ivy League.
You're deluded if you think going to premier STEM school doesn't impact hiring etc.
>In the private sector they expect results and all the nepotism in the world wont make a difference, especially outside of the east coast.
>especially outside of the east coast.
Kek silicon valley is full of this shit are joking?

>In the private sector they expect results and all the nepotism in the world wont make a difference

>owning property at 20 is dumb

Silicon Valley has a pretty close college/no college percentile relationship to a lot of retail stores in urban areas. There you really, really don't need the degree if you can demonstrate the skills necessary.

>My ex before this always wanted me around, and wanted to constantly go out and I got sick of that shit.

God yeah, that pretty much describes my recent dating. Girls that if I don't want to hang out one weekend, suddenly we have to have a talk and they get all mopey. Like fuck, have your own life.

This 18 yo girl I play online games with just asked me out. She lives nearby. I'm 25. She also seems clingy as fuck and is moderately fat, but her ass looks like something out of a THICCfag's wet dream so I'm kinda tempted. Wat do?

give the cock, put her on block

Are we talking actual STEM like engineering or research driven science or are we talking (((STEM))) like a meme tier information tech degree?

Because this is true for the former and laughably not the case for the latter.

Nothing wrong with being over 25. Cred Forums likes to think your life ends once you exit college but it doesn't. Your life only ends once you have children.

>Ivy league STEM is the golden ticket to being a worthless academic

You're under the impression that all Ivy League STEM majors go into academia. Lmfao. I normally agree with you too, most academics are useless wastes on society, but that doesn't mean they're making a killing on scamming people. But STEM academics have arguably done a lot for the advancement of information technologies in general. Just look at everything that MIT has done over the years. I see people sucking Richard Stallman's dick all over the internet and for good reason (A Harvard grad and currently employed by MIT)

I'm not even a STEM major. I didn't even go to college so try again.

>Silicon Valley has a pretty close college/no college percentile relationship to a lot of retail stores in urban areas
Source? What companies and industries?
>There you really, really don't need the degree if you can demonstrate the skills necessary.
If you're a whiz kid and can somehow prove it you'll get a job but the average guy who went to [good school] will also get the job.

>I'm not even a STEM major. I didn't even go to college so try again.
>I hold hot opinions on shit I know nothing about

I doubt your average Ivy league student interested in STEM is wasting their education on an IT degree (Which is really just a skilled trade at the end of the day)

My first thought but I was wrong..

Yeah I only benefited from nepotism myself and have seen it in action because I actually work in the private sector. College students don't know shit until they actually enter the workforce.


Alucard was well past his 60s in Symphony of the Night.

Until I saw the official info I thought Cloud was supposed to be in his mid-20s. He's officially 21.

>Finishing up five year Navy contract
>Plenty of experience in operating and maintaining Electronic Warfare systems
>QA qualified
>Friends and Family both tell me I'm too either old for college and I should give up on that and there is no work for my skillset in the outside and I should stay in a job I hate for the next fifteen years.

How long in advance should I apply to schools if I'm looking to enter an Electrical Engineering program? I need to prove these people wrong.

This so much. My friend works on turbines as an engineer and he didn't get the job because of his degree, where he was top of his class. He ended up getting the job because one of the people he goes shooting clay pigeons with coincidentally was some regional manager working for Solar Turbines.


>mike started average and got shitty
>jay started shitty and turned 10/10
>rich got fat

>Asking this on a video game shitposting board

I weep for our future.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>Late 40s - early 60s is ideal.
Why? Consider that JRPGs heavily emphasize leveling and starting a middle-aged or older protagonist at level 1 would be ridiculous. Since he's already lived through most of his life (assuming normal aging) he shouldn't have much leveling left to do. The only ways I see to make it work in both story and gameplay are
- you're a mentor type and the game is about powerleveling other, younger characters
- you've been an quack your whole life and have just discovered real magic or something like that

Chaos Rings Omega. MC is 29

you arent too old for college at man youre still in youre twenties people gp back all the time when theyre twice that age

I wish there were more games like this.
It's stupid to see games where a 15 year old kid with little experience is able to defeat groups of highly trained soldiers.

I am not much older than these 20 year something kids but I feel miles apart.

I went through school before there was social media like YouTube, Facebook or Instagram.

I remember a time before the internet wasn't really a thing beyond a select few.

Sometimes I realize how easy we have it and other times I miss the old days before social media took over everything.

The more you get the less you really have.


It's the definition of lukewarm. I enjoyed it thoroughly, but I wouldn't pay more than $10 for it

What's it like being 2D?

>most of people that like movies or games do it hidden

Definitely. I know this Japanese woman in her 20s, and most of her friends are mothers whom she hides her love for video games from because she knows that they'd ostracize her over it. You get people who tell you to grow up and never have fun again anywhere in the world, but Japan is something else.

In Japan you may as well kill yourself.

Improve your physical fitness. Read how to behave around women to make yourself attractive to them.


>almost 26
>working job that I like alright but doesn't pay shit
>have degree but it's useless
>too tired to go back to school
>somehow managed to get a very cute girlfriend
>have lost 90 pounds in the last 2 years
>still sad all the time
>body feels like it's falling apart
>don't enjoy sex, difficult to have

Is this improvement or a stopgap? I feel like I'll still commit suicide someday. I don't onow my next steps.

I really enjoyed the character dynamic of my JRPG protagonist being a grandfather.

>Got into so-called professional translating which I thought would be great
>It sucks

I should've followed my original path and gotten into the tech industry so I could hate that instead.

Gimme a JRPG where the main character is a middle-aged veteran like MGSV's Big Boss.

I just wanna play a JRPG where the MC has already seen some shit and isn't a baby-faced 15 year old WHO WANTS TO FIGHT TO SAVE HIS FRIENDS AND THE WORLD FROM THE EVIL DARKNESS n' stuff.

...Not that those games are bad, just mix it up a little. That's all.

>turning 26 in 4 months
end it, lads. just end it.

I'm in the same situation. Except making a little less per year.

I got a 100k windfall thanks to some investments that let me buy a motocycle and a new camaro. Life is predictable but good.

I could put in way more effort but all of the people I know in higher position are just stressed and angry all of the time.

Can't believe I'm the first one posting it.

These don't tell you the whole story.

>MC is over 25
>is accompanied by a 900+ year old little girl

If you're satisfied, sure. Though if you can make more money, it can't hurt to have more. Just sit on what you don't spend, you never know when you'll want/need it.

>Still goes to school

28 here.
Kissless and Jobless virgin.
I'm about to become the greatest Wizard ever.

If you have your kids in your 40s with a 20 y/o chick, the risk of autism and Down's syndrome is minimal.


Hey me too.
Here's to us.

This looks cute, what's the source? I tried the reverse image searches.

Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

>is actually a teenager in the japanese version

You DO know that Gestault was released in Japan too, right?
Calling Replicant "Japanese version" is dumb.

The 25 year old thing comes from the idea of Christmas Cake women.
Women over 25 and not married and will probably never be.
Sometimes I feel like a Christmas Cake too..

Older protagonists that have some form to their life are more interesting than JRPG High School Boy-self-insert Character #938402739824. Prove me the fuck wrong.

Still, Gestalt was made because they thought Americans wouldn't dig the original protagonist.

It just means you grew up. No offense user, I dislike looking at photos like this, as it makes me reminisce all the fun times I had with my little brothers and how everything fell apart. Not trying to be edgy, just legit sad.

>Started new job with good salary plus commission
>need to make buy a house and fill it with knife wielding crabs
>feel like this goal is achievable by next year
Honestly don't have any more ideas after that other then buying more crabs.

Gestalt was released at the same time in Japan as Replicant but on the 360.
They though that westerners would prefer Papa Nier over Teen Nier and released it at the only version in the west tho.

>He's 19.
Holy fuck, seriously?
He seems to have the experience of a 30-40 year old at least.

Even in middle school I thought the same thing. I never got why the Japanese love boring kids as leads, even when I learned more about Japanese society. But sometimes the Japanese actually try to make boring lead characters, I remember seeing some manga artist say it once about themselves.

There are plenty of 1000 year old lolis in jrpgs

Taro was able to convince SE to make Gestalt by saying it would appeal more to Westerners, so it's not too far off to call him "The western version"

I like you. You're my new drinking buddy. Every round is on me.

Literally never happened outside of strange journey.
I don't understand Glorious Nippon's obsession with teenagers.



Are you me?

Any Mario RPG.

>Huge bulky beef cake of a dude

>I’m 16

The Chad Fullbringer

Look after yourself, and you'll age like wine.
Only roasties have to worry about the 25 meme.

>Best girl Balsa
I know it's wrong, but I was smug as fuck when I got the only bluray copies FYE had before somebody else did. Though karma paid me back when some body got all seasons of initial D

>I never got why the Japanese love boring kids as leads
simple: it's the target audience

>need to make buy a house and fill it with knife wielding crabs
You can't say shit like and leave a nigga a hanging, who or what is going to fight the crabs?

Jay is the only one who improved.

my fellow June bros? It's not going to get any better, is it?

Nah. I have actual work life balance here in America I'm not discouraged from taking time off. My boss is just another human not someone I need to be 110% loyal too. In japan, your boss is basically king. It's all old school there. Work is your life and if you deviate from this you basically kiss your job good bye. You're expected to put your job ahead of everything else and the worse part is how inefficient they are. So much red tape.

>am 22
>live with dad
>live extremely comfortably but hate being around the people here
>mom desperately wants my sister and i to live with her
>both parents constantly teasing me for the past few years about moving to places closer to extended family with better career opportunities but nothing ever happens and they're 5 hours away anyway
>best friends i've known since forever all teasing me about super cheap apartments nearby but this area is a shit hole otherwise
>just got fired from both jobs within the same week for stupid reasons mostly beyond my control
what do

>tfw approach 30 and realize all popular culture is based on feeding on the energy of the young

Using the example of your single workplace against a generalization of another country is not exactly a proper counter argument.

>Is it alright to just live life through complacency and coast until death
It is quite literally the Christian thing to do.

FF12 (originally)

>imagine what you want and reaaaaally obsess about it
The modern way of life

Going to college as a more mature young adult genuinely looking to learn and expand his horizon with a career is far better than being a short sighted chucklefuck straight out of high school who still doesn't know his place in the world.

>mfw being 30 and realizing that there are next to no fun (keyword here) fiction books/series featuring an older cast
The closest I've gotten is the pre-Ent Star Treks for TV, and The First Law for books. I've had a lot of time for creative stuff just because the premade shit I crave is no longer tailored for my demographic. Most "older people" fiction is either literature (which I'm not always in the mood for) or a fucking low effort yawnfest I can't believe was funded.

I gotta admit with kids it seems like it really is as bad as people say. At least for the first 1-5 years. When they are old enough you don't have to watch them 24/7 it can improve.

You dumb git nothing wrong with going to college when you are older. All it means is you don't get the whole dorm-boozehound experience. I wish I had enrolled in the chairforce instead of going direct to colege

>tfw turned 27 on the first of the month
>tfw i still feel like my life isn't going anywhere and over the last year i've been drinking a lot more than usual

i'll admit that sometimes i wish i wasn't here anymore but i still cling on to the fact that tomorrow will be better
i'd wish it stop someone please just drop me into the pit of despair

Don't feel too bad kids today are going to feel the same way you do in time. Age comes for us all

Social media is fucking awful and once I get my external HD I am going to scrub my imgur profile once I download all the porn/hentai albums I uploaded. I only used that shit site for image uploading then I got roped into commenting and now I realized I've got something I could be dox-nuked with. I am glad I got off facebook back in 2012. It's telling how it's the norm for tech executives and participants in Silicon valley to explicitly make sure their kids DO NOT get on social media. cnbc.com/2018/01/23/apple-ceo-tim-cook-dont-let-your-kids-use-social-media.html He went for the usual "abloobloobloo trolls and shitposters" but more to the point is that social media cultivates envy, forces you to participate in sectarian trench-wars with people over ideological shit that you would never fight over in your day to day lives or natural circles of friends.

I think snapchat is like this but they could make big bucks with a social media platform which is anti facebook-twitter. Very closed circuit but allow you to jump into different pools if you are invited. Discord for normies, I guess.

I'd have hoped it would have changed with the millennial generation over there. Sad to see the salaryman ethic is still going strong.

I dunno, see a doctor about the weight loss and sex and falling apart. You will notice your body not being as spry as before but it shouldn't be going nuclear like that.

Just think. You're mortal and it can all stop at any time. We're all just walking sacks of pork.

Get a better job. Do something to bolster your morale. I was at a job that paid extremely well but I was worked to the bone. My stress was through the roof and my morale was very low. Sex was disappointing and it was my fault.

I quit that job, got something way easier for significantly less though, but my stress is gone and my wife and I fuck like rabbits.

Mum said as well the 30s were her favorite, and that was with kids. 30s being when you had enough financial income you can enjoy life and you aren't old old yet.

Thing you gotta remember is getting old doesn't mean turning into your grandparents. We have a warped view that old people = greatest generation, so jazz or classical music, very quaint and fragile 30s-50s motifs. The boomers are now in their late 50s to early 70s. Dadrock is now grandparock. Grandparents will eventually be or already ARE the rolling stones, the who, hippies, playing guitar,star trek and to an extent star wars fans. Judging from the boomers and their parents generation you maintain generally the same interests, passions and pursuits as your teens and 20s, mitigated due to age and added on due to additional activities.

When we are in our 50s, 60s and 70s we're not going to suddenly become our grandparents. Were going to be on whtever our internet equivalent of the time is, playing old as fuck games from our teens and 20s if we are able, might do golf might do auction houses but you won't suddenly become your grandma and grandpa. It's warped for people to have this perception that age correlates to culture. On some levels it does - more old people will golf or go to auctions.

I hear Certs are the way to go. For STEM 100%, but in my case it's a non stem (science-Tech-International Security but basically International Security/Terrorism stuff). Wanted to go grad school but it's not affordable for me.

The thing is a lot of classic storytelling relies on people being stupid and/or inexperienced, which is fine for young people but less great for older characters.

Epicurus had it right albeit not in the way people receive him. They think it's hedonism when it's just "Life is about pleasure. The truest pleasures are simple, accessible and healthy. Envy is not pleasure but pain, and many envious pleasures are ultimately pain." Heroin might give infinitely greater pleasure than a warm bed but it gives infinitely greater pain. Getting up to go to work is not pleasurable but it's more pleasure to return to a nice warm bed in a decent house than to live out in a tent struggling to survive.

Unless you're that guy who slept in a jar with dogs as his buddies insulted Alexander and masturbated in public.
>On the indecency of his masturbating in public he would say, "If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly."

Holy shit that's a clever bastard

>Every JoJo protagonist

Wild Arms 3

The guys butthurt thousands feminist just using free Wordpress blog.

>MC is over 25
>He doesn't own a computer

that was a good thread

>MC is 25+
>main love interest is 12

Lay off the drinking...trust me.
I started with lite stuff at first and only did it one a week on my off day. Then it became twice a week.

Then I switched to vodka. After that I drank a couple of shots with every dinner.
Soon it became 5 shots in a whisky glass.
Then it became twice a day for both meals I eat that day.
Now I don't even count how many shots but I know I finish off a 1.75l bottle in 3-4 days.

My resistance to the affects make it so that I have to drink a lot of it to feel even a buzz.

The only time I stop drinking is when I go on trips and oddly enough I am not craving it during those times.

But it is a slippery slope.
And I am now trying to find other healthier vices that will distract me.

>Consider that JRPGs are almost without exception coming of age stories
FTFY, rest of the post is superfluous

He also looks a lot older than 19 at least in the old art

>rest of the post is superfluous
No, because it talks about mechanics, not just story. If you had said that JRPGs are coming of age _systems_, I would have agreed with you.

and he was right because incestuous fuckboy nier sucks dick

Top-tier corporate politics play.

>tfw 23 and start getting triggered by jrpg protagonists being younger than me and going on epic adventures

Literally nothing
I even forgot I turned 25 because I didn't celebrate my burthday since i was 18

25 is the peak performance and maturity
after that comes sage mode where you can fuck over anyone but you start to lose strikes
40+ is when you have better secured a position of power or you are utterly fucked

A classic reaction.

and then you realize there is no one in existence of that age and that level of maturity so you feel better because they are the equivalent of lolis for males, perfect beings that don't exist

the only way to be that serious at that age is to get dropped in the jungle as a toddler and grow up by killing panthers for sport

>At first you relate to the protagonists who are older than you
>Then you realize you're older than all of these teen-twenty something protags and and relate to the old mentor types in the secondary cast

>Playing Persona 5
>Think it's nice how there's some older women in the game to hit on, figure they're all at least 30+
>Turns out they're all 25 or under yet still treated like old hags
Made me depressed

I turned 25 a couple days ago. Im so fed up with my NEET life. My cousin invited me to teach English in Japan and im not so sure about taking a big step like that. Its not that im anti social its just I dont think I would make for a good teacher.

>At first you relate to the protagonists who are older than you
>but then you relate to the supporting characters who are older than you
not seeing the issue

>MC is under 15

The issue is that I'm now older than even most old supporting characters.

you play the wrong games then

>get dropped in the jungle as a toddler and grow up by killing panthers for sport
Growing up in a quasi-medieval fantasy world as a peasant or a minor noble excepted from birth to serve in his king's army is not THAT different, is it?

>Game has girls that are constantly depressed about being over 20-25 and having having no boyfriend
>Slowly realize that they are always younger than me

Name 5 that aren't pokemon

>bang Tifa

It's so that the age difference doesn't weird out normalfag players. I know I didn't think this way as a teen.

two yokai watch games
three digimon games

Is that manga any good?

Tales of the abyss

Those don't look like 14 year olds

>Name is CHAD
What do you expect.

The fuck was this file doing here

Xenoblade CHronicles 2

>under 15
He is 15

Some of the young Naruto games

The greatest pleasure must be overcoming increasingly harder challenges with increasing skill. Hence, vidya.


No a jrpg but Kyle is best boy

This so much. I regret spending so much time learning Japanese. After living here for about a year, I can't stand Japanese people's mindsets on this kind of shit. At least I can consume untranslated media I guess.

Denam is 18.
Virginia is also 18.

Also since people are doing dumb technicalities anyway, the MC of Devil Summoner is a teen but he gets killed and his soul gets put in an adult body.

>Gene Starwind is 19


best 360 exclusive

That's good for you, but according to statistics, the average american works about 140 more hours per year than the average jap. The state of the japanese workplace has been blown out of proportion, or rather the american workplace hasn't been analyzed enough.

their population is in decline though...

>all these Japanese culture "experts" in this thread
Is there anything more cringe-worthy than kids who watch animu and think they know shit about Japanese culture?

Kids who browse Cred Forums and think they know shit about Japanese culture

>extremely competent
>has a soulmate who understands him without words
Why he did not become a golden standard for all later FF protagonists is beyond me.


Eternal Sonata
One of the two MCs is 39. The one who is actually real and who the entire game revolves around.



Jay had a punchable as fuck face back then.

I'm dying, Lauren.

I'm pretty sure it's 20, according to his bio in one of the episodes.

>Name EVEN ONE GOOD JRPG that does this.
fixed this for (you)

Most of the answers still apply

>tfw don't play JRPGs or watch anime
>only Japanese games I play are fighters which glamorize old men as martial arts masters


>i still cling on to the fact that tomorrow will be better

>still watching anime

My life hasn't been going anywhere for the last 15 years

For real though, never mess around with old fighters. Those cringy old fucks have fighting experience ingrained into their skulls. They will forget the fact that they've got arthritis and kick your ass by instinct, even if they stopped training two decades ago.

Basically the only answers it eliminates are Unlimited SaGa, Disgaea and Chaos Rings.

>unlimited saga

Man Kaiji season 1 was so good. All these demotivational speeches that just gave you even more fire than an actual "motivational" speech ever would. And to top it off, in the final climax of the season Kaiji does the classic gambler's mistake of recklessly going for all or nothing, even when he's already won enough to pay off his debt and keep a small fortune on top of that.
Season 2, while good, doesn't really compare to the utter kino that was Season 1.