What's going on with all this libel and slander piling on /ourguy/?

What's going on with all this libel and slander piling on /ourguy/?

Billy did nothing wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought BASED DSP was /ourguy/?

I saw him at a Walmart a few years ago. It was great.

Billy Mitchell, DSP, and LowTierGod are the holy trinity of /ourguys/

Billy Mitchell was /ourguy/ before you were even in diapers kiddo. Without him there would be no playstation, no nintendo, no nothing. He is the man, the myth, the legend himself.

Hey Billy, think fast!

If I were him, I wouldn't give a shit about all this. I'd have my hot sauce empire and my trophy wife and laugh at all the kiddies who actually care about video game records.


His hair is so weird.

he's innocent. some douche at the DKforum who has a history of doctoring videos tried to show that Billy's games were done on mame when in reality he is trying to frame billy as a cheater with a video he created.

once twin galaxies finds billy's original tapes, they'll be proven as real. the ones on youtube are obviously doctored by the guy who has a vendetta against billy

I just wonder why. What does this rich fucker stand to gain from faking the high score at Donkey Kong? He was supposedly able to fake it because he threatened the record keepers financially. But fucking why? Why would he care about making this record in the first place? He's got nothing better to do?

Then how do you explain the vid where he's changing arcade games but not really and everyone is acting really fucking weird


>makes vinegar based hot sauces
>did nothing wrong

explained here

My uncle has hair exactly like this because he had hair plugs done at some point and the hair grows out super straight because it's not your actual hair so it doesnt "flow" I guess into the natural hair.

He's rich?

>scores obliterated by a normie plastic surgeon


Autistic speedrunner Apollo on a crusade against the big bad people that made games like these popular >:(

>normie plastic surgeon

The dude is Chinese. If any other chinks had ever played Donkey Kong, they would all have the high score.

This Apollo faggot should get a girlfriend, he is fucking pathetic

>minutes apart
Go to bed Billy

Not same user, maybe you need the girlfriend hehe

Guys he CHEATED in a video GAME!

How could he do such a thing!??!


He's a CHEATER This is a BIG DEAL

does a single image exist of billy mitchell looking like a normal human

>Apollo started watching speedruns in 2016
>He makes compilation videos of clips everyone has seen a million times
>All of a sudden he's the voice of speedrunning
>Now he's on a crusade against cheaters in speedrunning, despite it being something only faggots care about

Literally who cares if some fat dude wants to say he has the world record of some game you've never heard of? It happened 30 years ago

The guy literally tried to sue Cartoon Network because they honored him with >407265705
The guy is a faggot and cheated, can't trust anyone anymore.

i like seeing these pathetic boomer losers lose thier tiny sliver of glory they so desperately cling onto, even though that sliver is pathetic and worthless

If it's something only faggots care about, why do you care so much?

If its something only faggotts who care about something only faggotts care about then why do you care about it, faggott?

reminder that modern day gaming 'stars' also cheat


Nope. He always looks like a sleazeball.

Lol, its only riding a bicycle, who cares if one-nut cancerman cheated?

first, there's no such thing as 'aimbot'. second, shroud is a pro cs player, he snaps to targets all the time. this is what all the pros do. the 180 he does to instantly 'snap on' to his friend is just proof of how crazy his reactions are XD.

Except play on MAME, use savestates, use splices, and threaten people at Twin Galaxies. But other than that I guess he's okay.


tbqh I'm glad that Twin Galaxies is finally getting their shit together.

>first, there's no such thing as 'aimbot'.
As someone who used to hack the shit out of old FPS games years ago i can tell you yes, yes there is such a thing as an aimbot.

I thought he wasn't even a confirmed cheater? He just played on unofficial hardware, which means he POTENTIALLY cheated.

>overruled by court.

ever since the documentary's narrative was designed to make him look like a bad guy everyone thinks he's a bad guy.

It's his chad personality. That's what they hate the most, just like with President Trump's.

how did they know he was a cheater?

Besides associating with numerous pedophiles and child rapists, you mean?

How about former ref Ron Corcoran? Jailed in 2005 for raping his own daughter from the years 2000-2004. Here's his profile below:


Or perhaps other convicted child rapist/TG insider Steven Krogman?


I wonder if Billy knew what was going on?

They compared how the screen was drawn. MAME draws it in blocks, the original game draws it from left to right. His videos were drawn in blocks.

It doesn't prove he cheated. It doesn't have to. The documentary painted him as a villain chad and virgin whiteknights don't need anything more than that.


>Besides associating with numerous pedophiles and child rapists, you mean?
Oh speaking of which.

Video was released by guy who analyzes and determines it was played on mame (just played in mame, no evidence of cheating in it)

Billy claims this video probably is of mame, but it is not the video he submitted. Says twin galaxies should have the video in their records.

Basically there's a lot of gray area, there's no indication of cheating but possibly indication mame was used, and we're lacking full evidence and explanation.

People just hate Billy because of his character in king of Kong, and with the hype of Todd Roger's recent failures, people are antsy to see another "legend" go down

Here's Corcoran's daughter with Krogman. Seems like these meetups were just an excuse to pass around some underage pussy

>giving attention to these e-celeb attentionwhores

Nothing concrete just that he was playing on an emulator instead of an arcade and a bunch of other shady shit like him financially supporting Twin Galaxies and there being no footage of his highest score except the testimony of a banned referee that had all his records revoked recently.


>indication mame was used
ah, that thing billy says he's never used

>he said he never used it, it must be true!
Come now, user. Surely you're smarter than that.

>guilt by association
>guilt before innocence
Two years and millions of dollars can't even clear that from people who want to believe it.

Why is this so creepy?
t. actual pedo

Because he acts so openly shifty about it.

Why are you a pedo? Internet induced or childhood trauma?

Started looking at porn when i was 12. Wanted images of girls my own age. Didn't stop liking it just cause i got older.

Being a lolicon doesn't make you a pedo.
Also, a one way relationship between a fat man and a child who clearly is uncomfortable looks creepy. Who'da thunk.


My tastes are also the same now as when I was 12 except they are completely opposite of yours, always been into milfs

por que no los dos?

>get with milf as little boy
>easy mode

>get with 12 year girl as adult
>super fucking hard mode.

Get on my level, casual.


Most likely the first, didn't take me very long to find cheese pizza after discovering the internet in my teens, about a decado ago. But the second could also be true, my childhood was weird.

I can admit to being a pedo on an anonymous board.

That makes sense. Guess (nearly) everyone was attracted to minors at some point.

This. No actual grannies or fatties tho.

>I can admit to being a pedo on an anonymous board.
mods have your IP


She couldn't resist Justin "The Long Dong" Wong

>Most likely the first, didn't take me very long to find cheese pizza after discovering the internet in my teens, about a decado ago. But the second could also be true, my childhood was weird.
It was a lot easier two decades ago when kazaa and napster had it all.

You actually think someone would fake these videos for YEARS almost a decade in such a way that would involve them knowing an exploit in MAME's old software that nobody was aware of and was never patched out for almost a decade?

Just to frame Billy?

I have a friend who literally streams himself aimbotting on Pubg, Paladins, Fortnite, Planetside 2, Star Wars BF1, Overwatch, ect. So if you think there aren't aimbot hacks, you're a retard.

So does my ISP.

>h-hahah whoaa what happened? I was so nervous guys haha I accidentally had my aimbot snap I mean I accidentally snapped to you and shot you ha ha
So obvious. Reminds me of that wheelchair guy that accidentally stood up on stream and his GF tried to cover.

They do it to President Trump almost every day of the week and even a full exoneration isn't enough for them at this point.

Now even the Tor network is dying. Probably a good thing in the end.

>Trumpfags are also Billyfags
hmmm makes you think

>tfw you will NEVER be SSed

I turned your video off after 2 seconds, FYI

>Now even the Tor network is dying
Is it really? I mean yea most sites are dead or painfuly slow but the network itself too?

Wait, so was he still the first person to get to Pac-Man's killscreen or is this about something else?

It kinda is when they catalogue it and place a scoreboard type ranking to it. It doesn't matter what you deem is important or not, once it is standardized within its own community, those standards will be enforced.

I can smell the latino subhuman blood pumping in your veins.

Even if he didn't cheat, he would still have to relabel his run. You have to specify if these things are going to be done on machine or done on MAME especially since there is a lot of differences between the software.

hey guys, there's a potential Donkey Kong Kill Screen coming up if anyone is interested

Sort of, but I'm mostly referring to the cheese pizza sites.

>some people like successful men
>some people hate their fathers

Did Kuh ever get his kill screen?

only faggots cheat

they're mega contrarians

billy is an shady slimy lying piece of shit with an insane ego and trump is a shady slimy lying piece of shit with an insane ego

these features scream based and masculine to them

About something else.

He was likely not the first person to reach the perfect Pac Man score, but the first officially recognized by Namco. There are letters from a US branch congratulating other people before Billy, but u fortunately there's no proof that it's real so its hard to say. Billy remains the first officially documented.

Also Trump is the President of the USA so any sabotage campaign against him is infinitely more possible than one against Billy.

But why do you hate your dad?

maybe if you didn't have latent daddy issues yourself you wouldn't be looking to random rich guys to be your surrogate father


The FBI and liberals. The FBI wastes so much time and manpower they can't go after actual jewish supremacist school shooters.

also the video footage on his other two records have a mysterious tape line that periodically covers the score. there was also a video of billy switching out a donkey kong board for a donkey kong jr board even though it was actually the same board.


He dyes his hair and beard I bet. Just in case he impresses some young nerd girls.

>i don't respect anything
>i'm such a rebel, lol.

The word is "Terrorist", antifag.

I don't, he is a hard honest worker who supported me throughout my life.

>I watched Apollo legend

Trump is small potatoes compared to Billy. Billy Mitchell had the first perfect game of Pacman. Can Trump claim something similar? I thought not.

donkey kong kill screen
if you're interested

I'd make a special classification of people who mislabel their run knowingly (as Billy clearly did) it shows intent and having an unofficial hall of shame would do wonders to deter the behavior.

>Boards the same
>wow guys why are these famous dudes acting so wierd in this video???

Did you ever stop to think for one moment that someone used a video editor to make it look like the first board was the same exact board as the second?

this has to be bait

ITT:Billy defense force goes full damage control.

Nobody is going to watch that fucking autistic faggot. I wish I could see his youtube metrics to see how many people closed that shit after two seconds.

He really does need a girlfriends. Your life is heading to a dangerous place when all you care is calling out old records that no one cared about before.

>guilty before innocent
>arrested? me? why?

It would be okay if that was their actual argument and not
>Who the fuck cares about stupid fucking video games you nerd!

Damage control is not "getting their shit together"

I love this meme.


>guilt before innocence
>in any context
So you admit to raping children?

snap aiming is the dumbest meme to fool retarded twich fanboys.
I cant even imagine the ammount of idiot 12 year olds practicing their "flick aiming" because some lying 20 something scumbag told them fairytales about how he's a "flick aimer" when he got busted cheating.

>I'm gonna have ten pieces of well done bacon, I'm gonna have four hardboiled eggs, I'm gonna have three pancakes, and hopefully play some great games.
What did he mean by this?

Why can't Billy do it again to show he is legit? He seems to brag how effortless his scores are.

Good job ignoring my whole post, Billy.

He could probably break a million legitimately, but he's too scared of losing to do so in public.

What? When has he bragged about how effortless it was? For him to beat his personal best and get like the 12th spot place?

I'm just disappointed that kids these days lack the human element needed to get a high score. They don't even have the skill necessary needed to be a real man like Billy and end up transforming themselves into women out of shame and failure.

They even try to make bots and game simulators to try to beat these scores and they blame their own failings by sexually identifying the scores as unbeatable when in reality they need to just start practicing and git gud.

wait since when is DSP /ourguy/

I wish there were more documentaries. I fucking love Twin Galaxies and its old guard and their autistic antics.

What's his endgame?

Crashing the game (kill screen), WITH NO SURVIVORS (extra lives).

Is he an e-celeb?


Not really, he got famous before the Internet was even a thing. If anything he's technically a real celeb.

I skipped ahead first to see if it got better. Then I closed it.

Watch man vs snake on Netflix, it's better than king of Kong


All you fuckers need to stop making fun of BASED BRIAN at once.

We know he's actually cheating by splicing video to hide RNG manipulation, not just that he's using MAME.


Damn, why do these dudes cheat to keep their records? Why not just stick around as the wise old sage of the community?


Billy doesn't need to use savestates. Todd taught him how to shoot cosmic rays at the computer to influence RNG that way.

Because they had gotten away with it for so long they completely discounted the thought of it ever coming back to haunt them.

>thinking freaks of this magnitude with respect the very concept of ancestor worship
Their very hobby revolves around ousting the old and supplanting yourself in their place.

>Event has a low percent of probability
>Therefore, the probability is exactly 0



this is just too perfect.

Trumpfags, man.

>double clicking replies
i think we all know who the real soyboy is here
i bet you fucking stutter post too

If Trump weren't white you would be sucking his cock or turning your cheek.

>Man vs Snake
>Chasing Ghosts
>The King of Con

Go watch those.

>When you can't tell if people in this thread are shitposting, falseflagging, or if Billy was actually autistic enough to hire shills to defend his name

n-no I dont

>Event is a repeated series of low percent of probability over and over and over
Each iteration of the subsystem drives the low percent even lower, into an infinitesimal degree of unlikelihood.

It's true though. The amount of shit they just make up about Trump is ridiculous. You want me to forget the time they claimed he hired prostitutes to pee on him? Jesus fucking Christ.

nobody aims like that, because its fucking impossible. congrats buying into that bullshit though.

He got 800k like 30 years ago, he can probably get 1mil today in front of a live audience

But even if he does, people are still gonna shit on him, people just don't like Billy's attitude


I can't believe people keep falling for this.

Paid? They'd do it for free.

>When has he bragged about how effortless it was?

In the tape he sent where he took the record he beat the score by exactly as many points that his was beat by then just stood there and allowed himself to die implying that he could easily go higher if he wanted to

Yeah GameCube Pokemon sucks

Maybe people are just more critical and don't jump to conclusions based on shit evidence from both sides.

I'm sorry you don't like Billy but it's possible these are bogus claims

get a grip

So he walked away after beating his million, and bragged by not even getting top 10 of the world record? Pretty shit bragging

Besides obviously having never passed a math course in your life, you're missing the point that he only manages to break a million by getting absurdly favorable RNG and even then is only in 12th place, meaning he's depending almost entirely on luck because he can't consistently get a high enough score to place even in the top 20 despite all of those other players getting far worse RNG than he did.

>he can probably get 1mil today in front of a live audience
Maybe if the cabinet is running MAME

WTF I'm a #ShillForBill now

It is a big deal, dipshit. Human beings create and play games with rules for a fucking reason. It's not arbitrary. It's actually a deep way of acting out a type of morality. The fact that you think cheating at games is meaningless speaks volumes about your character, user.

i bet he hasn't practiced. i don't think he has a cabinet anymore he only plays on mame so he probably knows he can't these days. its over for him.

literally who?

Don't respond to Billy's buttboys.

>congratulated by Billy Mitchel
oh hes a cheater too i bet

started watching porn when i was 12 too but i always liked older girls.
I wanted to see big tits and ass, things some girls my age didnt offer.
How do you not like fertile hips, i live for that shit

The saddest words of tongue and pen are 'Cred Forums hap to be right again'

that'd only make sense if you couldn't watch the orginal video

Why is it everyone that has been involved with Twin Galaxies look like the biggest goobers on the planet?

You'd think that at least one of them would look like a normal fucker, but no.

post video link


fuck you you sick fuck

look in the mirror user

he should get a better wig

I don't care for Billy but I hate the self-righteous pricks like Apollo Legend.

Anyone ever notice that Apollo’s voice sounds suspiciously similar to Joseph Anderson’s?

Appollo is a biased dramashitter riding off his righteous dick

without billy there would be no playstation so watch what you say

are you stupid?
proving you are the best is all that matters, even if it's not true but people believe it

>there are people out there RIGHT NOW whos whole self-image completely depends upon cheated high scores in 40 year old video games

how pathetic can you get? i mean, really

The MAME and splices are facts. The Twin Galaxies thing is a strong allegation.

but hair plugs are your real hair

Fuck it. I'm gonna tell the whole story and I don't care what you judgmental pricks are going to say about me.

>Working in a student IT position at Uni
>Lots of downtime to fuck about between calls
>Edgy "hacker" kid is jealous that I stole the spot in the back where you can hide your games better
>Sees me playing Candy Box 2
>"Hey, I bet you your spot in the corner that I can get more candy than you can in 10 minutes."
>Fine, either he doesn't know the game, or he's about to show me something amazing
>10 minutes go by
>He shows me his screen
>He's still on the first part, but shows me his candy count is a retarded ridiculous amount
>Todd Rogers would have blushed at how many random digits were tacked on
>Demands my chair
>Tell him to fuck off, I'm not going to reward outright cheating
>He starts whining that he wasn't cheating
>"Fuck off, I know you're cheating because it's been 10 minutes into this argument and you still haven't told me how you pulled that off, meaning on some level, you understand what you did is wrong"
>He starts looking massively guilty
>Finally shows me
>He took the save file, edited some of the numbers, and imported it back into the game
>That's DEFINITELY cheating, he can fuck off.
>Continues to whine at me for another 10 minutes
>Coworker even gets on this, saying "You never SAID he couldn't edit the file"
>"1, I shouldn't have to say 'no cheating' to magically make altering game code not cheating. 2, once you alter game code we're no longer playing the same game. 3, I ain't moving shit for unethical people."
>Coworker politely shuts up
>That Kid finally realizes that he isn't going to get his way and finally fucks off.
>Three weeks later, he gets fired
>Turns out he was "altering" his transcript to get the GPA needed for the job
>He had flunked out 2 semesters ago and was faking his attendance
>Lost his job, his girlfriend, and talks of expulsion
Wonder whatever happened to him, honestly.

You're not even remotely trying to be subtle.

>modifying 1 value on the savefile
>altering game code
i know this story is fake because there's no way you didn't get called out on this tremendous stupidity

its funny to think that billy, right now, is trying to get that score so he can claim ''the real tape popped up, here it is''
and he wont be able to do it. loooolll

if it's code that's read by the game and he's altered it, he's altered the game's code. Just because it's stored in a much slower kind of memory doesn't mean it no longer is part of the program.

>billy mitchell faked his gameplay

Code is the set of instructions the program follows you tard. The savefile just gets loaded to memory and he modified it when it wasn't even in memory.
It's literally not code just like how the game's textures are not code.

gb2reddit moralfag

Yea thats all he's popular for a fucking game and he would be nothing without it if people found out they were fake. And they did.

he refused to play live against that other guy though, didn't even say hello to him, that says it all.
>just like with President Trump's.
if trump played ancient arcade shit he'd cheat to get 20 WR's

Where is a game's code stored? What is serialization? Also it WAS in memory you fucking retard. You're drawing arbitrary lines for no reason. Data is code, and code is data.

He was a faggot the moment he was allowed to submit a video of his "1million point" record on Donkey kong but Steve had to fucking do it in person. Its obviously a sign of disrespect and the guy is colossal faggot with his ego.

But guys! He wasn't doing anything wrong, just using the HUMAN ELEMENT!

i have the world record joust score, nobody gives a damn

If you think a savefile is converted into programming instructions then holy shit kid
But apparently you think savefiles are read in runtime so I don't even know if you're just playing stupid

zero LEGIT proof

Oh, so you're just an autist splitting hairs for the sake of trying to 'show off' your programming knowledge? Fuck off.

It's not necessarily converting them into instructions, but it is manipulating the data that is used by functions.

What exactly is special about runtime? A program is not continuously executed on a multitasking system. You distinguish the code being in RAM from being on a "disk" (when RAMdisks exist and swapping/paging exists), but by definition if data is in RAM it's not being executed. You're being incredibly asinine for no reason, using your own definitions.

ApolloFaggot has realized that plebbit loves a good witchhunt against a a white guy, especially if they're a low value male, which of course most gamers will be. Idk if Billy is a cheat or not, but I know that we're going to see alot more plebbit witchhunts against people that have enough circumstantial evidence to crucify them. Apollo realizes this is good for his channel, and as you can tell by the comparisons to trump he included, he knows what reddit likes. Any video he makes from here on out I'd take with a grain of salt because its obvious he's just doing this for the money.
Eventually he'll run out of big targets that are not very liked or are openly edgy/conservative and go after someone that plebbit actually likes and it'll be the death of his channel.


>reddit sucks hahahahahsdhakfvylabkhdb
You fags are so obsessed with reddit this shitstain of a board may as well be reddit.

He goes after the speedrunning community all the time like GDQ and plebbit loves them, especially because they're insanely pro-trans. Fuck off with your own witch hunt, you bitch cunt.

Dude pulls off Billy Mitchell's face so well.

Rolling start!

Gamefreak can't keep getting away with this

Someone somehow acquired tapes that were in the possession of twin galaxies, showing mitchell's wr run.
Then they claimed it was run on MAME. whether it is or not is probably impossible to determine 100%, but they're going based on certain frames of the footage (which isn't direct cap, and is a fucking camera pointed at the crt, I might add) that he's running on MAME and it's invalidated.
I don't think mitchell much cares, all the success he got from it and his pacman run are already there, he's not going to suddenly turn into todd rogers.

and I'm sure him going after GQD has nothing to do with him hosting his own speedrun marathon. Nope, no conflicts of interest there, be sure to donate a lot of money to him! Don't let the SJW's win!

All I'm saying is with the recent success of these witchhunt videos he's going to drive them into the ground because he's only out for the money. He is not a trustworthy source of information. He'll fool you with the fuck gqd tranny vids, he'll fool normies with the fuck cheaters vids. He doesn't really care as long as he's getting views.

bill shills are so fucking pathetic

Top tier paranoia. You haven't said anything or proven anything.


That's not true, he's the first person to max out pac man, and there's zero doubt about that.

rollin rollin rollin

The King doesn't dance for the peasants


How do I get this hair?

Did the whole bus clap? I need to know NOW!

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.

>watching Chasing Ghosts
>see what his life is like outside of these marathons and game records

Jesus Christ.

Cool, doesn't make Billy any less of a cheater.

let's go.

Hi billy

>Billy Mitchell
>e celeb

Someone ban this underage for the love of god, please.