>Cred Forums hates this game now
Welp, I guess we've come full circle..
>Cred Forums hates this game now
Welp, I guess we've come full circle..
but its good, only witcherfags hate it
I love the Witcher and I like it. I think Dragon Age fans hate it though.
Dragon Age fan here and I enjoy it, pretty sure its Skyrimtards.
Skyrimtard here and i like it, pretty sure dark souls fags hate it
Dark Soul fag here, I love it. Pretty sure only BotW fags hate it.
Souls fag here and i like it, only Mount&Blade fags hate it
We've been memeing on this buggy mess since it launched, Cred Forums got bored/sees the sales as a mission accomplished and moved on.
BOTW fag here and i fucking love it, pretty sure gothic fags hate it
Gothic fag here, and I hate everything.
Gothic fag here and i really like it, pretty sure stalker fags hate it
We were talking about a different type of gothic here, Nightshade.
woman here. i dont understand it
Hmmm, stalker fag here and i like it. Pretty sure mass effect fags hate it.
What a dumb thread
man here. i don't understand women
In the best way
Can any expert oldfag tell me who made this post, what's he falseflagging as and why? I honestly don't know anymore
Posts like this is why Vávra will kill himself within a year
>thinking Cred Forums hates it
just cuz a bunch of newfags and SJW infiltrants shit up this board doesn't mean their opinion is shared with everyone here
>Cred Forums is one person
normally this is true but in this case the board is very divided amongst people who have played it and people who have watched youtube videoes on it.
I wouldn't want that, he's a nice guy, even apologized for all those horrible, racist, sexist remarks he's made :^^^^^^^)
(you)s are a drug
Remember, Cred Forums was defending EA, nu-Battlefront and lootboxes. This board is contrarian central. The question is, how do we remove theses cocksuckers.
His smile and optimism: Gone
>He is 42
Ah yes those slav genes
SeriousThreadsOnly-tard here and i like it, pretty sure console war fags hate it
Haven't bought it yet, since i've been trying to finish other games.
Have some of the bugs been fixed? I heard it was kinda janky when it released
I've not played it, but the videos I've seen of the combat does not convince me that it is a game worth playing.
Definitely a vocal minority or shitposters.
Ass effect niggerfaggot here and I absolutely literally adore it, maybe just Sims 4 fags hate it
if you put gameplay first, it's not. if you care about comfy, immersion or similar buzzwords it's GOTY
glad thie meme made a comeback
Nice trying, false flagging lefty.
nobody likes mass effect
I like it, very comfy game but some of the bugs, especially the combat ones, break the immersion hard
I put gameplay first. I think those other aspects matter, especially to a game like this, but they won't save a boring game (at least not for me).
How toaster friendly is the game?
It's CryEngine, take the engine part out and you got your answer.
I'm never at 60 in towns. Stable 60 in forests. 1080p/medium/gtx1060
the sword combat is dog shit though, i cant wait to get a fucking bow or wathever
I guess making good games does this to you.
You need to pour blood, sweat and life energy into the thing you truly care about.
Figures all western devs look like well-groomed metrosexuals. All you need is visit diversity seminars and recieve your paycheck.
Playing on 2500k and gtx 670. Low-Medium at around ~40fps. Drops hard in dialogues though.
7700k and gtx1080
playing on 1440p and very high
FPS fluctuates between 30 and 60
The combat is rough at the start because you have no stats. Once you get some in-game skills and decent armor the game is the closest there is to being a knight-errant roaming the countryside. Of course if that is of no interest to you, you can't be saved.
the first two look like photoshoots while the third looks like a candid interview at his office
The abstract concept of relationships as framed by contemporary society placed as a thin veneer over biological directive that has grown beyond the confines of natural selection in a fashion that either transcends the very bonds of DNA that shackle the rest of life or confirms the fate of our existence reaching the bleak outlook that slays most if not all sentient life forms and thus explains the quiet solace of an aged universe here. It's complicated.
>good games
>So what are you going to do now you've finished the witcher series?
running at 1440p and medium on a gtx970, get between 40 and 60 fps
go to bed, deepak
>Cred Forums hates this now
ah no sweetie every thread has more people defending it than shitting on it
christ I hate sweetie posting so much
Sims 4 fag here, yeah it fucking sucks
1500X and rx480
40FPS in towns, 60 in countryside. Mix of Ultra and Medium. This game is beating the shit out of my CPU, I get drops into the 20s in large battles.
It's not a fun game to watch.
Go suck EA cock
So what's he going to look like when Cyberpunk 2077 is all done and dealt with?
Sims 3 fag here, I can't wait for the KCD pack, which will inevitably come out by the time my current game of sims 3 loads.
It's a very slow burner. Combat is ass at first because your character is literally an illiterate peasant with no skills and no gear, but it gets better as you level up and get better gear.
First two days this came out it was shilled so hard mods would literally ban you for criticising it. (And they still are. Have a pending ban request right now)
I'm glad people are realizing how shit it actually is
What fucking board were you browsing that defended Battlefront 2?
im tired of the shilling
please stop
If you're tired then get some sleep and come back later, dumbass.
Everything I seen of it so far has been a buggy ugly mess that I have no interest in.
It's fine, just boring.
It is almost intolerably buggy and janky, but fun regardless. I'm either really aggravated or really enjoying myself, no inbetween.
Fucking alpha Bethesda game tier bugs.
You should be glad somebody took inspiration from you Todd
What's a fast way to level swordsmanship and warfare. Just train with the head knight guy? I wanna kill all these Cuman scum skulking around my home but they're too fucking tough.
How much is it?
well dragon age origins is the best rpg ever made of course you dislike games which are worse
warfare isn't really its own skill. what i mean by that is its dependent on other skills for leveling. warfare is leveled by advancing in rank with axe, mace, sword and unarmed though there's diminishing returns on how much experience you get after you max one of those weapons to 20 meaning it takes some time to get to level 19 warfare. note that i said level 19 warfare. it's currently bugged right now and you can't get enough experience to level your warfare to 20
>quest is to invade and sabotage enemy camp
>they find me halfway though
>call my horse
>run towards the bridge
>pull my trust bow that i won against a nobleman
>reenact the DEFEND THE BRIDGE mission from every 2000s ww2 game
>snipe the fuckers before then can cross the bridge
>spend 2 hours doing this
>i never run out of arrows cause every fucker has 40 good 100d arrows on then
>fucker using a shield gives me some trouble
>just run a little, turn around and shot him in the head
>eventualy there are no more people in the camp
>half of my life is gone, im tired and hungry
>steal a plate armor from the captain with the shield
>my horse is full of loot
>im full of loot
>sabotage everything
>literal trowing shit away cause the price was
less than 500
I love this fucking game
great fucking game
just SJWs upset a game maker isnt a cali marxist convert
giant bomb outright refusing to cover the game because of it
Thought that was way point, but either way doesn't surprise me. I hate modern "journalism" more every day. How's the game on consoles?
If it's such a good game where are the crossbows? You can't have a great game if there are no crossbows in it.
>played a lot of The Forest last year
>already know how to fire a bow without a crosshair
Those rabbits never stood a chance.
>neo/v/eddit mods are actually Cred Forumsacks
I guess you werent here a few months ago during the neoGAF collapse. But yeah I'm sure the mods have done a complete 180 from a few months ago and are now right wingers and you werent banned for spamming the same 3 webms in every thread.
You must be in a great deal of anal pain now that the game is a huge success
>375k sold on steam in 5 days
Throw in consoles sales and it might even be close to a million, hows that feel
Why is archery so bad
Any good immersion mods yet? Have a feeling there were more animals in the woods other than just deer, rabbits, birds and boars. Also doesn't make too much since that there are no children. Would also like to be able to sim some jobs that aren't just knighting, poaching and thieving.
balancing, because the AI can't do jack shit to defend themselves against arrows
Cut this Reddit meme "humor" out right now.
Plain and simply: You have to go back.
hear hear
fuck your mum
I like it. I'm playing it on 720p with my 9 year old computer. The first time I played the lockpick minigame was bugged but it seems to be fixed now. Other than that the only bug I've had is I got stuck in a castle gate doorway once and had to reload my save. The last "new" game I played was DX:HR and I found it kind of bland. Having more fun with this game.
Did Cred Forums ever like it? All I saw was #based shilling and people complaining about glitches.
it's called sexual selection, dumbass, and it evolves constantly
>Hope the game doesn't sell
>it does
>hope the game is bad
>it isn't
>Proceed to make KC:D threads antagonizing Skyrim or Witcher, falseflags as dissapointed players shitting on an inexistant 'thirst' system
>now this
im glad someone said it
Shills mostly left and now it’s just OP and a bunch of faggots who hate shills and bad games.
whats the rundown on this meme? im out the loop
>get to the archery lesson
>first 3 shots are fucking horrendous
>challenged by the noble
>no i am going to fucking lose so badly why is it forcing me fuck this
>blow him the fuck out with several bullseyes
archery is eaaassy guys
How do you train it though, archery ranges don't do anything unless it's part of a quest
Mount&Blade fag here, I'd have to spend time thinking about this game to hate it
>bootleg oblivion
>60 usd
yeah, nah
Aside from the constant loading screens and mediocre fps, I've been enjoying the game. But I really hope they fix that shit.
This. If you cunts wont leave at least stop being such massive faggots
> But yeah I'm sure the mods have done a complete 180 from a few months ago and are now right wingers
Right wing by who's standards? Only a week ago they were mass banning people talking about the Subnautica drama.
The excellent, deep and tactical combat, requiring more than nuance and skill-it requires mastery; is the main reason I bought the game. The replies in this thread, with all the people going, "Boooring" and yawning stupidly, just proves what we were all taught in school anyway: the bell curve is correct; and intelligence is rare.
Cred Forums hasn't had a real opinion until the game actually came out. The only people dickriding this buggy piece of crap before then were Cred Forumstards who thought that because some guy shitposted on twitter he was "literally /ourguy/ xDDD based!!"
Stop misusing Frodo
>we wuz ring bearers and shieet
Cred Forums hates anything popular
I wish I could afford it rn but I like ELEX so apparently I'm a retard or Cred Forums has become overrun with people with no taste.
wtf i love kingdom come now
Implying I give a shit about games that aren't on Nintendo Switch.
>Cred Forums loves this game but i don't
>i will make a thread saying that Cred Forums stopped liking this game so that Cred Forums actually stops liking it
I thought I was losing my mind until I saw this post. What the fuck is going on around here?
Cred Forums has been infested with Redditors and Neogaffers for a while
Don't even fucking bother.
>the bandit camp is over there; kill them all and bring a thing for a reward
>kill bandits, come back to this motherfucker
Calm down, Dear.
How do you unlock the commando perk?
Anyone doing that thieving quest where you take the guild seal? I stole the seal but my dude is in this headlock thing and I can't get him out.
you can talk to a dude at archery range for competitions. Skillup on win.
which one of you faggots did this?
I would have preferred to remain ignorant of this.
Well, at least now I can participate in KCD threads without fear of being spoilered.
hahaha that hilarious
Hahaha this is good bait. Yet painfully true
it feels too static. i want jousting and sieges and large battles. but the game can hardly handle having 5 npcs on screen so that will never happen. feels like it was made on gamebryo
Spoken like a true gamer
thank goodness somebody is here to stand up for our untainted Cred Forums culture
I can stand Dear it makes you sound 20% less like a tumblrfaggot
Calm your tits down, 2015 "oldfag".
It's an instant tell of a Neofag
...or Cryengine
all me
Why can’t I buy houses in this game?
I just want a castle of my own like in other RPGs.
>I just want a castle of my own
>t. peasant
>no crossbows
>can't larp as medieval dredd
I'll pass
Are there spears in the game? Is focusing on them viable?
>come back to game
>didnt fuckin save after like an hours progress last time
fuck sake cunt
2018 just started and KCD is already my GOTY. I'm waiting for MonHun on PC but I don't think it'll come close to what this game make me feel. My only complain is that the world is too small and I'll probably finish the game even before the second latch hit although it already runs fine on my PC. It's a miracle because U only have a i5 with 970 GTX, SSD and 8 GB of ram.
Pretty much this. It's like elex but with extra Cred Forums hype. It's ok, perfectly decent game. Horribly optimized and tons of bugs.
What kind of amateur would get hurt? He expected more from you.
EA did nothing wrong user.
I don't understand how people could lose "hours" of progress in this game.
The game autosaves at most steps of quests and during sleeping. Hard to not sleep in a game with a tiredness mechanic. I could see losing maybe 15-20 mins max (which is pretty gay still) but not hours.
>doing the quest for Lady Stephanie
>oh take my father's shirt as a reward
>now strip in front of me
>now kiss me and fuck me
Well, fuck.
i dont rush through quests so
>Are there spears in the game?
>Is focusing on them viable?
>RPG without the only fun class in an RPG, magic
no thanks
so what does "progress" even mean then? And it still doesn't get around the fact that Henry needs bedtime.
looting shit, levelling up, making money. I slept for two hours in my own bed and it didn't save.
From the gameplay I've seen of KCD, the bow and arrow mechanics seem kinda borked. Is it just a case of having to 'level up' archery skills through using archery? It just looks so slow and clunky, and accuracy is terrible, which at least makes sense at the start of the game.
I go for hours without sleeping.
You get fucking dirty from fighting in wilderness. I didn't even get hurt. I killed most of them in their sleep.
My savior
It wasn't you filthy Cred Forumsedditor.
kys all you need is a door knob and an extension cord.
>slavshit game is broken to shit and barely functional
>everyone loves it regardless
This isn't new, people fucking loved Stalker a decade ago. I'll just wait until someone else patches the shit out of it to make it possible to reliably walk through walls before getting this one.
This(less hand shaking) and understanding where to aim without crosshair
Czech are not slavs
They will kill you if you call tham that
>the world is too small
your dick is too small you soyboy cuck
I was absolutly hating the monk questline until I found out you can wait till everyone goes to sleep and just choke every monk out, wait a hour or two and do it again and nobody cares hahah. Holy shit this is great. Great way to train stealth.
This isn't even Slav thing, it's just genre-thing. Skyrim was broken too and it was an instant 10/10 to many.
Sorry, squatless slavs*
no they wouldn't but enlighten me what do you think they are
Who the fuck defended battlefront. Even lootboz supporters agreed it went too far.
'Wends is a historical name for Slavs living near Germanic settlement areas.'
So, Slavs, but yeah it makes sense, our culture is poor version of the german/austrian one(sausages over caviar, beer over vodka etc.) despite our language and blood being Slavic.
But Wends sounds cool, almost like Weeds.
I get it. Because we are always obessing over bannerlord.
It hurts.
Thats the main difference, slavs are barbarians, wends are slavs who became civilised and are not slavs anymore
you know that dev apologized for all the stuff he posted on social media and said that he should probably be more thoughtful about not getting politics involved in something that wasn't meant to be a political statement. I give KC:D a 7/10.
>gameplay means how easy can I kill people with a sword
You casual retards are what makes this board one of the worst on Cred Forums.