Muh realism

>muh realism
>retarded ass combat system
>arrows clip through enemies
>press one button to play a 30 minute pre-rendered cutscene
>graphical glitches on pre-rendered cutscenes
>hunger and thirst mechanic
easiest refund of my life, thanks Cred Forums I'm never trusting you again

Other urls found in this thread:

the game sucks ass

kek soyboy literally

>trusting people from Cred Forums hahahahahhaha

Only rural and suburban retards bought Kingdom Come. City people all bought Overwatch.

>thirst mechanic

welp OP didn't actually play the game

That's what you get for trusting /vpol/ user

>He didn't even make it out of the prologue

Why are you fuckers talking about political shit. Couldn't give a fuck about your stupid Trump and Hillary shit. All that matters here is that the game is boring as fuck. It's too indept or some shit. I hate these hardcore games. Only fuckin virgin neckbeard basement dwellers like this kind of shit. Games like Oblivion and Skyrim and Witcher are far better. One good thing though is that Henry is great. So I like the story and characters but the gameplay is shit.

>Babies cant into actual games
Back to walking simulators for you

I will buy this game when it comes out on sale.

>hunger and thirst
There's hunger and sleep, good job outing yourself as having not played the game.

Why are Americans so fat and stupid?

what happened user? you got shot in school yesterday?

All you had to do was download fitgurls repack CJ

>retarded ass combat system
it's the best part of the game

>retarded ass combat system
confirmed for not playing more than 5 hours
>hunger and thirst mechanic
nevermind, you didn't even play the game.

Stay mad, it's selling like hotcakes

i enjoyed it a lot
and i pirated it before buying
game is glitchy though i suggest you wait for patches, i stopped at half way mark and will continue when game is more patched/ more content added

i hear the ending is disappointing but ive got like 70+ hours in and i enjoyed myself thoroughly , first issue with the game was broken quest that was impossible to finish , and 1 crash

by far worth the price point, and better than stupid meme tier shit like monster hunter, which fucking sucked

Why are you so obsessed with us. Seething!

OP probably couldn't git gud and died every time

I want to fuck your president's daughter thats it

The game is good but... it's incredibly boring. I can see how people can get immersed, but it's just boring to do everything. Whenever I play I just get the urge to play Mount and Blade or CK2 instead.

Not my president.

Central Europe might not have been the best setting if you want interesting nature. Feels like I'm walking around Euro Truck Simulator 2 sometimes.

Still, loving the game. Forests are kino.

take your meds carter

Yes he is, and now act like a proper man and wait for next elections.

get BLACKED soyboy

It was her turn.


Looks like a slop of shit

>Cred Forums complains about being able to eat 50 apples in a row in BOTW to heal mid combat
>Nourishment mechanic in KCD penalizes a character with debuffs for overeating and Cred Forums complains again

It's not even a difficult system to manage, free food pot are everywhere and food is so plentiful you will be dropping or selling it constantly

At least it is historically accurate, I suppose

>no way I missed that shot
>the arrows must have 'clipped' through them


You're just not white enough. Bet you don't even worship pagan viking gods.

Reminds me of the /his/ post where some guy claimed heavy armor was impractical because wearing it made it harder to eat your soup.

Muh reshade


>press one button to play a 30 minute pre-rendered cutscene

Can someone explain?

nice bait


at least 1v1 duel is kinda fun sometime
but there are so many thing this game is missing
like combat tournament or something like in m&b

outside of questing the only way you get to fight people is fast travel and look for trouble

Same. Last game I bought at full price was Fallout 4. Fool me once.

It's cutscene heavy, especially the first few hours. Some of them are a bit long winded as they try and convey concepts about life at that time and the political situation etc. If you're a history buff or larper then you'll enjoy that aspect of it. otherwise it gets a bit tiring.

controller or mkb

well joustings were cancelled during wars but its strange since it is a kickstarter goal

What is the escape button.

Get good

Now it's Oprah's

Games like kcd only appear every decade or so. It's pretty disgusting there are people who dislike it. Even people who hate it. These people must literally only live to express anger and hate since I don't buy that somebody would unironically hate this game.


it's an rpg establishing the setting you fucking smoothbrain

Different user, the hitboxes are riduculously good. It's like i'm playing csgo.
I think bow damage needs a buff. It took me 3 shots to kill a guy with a fancy hat on.

Holy shit. When I tried this game (and promptly uninstalled/refunded when an objective called [CW: Rape] "Save Theresa from the rapists" popped up onscreen) I had no idea of this background, but as i dug deeper into the marketing and then the opening act, I was like “Huh a bunch of things about this game’s design philosophy feels like it’s hinting at the ideology that formed GG”, right down to evoking The Witcher 2 & 3 in very particular ways. I kind of hate being able to feel this shit in my bones these days.

This is swift becoming a dire example of what games culture (especially on PC) utterly fetishizes. Immersive sims have stopped being cute experiments when you realize how easy it is for such a traditionally centrist-bent genre to slide very far-right with the veneer of the thinking man’s whatever.

The facial mocap is intricate and the camerawork deliberate (ass shots included!); the tutorials are unwelcoming walls of text for overwrought systems meant to impress you, like they were made by a gameFAQs kid that wants every game to be “more realistic”; the fact that you can accomplish things in several ways is meant to eclipse any consideration of what your objectives or given choices might mean. All this showy bullshit and the right connections to make the game happen have made it so that Waypoint’s still the only place I’ve seen bring up the inexorable link to GG, while it happily plays to any other outlet remotely covering PC games with a dash of the ol’ No DRM to show just how consumer-friendly they are.

Plus, even in the opening act, the game reads like a manifesto on the contradictory very ethical thoughts of creeps that are convinced games aren’t political while they try to make a political point with their video game.

and they are/were helping develop a game of thrones mod even before the release, because of fucking course they are.




That's all it takes for a bandit to break into your home with intent to harm or kill you. Why don't you own a crossbow?

edit: okay the Polygon article at least brings the GG connection up, but that’s still an exception to the vast rule of this game’s coverage. Boy this medium sure is still unprepared for cryptofascists getting creative power, huh.

>missing out on medieval kino because you have the attention span of a rat


>Fight through entire bandit camp quest
>Normal Cumans are parry masters that constantly deflect your blows, sometimes for perfect riposte gg no counter and have incredibly tight timings for all your defensive skills
>Runt fight
>Perfect countered on first blow and dies immediately after
>Reload save to check if it wasn't just me being lucky
>Dodge one of this blows easily for a change (not possible with Cumans)
>Perfect counter his next one into OHKO
Jesus christ RPG stats dictating action combat were a mistake.

The game obviously unfinished but at the core it's a good RPG.

Now this is a quality pasta.



>That FoV

It definitely overdoes cutscenes and railroads the player during the Tutorial, but it definitely introduces the characters, world and story in this case better than "You wake up in a dungeon, you can do some shit now!"

You spend 3 out of the first 4 hours watching people talk. That's cutscene heavy. I enjoy them, but some people don't. And as for the escape button, that's fine for the second play through, mandatory really. The first play through though you have to know what's going on so you have to watch them. If they're not your thing, you'll get bored.

the irony is the game is better optimized for consoles

notice no giant freezing in Rattay like you have on every PC ever made

>the fact that you can accomplish things in several ways is meant to eclipse any consideration of what your objectives or given choices might mean.

christ this is goldplated bullshit. is this from resetera?

I like it because you actually have to roleplay and improve because you are a shitter. RPGs aren't pvp games. I think the combat is perfect.

>is this from resetera?

I bet it was okay in AC Origins

Your attacks are actually faster due to stats. i like it. You know right away when your opponent is good.

I think the combat isn't really fine if the game actively discourages you from trying most of advanced techniques like combos (broken by parries) versus stronger enemies and just telling you to grind more.

literally what sites

glitches aside i feel like the combat mechanics match how clumsy someone would be with a sword.

Actually fun. I'm playing a burgler pugilist. Any one else fist fighting only?

You just got pleb filtered

It's VICE Gaming site, Patrick Klepek, Austin Walker and a few of the other Ex-Polygon and GiantBomb degenerates work there.

My first impression was that too. you only had combats on fast travel. Now i have been seeing more random events in game, specially since the last patch 1.2.2 (i think) not sure if they changed something or if its just my impression.

You dont need to gring more, you need to feint, grab the guy in a cling, parry him, take his stamina away. Meaning, you have to do something. otherwise yeah, grind your character.

>not wearing glove in swordfight
rip fingers

It makes perfect sense that a more experienced fighter would shit on you.
This. Also i love how for the first couple of hours you think you know everything there is about the combat but then you get the second tutorial and that guy shows you every subtlety of combat and you realize you've been using it like a battle. And then you fight someone better than you and try cheeky shit on you that your character has barely practiced and he shits on you.

I dont even bother google them. After 6 years of Cred Forums I learned not giving a fuck about mentally ill people's opinion

These people are worse than hitler

>historical accuracy is extremely right winged

Leftists really are stupid.

Feints are still run by math and just reduce parry chance, clings as far as I know are run by math again and not super reliable, parrying everything is what I do as long as it's 1vs1, but the parry window still seems to be run by math.

It's pretty fucking annoying how everything is run by math but none of it is shown. That boss fight at the end of bandit camp in particular was a joke compared to half of the normal enemies before.
>It makes perfect sense that a more experienced fighter would shit on you.
You're controlling your character, not having your character control their fate.

>game is literally walking simulator: medieval edition

Stop generalizing, sane leftists hate these neo gender course fags too.

Noone is shilling for Kingdom come deliverance by the way. That's just a racist funded lie and a pathetic attempt to disrupt Polygon's campaign.

Why is halfswording a shortsword's combo?

It's like if someone released Oblivion in that same shitty engine, but without the fantasy, made everything worse, and removed 99% of interesting shit to do.

Dear god. I can't believe I got suckered into the Kickstarter. It's like the game plays as crappy as it looked in those early gameplay demos 4 fucking years ago or whatever it's been

I don't have freezes either on a 1050ti + i7 2600

Does anybody know if if you can draw the draw the hood of those little cloaks over your head ? I saw one NPC who had it and it would look great on my thief.

> Complain about Fallout 4 having no choices and no RP because the premade story
> Said user about an "RPG" more locked down that Fallout when it come to role playing
It's like some sort of entity that has never posted in this board is trying to shill this game for some motive I cannot comprehend

I want this game to be good. I haven't played it, but I support the sentiment behind it.

For too long it has been every race fighting for their own interest, except whites. Well not anymore. The free ride is almost over.

To be fair you need a high iq to appreciate KCD

this game looks so fucking boring, like even more boring than assassin's creed boring. that's coming from someone who reads dry medieval history.

kingdom come more like gangnam style :DD

>Didn't want to change horse because Pebbles is best horse sister
>Finally bought an Arab Stallion
>MFW near infinite stamina
>MFW dat lighting speed
>MFW spending thousands to pimp the stallion even more

Jousting was a stretch goal same as female character, so expect dlc

what are you even trying to say you faggot. try lurking until you develop a glimpse of coherence.

>female character
How would that work? Women were literal slaves according to the game.

How do you even make money as a non thief ? Best way i know is the archery tournament in rattay. 140 gold for a master win.

Stay at home to receive penis

>according to the game

like what

Why does this game run better on consoles than on PC? It caps my i7 CPU to 100% in towns and causes giant stutters.

Supposedly any Freezing has to do with Win7 and their Specter Fix, it's not a thing on Win10 machines

Pick plants, become Alchemist or Hunter

No women werent slaves back then
man and woman were like puzzle pieces that completed eachother, both had different responsibilities and rights

unlike today, where women are basically immature men with vaginas

Does the vagabond in Rattay ever get out of the pillory? Seems like hes been in there forever I just want to give him his damn guild seal.

reminder that the game is unplayable with a 4 core spu. also several quests compositely break the game buy corrupting all future saves and increases load times. Have fun finding what ones.

Would play it if it had real fantasy and adventure, with monsters and mythological creatures

I dont wanna fucking play some ''realistic'' boring shit running around in empty forrest and only fighting peasants and faggots in armor

No, my CPU simply goes to 100% in towns. It has nothing to do with OS. It never happens in forests. The game is just poorly optimized in high density areas. Stop fucking defending it.

Like they werent even allowed to leave the house by themselves if they weren't a peasant shitter, and weren't allowed to do any trade unless it was a widow, says in the 'women' lore pages. Seems like they would need to rewrite a huge part of the story to make sense of a woman being a warrior in that setting.

Sell loot,
Treasure maps,
Go hunting and sell pelts to tanners meat to butchers,
Alchemist, make potions and sell them.

I absolutely love the combat. It feels far more fun and rewarding than shit like Skyrim or Dark Souls.

I just shot him in the head with a bow. Felt good man fuck him.

higher class women had some freedom if you read further.

The excellent, deep and tactical combat, requiring more than nuance and skill-it requires mastery; is the main reason I bought the game. The replies in this thread, with all the people going, "Boooring" and yawning stupidly, just proves what we were all taught in school anyway: the bell curve is correct; and intelligence is rare.

>try alchemy for the first time
>this is neat as fuck
>takes a long time to make 1 potion
>neat, it's balanced
>if you want free potions it'll take time!

>look at perks
>"when you make a potion you gain 1 extra"
>"doesn't apply to auto-craft"
>Routei II
>"You make 3 potions for the price of one"


Still a citizen or noble woman would make sense



How can I grind? I get kill by simple bandits as soon as there are 2 of them.

Train with Captain Bernard

>This fucking guy

The main quest line will supply you with pretty much all the gear you need that'll let you take on multiple bandits at once. You just have to be aggressive to keep them from swarming you. Carry a short sword and shield if you're having trouble with perfect blocks.

Get a better sword, fucking soul slicer at the beginning of the game was a good damn investment. Also train with Sir Robard it will help a lot to level up your warfare and swordsmanship. Shitty bandit with one thrust attack I can kill then, if they are slightly armored just counter and bash their fucking heads.

Realtime beard growth mod when?

Sorry I meant Captain Bernard. This user is right

Damn Theresa uncle is the niggest men I ever seen.

>that homoerotic tension between Hans and Henry

The only thing is weird is combat. Changing direction with mouse is hard af. I mean blocking and combos are tough and that wheel should be larger. So hard.. lock picking is okay

>Hey Henry lets see who can endure longer

Is this resolution really good?

This. It's broken as fuck. I now have like 100 Merigold and 100 Savior Schnapps. Game is literally easy mode.

>Not having full 360 degree vision

>All the current mods available is just to make the game easier.

Your wife is waiting for you. Go and bed her

Haha you are not going to take my virgin achievement faggot.

>All the current mods available is just to make the game easier.
**Blocks your path**


>There are people not using the Restore Halberds mod

Why is meat marked as stolen? Wtf guys, I got it on hunt

Is there an ETA on when the next major official patch is going to release?

Thanks a lot mate.

I watched that mad man during that whole bandit battle in hopes I can get his hear. Too bad he is just a walking powerhouse mowing down bandits.

>ywn have a secret gay relationship with a dashingly handsome minor noble in 15th century europe

why live

Its a bug needs to be fixed, if you cook the meat it will turn as non robbed.


yep its a trap

>nice new armor and threads
>go hunt some nigger camps
>open inventory
>Henry looks like he's covered in a ton of horseshit
>go back to town
>clean up & repair
>sprint to my horse
>open inventory
>covered in shit
>realize I sprinted through a muddy road
>start to nervously walk around everywhere to avoid dirt and mud
>never walk anywhere without my horse
>always visit the bathouses
>hate towns where they have none

Why can’t I walk through doors ??

Once you get the taste of not looking like complete utter shit you can't go back.

The combat just feels like shit. I love the idea of the game, but fighting a guy for three minutes straight, with every strike, block and counter feeling and sounding like shit, the animations looking super awkward and the NPC banter constantly interrupting itself just takes me out of the game.

I mean, I hate ubishit open-world game design as much as the next guy, but I can't deny that I have way more fun playing something like AC Origins than this. I don't mean that it's a worse game than origins, but the ammount of time I put into it is not proportional to the enjoyment I'm getting.

Ubisoft employee go to bed.


This board will make fun of experimental indie games and call them walking simulators, but literally give Shit-covered Peasant: Walk-and-Bathe simulator a standing ovation.

ban test

I'm not saying assassin's creed is good, it's not and that's my point. A shitty rehash manages to be more fun, and in the end more worth my time, than KCD.

You're hunting in your lieges forests.
Literally every wild animal within his territory belongs to the lord and any hunting requires his permission. It's explained in codex if you're too much of a brainlet to know this.

This but instead of not moving forwards when you jump you get launched backwards 50 feet in the air.

Then you break both your ankles and bleed to death.

yeah and? go cry about it more lul

go take a bath

I like them both. Actually bought them.
Asscreed dlc is good too

dude, as soon as you get a relevant weapon the fights last 2 minutes at most (if you fight a beefy bandit)

Confirmed for filthy peasant

Is it? I thought it is marked as stolen because you're poaching.

I have nothing against the game or the developers. It looks really cool.

The fact that he claims that sjws came to him and demanded black people in his games is what's bother me at was the other way around.

It's very clear that he's the one who started the whole issue and started bragging, about how his game is without blacks after he read that Witcher 3 review.

I think he started to backpedal when his game started to be a real thing, and you can tell he was a bit nervous about it before release when he published the apology statement last month.

There are many medieval games with only white people, and no one bothered them. Why? It's because Daniel Vávra couldn't contain himself on twitter and started to poke at the crazy sjws without thinking what that will do later.

I do get the whole it's his right to say whatever he wants, but in reality and especially in the gamedev industry this stuff will come, and bites you in the back. Vávra realized early, and because of that he was able to negate the damage but, it could've been much worse.

If any of you here thinking about getting into the industry, be careful with your social media.
If are really passionate about games don't let a stupid twitter fight or venting about an article no one actually read ruin your chances of getting in. If you really need to vent use Cred Forums.

Yeah sure Vávra told them to btfo, however this whole blackwashing history wasnt so mainstream say 5 years ago.

I think Witcher's devs were pretty fucking careful, yet justice warriors somehow found them. Silence is virtually the best answer. Anyway mainstream media don't even give a shit about politics behind this game.

This game is a must buy because it's not just a game. It's a political statement. Even if you don't like the game itself you should buy it to send a message to SJWs and devs. We want devs with likeminded beliefs.

This. He was a faggot making political posts on twitter and pandering. He is no different than a virtue signaling SJW dev and you are a fucking fag if you support politics in games, which shitty ass busted PS2 game dev pushes by bringing politics on to the scene.

Time for a good hiding, or throwing a bit of dung.

> Silence is virtually the best answer.
Probably, since attention is what sjws crave the most

Kinda ridiculous and surreal how this incredible loud minority terrorizing people tho. And I'm not talking about video strictly video games now. We reached a point where you're a racist fascist if you disagree with them. I'm waiting for reactionary movements now, it will happen that's for sure

Yes. That's why nobody remembers that issue now.

Vávra, on the other hand need to be extra careful now because his reputation is on the line and any mistake at this point and the gamedev people will eat him up. He might take it, but many people under him, and his company might not. And he brought it all to himself.

Bow is beyond OP, broken tier. I spent half an hour trying to win with my longsword against Runt. Gave up and pulled out a bow, motherfucker went down from 3-5 common arrows into the face.

City person who spent some glorious years in the country. What you sound like to me is
>only people still clinging to a fragment of their soul bought kingdom come. empty soulless husks love overwtch

you make it look like its a big thing yet irl its only mentally ill sites like resetera and polygon mentioned racism. Fuck these SJWs man. I openly mock them on twitter every single day, other than chimping out they cant do shit and they wont do shit because most of them are suicidal neets

>I spent half an hour trying to win with my longsword against Runt

hes easier than the regular cumans though

I don't know about that. My only encounter with cumans was when I saved the stuck up lord's kid, and I killed them easily.

What exactly do you think they would do to him? Send him messages?

I'm somewhat familiar with the gamedev industry. If you think that you can be anti-sjw and still be in you'd be mistaken.

That’s why I won’t move to the city, no sir it’s a spilled environment. I can only tolerate living in rural and suburban areas.

the dollar has spoken, the gamer demographic is overwhelmingly in favour of a good game, especially if it's centrist like this masterpiece is. Expect more companies to start flexing in this direction. Money dictates culture in our fucked up societies.

Tired of these fantasy games.


Which is the best Tier 5 horse?

They can make sure that anyone who worked in that company can never find a job elsewhere.


The dev studio is not located in America.

Kingdom Come: Casual Filter

The antigravity thing is a symptom of the "no getting stuck" mechanic. I love these eurojank approaches to physics and obstacles.

Why is historical accuracy indefensibly racist?

Sure, but also remember that he did not get backlash from it. Deep Silver are still working with him. and if he want more fund for his next game I don't think he'll find any issue. Which is good!

If you really got a true backlash, making a good game is not enough. That's if you can make one at that point.

Good thing crowdfunding is getting more and more popular

Why are you lurking on resetera looking for ebic screenshots to post on Cred Forums like some kind of autist?

Win7 without spectre fix (or any updates for that mater, raw SP1), GTX 1080 with a 2560x1600. No slowdown in towns for me. Not sure about CPU usage though, I never checked.

Why in the fuck did Theresa bang me and then stop talking to me :(

I'm not talking about legally. Most Devs from all companies know each other and have deep connections. If a prominent person in the industry took issue with you good luck getting hired. The only option you have is to start your own inde studio, and hope that your coworkers reputations won't suffer because if you. And that's assuming if can be successful with your new company in first place.

>defending your game from SJWs is pandering
>he's bringing politics in to it
He did a few interviews about GG and trolled some SJWs 4 years ago. Nothing about the game is political and he risked his livelihood to speak out for gamergate and when SJWs started attacking the Witcher for its lack of melanin. He wasn't trying to hype up his game or pander to anyone, you faggot.

>posting on imageboards is autistic
>says the user complaining the matter while posting on an imageboard

SJWs have no way to influence the hiring process in Czech Republic.

>there's people that find the combat system hard
u wot
it's extremely straightforward, the initial hand to hand fight lasts just long enough to let you learn the subtleties of it and style on the drunk

I find this quite funny

>westshit is bad

More at 11.

You're so full of shit it hurts.

>140 gold for a master win.
wow that is amazing
140 gold

I make I'd say 2k per bandit camp. Come at night, murder them while are asleep, sell everything.

He's holding up quite well considering that he's talking to retards

I'm sorry for hurting you.


No but every big studio with good salary is not in Czech Republic. It's very rare for people to stay in one company.

Kek, what a faggot. I hope some favela monkey shot him.

Right, but they'd go to Europe, not to USA. There's not that much influence there either. Plus I doubt it would ever be this kind of witch hunt where you're denied an application everywhere due to you at one point being employed by a person the SJW cabal finds disagreeable.

yeah I got bored of it after 3 or 4 days, I never said it would be good I just thought the concept presented in the kickstarter was interesting.

I think they deviated from the original idea, it was supposed to be more of a medieval life simulator like farming, blacksmithing, trying to work your way up in society ( very difficult / impossible ) but it tried to turn into witcher 3

I still think its a good product for what it cost and that eastern europeans made it, its just not a good game.

Hunting a single Boar gives you around 140 meat, maybe mire. If you cook it you can sell the meat for 711 gold

>the gamer demographic is overwhelmingly in favour of a good game
They sure did. Good games like pubg, skyrim, and cowadooty sell the most out of any games, and a shitty game like KC:D sold far less.

the GMs are watching this exploit. careful, friend.


>it's a game runs like horse shit while people with toasters play fine episode

I love this one, quite a personal favorite.

>Good games like pubg, skyrim, and cowadooty
Not saying Skyrim isn't good-ish but it gets pretty boring after a while.

But I get cooked Boar meat that sells for 5g per piece

Yes it's very rare to happen, but so are the people how are openly anti-pc anti-sjw in the gamedev industry.

Also no not just America, than UK germany, australia. Most prdmanmet people in Gamedev are SJWs. Do you think say Media Molecule will hire id that word got out about you being racist? It doesn't matter if you are in the US or outside. In gamedev you either am sjw or you don't take about politics. That's the reality.

Now, now, we're talking about employees of the person who was opposing SJWs, not about him himself.

as opposed to KC:D which is boring from the very start and never gets interesting

Oh wow, that's horrifying. One deer is, what 50 meat? 2k sheckels per deer. I have to work hard the whole night picking locks and sneaking to earn that.

>Not "Make Chuch Christian again"

Thats pretty said desu

the Cred Forumslack had to insert his Mein Drumf propaganda into it. it's not meant for humor. he's trying to make that swine seem cool.

Yeah if founder if your company got a huge backlash for being racist (true or not) Most employee with the right mind will distance themselves immediately.

Unless you're EA or Ubisoft. The more you stay in the company the more damage you reputation gets.

Granted that didn't happen before but our friend here Vávra is the closest thing for this to happen if he didn't control himself.

Hussites were Christians. In fact pretty fucking based Christians

I don't think so. I don't think there will be any repercussions for sticking with the employer in Europe.

He himself mentioned that he didn't want to damage the people who are working under him in his apology statement.

Well, that priest is pretty cool already, I'd say.


I want heaven selling papists out of this thread.

And Don't think you understand my point



Your point is that SJWs have the power to ruin lives of employees who decided to not distance themselves from the employer who was on record opposing SJWs. I disagree with that. I think you are overestimating what they can do.

He's studio head and they can't really do anything much to him - like Brad Wardell, the non-apology in Germany was because they started calling him a Nazi and doing long videos trying to analyze how wearing Metal shirts and not wanting black people in one's game makes one a Nazi and it was getting to Mainstream publications:

But both in Germany and outside, this exaggerated virtue signaling has only made more people aware of his game and provided him with more Sales. Win/Win

SJWs are literally fascists

>Muh San-Francisco clique is "gamedev industry"

The only person who manage to survive an sjw backlash is the guy who is making The Last Night. and that after he and the company apologized.

The reason why people is not bothered him (although it's still to early to tell since the game is not out yet) is because his game looks really impressive and that's his saving grace. If you're mediocre dev no way he'd survive. Do think that's fair?

I'm not talking about fairness, I'm talking about you overestimating the power of SJWs. Please show me instances of employees suffering for not distancing themselves from someone who publicly opposed SJWs.

I can't think of someone who is publicly anti-sjw, and didn't backpedal, and apologize. That's the whole point.

>half the fucking thread is people falling for obvious pasta and bait
>sometimes they are so retarded they begin to agree with the viewpoints of the pasta/bait
I hate neo-Cred Forums so much.

Then you can't really claim they have the power to damage employees for not distancing themselves.

is hunting the only way to level up archery? I've won 3 tournaments and the bar either doesn't move a lot or at all at level 1

Fair point. I think they can as I mentioned I'm familiar with gamedev people. Some well established devs will look for small developers who are still learning in facebook groups and if the mentioned somthing raciest or sexst and expose them with their real name on twitter ending their careers before it even started.

But yes I have no proof if they can end your career if you are somewhat established and didn't distance yourself from some. But again I think they can.

You're familiar with some Californian zombies. Not all game devs are like this.

Welcome to Cred Forums.
Hope of e-celebrities.
Furry porn.
Anime threads.
Cred Forums threads.
And pretending to be more retarded than other people pretending to be retarded.

shooting at targets doesn't seem to help, no
which is annoying because you should be able to practice like that

the game isnt fucking finished. it could be great, but in its current state its just a series of broken dev promises and disappointment. and now thats its a success i assume that jew vavra is going to completely take his foot off the gas with the development updates it sorely needs

jonathan blow shittalks social justice warriors but nobody gives a shit

The one who matters are. I know they are a lot of small devs with questionable anti-sjw behavior. But those are for Jim Sterling to deal with.

Right, so now we are down from "you'll never be allowed to become a gamedev" to "you won't become one of gamedevs who matter to me".

>you'll never be allowed to become a gamedev
I didn't say that. My point here was to be careful with your social media. That's a big conclusion to jump into, my dude.


Here is the quote.
>I'm not talking about legally. Most Devs from all companies know each other and have deep connections. If a prominent person in the industry took issue with you good luck getting hired. The only option you have is to start your own inde studio, and hope that your coworkers reputations won't suffer because if you. And that's assuming if can be successful with your new company in first place.

If it's not you, I'm not even talking you. If it is you, then, yes you did say that.

>Most Devs from all companies know each other and have deep connections. If a prominent person in the industry took issue with you good luck getting hired.
I just want to correct whoever said this in that while devs know alot of other devs they're not like the fucking amish who will ex-communicate you if you do something they don't like, not every dev is super best buds with every other and you have plenty of room to find jobs even if you've pissed people off

Oh they do, but like Brad Wardell and Daniel Vavra they can't actually do anything because he's self-employed, so their witch-hunt will not lead to anything. Same thing with Notch and various other people.

Is there any actual good quests in the game? The only ones I enjoyed was hans at the bath house and the magic ointment quest. I've been doing a lot of other side quests but they are all pretty dull in terms of writing, and it's making me bored of the game.

The only other fun thing in the game seems to be rolling with your rigged dice, but there's always only one person to play dice with and they fuck off after you win.

> soyboys immediately crawl out of the woodwork to defend le based kike

lol but why?

I think we still don't have the technology for decent open world rpgs

Not me. But out of curiosity can you think of a developer who is openly anti-sjw and didn't rise to predominate before the whole sjw age ie.Notch

>that bit where you have to chase the old German guy
>do so
>eventually catch up to him
>E V E N T U A L L Y beat him (still getting used to this fucking combat system, it seems the 'keep moving' meme was a lie and you should stay still and just react to attacks instead of being aggressive)
>except somewhere along the way some bandits started following us so get an infinite loading screen when he's supposed to stand up with sounds of "OOH AARGH OOH *CLING* *CLANG* RAAAR" for fifteen minutes until I finally give in and load back
>lose him
>wait for fucking days in the town where it sends you to, never turns up
>load back
>catch up to him
>DIFFERENT fucking bandits happen to be right fucking next to where he gets off his horse, they all become hostile to me and not him because HURRRRRRRR WE AM DER CODERS OF DIS GAME GA HYUK
>lose to the half dozen of them for obvious reasons
>load back

I managed it fucking eventually (with the help of the racehorse perk which I didn't want to get because I use my horse for carrying shit a lot) but holy FUCK what an exhausting process.

>do a couple training with Bernard
>kill wayfaring knights and get merchant's sword
>now an unstoppable force of nature

This game got really easy fast.

where the heck do you find all the bandits?
I catch up to him on wide road, and we fought, not a soul within 2km

Must have just been poor luck in where they spawned, because they were there every time, as if already decided by the time the game saved. I saw mentions that the 1.2.2 patch increased the number of world spawns of bandits but I wouldn't know, didn't play it before the patch.

of course, since you are lying cheating faggot
try it in real life, it will get easier for a little while, then you go to jail
I wish there was a system avenging those knights like it would happen in real life, knights are either in order or in service to a lord who will stake you for a week, slowly murdering you

How am I cheating? I'm playing entirely within the confounds of the game.

hm? for me all bandits vanished from the world, sit only in their camps, and I fast traveled a ton recently - not a single event, which is sad I can take 5-7 of them easily in full palte

>sane leftists

stopped being a thing in the 1960s

chill out autismo it's only a game

you know word cheating is not exclusively applied to game mechanics

Go back further

say what you want but f4 was way better purchase than this shit

also how could thy use that retarded kike as main char is beyond undestanding

>it's only a game
>not caring about anything in a role playing game
it's like you don't want to enjoy suspension of disbelief in video games, sucks to be you

>Worth the price point
>Meme tier shit like monster hunter
The person behind this post is white fat and poor, I'd lay money down.

>>female character
You know the character who saves you from being stabbed to death with your own sword? She's likely the DLC protagonist.

there's easy mode for people like you

>I wish there was a system avenging those
I've only seen that in JA2, when mafia hitmen come after you if you steal from Boss.


naaah, it's either some noble wench or bandits daughter
only those make sense to get any kind of combat training
I wish they did norman invasion game though. This is such untapped market, I do not want a single fantasy game anymore after this.

>trying to turn in the fucking birdcages to the hunter
>get stuck in dialogue

Anybody know if theres a console command to get out of this?

You know that you can take pernach from armory at the beginning and it like pulverizes bitchez no matter what armor they got, right?

no clue, there are probably console command for each quest stage but game is too new to have those lists ready
that quest worked without a hitch to me

It's ok, not everyone can have good taste.
Back to soytendo for you.

fug i got same shit
actually stopped playing at this point

system is already there, peshek sends those dudes on you, they travel all over the place to find you
so just make a full plate+hammers hit squad that searches for you if you kill some knight

This 1000%

Reminder this is not an RPG. It's an open world action game
You can only roleplay as Henry son of a cucked nobleman that gave his wife and son to a commoner.
If this shit is an RPG so is Halo since you can roleplay as master chief

What about Deus Ex, Gothic or Dragons Dogma

Any mods to make the combat easier? I just want to be an anime tier godlike warrior, not have to waste time with combat.

don't lock on and keep stabbing

>that fucking ending

>You can only roleplay as Henry son of a cucked nobleman

Not being able to create a character doesn't disqualify a game from being an RPG you fucking retard.

>trusting Cred Forums

You clearly didn't play it, but you still shouldn't ever trust Cred Forums
The game isn't actually all that good, it's over hyped as fuck

It's someone who watched Critikal's stream when he says he's drinking bean soup from a pot, pretending they played a video game.

t. eceleb watcher

>ass shots included!

What about Final Fantasy? Literally the most famous JRPG of all time?

Mustn't be an RPG cause you're locked into who you play as, amiright?

Or Dark Souls.

You know what actually? Most RPGs DON'T let you choose who you're going to play as.

You may as well strap four layers of plate mail over Henry if you ever decide you need more than 5 Merigolds or Saveyershits at a time. I hope you're at least breaking the horse's back with this shit.

With every SEETHING shitpost I'm more inclined to buy the game.

>cant finish it because hans gets stuck on a bush

The bugs just ruin this game.

The entire point of Henry is that he's the biggest fucking blank slate in the entire game to a fault. The first few dialogue options should have made it apparent that you could fill the role of your desire, not just whatever the fuck Henry was "meant" to do.
>If this shit is an RPG so is Halo since you can roleplay as master chief
and Banjo-Kazooie is a first person shooter because you can shoot eggs, what's your fucking point?

You are absolutly right, OP. The game is pretty terrible. I don't know what the small vocal minority of fedoras here get by pumping out the bait threads and playing falseflag shills. (desperate need for attention?)

The game might be good in one or two years, if it gets enough mod support.