Post your favorite vidya comics
Post your favorite vidya comics
someone post the cock edit
I thought for starfox the boots are actually robotic prosthetics and there's no art of any character without them?
>I'm trying
every time
its been weeks and i'm still sad, how long will i feel like this? i wanna die
ha ha
that's not buckley user
you do nothing and ball it up until you break down infront of your co workers and get fired
then you kill yourself
I've only seen this posted twice.
LOL I miss BitF and not getting the dedede doll...
what the hell
inb4 not a comic
I'm gay so I only have this Undertale comic
yeah sorry to ruin your trans and furry assblasting party with some niggers
That was just a very popular fan theory. It's also total bullshit.
Even back in the super nintendo comic they took the boots off.
it checks out, but i'll let it slide cuz it made me chukle
>Furrikane: ...
There's an interview with one of the original designers and when he was asked this question he was disgusted at the idea. He said they were just boots.
I too enjoy playing WoW on my Xbox 360 with my Genesis controller
That's so stupid. I demand you give me back that laugh I gave you.
>playing WoW with a reverse Genesis controller on a bootleg 360
>why won't todays kids sign up to get blown up, we need more wars again
Sure wish I were dying in some foreign country instead of playing video games.
Holy shit I'm retarded
>playing games standing up
This is an exact representation of how these threads went.
Good times.
That accurately predicted the transformation of this website.
Thanks for 'triggering' my nostalgia.
So dumb but so brilliant.
just remember that you are wasting time thinking about someone who is now not willing to spend the same amount of time thinking about you
that's what got me through it before
>Cred Forums today
>solid wojak background
>/vp/ today
reimagined (stolen) joke from the office
this is just a joke ripped from The Office isn't it
but no one says this
fuck it
I'm 90% sure this is from The Office
It is
>favorite vidya comic
You clearly have not been paying attention
Listen to sad music to help process your feelings, then when you start to get tired of the sad music you'll know that you're read to move on to the kind of music that starts out sad but either has a silver lining feel to it through out or it ends on a high note, when that starts to bore you move on to happy music. And whether or not the song is actually happy or sad doesn't matter, what matters is your perception of the song.
what are you talking about
this was a good chunk of MHW threads before it actually came out
usually its "I hope this game fails because I don't like the people who benefit from it"
Or something to that affect
I can't account for the switch memeboys
How can a webcomic be so perfect
Man, this takes me back. I remember when this was just starting out, and the website promoting the campaign ran some of Cred Forums's comics on their front page because they didn't realize they were just shitposts. I distinctly remember a Parappa one making it there.
/vr/ has template threads and consolewar shitposting too
Human dick would be correct
Is that hiimdaisy?
is that hiimdaisy?
It's weird not getting tricked by the thumbnail.
>contemplating dog knees
This is a blue board
You guys frame the story differently than intended.
Are the themes just too subtle for you?
>no one says this
>I can't account for the people who say this
Posting my stash.
Das it mane
this is a stealth vore comic
>posts the worst of all boards
>except /vr/ which has it's own repetitive autism just like every other board on the site
This will always be the single funniest page of the comic.
xcom 3 when?
Gamesfield needs a reboot.
Well what was it?
You fail to understandu
They express it all the time. The only difference is Cred Forums actually makes reasons to hate games but I suppose the shrug represents that those reasons are typically bullshit excuses.
stop pretending it actually has any meaning below face value
hey Cred Forums just leaving some free steam game codes. im not sure what games these are for.
that's gay as fuck
This sounds like a good thing to do.
Even if this were a bait to fool you into doing something stupid I'm willing to believe this is a good advice
I'm warning you. Don't you dare sass me nigger or I'll fucking lose it.
Every time I'm reminded by altered beasts it makes me sick. Something about the spritework is disgusting.
>free secret files tungusta
I have absolutely no idea what the fuck this is, but thanks man
chivalry is on there somewhere, i know that much
These were pure gold.
I get it. I don't like it but I get it.
got it from the last kumatora thread and i had to spoiler it just to be in the safe side
Got 3 of them, thanks man.
It might be stupid advice, but as an idiot who carried a torch for a fujoshi lesbian, or maybe a fujoshit that's a fucking liar, for years. I can say that it worked for me when I finally came around to accepting that she wasn't interested.
If my past experiences are anything to go by, about a year more or less. Currently two months past another break up and I'm right there with you man.
I need space pirate comics, Cred Forums
WHIIR posting is so boring now
Nothing gay about a quicky from your bro, dude.
>taking more than one
You are like the fat lady dumping the candy bowl in her bag during Halloween.
Not my fault you cant type fast.
Make it 5 btw.
Not only is that super duper gay, it's also a terrible pairing
here are some more steam games for you Cred Forums. this batch has rust, chivalry and a few other good ones
>second rumor
That's my fetish
Game theory is full of shit and a youtuber got a free fighter jet ride out of it. Good job.
just for you, I'll hold back today
Gmod, nice
I think this is all I'm gonna post of TUUUUBES for now.
Captcha is the devil and also I don't want to take up all the thread space.
I dont get it
>Fucking anything but Blue Eyes White Dragons
Shit comic, kill yourself.
Luigi was always nr.1 at landing on ? marks on marioparty.
Maybe not the most extreme or chivalrous one but i almost expect something in the code of the series that actually does this. After a solid decade i played a bunch of games of the series with some spergs i met (I think 4 and 7) As a joke i picked Luigi as the 4th comp and explained his magical superpower he had for me on the n64 entries.
>mfw he still gets the special ? star every fucking time continueing a lifelong tradition
>mfw two girls of the group wanted to fug me and i turned them both down
>mfw i fucking destroyed these nerds 7 to 1 at marioparty
>mfw they nickname me Partystar because of it
Okay, this got a chuckle out of me
half of these comics are just stupid tumblr/reddit level garbage
Until you move on which is TBD. But in the interim you can self-improve and try new hobbies and try to meet new people. Even if it takes a year or two to get over an ex at least you will have been spending that time improving yourself so when you're ready to move on you'll be well equipped to do so.
anyone got any more Earthbound/mother 3 comics?
Star Fox is like 80% dog, he would have a red rocket, man.
green tea neko is a hack
Oh my such a tragedy. Do tell how you came about such knowledge.
not another obscure fetish please, i cannot do this anymore
These are by "emlan" if anyone's curious. She's good people.
right in the nostalgia
>get through reading over a dozen of these thinking that the writing is awful and makes little sense
>realize I've been reading it backwards like my Chinese cartoons
I can't be the only one who does this
>not you're
"you are right hand comes off?" always cracked me up
Isn't the lengthy straight part of their leg basically their heel? what's she confused about?
What obscure fetish? Nudity?
this is my absolute favorite fetish
>weak human bullies powerful goddess with sex
>I'm gonna go hide the Armor of Invincibility in the Cave of No Return.
>Hey jimmy do you know where the Armor of Invincibility is?
>>Dan took it to the Cave of No Return, haven't seen him since tho
so hard
misquoted, i meant this
>tfw this generation will never know what it's like to occupy an enemy country, live there like fucking gods, capture random women and children, use them as a sex slave for a few weeks and then torture them to death while laughing
Man, Afghanistan was good times.
post stop bullying comics
Now that's very specific
if NMH3 isn't at least this stupid I ain't buyin
I'm sure this makes sense to the person that drew it.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out why he wants a piece of sashimi.
Yeah cause what the hell is going on in it lol.
>man goes to war
>plays video games 90% of the time until he gets sent out to be turned into swiss cheese
yeah real different from back in the good ol days
This isn't funny, but the blue highlighted cream cheese got me a good chuckle.
they already confirmed some kind of hotline miami crossovers, and the death drive from Let It Die appears in the trailer
oh wow that's awfully old. the original, not this
Will I ever get context on this?
boo fucking hoo faggot, quit seeking validation on here.
>no set-ups
>no punchlines
>just half-assed memes and le randumb xD
What madman drew this
Monster Hunter bullshit.
>very good indeed
>Thought the game was fucking awesome as a kid
>Now I'm disgusted by the furry aspect of it
We need to go back.
Just like Dark Souls 3 lore
I dunno.
I had to reread that 10 times the first time I saw it and it still makes me chuckle when I think about it.
haha... us epic hardcore df players am i right muahahaha...
Fuck this would be hilarious if it was just the first 2 panels
Fuck that got me good
Is this the same guy as that one Castlevania vore picture?
I think we are missing some panels here.
>IG Joe
Yes please
Eternally the best
is satan a fairy in this?
I unfortunately only lurked and never made any of my own, was the editor really this fucking versatile or are these just shoops with their assets?
Oh shit. Almost missed it.
What kind of a tryhard faggot breaks out drill in an enlisment office?
Nigger you haven't even been taught how to do it yet, his hand is way to fucking high and you don't salute without a headress. faggot. Is he even an officer? Christ almighty, hope he enjoyed his 4 year enlistment where he went overseas once and tells everyone for the rest of his natural life how he is ex-military and a veteran.
God fucking dammit took me a minute
I want to fuck the nintendo fag
Always my favorite.
If you're a pretentious philosophy major, this is actually worth a read despite the wordswordswords.
Fury isn't vidya, man.
Still great.
It's simple.
>you must marry Anri
>ew but she's probably hollow and looks like raw meat
>it's fine just give her this ring, it makes you look human again just like this
>omg ur cute I want to marry you instead
He made the right choice
Best one
>see webcomic thread
>go check on 3-panel soul
>dude is still depressed and getting laid off all the time
at least his art is still good.
Whatever do you mean? This is splinter Cell rebooted for mature audience
god damnit, this gave me a giggle and now I wanna get dragon's crown pro
>they didn't reprint this comic with Doom 2016
One fucking job.
this will always be my favorite
Good thing I can read japanese
Oh, wait
I'm so fucking triggered over this comic
>implying our 100% volunteer force is worse than kids that were drafted to die in Vietnam or some shit
>implying there aren't kids volunteering as it is, where does he think all the fucks dying in the desert come from?
>wanting more wars
>implying veterans are inherently better than other citizens
t. Veteran of the "War on Terror"
They have to try it for the second.
This one will always have a special place in my heart.
Not sure if Garth but you don't happen to know the name of a comic where the story is on a huge city ship with about 100.000 onboard and seemed like mutiny was about to happen. I think there was a preview for it in one of the comics Garth had something to do with.
More like "homoerotic." I never noticed how gay it is. Are you new to the concept of werewolves or something? That doesn't belong to furries.
Dwarf fortress isn't that difficult
Only the freshest memes from me.
Someone have the -philia list that was made with kirby?
now I'm not into poke-fuckin but I do have a thing for size differences like this so you're putting me down a bad path tonight user.
Cred Forums's worst nightmare.
Thank you, kind user.
I wish emlan was still deep into Skullgirls.
I started playing Prime for the first time today and this exact thing happened to me
>not into pokemons
Ursaring is a normal type because bears are the normal type pokemon of real life
Then why am I starting to get turned on? She's not a tard, is she?
Focus on something else, find people to take your mind off of it
Pretty sure I saw the same exact joke on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as well.
is there a new alternative for batoto?
I am also gay but I still have comics.
the venn diagram of a gamer and serviceman is basically just a circle nigga.
fuck I thought it was those annoying x-parasite cells
But Batoto is back, under new management.
post the knot edit
She's a rich ditz
Not a good one. I have stopped reading completely aside from translation threads in Cred Forums.
Can a human-like Pokemon and a human mate?
Doomworld recently got higher quality scans of the comic.
Every day...
You're right.
>my worst nightmare is getting pinned down by a sexy rich girl
You thought wrong.
It's better at least, still looks like shit but thanks.
>new management.
I thought the admin said he didn't trust giving the site to no one because it's too much user data? also, does this mangadex have something in common with those tamamofags on Cred Forums?
Carol a cute!
>World babbies will never get best monster
This is an example of a simple joke being very effective
I dunno. I know whoever is in charge of mangadex is putting all the resources batoto used to have little by little.
It allows hentai, so they are already ahead of old batoto.
Doesn't need to humanlike, friendo. As long as it has the right size bits.
This thing is fucking with my eyes.
I'm pretty sure someone just bought out the domain once the registration expired and redirected it to somewhere else. The current site doesn't seem to have anything to do with the original.
>altered beast joke
im dead, lads
fuck vidja. Post things that Tomboys are for!
And this is how we got another fire emblem character.
What the everloving fuck is this supposed to be
>Does rubbing a girl's abs already counts as sex?
No sir. It does not
Doesn't meant it isn't super hot, though.
Jho is all but confirmed for world
if you're going to post manga you could at least post something good and vidya like High Score Girl
Nice phoneposting. Scared of something?
No, fuck you. We were having a good thread. Go away and masturbate before shitting up the thread.
I guarantee this was made by a boomer who had the easiest life imaginable.
Easier to evade
Thanks for the daily dose
yeah this one was cute
I love me some tomboy but put it down user, this thread was okay.
thx for the pic anyway.
saucenao is your friend user. learn to love it.
Artist is mado, doujin is kidz sacrifice.
Wow this absolutely sucks compared to actual LOL threads.
Jho is actually confirmed for World.
Not vidja
Nobody's interested
Did you really mean to ask for the sauce to mine?
In da fwesh
these scenes were all pretty genuinely disturbing
Yes Please I already know the tomboy one
this thread's still going? I thought the mods would have shot it down by now
It's a sailboat!
Mods don't tend to have anything against real game comics. It's usually when it's some tumblr comic meant to make people rage about SJW's or something when a thread gets axed.
Cred Forums's new janitors are pretty god awful. It's almost impressive how bad they are.
it's a mechanical part
thats incredible
i also really love magic eye 3d images
Why is Kratos surprised? He likely learned the move 4000 years ago.
>Stand back n00b I'll frag this charlie
Gets me every time.
alart! Mods in the thread banning nsfw posters.
>Posting edit.
That makes sense
Have whale mites
Ok this gave me a chuckle.
Amsorry but for some reason bato was missing chapters when I read it.
Does this turn into some degenerate fetish shit?
Pretty sure that's the series where the girl is a futa.
Its a bdsm manga focused on shibari. What do you think?
thanks senpai
Nope, you did not
So the answer is yes?
based BearTiger
that was a great episode
That's just nature. Old school Discovery channel desensitized me long ago to such things. Also, that whale is clearly beached and those mites are probably suffocating to death.
I don't get it. Why is she a fish?
Sega should really bring back Mecha Sonic.
I was talking about Qurupeco my man
This is really cheap.
His thighs got more curvier and hips extended a bit as well. Even the arms got less bulky.
Cheating, faggot..
>your back starts to itch
her name
Why have you done this?
when does it air?
I also like to read the biology articles on bogleech.
Viper king is a literal male yet he still have tits like any other vipers
>game now allows for 3 big mons running around.
I wonder if they would let peco call to different monsters
>wanting the worst monster in the franchise back
It wouldn't matter because Bazelgeuse would show up before Qurupeco even gets there
Oh I just noticed the misspelling.
>still no updates
good snek
This is fucking good
Seek medical help
Look at the enlistment officer's face.
Thanks for this one. Had a solid chuckle from it.
Bazal is my least favourite monster just because he homes in on fights
im crying
Jesus, this hits hard.
>No rich cute gf who loves you because you were kind of nice to her when you were both kids
God tier doujins have tags: slave, amputee, body_modification
would be funnier if it was just the first 3 pannels and the last pannel
Neither has the previous 10 generations you stupid fuck.
nah too lazy, give me sauce cuck :)
very cool
>thought for a second he said miscarriage in the last panel and started looking for loss
I don't even like subtle loss edits
>ywn sit her down while she is crying saying that you were the only one in her life that made her feel loved
my imagination is bringing me to the brink of suicide
>look up sauce
>get really horny with the first scene
>fucked up things happen
>more cute sex
>then more fucked up things happen
>then more cute sex
Can I go now?
This right here
this is misery
My sides
I wonder if the Chio-chan creator really played those games. Quake 4 was kinda disappointing, though.
boomers are a blight upon the world.
The ending was super cute.
Wtf i love dying for israel now
>mildly embarrassing case of mistaken identity
>nobody was even mean to him, sounds like the girls were polite
>they all apologized to each other for the mistake and parted ways amicably
Wow yeah, I sure hope he didn't kill himself after such a horrible experience. What a truly awful thing to have gone through.
I miss it too
Lol they werent polite they were whores
I imagine it must feel like you've been hit by a truck after thinking several cute girls called you cute only to find out that they were mistaking him for a friend.
I don't get it, and i played all 3 metroid primes
I mean it's that or deathclaws
Besides quake, what are the games referenced here?
Here we have an user who has never had his long time crush say to his face that she thinks you are disgusting.
But she's right. If he went to Vegas straight away the comic would have ended on the third panel.
Tomb Raider reboot and the “old man” looks like Trevor from GTA5
>honest mistake
>they explained what happened
>he laughed it off
>leaving after the truth came out wasn't even a weird thing for him to do, under the circumstances
Yeah I get that you hate women, that's cool and all but other than them being stupid he didn't describe them doing anything malicious to him.
>long time crush
>thinks [he is] disgusting
Not even close to the same thing. He was even lying to them on facebook, pretending to remember them. He went out thinking three complete strangers were gonna get his dick wet, and that's it.
that's why after highschool I never gave a rats ass about female relationships, because i'm so repulsive I just don't bother anymore. All I'm waiting for now is for my depression to get worse and suicide
>shouting is fun
Ah Pokemon and MLP:FiM, the things that made me into a beastfag.
I hate my life.
Is this even possible?
As a kid I worried about this situation every time I fought him, but I'm sure he skips certain blocks in the middle.
user, just join a gym and work out.
This honestly works. Even nerdy ass white people with glasses, when they get in shape they tend to appeal to attractive girls.
Lady’s honour: defended
They grabbed the guy because he thought he was some hot dude they were gonna use for a nightly fuck
> tend to appeal to thots
That heroine does heroin.
They ARE whores and that makes it even more ridiculous to feel bad for him.
>bawwwww three whores he never even met before wouldn't suck his dick, so sad
why are you lying to him? ive been lifting for almost 5 years now and i still want to die
holy fuck
is that a way
That sounds like a storyline from the filth
OH Shit, I remember reading that but now I can't remember what it is for the life of me.
That centaur lady is really cute.
You obviously want to keep living more than you want to die. If you really wanted to die then you'd have already offed yourself, faggot. Stop whining to earn sympathy points, go figure out why you're dissatisfied with your current situation and then fucking fix it.
>implying any woman isn't a thot
I too picked her and I appreciate your taste.
except it is, beacuse if your life is so terrible the moment some hoes liking you becomes a social upgrade ofc its sad you autist. get over yourself
The confused samus reaction image is always attached to the most idiotic posters. Just saying, it's a trend I've noticed. Imagine being so retarded that you need to save a confused reaction image, for all those situations where you can't grasp basic concepts.
>if your life is so terrible
His life isn't terrible at all, he's just a whiner
Grow some balls and treat whores like whores instead of some kind of measure of your own self-worth
Only meathead apes think this because they only associate with basic bitch thots
This was a nice thread
Bye anons
The worst ones are the ones that say they hate anime on Cred Forums and then post a shitty tryhard image that probably only he uses
Centaur worries. Get real weird after the snakes appear.
its those hooligans again.
rat bastards !
Wrong, Viper King has no titties.
She almost looks disappointed that they didn't rape her
>Vipers have to steal attacks from tentacle bots
>no new tewi doujin ever
Centaur no Nayami
boomer, millenials. different sides of the same coin.
Gen X is infinitely better, Gen Z will be the same if the trend continues.
Really wish they brought the Seeker back for 2, especially since you can have topless men and skimpy women.
Oh shit people still have the comic I made :3
Please tell me the lolis get eaten by Snek.
>took 10 times to get it
fuck me why a fish though
>Able to make it out
>tfw I still got it
tried not to laugh but did
Well? Why didn't she ask to see it? Did he show it to her?
Samus is part bird, so she probably had a cloaca right? Why would she have trouble with some other half breeds genitals?
This thread is full of some of the worst comics I've ever seen
close enough?
how the FUCK am I supposed to see anything?
My eyes took a while to relax, guess I'm not used to doing Magic Eye pictures on a phone.
fucking classic
Then post some, faggot
fucking kek
> mizone
> new
I'm not the one you're replying to but wow, thanks.
literally all anyone does in the military is play video games. People who don't play video games, begin to play video games after they enlist because there is nothing else to do. I have had a crusty ass chief tell me that the most fun he had on a deployment was getting Doom to work on his computer on the ship.
But user
War is good for you and for me
>a generation is only great if it fought in a war
I don't think anything other than the blue highlight is meant to be funny ya dingus.
>The comments
I don't get this one, never played icarus.
Could have been an arc of the Crossed webcomic.
this caught me off gaurd fucking shit
I always land on the yellow star spaces as luigi, with the note blocks.. Maybe it is
Fun fact.
Peoples necks can't always hold the weight of their entire body leading to a lot of hangings ending in decapitation.
i post in comic threads every now and then hoping someone knows what i'm talking about. but does anyone remember the sprite comic "adventures of the regi trio"?
I used to read that one about 7-8 years ago and even then it was kinda old. I can't find much through google and was hoping someone else might know what i'm talking about.
Oh just fuck you.
Not really.
>This needed to get deleted 4 hours later past the point of anyone caring because it it has a funny crudely drawn cartoon penis on it
Really, janitors? For fucks sake.
The panels in between are jokes in and off themselves. Shit like that was what made stuff like the early Simpsons good that they weren't all references or lead-ups to one payoff.
hahahahah fuggen SAVED