>this kills the blu-ray disc
This kills the blu-ray disc
if you're too young to remember this shit then you shouldn't be posting
it was shit
>tried downloading from Microshaft Store
>only 200mbps
What's the point if their servers are so fucking slow?
That's what they said about hd dvd.
Faster than PSN. It's fast for me. Maybe you live too far away.
Until every game is 100GB.
Just because you have fast internet doesn't mean everyone does.
You don't own a PSN if you seriously believe this.
>400 gig data cap
>30 mbps download
dude fuck the midwest
I have a PS3, PS4, 360 and XBONE. The Xbox consoles always download games faster. Microsoft have been in the networking sector a lot longer than Sony. I literally have to leave my PS4 running overnight to download a game.
Literally downloaded 500 GB of games in the past few days alone. I would an hero with a data cap.
I wouldn't even say it is fast. I have to rely on a wifi connection but a 30 GB game takes maybe 2-3 hours for me. I am usually playing other games whilst downloading though.
Nah, I live in Toronto. They have a big server here.
PSN is even worse
Only Steam and EA Origin have reached my 500mbps speed, and Steam was able to reach 900mbps when I was living somewhere with gigabit fiber. Why can't paid gaming servers compete with free ones?
Just like hd-dvd, am I right?
It's not uncommon for ISP to throttle demanding ports. Try changing your ports to alternate ones supported by XBL.
>data cap
dude even russia stopped having that shit in early 2000's
I've used a vpn on my router to confirm it, same shit desu.
>200 mbps
Are you so impatient that you can't stand taking the time it takes to take a piss to wait on a download?
VPN will never be as fast as your ISP speed. You are after all tunneling traffic to another location, further complicating the delivery of network packets effectively.
>100 gb download still takes over an hour at that speed
nah, with the vpn enabled I still hit 400mbps of my 500mbps on US east and Steam hits that 400 no problem. Just admit that sony and microsoft need to get their shit together. Also, what's nintendo's download speeds like on the Switch and Wii U?
Here is one thing to consider. Consoles have HDDs. HDDs, especially slow 5400 rpm ones, are going to have slow write speeds. 200 mbps sounds about right. Are you so sure it is the connection that is limited and not your storage?
do consoles really still have hdds? what the fuck?
I tried microshaft downloads on their windows store and it was the same story.
You can use a 7200rpm external usb 3.0 hard drive. These are faster than the internal drive sata connections.
Yes because storage is more important than speed. Most people who buy consoles just use them to play GTA and sports games, so really don't know what an SSD is.
Nintendo has garbage speeds for me. My Switch downloads at maybe a quarter of the speed of my Xbox or PC
I know there are ways to cure this problem. I'm just seeing if that is that anons problem.
Nintendo consoles have shitty mobile processors. They cannot handle much.
I'll try that but what speeds have you gotten? I haven't heard of anyone getting past ~200mbps on either xbone or ps4
I don't have the Xbone but I though people have gotten much higher speeds, and it was curious that you capped at around the speed a normal HDD would bottleneck you at.
>this kills the xbox
This is a tell-tale sign of a console on life support
>tfw you use gamefly and rent $60+ games for under $20 a month
waiting kinda sucks but its help me plenty
21621 games and you get to keep them after you stop giving Microsoft money every month.
Funny how nobody talks about xbox on Cred Forums outside these shill threads.
>look up this game
>impressed at the list of games
>it even has games with battery saves
>even better, a lot of password games have been modded to use battery saves
I don't care what anyone says, the NES has to be the greatest console ever made.
Anyone else loading up on Bing rewards to get a few free months of game pass?
>falling for the SSD meme
It is going to be the standar in a few years while faggots will be ripped off by the "novelty" actually
PSN is fucking awful and my connection is over 400mbps and it's still shit.
I was wondering why Sony stopped investing in multiplayer games.
how is a digital subscription/rentals the same thing as digital purchases?
Shits is like bitching that shit like spotify is dumb and lame when apples iTunes store is a thing where one can just buy shit instead.
What SSD meme? It will grow in capacity and soon a 2TB SSD will be around the same price as a 2TB HDD.
a very stupid aging population, lots of jews, and immense amounts of local corruption prevent such things in burgerland my friend