Has you vidya taste changed over the years?

Has you vidya taste changed over the years?

I don't play games that involve grinding anymore.


This image is literally me but I still like girls


I don't play games that doesn't involve causal anymore.

Ah, I get it.

I don't 100% games any more. I'll do as much as I can on my first run through and then uninstall after I finish.


I don't get it.

did your parents bottle-feed you with BPA plastics?


Not pictured: Manjaw, hairy legs/arms, noticeable man voice, broad shoulders

given that the clothes worn by then ten year old would be applicable to either sex, is this a lesbian or a tranny?

I tend to like RPGs far more than FPS games now.
Been enjoying MHW so far.

I used to love JRPGs during the PS1, PS2 era. Then when the seventh gen started there was a big dry spell so I started playing fps games. I got bored then I started playing fighting games. Now I rarely play JRPGs anymore, last one I played was Disgaea 5. I mainly play fighting games but I don't play a lot of games anymore.

No I was breastfeeded until I was five

Do you know where you are right now?

>cute shota
>grows up into a disgusting trap
we need to find a solution to this dilemma

No time consuming games, because work and no time.

45% suicide rate



I wish I was a little girl.
I'm glad I'm not mentally ill, though.
I need a wish.



>tfw hate girls
>still want gf
how do I kill my sex drive?


What if it's a girl?

I used to like western games then when they started adding that "realistic" movement system, I started moving away and once I saw that's all we'd get from them I left them and got deeper into Japanese games. I used to play a good mix of both West and Jap. Now the only western games I bought last year was Crash to play with bros and Mania. Some western indies are ok but if we're talking actual companies I pretty much exclusively play Japanese AA games now.

>it's actually a tomboy





>tfw literal faggot
>tfw it's always fake gays that post trap shit and gay shit
really gets my noggin joggin I tell ya

Keep supressing yourself sister, in a few years 'mentally ill' freaks like me are going to be laughing our asses of at you balding, hairy androgen-formed hons like you trying to fit into that cute summer dress.

Unironically my taste hasn't changed at all

I grew up playing final fantasy and persona and I'm still playing final fantasy and persona

i used to really like rts and arena shooters, but now they don't even exist

I used to be a Blizzdrone and play ASSFAGGOTS and MMOs. Now i play fighting and rhythm games.

Kinda, I can't stand dialogue and cutscene heavy games anymore and I really prefer direct control over my character. But I can stomach it if the game is good enough. I think I was just a lot more tolerant of games having non-interactive or boring parts, I think I value my time more now.

I used to think fighting games are fun to mess around with but not a real big deal, and the CPU was always super cheap. Now days, I have a really big respect for the genre and it upsets me that I'll never be as good as I want to be but I am proud of the progress that I've made. I also don't play turn based RPGs that much anymore but I still really like the genre, especially when it's pulled off well.

you haven't lived long enough

Lovely. Well done

This doesn't make any sense.
Are you retarded, user?

I'm 25 user

Why do people assume this is a tranny? It's clearly about a tomboy learning to embrace her femininity as she aged.

Seriously how do we stop this? We know what causes tranny freaks is chemical imbalance in the brain and with that imbalance fixed they automatically drop the faggot shit. Why do (((they))) still encourage irreversable gender mutilation?


i had an nes as a child and then basically stopped playing video games aside from one or two pc games that the computer my cheap ass parent's bought could never run properly until in the last couple years i picked up a ps4 and a switch
a play mostly rpgs


I don't understand what you mean. Did you reply by accident?
Or are you implying I am a certain kind of person?

They still exist, just not how you want them too. It's a shame because I have a lot of fond memories of Quake 3 Arena despite never being very good at it. It's awful how the genre's evolved. The same could be said for fighting games, especially considering how the previous generation was a second golden age but I don't know what the fuck Capcom is even doing anymore.

I'm 29. When you're nearing 30 you won't feel as excited about your high school social simulators.

To actually answer the question they really haven't when I was a kid I was playing jrpgs and fighting games and now that I'm an adult I still play jrpgs and fighting games, the only thing that's really changed is that I now attempt to be more social and go to fgc events when I can

the surgery is very expensive
and the dissidents get shut down, university of san fran was trying to do a study on trannies that go back to being their original gender and got funding pulled for going against the narrative


fucking brutal


>tfw used to play every consecutive call of duty and minecraft for five years straight
it was fun so i dont regret it but i dont really see the appeal. search and destroy is better than for example counter strike but both are unappealing to me now

tfw 6'3" AGP

I'm 24, myself.

You're wrong
I'll always feel excited because I was homeschooled and was never in high school so I get to larp

Now I am doing it maybe I should sleep.


If you haven't already, try to branch out a little. You might find yourself loving a new genre and/or franchise. If you have already then that's cool; at least Square and Atlus are still doing alright for the most part.



I used to play 4-6 hours of cs or dod in my teens

Now i do not play mp shooters

>tfw late 20s
>tfw getting slower at my favorite games
>tfw enjoying old games in genres that I was too immature to enjoy at the time
>tfw teaching noobs in my discord server how to play my old favorites
Feels great boys

Based Lucy.

It's funny cause it's true

I feel like I've gotten better at FPS's.
I don't know if it's because I pick up on patterns and spatial awareness better or if I've just gotten that much better.

What I don't get and I probably don't REALLY want to know is how a mtf prevents the new orifice from trying to heal shut. Or how a ftm heals in a way that looks remotely like it's natural.

How much does it cost to cut off your balls? If it's expensive why don't people go the extra mile and do liposuction and facial reconstruction too. There's no point in changing your life in such a way that nothing outside of your peeing habits will be effected.

well done sir

I used to think I hated RPGs then I found out that Turn-Based is just a Sub-Genre Action RPGs are my favorite genre

because it was edited to look that way

It just really sucks we let these fucking rats put fourth such a narrative when we found the problem and an easy solution. Majority of trannies who have their endocrine system unfucked turn out to be decent, productive people while the opposite end of the spectrum you have mentally unstable fucking abominations who kill themselves in the end after coming to terms that nobody will want them and they wasted their life beimg a tranmy freak. If we did use proper hormone treatment on trannies we could find a cure to the gay and pedophelia.

A retard nonetheless

Heck yesss.
I love me some conflicted tomboys.

I always had interpreted the image of her just being a tomboyish girl who thinks boys are gross but matures into a regular woman.
I don't see how it relates to trannies at all.

I think there's a lot of reading that goes into FPS duels, you play it long enough and you don't need reaction time because you already know what they're going to do. It's shit like Devil's Daggers that made me go realize how slow I've gotten.

adorable, desu senpai

I don't 100% games anymore, I don't play competitive games anymore, and I keep away from most twitch shooters or anything that requires really quick reaction times.
Getting old kinda sucks but thankfully those kind of games are also pretty shit.
I have always enjoyed me a nice RPG tho.

so when nobody likes them, they can blame transphobia instead of their shitty personalities


they stick tubes up their brambly puss-filled dick ditch every now and then and drain the crotch snot



Aoe 3, Aoe 3 remake, wc3, and sc2 still are active. There's probably others which I just havent played.
You have plenty of options, but there's no garuntee the magic will still be there for you.

wait, you're telling me that this piece of LOL was just a wholesome all this time?

I haven't

I get annoyed with finicky controls and general repetitiveness of Action RPG's
I get too spookied playing Action-adventure
I despise Zelda likes
I don't mind MGS/Survival/open world games but I'm not going to go out of my way to play them
Shooting games are fucking gay
MMO's are still too grind heavy
My eyes hurt if I take too long playing RTS
Isometeric is anti-fun for me
Fighting games get too repetitive for me

The only new tastes i've acquired and genuinely enjoy is playing porn games
And even then it's not that new of a taste since I was playing lewd games on newgrounds when I was 12

she seems pretty cool

bullying tomboys is against the law

How do I make her my wife?

>Girl you're free to express yourself however you want NO NOT BY LIKING GIRLY THINGS
>Any body type you have is beautiful NOT THAT ONE DAMN IT VISIT THE GYM LESS
>You can live whatever life or career path you want! It's your choice! You can even be a mom if you want! I DIDN'T MEAN A MARRIED MOM YOU SHITLORD JESUS CHRIST

What the fuck this is the original? My entire life has been a lie

I've been here since last November and I swear the people I interact with on here are the creepy virgin dweebs at my school who had no freinds and were constsntly picked. I swear I dumped 9gag for this place because it felt like I was moving on, but in all honesty you guys are more fucking pathetic and it's almost sad in a way.

>A tomboy and a girly girl at the same time

I'm sad that this post got deleted.
It was a good shitpost :(

someone will bite/10

You should go back and stay back.

le strawman

Oh look it's him


no shit

>I've been here since last November
and your bait falls flat. next time dont include that

(you) have to go back

>holy moly, i never knew a website known for its anonymous posts can be soooooo mean ;_;
Fuck off.

Oh hey it's that bottom right girl from Neviutz' stream.
How the P4 runs going bro

Nice projection, user. I can't wait to see all the replies you get.
I played sports in high school. What a waste of time.

Thats...horrible. in mean, I really should have expected it, but it's still horrible. What about the ftm? I really feel like if all this was laid out for people considering it, few would do it. The suicide rate, the surgery in detail, and the self care of it all.

I get the feeling that it's actually girls that don't like you.

Don't respond to obvious bait you fucing idiots

going to delete your autistic shitpost again?


Why does this get deleted but the thread is still up mods? You know this is a Cred Forums thread.

If you played sports that would mean you were a chad in school, yet you're hear.

wife material

They do anyway

I never understood people who claim to love arena shooters, but reject the idea of playing already released ones.
I mean, what's stoping you from playing Quake 3? Graphics? Fucking DUSK looks deliberately old and still manages to sell a packet.
Fresh levels and new weapons? Modding for maps and all the games just have iterations of the same machine guns / railguns / rocket launchers.
Anybody who claims to love arena shooters and doesn't play them anymore because devs stopped releasing new titles every year - they're completely missing the fun point of the arena shooters, that's still preserved and present in all old titles.

I wont read your shit nigger kys

Because the hotpockets know he's right.

i used to play rpgs but now i only play strategy games


>this is a Cred Forums thread
>none of the posts are Cred Forums-related
You need to go back

People like this should be put down

different opinions isnt Cred Forums

i'd tell you to go back to neogaf, but there isn't anything to go back to at this point

They don't and I don't want them too either I hate them but I still have a natural sex and want to fuck them, how do I kill that sex drive?

No (you) for you mass-reply nu-fag.
>creepy virgin dweebs at my school
Not only are you underage banned you're also too young to know how to have bants. Stop being a faggot and get something that resembles taste before you post here again. Maybe one day you will be 14, or you'll kill yourself trying to copy some faggot e-celeb challenge.

mods like /vpol/ threads

man thsi shitpost wasn't even that bad wtf mods


>replies to everyone
user I'm a normalfag literal faggot with a bf, you're the sad virgin here

my favorite game series has always been metroid

Samus was always a role model to me as a trans woman, and helped me realize that girls can be badass too.
now i am a woman and my life is great. I even transitioned in my mid teens so I pass 100% as a woman. it brings me joy to laugh at deluded fetishistic men in their 20's who think they can just be women. In fact, whenever I see a tranny in public, I make a point to clock them. The world would be a better place without hons.

Used to play arpg, mmorpg, and jrpgs when I was young. Then I went through military themed shooters like call of duty, medal of honor, battlefield. Now I'm on to co-op (kf2, vermintide), f2p (War Thunder), and melee games (Chivalry -> Mordhau). Pic slightly related, I wish more games had flails.

This picture gives the wrong idea that they groom themselves and aren't dangerously overweight.

*Whip crack*

>obvious bait
>13 replies


now that's good copy-pasta. shame the original user died

>hotpockets at it again

b-based reddit???



I am not a popular streamer.
This seems to be a case of mistaken identity.

This show was terrible.

Yes, I HATE RPG's, now. Missable items, cooking, all that fluff crap, end it. If the game has crafting, even one as otherwise active as Monster Hunter, I won't fucking touch it.

Exactly, user.


I really don't understand why society is just so accepting and open to these mentally ill people.

Like shit, they need help.

And sure, like, if they're gay, they're gay - but you can't just say you're a different Sex. thats now how biology works. Thats not a thing.



Now that I have the patience for them, I've been playing way more autism simulators and rougelikes

Did you really screencap your own reddit posts to post it on Cred Forums?

Frankly I'm still surprised they got away with the bad guys of that episode being a bunch of biker molemen in harnesses led by a flamboyant king

>wanting to fuck link
>not wanting to get fucked by link

I haven't slept and it's 7am, bear with me.

I was a 3 sport varsity athelete in highschool.

I'm in a fraternity now.

What are you gonna do user?

I am original


Season 1 was alright.


I played nearly every genre as a kid, except for fps (there was literally just doom and wolfenstein at that time). My mum used to play a lot of turn based jrpgs and was a huge zeldafag. so my mum got me into gaming and I still play some weeaboo shit. Also rts was a huge thing back in the day, loved red alert and aoe. But then al this muh mature games emerged and I played a lot of dod and some cs 1.4 (remember how recorded ts sessions where the funniest shit on the net?)
I'm still a huge fag for jrpg even as good turn based ones are a rarity...
While I'm finishing my blogpost, I realize I'm still playing the same shit I did 20+ years ago... Unfortunately the quality of games hasn't really increased

>shit thread where mods deletes replies but not the thread
>expecting anything else

My thumb slipped


Why is this thread still up?
This is so offtopic, you shouldn't be allowed to talk about 'mentally ill trannies'
Delete this please.

What if you played sports but ignored the whores and focused on leaving after a match to go play games with your friends, instead of caring about dates? What if you're great at sports but a massive sperg? What if you're forced to do sport as part of a curriculum? What if you play sports but you're only mediocre at them? What then?

Well too bad now you have to interact with me and talk about video games.

Be careful, neo/v/ is full of degenerates that will defend these new gender ideologies.

It became irredeemable when they started overusing the whip cracks and gave it a even heavier animated in flash feel.

Do you like Mario Kart?

>Why is this thread still up?
Cred Forums is literally not for video games actual gaming threads attempting to discuss gaming are deleted, disrailed or told to go to /vg/, Cred Forums is simply an offtopic board with video game flavour

Cred Forums has always been full of degenerates
if you can't coexist with them there's a board for you that you don't like posting on so you never stay there

How about instead of talking about fixing them we instead fix society to not shame these types of people into suicide


My tolerance for annoying fucks in multiplayer is the only thing that has changed. I'm 24/7 annoyed as fuck while playing online games but I can't stop.

Complaining about trannies existing is Cred Forums, this has nothing to do with videogames. Leave.

It just baffles me anyone can even argue for it, but maybe i'm just a bigot, sure.
I've got ZERO issues with people who are gay, literally none at all.

But when you want to pretend you are biologically the opposite sex - and just expect everyone else to accept that - fuck off. It's so fucking stupid. If you're born biologically Male, YOU ARE A MALE. Thats it. It's just fucking how it works.

You can 'identify' as female, or with feminine traits all you want - but you're not a Female, and literally never will be, even if you do start HRT and chop your dick off. Then you're just a mutilated Male with fucked up hormones.

how about we stop letting doctors support the mentally ill who want to cut off their genitals and become another gender? We don't support people who mutilate themselves or pretend to be something else normally, why are trannies the exception?

Most of the thread is memes and bait unrelated to trannies
Get the stick out of your ass gaffer

Who cares faggot.

No only racing game I occasionally play is GRID.
I do not own anything Nintendo these days.

Most trannys are supported by their friends etc but yet they keep killing themselves. Why? Oh its because they will never be the opposite sex. Even if you become the perfect looking girl, you can't get pregnant, your faux vagina isn't real, you still age like a your real sex etc. They hit 30. Death by suicide. Even in countries that are very accepting, it's still high suicide.

gibb me sour user

It's not helped by the fact that the meds fuck up their psyche so bad to the point where even after they don't need to take them they're left with the side effects of the meds.

Fuck me I thought this was a template at first

not video but i think the good strategy is to figure out why they manifest and try to fix that, so you don't end up with hundreds of thousands of people that are never going to be happy, and proposing a gorillion illiberal proposals to try to force others to go along with your shit, because you subscribe to the political philosophy equivalent of pus fetishism

>This isn't bait but im replying anyway- the replies