Hmm.. which one 2 play?

Hmm.. which one 2 play?

stolen games.jpg


Is this the same black guy doing this? I'm going to join in.

im feeling thank you

God I hate niggers

That sexy robot bitch had a fat ass bruh

Definitely NOT NV. Only play my games.


Stop writing like you're a nigger. You're not. Obviously.

is that meant to be a pun

I will timestamp for you white boy. I've been here for years.

New Vegas!

>bethesda games
>on fucking console

As a consolefag who played all those games on that exact platform I would highly suggest getting it for PC. The freezing every half-hour was too much. At least on PC any crashes would be from installing too many mods.

Vegas and 4 = pleb games.

imagine being such a beta the very sight of a black man triggers you, making you throw a temper tantrum screaming "nigger!" in the threads

>Soul Sacrafice
my nigga

3 and New Vegas with tale of two wastelands mod

>NV on PS3
It's literally unplayable because of save file bloat.

Play the golden all-time classic fallout 4.