Does this game require skill to play it or is it casual shit like Overwatch?

Does this game require skill to play it or is it casual shit like Overwatch?
Also is CS:GO skill based game?

Its all about map knowledge and positioning.
the shooting part is just spraying at the enemy directly and getting a headshot.

CSGO youll reach global in about 1 year of playing (~1000hrs), youll need like 75 to reach platinum in this one

CS:GO is a much simpler game with lower skill ceiling and floor.

I think you doing something wrong

Also what do you think about mode without any abilities?
Only guns and gadgets (mines, grenades and etc.), no reinforcements.

CS:GO is all about memorizing spray patterns and planting your feet and checking if your opponent knows his better

R6 is all about memorizing the map and never planting your feet to abuse peekers advantage

It'd require crazy amount of map balancing because some sites are ridiculously open

New map for it, like in CS?
But it's Ubisoft, so automatically no.
Actually I'm surprised with how good Outbreak look, can't believe it came out from those lazy fuckers. My guess they will use its assets for new game, like L4D in a future.

Shooters are for tryhards and niggers

But I don't like JRPGs and weeb shit

They just made a whole new map for a timed event

Fair enough

>Operation Health

what are you implying?
Did you see funny meme arrows somewhere on the internet and thought it applies to this situation?

Are you really defending Operation Health, which done almost nothing?
Are you defending people who made shitty excuse like "memory limitations" and immediately after that announced Outbreak?
Also if you think they aren't laziest fucker you either blind fan boy or just that blind.

Where are you getting any of this, fuckboy

do you even read posts or do you just like to argue with yourself on an anonymous imageboard

>no u

>Overwatch is casual because a lot of people play quickplay
>muh csgo
end yourself my man

here I'll provide a simple transcript for your retarded ass
>ubisoft won't make a new map because they're lazy
>but they just released a map for a limited time event

RS 6 is pretty fun as a casual shooter

literally just hiding in a corner with a shotgun will keep you entertained for weeks

thats not even including the shield memes and cheeky wall breaking

Actually they made 3, each way larger than any normal R6 map

I thought it was one big ass one but if it's 3 that's even crazier

they make new maps all the time, but they end up being shit so they take them out of rotation

I play it everyday, it's fun. Has kept my attention much longer than Overwatch.

only 2 were removed and they're returning later this year
the rest are just bad for rank like house or plane

Is there a reason to buy season 3 pass?
I already have every single operators and 50k renowns sitting so i can buy the 2 new operators immediately.

They canned kurva map for nothing
That what user implied

you know this just makes your original point sillier, right

Have they taken Favela out of the game? Like just completely or in competitive? I swear I haven't seen that map in months playing

600 R6 credits for outbreak packs, the ops earlier ,the renown booster and everything being cheaper in the shop for bundles and stuff

It's completely gone from online

you can still pay it a visit in offline

Exclusive metallic and wood skin

you can't get it in cas or ranked but it's in custom games or T-hunt, it's still being reworked

Turns out people didn't like to play on a map that's completely made out of wood, has an instakill spawnpeek and 50 locations to throw c4.

really shocked

If you play a lot I'd say it's worth it. You get them 1 or 2 weeks early before everyone else and get bonus' on top of it like alpha pack roll boost, $5 ingame credit, free uniforms/headgear, and I think a couple other things I can't remember. If you can still find it discounted then it's very worth it

I always kinda hated the map anyway

>actually having to ask if a braindead HURRWAR kerfuffle game especially created for ultracasuals is casual shit

I liked it, yacht could go and die though

It definitely required you to learn the characters and the maps.
First 20 games you wont know what the fuck is going on.
Then you start learning and it becomes insanely fun.

>buy “complete edition”
>more paid content gets released

people who have stokes halfway through a sentence should seek medical attention instead of arguing on Cred Forums.

So is Outbreak VR simulation too, like all multiplayer matches, or is it real operation?

I think it's real unless the briefings were VR too and who'd do that

which paid content? The free maps or the contents you can buy by playing the game?

Well, doc transformed from white guy to arab, do yeah it's real.
Damn avatars, won't be surprised if under IQ avatar is some fat feet faggot dude

I think he talks about Outbreak packs and season passes

You aren't forced to pay real money for any of it, you can easily grind for the new ops.

You'll definitely want to practice on Terrorist Hunt and the Situations to get a feel for some of the different operator's abilities, but otherwise it's pretty easy to get into.
Also please don't pick Castle

CoD gunplay makes the game rather pathetic

counterstrike is still unsurpassed as the archetype tactical shooter, even though a lot of its "arcadey" aspects make it noticeably feel old sometimes. Like the whole cash system, stuttersteps etc are very clearly from a different age of games, but it's still the best for high satisfaction from slow improvement.

>All FPSs play like CoD
Have a (you) use it wisely

No, Counter Strike doesn't!

But RS6 definitely does, it's still a fun game because of everything else, the maps and the abilities but the gun play alone is extremely similar to CoD. You ADS extremely fast and the enemies melt, you also move extremely fast and have no acceleration when you stop and start

ACOG scopes make aiming much easier then a game like Counter Strike because you get to zoom in and increase the enemies model size so much it's hard to NOT hit them

r6s is great for people who can't aim

this, i am worse than a filthy casual

i love rs6 because i can hide with a shotgun

Well, it doesn't work on gold and above.
Drones, drones everywhere


Yes, no.

Where's Fortnite?

There's no point talking about cs on Cred Forums, any fps that has aim as the most important skill is looked down upon here

Probably one of the most skill intense games on the market out of all genres right now. If you are not a good shot and don't know what you're doing, you won't make it very far in the competitive aspect.

It takes time, there is no quick way to get good since half of it is about aiming and the other half is map knowledge.

Fortnite is the only good shooter out right now.


that's fucking horrible

Fortnite isn't FPS


it's not? what the fuck, why is it even popular
3rd person is ass

Because it's free and there are a ton of low IQ folks out there who think Battle Royale is fun.

It's a game where the only way to win is to run fast and flick on heads.

>run fast
>there is only default running speed and walk (stealth)


What is 3 speed operators?

>this is what coppers actually believe

shit, i thought this was a csgo thread not siege because im retarded.

>running fast
>not the high-tier meta
This is what Wood IV actually believe

Im assuming OP has literally no experience and never played FPS before if he has to ask you goddamn mongoloid

Implying arabs weren't pioneers of human medicine back in the good ol day.