Why do japs like undertale so much?

Why do japs like undertale so much?

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it's a pretty nice game

nips have shit taste

I replayed it today. Still as good as my first time. It had plot, music and gameplay.

it has wacky random characters

I don't understand this daily autism thread, like the point of it.


>It had plot, music and gameplay
yup it sure did
it also had graphics and controls

reminder that bkub is only even a thing because of gaijin

Nips don't care about autistic fanbases or controversies so they feel free to like anything they want, that could be a reason why the love for the undertale over there is still going strong.

I think recently its become more acceptable to like Undertale openly
The normalfag/underage/furry fanbase has thankfully died down, and it really is a good game

Everyone likes undertale

They don't have to come into contact with its annoying as fuck american fanbase

Neither does anyone here besides faggots like you complaining about it and ultimately bringing it here.

don't forget coding. lol, just kidding, there's none of that.

You must be joking. They care a shitload about autistic fanbases and controversies. It's just that it's their own, different autistic fanbases and controversies.

To be exact, they don't really care about western autistic fanbases and controversies.

autistic fanbases and controversies

I don't it's shit

>why do japanese people like a shitty turn based rpg where the draw is the story
it's literally a perfect game for the most casual of countries

why do japs recycle the same old shit? Japan is literally the king of recycling garbage, in media and real life.
Look at touhou, people will shit their pants at hearing THE SAME REMIXES for over a decade.

technically there is he just didn't do any of it
he made it in game maker

that's the joke you 9 year old

fucking kids stay in school, play better games

japan is the land of gradual improvement
whereas you are the embodiment of perpetual shit

>is still going strong.
They got their official localization seven months ago, that's why. Took about a year for the shit to die over in North America.

Reminder that Chara did LITERALLY nothing wrong!

The plot is basically anime


chara only did justice

shut the fuck up nigger

They like the little goat shota

Woah, an intelligent reply.

Go back to tumblr and bring back some goodies to complain about.

>reddit: the anime is referencing reddit: the game
What a shock.

>knowing anything about Chen posting.

And this is how I know when something has gotten popular

why don't people like this dumb edgy bitch so much

I don't know, but more people should really like her more.


Why do japs love a literal shit meme anime so much?

>MFW Fucking Andy Sweetie getting put into this memetrash

>parodying something means you like it

Chen, cirno and bkub in general was as cancerous as frogposting is right now. It's funny to see how similar these fanbases truly are.

They don't.

What's Andy up to anyway? I remember last time I checked where ever he had his blog he was dealing with eczema.

there's actually big overlap between them

Newfag please. You lot were insufferable when it came out

>weebs STILL think japan isn't full of casuals

Because it's a mediocre copy of actual good Japanese games(Mother and Cave Story) mixed with bullethell-like combat.

Chen comics were fucking great. Nothing compared to this garbage show referencing your cancerous indie shit.

Remind me again: what made the Touhoufags and Underfags go at each other's throats some months ago?

Excuse me, but who are you quoting?

Weebs are the biggest casuals in the industry.

>cave story
in what fucking way. Multiple endings is now a cave story original idea?
yes and you described why its literally better in your post
something mother lacks
Also way more memorable songs than either of those games.

Cred Forums has the worst taste in music
same board that thinks lisa has a good ost

The character art. All blatantly stolen from Cave Story.

>more memorable
lol if you haven't played those games I listed why bother replying? You act as if I somehow attacked you personally

Remember that time Undertale literally stole soundfonts from SNES games? I do.

its stylish. bullethells are pretty popular over there too.

My nigger, female chara with male Frisk is the patrician taste

>All blatantly stolen from Cave Story
what the fuck?
asriel looks like a mimiga and mettaton you could argue is somewhat similar to balrog but that's it


pure kino

You mean Misery.

It's a short game with a cute and funny cast of characters.


>white people trying to speak Japanese
Come on son.

ok the top one is really stretching it to be honest

Japs can have good tastes sometimes.

Cave Story is so fucking overrated.

>Gradual improvement
>Circling the drain for 30 years

>japs loving nonsensical rubbish
Who knew

In this case it does.

Yes, they do.

imagine liking undertale and writing that


No one ever pretended otherwise.

Everyone knows this and no one gives a shit

anyone have that pic of chara killing sans in a tutu

Who doesn't?

It's definitely somewhat inspired by it thats for sure. Toby is more of a musician anyways and mixing good aspects of many different games together is not a bad thing, but desu I don't like Undertale and prefer Cave Story or Mother.
That doesn't mean it it's bad, but it's not that innovative/unique game people claim tho.

On this board maybe, but its way too underrated in general. I hate how indie hipster clones get more praise than the games they've copied. Like Hotline Miami for example. Have you ever heard of Psychon? Probably not.


but it does


If you can't make sense of Undertale, you're a literal brainlet.

You people are delusional.

>tfw to this day I've still never completed genocide route

calling someone that doesn't understand music theory a musician is really insulting

Too much hassle, isn't it? Walking in circles to take out that last monster just isn't fun.

one of the defining aspects of hotline miami is how well it controls, and just by watching that psychon video i can tell it controls like absolute shit. also if you think hotline miami took inspiration from a random PS1 indie game no one gives a shit about instead of the numerous isometric shooters on the amiga then you're fucking retarded

Not him, but for me it's still fukkin Sans

Fukking two years later.

Always that fucking double nigger ring of doubler nigger dragon lazers, which is probably even the last fucking attack or some shit.

what exactly makes you claim that toby doesn't understand music theory? he's never said as much and he used to do music analysis on his blog where he talked about doing roman numeral harmonic analyses and he's gone out of his way to write songs in odd time signatures

>no Asgore

the fanbase swelled up into a toxic insufferable trash heap quickly that hit the internet like a tidal wave of raw sewage. don't deny it you delusional shit.

How does Temmie's dialogue translate to Japanese? Anyone know?

I think he has said something along those lines in the past, but I'm not totally sure.

>I don't like it and I can't be wrong, so THEY surely must be!

I don't know how the official translation has turned out, but I know for a fact that the whole "hOi" thing is a meme among the Japanese.

It controls way better than GTA/GTA 2 on the PS1.
And how many of those are top-down view like Psychon? Serious question. I was never really into Amiga games since I've had a C64.

All of my yes

>posts literal trash popular among nips
It's like pottery.

I'll take 20% gay undertale shit over 80% trash like you complaining about shit that isn't here.

>I don't like it and I can't be wrong, so HE surely must be!
Right back at ya user

Reminder that you don't actually kill anything in Earthbound

>using someone's reaction image as an argument
Not that guy, but I swear, I only see this kind of shit on Cred Forums.

It takes influence from a lot of Japanese works and that influence shows within it. Its designed more like a Japanese game than a Western one, and so it appeals more to Japanese values than Western ones (although obviously its popular in the West too)

Is this the family guy of animes?


You're close, if you haven't given up yet then just keep trying until it's done.

I mean there is barely a crazy autistic whateverism fanbase in japan

>I think he has said something along those lines in the past, but I'm not totally sure.
he's never said that. he's said he doesn't know how to code, but that's different. he actually wrote a post about how to improve at music that specifically says to analyze music and figure out things you don't understand: twitlonger.com/show/n_1sothcs
>3. Analyze songs you like
>If you can read music, analyze the aspects of songs you like that you want to improve at. Pay attention. What aspects of your favorite songs do you like the most? Is there a drum pattern you like, or a chord progression you don’t understand? You could even look at a MIDI or sheet music and try to copy it by hand. Obviously don't use something you've copied in an actual song, but it's good practice.
then at the bottom he specifies how you should go about analyzing a song.

Are really you so oversensitive that being ridiculed for liking DBZ made you post your asshurt twice?

If family guy had 7 more layers of deep commentary and content.
You need to versed in tons of advanced subject as well as the title implies pop culture.
It's one of the most advanced shows of our time pushing innovation. It's literally not for brainlets.
If you are not well versed in physics, psychology and philosophy don't even bother.

>Are really you so oversensitive

it as a video game soundtrack literally STOLE music, you dumb fuck. there's a difference between referencing another song for a couple of seconds in your song and just TAKING A SONG AND CHANGING ONE NOTE

wubba lubba dub dub

I'm sorry, user, I don't lie on the internet. I'm not that guy, and what you did should be a cardinal sin on Cred Forums. It's sad to see you couldn't even address my complaint and had to jump to conclusions immediately.

Hit me up with these lawsuits then, senpai.

And BANG! really told you

You're nice user, have a nice day

Its fake

post it then nerd
which track is literally stolen
inb4 brandish and megalovania, those aren't THAT similar

We knew Toby was shitting on anime because we were western, the irony got lost in translation

Damn, it sounds more like Rick and Morty.

I wonder who is the target audience for this show...

But he likes anime

prove it

they despise it


the game is filled with anime references


Undertale was the first ironic weeb game of all. He mocked every single anime cliche in there

>literally STOLE music
You'll never let it go, will you? I swear, the only people who will claim to care about this are the ones who never wanted to like Undertale in the first place, and will continue to grasp at straws in order to have something to smear it with. I mean, let's look at a very popular modern Japanese composer, ZUN.



Like, I'm not accusing him for anything, because I think he's made some legendary original music, but if I wanted to shit talk him and claim that he's a hack, I'd have all the ammo I want. But my point is, it's fucking stupid.

"ironic weeb" should wordfilter your entire post to "I AM A HUGE FAGGOT PLEASE RAPE MY FACE"

the daily show must have been big fans of cable news huh

God fucking damn it, will Cred Forums ever stop being buttblasted by Undertale's success?
This game ripped you guys a new asshole, you just can't let go.
Friendly reminder that the game will always remain good and a massive success, no matter how much you cry.

nah, they're annoying. take your gay furry defense force elsewhere.

>Mettaton (anime)

sup jazz

let's take some of the most famous songs from the most famous japanese composer, koji kondo:

youtube.com/watch?v=2eRTQnSzoUI (he admitted to this one, part of the zelda 1 dungeon theme shows up here too)

wow, i guess he's a hack!

Look how full of furries this thread is and yet there are plenty of faggots like you.
Checkmate, nigger.



Yes. he's mocking anime in an ironic weeb way

look at this whataboutism
point and laugh


shouldn't you be tweeting "SIR, YOU ARE UNFIT FOR OFFICE SIR, I DEMAND ANSWERS!" at trump's twitter right about now you obnoxious fucking shitlib

Do you always get mad when the Undertale fanbase gets called annoying?

I'll laugh at you since you didn't get the point.

I don't know if it's just multi-layered irony or pure desperation at this point.

Since this is not the case, no?


no im blocked
ill let you know how the lawsuit goes tho

>reference means they like it
You do realize reference can be used to make fun of something, right?

and what is the undertale equivalent

there isn't one


undertale just has a big japanese fanbase dude

No, Japs love the shit out of Undertale, same with Gooks. And it was to be expected that it would be a huge hit there.

okay, sure thing junior.

nips have famously bad taste
consult wsj for details

I know it's a very hard concept to understand but you can be against gay undertale fan shit and against faggots like you that complain about things that are barely present on Cred Forums and are only brought here by closet gay furry loving shitters like you so you can hate masturbate about it.

>anons so butt blasted about fucking undertale they try and direct people to Wall Street Jewnal

if I were the dev of undertale I would see if I could get an anime made to accompany the release of a sequel

>most unfunny and terrible anime ever
>references Undertale

Seems fitting.
This shit is pure garbage, I watched the first episode and it was just "lol random skits that are supposed to be funny".
Seriously, who the fuck laughs at that shit?
I'm genuinely curious cuz my humor is very fucking wide. Anything makes me laugh, but shit like this is just a bunch of random jokes mixed together in the hope it will be funny.

you should only read it for the articles

Someone should make a mod with a menu to fight the bosses and enemies without having to go through the whole game
Undying still doesn't have a sim and I don't want to do genocide, and I really like Muffet and Mettaton EX's fights
Sans sim is also missing some things

You could argue that it's a reference to 'epic RPG battle' themes either way.


>I'm a hater against haters

no different
no better

Epic nonsensical defense from a closet furry.

people that think nichijou is funny and that jackson pollock was an artist

Theres retarded austist everywhere in the world, doesn't mean that that reference wasnt make fun of the game.
I watch anime and I never seen that game referenced in any japanese media ever.
Not to mention this animation references literally everything, so even shit like Undertale could show up there.

The fucking author of the manga literally tweeted that he was happy about Toby Fox noticing the reference. There you have it.

they secretly hate otaku. it brings "shame" around the normal counterparts.

undertale is a meme game
pte is a meme anime
I don't see the issue here

>secretly hate otaku

there's no secret about it
should find the look of disgust a character will have when using the word otaku in a jdrama

>people still act like Megalovania is the best song when it's really ASGORE

>Not Dummy!, Spider Dance, Metal Crusher, or Death By Glamour

best undertale piece coming through

both suck
best song in the game was another medium

You sound really mad over somebody not liking something. With some weird projection thing going on too.

Don't you have anything new? You have already been disproven.

No, it's the Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! of anime

they do that "i'm not [x] but [x opinions] you bigoted closet [x]"

Japs don't have the same awful "ironic" humor culture the west does, so they don't have the same sort of forced shaming from liking popular things that we get here.
No, it's literally just 2ch/2chan memes, all of it.

Is OFF worth playing if I liked this game?

No, OFF plays like every other RPG Maker game, and the story isn't worth the slog.

Why are they so annoying over an alright-ish rpg? I like it too, it reminds me of Earthbound a bit but it didn't change my life or anything.

>comes into thread
>clearly someone else is mad about something not liking something
Projecting much, dudes?

>thinks opinions can be wrong

ngl the soundtrack made me want to learn to compose

I was also thinking about playing the Earthbound Halloween Hack or maybe LISA

but your music was already ok, jun maeda

>he's still posting

Tim and Eric is garbage

>unlike me

being compared to tim and eric is the most powerful own possible
>quick, we're broke, what's even cheaper than the licensing rights to broadcast fractale?

>he can't understand the genius behind this


???? i thought you really liked non sequitur and referential humor

i was hoping you were referring to something jun maeda said about undertale but now i'm disappointed

why would anyone with a life know what undertale is

I swear to god, with every fucking board the same shit happens.
Everyone loved the manga, but the second it gets even slightly popular it suddenly becomes cool to hate it.
Cred Forums and Cred Forums are so full of contrarians it's hard to have any rational discussion.

if your life involves working in the video game industry i would imagine hearing of a popular video game wouldn't be too far-fetched

Shigesato Itoi and Yoko Taro know what Undertale is
It was Yoko Taro's favorite game of 2017
It sold 3 million copies dumbfuck people who haven't played it know what it is at least
Megalovania has 45mil views on youtube

i'm sure jun maeda has heard of call of duty, but i doubt he has time for that sort of thing

here's a better question: why would anyone with a life know who jun maeda is

big if true

why does Cred Forums think everybody hates the the games they do

Because kids born after 1999 can post here.

imagine being a middle aged undertale fan

You can play and like something without being a fan, though.

i love this murder child

Reminder that Frisk and Chara are both female

it's a parody you idiot

Sorry user Frisk is male. Proof? All the doujin him buttfucking the goat.

because it draws inspiration from Jap games without being a derivative copy of them (see: Skullgirls, which is a good fightan, but ultimately just imitates what makes Jap games good without really doing anything new)

o _
o ¯

He's also the best character

>it's a parody you idiot

is that why it sounds bad?

you mean those soundfonts that are comprised of compressed samples from popular workstations of the day? wow!

>best song
>not amalgam

This is the most underrated one
I put it in the top 5

have you even played FF6?


The song just sounds straight out of Earthbound. Like if you played that song and I had to guess what game it was from then that would be my first reaction.

Anyways its not as good as any of the boss songs.
Its a parody of the FF6 opera you fucking moron

It’s actually a good game, they just arent so fat and autistic they let some popular meme Facebook page admin meme them into hating it because of a few picture associations.

didn't the game get its own kooky translation with japan-specific puns?

It uses the same sample of Cave of the Past
It has the same wacky/offbeat feeling of Earthbound's music but if I where hearing it with no context I'd think it was a bit too aggressive/energetic sounding to be Earthbound battle music.

is that the one that is a parody of ff 3?

yes, it got a very high-effort localization with nearly every line of dialogue being commented on by toby for the japanese translators to best get the meaning across

Didn't they make Sans sound like a yokel?

yes, but only when he's talking normally. he speaks more seriously in the genocide route

It's a good game with a cancerous fanbase. Of course you will hear the opposite left and right because this is Cred Forums - contrarian central. Same reason you see people pretending to like ff14 despite its massive flaws because "it's not wow".

pop team reddit

damn...got em!

That comic was fun.

>i was just pretending to be retarded
Done arguing with you, the absolute state of Cred Forums

Play some actual video games and then you can speak.

i'm a big fan of parody
tell me more about it, preferably citing academic sources

If you like Undertale, you're also probably the kind of person this chart describes, which is now the main market for anime.

nice,another word to filter

needs legend of the galactic heroes and yuri on ice

>Wanting to be a "weeb" in any shape or form and not just watch anime
Fuck off retard

all weebs are my people
the one true tribe
furries beware

There's a world of difference between not being an ironic weeb and simply being an anime fan.

is it called self-awareness

I'd say it's probably inspired in equal parts Cave Story and Yume Nikki.

I genuinely wish the worst for anime youtubers.
I hope they kill themselves seriously

>gets BTFO'd
>p-point and l-laugh at this autist p-people!

>coming back an hour and a half later to continue being defensive over being called out
what an embarrassment


What's worse - Japanese turbo otaku or Western ironic weeb?

"ironic" people are vacuous and too insecure to genuinely commit themselves to their pleasures
otaku are obsessives that probably have assburgers

Ironic weaboos are infinitely more insufferable and harmful to the industry.

Granted some of these he put quite a spin on, but I can't help feel a little disillusioned.

Honest to god compare anything PTE has done to any other Adult Swim show. Tim and Eric & The Eric Andre Show are the only shows that come close to it because literally both rely on shitpost humor. There is no story, just skits.



yeah but Tim and Eric is actually funny.

Unironic weebs.

literally anime la hora chanante

>not being a weeb

Oh shit does that mean the japs are drawing the spider bitch now?

They were drawing her before there was even a translation out

But they don't?

The first Japanese Undertale doujin on nhentai features spider bitch

It's one of the most popular western-made games there

Saw all the episodes last night. shit was cash.

>It's one of the most popular western-made games there
No it's not, why even lie like that?

Like everyone else they are also into skeletons and goots

This is the only case of a Kickstarter buy-in character done right
I would have never guessed, she fits in to the world so well and genuinely added to the game. And her boss fight was one of the best.

It is though
There's a pretty big fanbase there

Maybe it had an amazing localization? Can anyone jap or moon rune reader attest to any difference in quality for the writing?

You don't get fucking anywhere in game maker without scripting, he definitely coded.

Bkub has been making Undertale references in his poptepipic strip for ages, though.

I can't believe the "big in Japan" meme is still alive after all these years.
You can literally claim that everything is big in Japan and people will believe it.

you have no idea how gamemaker is if you think he didnt code

Apparently they did pretty well
Japanese specific puns and Papyrus speaks in vertical writing

A Japanese Undertale related hashtag was trending on twitter when it was localized

>I would have never guessed
Dunno, I think he stands out quite a bit, but in a good way. Maybe I have just a soft spot for spiderlolis in 2hu outfits, I dont even like the rest of the game, but she is pretty cute.

Yesterday I found out that fucking Starship Troopers is still big in Japan. It's not a meme, it's a reality.


Does Lisa get any recognition in japan?

Peps Persson is one of the most beloved forgeign artists in Japan, not even kidding.

>This is the only case of a Kickstarter buy-in character done right
Nah, Shovel Knight had a couple. Don't bring up Reize, everybody knows.

there's a fan translation


I envy Japan and their naivety. They think that Undertale is just an innocent and heartwarming tribute to Mother and Cave Story, not knowing that it's a cold and calculated cashgrab, meant to spawn as much degeneracy as it possibly can.

>Why do Cred Forums like undertale so much?

wouldn't shed too many tears for the nips tho, they are crazy fad followers and deserve whatever they get


it's like 10 bucks
the only """degenerate""" thing about it is a lesbian relationship played for laughs
it has none of the sensibilities of a modern aaa cashgrab
you may call it streambait but:
toby has actually contacted lets players trying to get them to not play it before eventually giving up

Psychon just looks like a generic above head shooter. They were probably a hundred of those on the NES and C64.

nips are secretly homosuck fans but they dont know it yet

The Spectre Knight dlc redeemed him tho

The problem with Reize is mostly just his creator. There's not much wrong with him as he appears in the game, honestly.

Reminder that there's always someone saying that Cred Forums used to LOVE all the big gaming franchises before they became popular and that the devs always used to post here and even took ideas from Cred Forums.
and so on

Toby worked on Homestuck, for fuck's sake, he knew how to make a game popular amond tumblrcrowd. Throw in gays, lesbians, nonbinaries, pacifist bullshit, raandumb humor, and there you have it. The only thing that differentiates it from modern AAA gayms is that it was made by one man. One wicked, heartless, greedy man.

The fucking memes have distorted Cred Forums's perception of Undertale to the point of absurdity.

Undertale in reality was a game to spotlight Toby Fox's music.
Who is Toby Fox? A musician who worked with Andrew Hussie of mspaintadventures. Who is Andrew Hussie? An incredibly clever webcomic artist who was behind many beloved things like sweet bro and hella jeff of which Cred Forums has never stopped posting.

That's basically all it is, he made the game for the same reason ZUN makes 2hu, money and recognition for his music. Cred Forums purposely went out of its fucking way to find the most degenerate circles of furfags and autism to post them here and proclaim the game as a cancerous cesspit, for no other reason than to make people hate the game.

I used to think the Tortanic anons were bullshitting about people deriving pleasure from watching games fail, but this is probably another example of them being right.

see pic related. toby's based, he just made the character ambiguous gendered so you can self insert. he doesn't care about that tumblr shit.

>the interviewer said he could skip whatever questions he wanted
>toby said they didn't tell him they would print all the ones he chose to skip
I bet he was fucking pissed. No wonder he only gives interviews to Japanese outlets now.


That was before before Undertale became big, now that the money came in, he's suddenly talking about how progressive his game is.

>Toby worked on Homestuck
Everything about MsPaintAdventures was loved by Cred Forums because you can't deny they actually had some major talent.

Homestuck became unintentionally cancerous, it's literally Hussie's half-assed DBZ meme that went too far and drew in a tumblr crowd unintentionally. But he made money, so he just kept throwing his My Little Troll autism around without any effort.

The newfag's mistake is believing that terrible things were made by terrible people. That Homestuck is hated therefore its creator must be a talentless hack. This isn't the case, almost everything else Hussie has ever made was well received and is posted here because outside of autismstuck his work is solid.

When? Show me. Cite your sources.

I will not.


Prove it.

I really don't want to look for it, because it was so long ago, but iirc he said something about making the gay characters because there was not many gay characters in video games, yet before it got back, he literally said he made the gay characters gay as a joke.

If you don't believe me, that's fine, I really don't feel like looking.


Cred Forums secretly likes undertale because they wanted to fug goat mom

The only fuggable characters are Temmie and Muffet

>undertale and pop team epic thread
>go in expecting unbelievable levels of shitposting
>instead get somewhat tame arguing and discussion with minimal waifufaggotry
what the actual fuck is going on in here?

>wanting to fug mom figure

Her son is better.

>Japanese games do gay shit
>They're evil sexist homophobes
>Western weeb game does a joke about bara and yuri characters
>It's the most progressive game released that year

Its Death by Glamour. All of the songs in Core are used there mixed together with the grating box Mettaton theme. It's fucking fantastic

You're conflating Undertale with a webpage he made when he was 16 talking about his Earthbound Halloween ROMhack.
>It was born of a combination of many things I had been thinking about at the time — the lack of non-stereotypical, major homosexual characters in media, the staleness of a fifteen-year-old video game, the player's conciousness of their own decisions in video games, and the fact that it seemed that most people generally thought I was just 'another funny guy.
This is a joke, and the punchline is Dr. Andonuts the closeted homosexual saying "tl;dr eat shit, faggots" during the final boss encounter.

I do!


Not enough pop team epic discussion.

Popuko best girl btw

shit i just fapped


>Fugging that hypocrite cunt
>instead of Temmie

I'm at work, goddamnit.
Post more please

it's a spider


That's hot.

what? you don't see character that smiles and has eyeball feature as a COMPLETE COPY???
Whats wrong with you????????

homestuck was good. but the retcon was fucking lazy and the ending was massively unfulfilling after all that rising action
and it dont stop is pretty sick
jailbreak is funny
sbahj is great
whistles is cool, i own a copy

>that smutfic about fucking her unused asshole


pretty much, japs aren't one to be contrarian since they don't have social justice constantly infecting everything

don't forget problem sleuth is incredible

And yet you can't name a single one nor could the other user.


Are you seriously denying that fucking top-down shooters existed

Working hard for the money, I see.

upon considering the evidence presented here by you two, i've been convinced that they did not

alien breed

reminder tat Chara literally isn't that little mongrels name as chara is a placeholder name for characters and you people are fucking stupid :^))))

>t. Japanese Culture expert
Kill yourself

To be fair, it's the only real consistent name people can call them by, since 'Chara' is supposed to be named after you.

Well i guess it's a good thing I know absolutely nothing about his creator

Keep it that way. Lord knows I was happier not knowing.

Why the fuck do people like Touhou again?

Creator makes good music, can't draw his characters really well so porn artists did it for him.

2hu is 85% secondaries, only a small minority enjoys the games.

It's a really accessible shmup, the music is incredibly catchy and naturally, cute girls doing fantastical things.

>Creator makes good music

>the music is incredibly catchy

So what if it's stolen? Get over it, jeez.

Not just that, it's midi ear rape. This is a bad case of waifufaggotry.

I bet you also hate Hoenn Trumpets. He does pretty good with his shitty resources.

>shitty resources
Considering how much 2hu is shilled around these parts I doubt this guy is having money trouble.

The world isn't like you, Cred Forums. Most people don't care about "fanbases"

Most people enjoy things for what they are and don't let other people ruin it for them.

Most people don't have autism.

fans do it for free

No one buys 2h games or merch here. It's all about waifus.

Rick and Morty

you heard it here first, people are rich if neets pirate their work and jerkoff to porn

>im soo pooorrr xDD

No one's buying it.




If even a single Japanese person likes anything Western, someone will come on Cred Forums to proclaim that it's super popular in Japan.

it sold a lot on ps4 in japan at least
someone with a steamspy account check the sales in japan



Maybe that's what people do, but in Undertale's case it really is true. It's a fact.

You might quality as a porn artist if that's what you primarily or only draw, but drawing porn is super common in Japan and there isn't anything really different about porn artists and artists who don't draw it.

thos are some BIG TIDDY

I just checked the number on pixiv and surprisingly it is popular.


I only disliked Undertale once I analyzed it as someone who was very into the RPG genre. It disappointed me and aggravated me on a whole because of the glaring flaws and questionable direction. I guess most eastern fans don't care?

~116,000 JP Undertale owners, assuming lowest amount of overall owners

I judge popularity solely by the fanart on display at pixiv, personally. But then if that were accurate enough, Darkstalkers would probably have a new game by now.

post pls

>trying to make music for a game i'm making
>running into a huge roadblock
>just completely incapable of making original music
>mfw this thread I learn all the big shots stole all their most famous tracks and no one gives a shit
Wew ain't that a weight off my shoulders.
Give me some good music to steal for my game

parody the music from dustforce


for the same reason it's popular in the west - endearing characters, charming humor/dialogue, and GOAT soundtrack

So...no one is allowed to voice their displeasure of someone a huge group of people apparently like?

Sampling isn't stealing. He probably got the inspiration to do so from Earthbound.
Hell, one of the things he samples is from Earthbound, which Earthbound sampled from something else.

Earthbound sampled from a fuckton of beatles songs

you're a pretty cool dude, user

dam how did toby foxx do it?

I'm sorry I hurt you, user.

There will never be anything new under the sun, ever, forever.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

t. 1982-2002