"Crash 2 is actually the best Crash Bandicoot game"

>"Crash 2 is actually the best Crash Bandicoot game"

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Then what is, smart guy?

CTR is the best Crash game. It's also the best battle-racing game ever made.

CTR is better than any mario kart game.

crash bash is the best crash game

crash 1 is the best platformer of the series

childhood is thinking crash 3 was the best out of the original trilogy, adulthood is realizing it had too many gimmick levels and 2 was actually better

I've always liked 2 less than 1 or 3. 1's a more challenging game (albeit with a godawful save system) while 3's extra abilities were fun to dick around with. 2's the necessary evil between the games to me and that's about it.

It is, but not in the remastered trilogy.

While 3 may be too easy, I think that the abundance of gimmicks gives you a lot of freedom to approach the levels and the challenges, making even something as tedious as relic hunting really fun.
Crash 2 on the other hand relies only on the slide-jump-rotate combo and has a lot of bullshit cheap deaths, and gives you no freedom on how you can approach a level. If you want to ace it you must learn it and play it as intended. And I don't even want to talk about the pathetic boss fights and the repetitive level design.

Crash 3 may not be perfect, but it's by far the best Crash Bandicoot game of the original trilogy.

Good, but delayed controls. Levels are mostly long and have decent challenge.

Best controls. Good variety. Plenty of secrets. Sometimes feels repetitive.

Least ambitious platforming. Average controls. Relics suck. Unlocking power-ups feels redundant. Too many gimmicks

2>1>or sometimes

>And I don't even want to talk about the pathetic boss fights

Oh God, this. Revisiting N. Sane reminded me why I could never remember 2's bosses - aside from N. Gin they're all terrible.

Talking about crash in 2018

N. Sane Trilogy isn't even a year old.

Crash is fun

Not him, but Crash 1 is objectively the best, since it's focused on pure platforming 99% of the time (only two or three gimmick levels) instead of having 30 gimmicky ice levels, jetpack levels, polar bear levels etc like Crash 2. I'd love a Crash 1 style game with Crash 2 moves. Crash 3 is an abomination.

>stop talking about games released before I was born WAAAAA

8 Deluxe, though.
No.Why?This is correct.Those controls, though (unless you mean the N.Sane version).

Whoops, this was edited all fucky. Sorry.

Yeah, Mind over Mutant was better.
Nah, 2 is actually the best.

I mean the N. Sane version, never played much Crash before it.

crash 1 is best for adult players because it's the only one that offers challenge

crash 3 is the best for kids and casual playing because it has hands down the best locations

In terms of raw level design, I agree. In terms of supplementary ideas it's far and away the worst, with no box counters making gems guesswork and that abysmal save system making the game that much harder to want to actually play. N. Sane fixed all this but then borked the collision detection so the platforming, despite the level design being as good as it ever was, being that much harder to actually execute properly even if you had the muscle memory for 1 still intact. But yeah, I'd definitely agree that it's the best outright platformer of the lot, and a better 3D platformer than most "3D platformers".

I forgot to add that crash 3 also has time trials which are god tier and make the game interesting to adults as well because getting platinum gems can be challenging

so yeah
crash 1 = crash 3 > crash 2

This. Actually this is the best Crash game

2 is the best for speedrunning

Ok! Yeah, Crash N. Sane is pretty good!


Threadly reminder that Crash 3 > 2 > 1

That game is unironically good. The DS version is nice, too.


Crash 1 was a pile of dog shit
Crash 2 fixed everything 1 did wrong and improved every aspect of the gameplay
Crash 3 is just 2 with tons of gimmicks that are not even fun

>crash 1 is objectively the best
ok I like crash 1 but are you fucking kidding me

>8 Deluxe
Are you trying to imply that one of the shittiest Mario Kart games is better than CTR? Go play CTR, the drift mechanics, level design, and balancing are better than any kart racer. Mario Kart DS is the only MK game that can even try to compare.

Don't know man, I thought the same after replaying all of them in the remastered trilogy

I played through all three Crash games not too long ago and it felt like the level design got way shittier as the games went on. Two had good levels, but a lot of them were too gimmicky instead of being a very fun, pure platforming experience like the first game. The third game was endless shitty vehicle levels, and the non-vehicle stages weren't nearly as good as the levels you'd find in the other two games. None of the games were bad, but Crash 1 was the best for me, even without the expanded movement options that Crash 2 had.

Actually, I haven't played N. Sane Trilogy, does the improved controls actually turn it into the best game in the trilogy?


tiger levels > polar bear levels > hog levels

>when people talk about old sony games as if they were classics
those series fickled out for a reason

actually it is

Aw, c'mon.

i liked 3 the most

The word you're looking for is 'fizzled', user.
Educate yourself.

me too even though flying and diving levels are shit

it just has the most interesting locations

no actually either works
fickled acts as a metaphor for a candle dying

English isn't your first language, is it?