Whoever invented MicroSIM and NanoSIM is a stupid fucking nigger

Whoever invented MicroSIM and NanoSIM is a stupid fucking nigger.
I used to have a normal phone with regular SIM, then I bought some Huawei crap with MicroSIM. I cut the SIM so it can fit and now I have new phone which requires NanoSIM. I tried to cut it but SIM card is stuck in phone and I can't pull it out.
>pic related
Does any of you knows how to pull it off without physically damaging phone?

>step 1
Don't be a fucking idiot
>step 2
Sage, kys.

Holy shit you're retarded

You done goofed son.

tweezers? needle-nose pilers? a paperclip?
shit dude, I could pull that out with my teeth in a pinch.

Why was this "technology" invented in a first place?
Space inside of it is not THAT relevant.

just boot loop my shit up

I'm trying with eyebrow thingy but it's too thick so I can't pull it under and get a good grip...

God, you are retarded.


>this thread
it's going to be amazing

You do know that network providers will provide a smaller or larger sim free of charge.

You need to use a needle to press down the pins as you push the card out.

You know you can pull off the sd tray to have access to the sim slot, right?

>2125 mah battery
i feel sorry for you

Toothpick+eyebrow thingy saved the day. My SIM doesn't seem to work but I've tried pushing it back to MicroSIM phone.
Now can someone tell me why this was invented in a first place?
Mine won't. Besides it's weekend and I can't wait until Monday.

You can't as far as I know on this model.

Because third world fags like you are too stupid to google shit.

>I'm a tard who cut a SIM card incorrectly and goof'd

I've never heard of anyone having issues with new smaller SIMs, you're retarded.

Now can someone tell me why this was invented in a first place?

lightly sand the edges of the card, it probably got caught on a rough edge. Also, it almost looks like there is a little pull lever on the lower side of the sim slot for extracting cards.

>Now can someone tell me why this was invented in a first place?

Because you fucking idiot, SIM cards were much too big for their extremely simple function, they barely ever got removed for the device and needed to be shrunken down to make space for other shit. The actual chip inside a SIM card is like 1/8th of a grain of rice, he old SIMs were like 80% useless plastic relics of phones which were even older.

Please never visit this board again you retarded twat.

Just broke the sim accidentally, thanks guys.

Why the fuck are we still using SIM cards anyway?

This guy was impersonating me but yeah I broke it.

this is hands down the most retarded thread since that one guy who couldn't replace his fucking light bulbs

use some pliers.

Didn't broke it actually!
Now for some more cutting.
Does anybody has any protips?

It's literally impossible to fuck this up.

The sims templates are bigger than my sim

Is that an LG Spirit?

Thank you mate, will do!