Is C++ hard to learn?

is C++ hard to learn?

What kind of ide are pro devsu using for C++?

I doubt that they are coding in vim

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devs on Windows mostly use visual studio because it why not?

on linux sure many use vim or emacs. it is pretty easy to get editors like vim/emacs to work really well for c++ development.

on mac who the fuck knows. probably xcode, vim or emacs. maybe eclipse or netbeans if you are fucking retarded.

yes c++ is hard to learn. not so much the starting topics but c++ is huge so "learning" it is gonna take a long fucking time.

There's also Code::Blocks, if you're into Freeā„¢ things. It's not as good as Visual Studio, but has C/C++ project management, compiling/debugging and some simpler intellisense.

QTcreator is a hundred times better its like a clone of the old VSs

don't waste your time, learn PHP


If you want to learn C++, don't treat it as "C with classes". Learn C++11 or newer.

Didn't know about that one. Is the intellisense good? Also is it lightweight?

C++ is a pain in the ass. Unless you need it for career reasons, don't bother with it.

Any book recommendation that teaches this specific standard? Most recommendations are of books about older standards.

Yeah... he should learn html or php instead...

What kind of jobs can you get if you learn Lisp?

It has nice code completion, but you know... it fails on arrays of objects. It's a complete framework, so it takes some GBs, but is faster than VS; when you need to edit for examlpe some shit in Unreal, it's much more faster. You can have these similar funtion doxygen descriptions like in VS, but it's a hackish way and not real-time solution. If you want something like VS, try CodeLite - lightweight, but tedious for configuration.

>tfw I was taught C++ as C with class
Why you shouldn't do that anyway ? I had a job once where they were programming a software in C++ exactly like this, without using all the features C++ provides

Real world example?
70 year old Artificial Intelligence professor

that sounds pretty good

>is C++ hard to learn?

No. It's just hard to steal code and not get noticed from the change of style.

No one ever learns C++, C++ is not a coherent language, everyone who uses C++ uses a subset of it that works for them. The STL does not provide enough to do professional level programming and advanced libraries like Boost and other obscure libraries must be used to provide cookie cutter solutions. People who get into C++ become 'experts' and are useless for any other kind of programming.

Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ by Stroustrup
C++ Primer by Lippman, Lajoie, and Moo
Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14 by Scott Meyers
The C++ Programming Language by Stroustrup

>C++ is not a coherent language

No, C++ is not an autistic language that forcing the designers style onto other.

>everyone who uses C++ uses a subset of it that works for them

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Oh, thank you. Do you know some updated material like that for C?

C is dead

C++ isn't object oriented, you troglodyte. It's a multi-paradigm programming language.

I see. So, can you actually answer my question?

Use nano

It's not nearly as hard as some people make it out to be.
For a full ide I use
windows-visual studio 2015 community
linux-code blocks
For a editor only I use visual studio code

That's interesting. Thank you.

On Linux? Qt is a better option

Learning the syntax of a language can take less than a day. I never understood those threads. The only thing that matters is what you do with it next and experience normally carries over.

You can code in c++
You can program in c++
You can be a software engineer that uses c+
You can be a wizard

There is a huge difference in all of those. Wizard will use every trick there is to save cpu cycles. Others will copy paste from stackoverflow.

There is tons of books to read if you want to be a wizard. Start by reading knuths books on programming then read and understand hacker's delight

>no mention of kdevelop

>have to pay for commercial usage
>paying for a compiler gui

It's easy to learn the basics.

People that have trouble learning to program have serious mental deficiencies imo

Eclipse is a decent meme desu

where do these claims come from?

Effective C++
More Effective C++
Effective Modern C++

>Why you shouldn't do that anyway ?
Because you're treating C++ as if it is C, which it isn't. C++ has its abstractions precisely to avoid having to deal with C bullshit.

Not really. Idiomatic C code from the 90s is still considered idiomatic today.

Thank you for the books recommendation.


You can use open source version if you follow restrictions of LGPL

>is C++ hard to learn?
Yes. It's a very large language and many concepts can be confusing. There are usually many ways to get shit done in C++ and finding a good, consistent coding style will take a lot of time.

>What kind of ide are pro devsu using for C++?
qtcreator is honestly one of the best IDEs for C++. Some people also use vim/emacs, on OS X you can use xcode and on Windows Visual Studio


This seriously. I can't understand why people here still recommends bloated VS, deprecated DevC++, horrible GUI C::B, propietary CLion, or baby text editors like Sublime Text, Vim or Emacs, Qt Creator already offers the best solution for C++ programmers.

Whats your opinion on
>Principles and Practice using c++ by Bjarne Stroustrup

It's probably a decent book, I just never got around to complete it because I hate Bjarne's writing style. It figuratively bores me to death.

>intro book for beginners
>1200 pages

>hello world after reading 200 pages

I use C++ with vim, but it's usually a waste of my time.

How is it that the C++ standard library is simultaneously bloated and insufficient?

Much easier than say.. interacting with human beings am I right?

Learn Python like a normal person.

This so much.

It's a nice book but I think C++ Primer Plus is a better learning material with the same contents and better writing style.

>Hard to learn?
No you can learn what you need to know about as fast as any other language. But c++ has a lot more 'batteries' than most other languages.
>what are pro's using
No idea, I just use emacs with company mode and a make file.

programming noob here but i just started with C++ so i figured this thread is a decent place to ask:

at what point does someone start to create actual applications that can be used without having to boot-up whatever IDE it was created with? and is it a hassle to get said applications to work on other operating systems?

sorry if my question seems stupid, again im new to this field

>pic related

You either have to fuck with the Windows API which is a load of shit or you have to fuck with GTK or QT which are probably pretty complex in design and are not going to be easy to get going.
I'd say if you really just want to make GUI's then learn a different language, but if you really want to get good at C++ then make whatever. It could be a good learning experience to learn one of the aforementioned libraries (except for winapi, which is masochism)

C++ pretends to be easy, when in reality it's extremely fucking complicated. I suppose you could just use the easy-looking surface layer of C++ and make moderate applications, however if you make something very large (see: google chrome browser) you'll end up overlooking the intricacies of C++ and end up with slow and bloated code.

>Qt Creator already offers the best solution for C++ programmers.
Shill pls go.

you don't have to pay for using qtcreator only for the Qt libraries..

What is the K&R equivalent for C++11?

Visual studio, it's over 10 GB of fun


>shilling an open, free solution
Microsoft, go home, you're drunk. I know QtCreator makes your bloated pile of shit development environment look like the trash it is, but don't get mad, just shut the fuck up, close up your shitty company, run away with all the money, and stop fucking over computing.

Code monkey detected.

Did they add a smart pointer chapter? Like right after the templating one?