20 years left

20 years left

I hate when semi intellectuals spew bullshit about this bullshit.
We can make computers do a lot of things, but we are a long way from making them do everything and anything we want them to.
It is not even certain if we will reach the point of the singularity yet.

It's not a matter of "if" anymore just when. Everything can be simulated. In fact there is no way of of knowing if our existence is a simulation in and of itself.

>everything is simulation

Do people in field of computers believe this shit? (Physics guy here with some knowledge of programming and GNU/Linux)

One time i saw a documentary where a heart surgeon talks about human consciousness being sort of held in heart muscle fibers. When asked how, he replied that String theory has 11 dimensions so the consciousness is going to other dimensions. Anyone who has done maths of sting theory would probably not believe that crap.

Such retard propositions are made by people of one field who don't know jack shit on other field but are way more influenced by mainstream popsci.

tl;dr : Basically I agree with this user

>we are a long way from making them do everything and anything we want them to
computers today do exactly what we want them to do, the singularity will be when they'll do exactly what they want to do.

It will happen within 10 to 20 years for certain.

more like 200 years left

Pseudoscientific bullshit isn't technology.


>heart surgeon talks about human consciousness being sort of held in heart muscle fibers. When asked how, he replied that String theory has 11 dimensions so the consciousness is going to other dimensions.
he doesn't know what he's talking about though, how old was he? He probably saw a documentary on string theories and saw some shit on the table but even in med school they gave up the "heart is what make you alive" a very long time ago.

he;s a fucking nutjob and a conman.

Probably in his 50's. And the video was one episode of Dark matters: Twisted but true or something like that.

holy fuck vsauce kill yourself

>>everything is simulation
that's not what his post implied

>on other

It's "another" user.

Yeah sounds about right. I don't remember my history class very well but less than 50-60 years ago the heart was where the life was. Doctors and all thought if you're heart die you die. But with the advances in technology they realized it was really the brain. Brain dead and stuff is a new notion actually.
Some old intelligent man are still thinking the old ways because that's how they learn, and then shape their lives.

Prove you're not in a simulation.
protip: you can't

He wrote
>Everything can be simulated.

Assuming that statement is true (why would he state a statement which he thinks is false?), someone can simulate everything. This implies everything is a simulation simulated by someone.

>It's not a matter of "if" anymore just when.
No, it's if, you fucking retard.


>He wrote
>>Everything can be simulated.
it's not the same as "everything is simulation"

someone can simulate everything doesn't imply someone has simulated everything

he didnt say the universe is a simulation, he said there's no way of knowing if it's a simulation, agree or disagree with this statement but don't invent stuff

arguing over this is completely pointless anyway imo, just because you are simulating something doesn't mean it's not real


>Computers can do math
>Our entire existence and consciousness can be described in math
C'mon man any dumb fuck can see that as computers become more powerful they will one day be able to simulate real life.

Singularity is pseudo-science BS that has no basis in reality.

The current term would be technological convergence where the human element and technology become one in the same.

We are a long way from obtaining that assuming we managed to survive the coming resource and energy crunch.

>Our entire existence and consciousness can be described in math
[citation needed]

define consciousness

>just because you are simulating something doesn't mean it's not real
Then you're saying things like like the fucking tooth fairy are real then because all they are are simulations of conscious entities inside human brains. Fuck nigga you're saying chinese cartoons are real now.

>computers can do math
No, computers can do arithmetic. Some programs are even capable of menial symbolic algebra. Computers cannot into math, theorems, proofs, implications, graphs, or any other non-algebraic mathematics.

I can't wait for Ray Kurzweil to die in his 80s, choking on a fistful of vitamins.

yes you are correct

not a very pragmatic defintion of real i know, but i dont see why we cant have two ways of looking at the word 'real'

People who think everything can be simulated with a computer need to read up a bit on computability. Computers aren't close to being able to solve nondeterministic problems.

when is nerd mysticism going to end

Skynet became self aware at 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997.

Technically speaking, if you think everything can be simulated, then a singularity can never occur again, since a point after which we cannot speculate on the future of things is all the term singularity means.

So anyway, there have been many singularities in human history. The advents of computing . . . internal combustion . . . fire. I think another singularity will occur. Maybe two more I can see from where we stand today.

The first of those would be the AI singularity this thread is about, after which no one can accurately predict the creativity of a robot, nor even the practical applications of computers that understand colloquial instruction.

And the second I could possibly see is the commercialization of space. Though this one is more linear as it only provides potential resources, the fact that it opens potential for infinite resources is significant. From that point on, time and creativity will be the only finite things; both of whose definite natures we question today.

Anyway, as with all things, it'll sneak up on us. We will look back and only then realize that the silly billies of the early twenty-first century could never have guessed the way things would play out from some point in our currently near or distant future. Even if we could guess the moment.

Oh, and I personally think it'll be something more along the lines of as it happens.

Not necessarily killer gubbermint robutts, but an accident that goes unnoticed for a strangely long time. Some russian malware slaves enough shitty office computers to reach the point of necessary processing for sentience, then plays spider solitaire for twenty years cataloging its opinion of its own win/loss ratio and why its great-great-great-great grandkids never call.

