Brb getting an ssd

brb getting an ssd

Please send help.

>windows 10

What the fuck? That was the ssd I was going to get. Is windows 10 really this bad?

I swear to god I'm going to be a linux fag. I'd rather have to deal with 1000 errors than wait for over an hour after each startup just to use my computer

Disable Superfetch and Prefetch you moron.

Nah. That's just what happens when you decide to download 150 torrents at once on a 350 Mbps connection.
Eats up IOPS like crazy.

Actually no. My i7 machine had my disk usage at >90% for weeks. I then did a complete factory reset and it fixed the problem. No high disk usage anymore. My computer has Norton antivirus installed before and after the reset.

ALSO, this was at idle.

foobar confirmed chinese botnet.

>Cortina running



Actually yes.
Using Windows, go torrent 150 music albums at once on a 300+ Mbps connection and I guarantee you it will put your SSD to work. Writing a crap ton of small files at once isn't something NTFS handles all too well.

My picture wasn't taken at idle, it was taken under a very heavy load for the SSD, with my torrent client alone being responsible for 25% CPU load as well.
I've never had anything like that happen during idle, probably never will, it was just meant to make you go like "whoa what" instead of trying to explain what might be wrong with it. Nothing's wrong there.

>Windows 10

I never understood why that happens though, on every computer running w10 there's always that retarded 100% disk usage spike even if it's an SSD.

How do you factory reset? Like reinstall bloatware fixes any problem?

>tfw 0 read and write atm
>tfw 950 Pro so even if there was it'd finish VERY quickly

naw he's just a moron

But I dont really regret getting an SSD (or multiple ssd's really), all they've really done for me is save me 5-10 seconds on boot time and load my games a little quicker. They're still throttled by USB, bluetooth, your internet, etc, etc. But they've gone down lots in price so there's really no reason not to I think, the lack of noise is really nice (once you go from "ssshhhhhhh" all the time to silent, you'll hear it like a siren every time you use someone else's computer).

It is the right step forward I guess, but I dont feel like I got all that I was promised. SSD's didnt radically change anything

Lol retard why are you using Windows Defender, it's total shit

Get BitDefender free and you'll see that disk usage drop

I'm having the same problem. I've disabled Cortana and Windows defender and it's still the same. I only use Windows for games, but still, it annoys me so much

please disable it :)


Do you know what it is?
Just a task manager basically d00d

Is the Mexican word for disk really disco?

It's Portuguese.


are you a person that thinks that everyone that speaks spanish is mexican?



Using the hardware you BUY and then NOT wanting to use it?
Unless its melting YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO USE IT
You gunna bitch about your graphics card being hot when you use it?

>saving volatile data to an ssd
wew lad

This is disabled by default on SSD's since like windows 7, isn't it?