Best tiling window manager and why

What: XMonad
Why: Haskell

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What: Herbstluftwm
Why: It is the only one I understand and it has decent defaults close to my scheme

What: Awesome
Why: Too lazy to try any of the other

OP nailed it desu

What an old-ass screenshot.

Why: lightweight, easy as fuck to understand and build a config, really nice defaults, lots of people writing soft to use with.

love your config, share ?

Your config looks sick, mind sharing?

check airblader dotfiles, he is the dude behind the i3-gaps fork. Font is cpmono_v07.

i3 font?

cpmono_v07 or FontBureau Input.

What? Tmux
Why? Becouse it fast.
And Velox becouse of the same reason.


Looks fucking sick mate, also a fellow i3 lover

What: dwm
Why: tags, master/stack layout
On my phone, no scrot

dwm took all of that from xmonad

(You)'re a fucking moron, xmonad was inspired by dwm, which dates back to 2006. dwm was a distillation of the ideas of wmii from the same author.

What: stumpwm
Why: controlling my wm from emacs through swank is sexy

Why wouldn't you just take a screenshot

>Best _tiling_ window manager

awesome-wm has the best widget support hands down.

What: bspwm
Why: being able to change anything at any time from the shell is pretty much the best you could possibly ask for

mah nigga

>Install xmonad
>Install pacgraph
>Run pacgraph
>see HASKELL in letters 10'' high covering 90% of the screen

i still use screen cause i have scripts for it.

screen 4 lyfe

tmux is not a windows manager. it is nice though, and great to use for SSH sessions.

what: i3
why: Dynamic tiling, some nice configuration options, and I guess I just like it.

I know that feel. I want to try dwm but it looks too intimidating.

>tfw i3-cuck
>tfw don't even tile (other then terminals)
feels good famitsu

dwm here too.

However when it's updated through the package manager and post reboot - it fucks up urxvt config and I have to rebuild it and quit x-org to unfuck it. Maybe I should just be doing that xserverrc :shrug: ... but that's my only complaint after like 6 years.

sane and simple configuration

>Why: Haskell
Do you have brain damage?

this pretty much

What: Ratpoison
Why: Emacs window management, easy to configure, easy to script, fast, lightweight (1mb).

Config please. I'm dying, here senpai

Why: I don't have to remember keybinds

have you given stumpwm a go? it's the 'successor' to ratpoison, if you like emacs window management then you'll love it.

though it is pretty big...

Which: i3
Why: manual tiling, TABS (seriously does any other WM support tabbing?)

What: Sway
Why: Wayland

I believe so, but tabbing is comfy as fuck. Used awesome before and switched to i3 and never looked back. It's the best for laptops.

If someone made a modification to TMUX that you could use a fullscreen terminal and be able to attach X11 windows to panes, it would be fucking awesome.

>rebuild it and quit x-org to unfuck it.

Dont need to quit X

Modified DWM.

I could make the gap a little wider, but its pretty much only used to see when one borderless terminal starts and one ends.

Gaps suck use a blinking cursor and fading or something to distinguish between active terminals.

I really wish someone who'd write an i3 tree-style layout for xmonad. Xmonad is much better than i3 in most regards but I find the flexibility of the tree-style in i3 to be essential.


Just to clarify I am currently using i3 but used to use Xmonad.

Xmonad was far more stable than i3 — never had any issues in Xmonad but i3 flickers when you close a graphical window and it randomly runs the processor hard for me (although an in-law restart makes it stop).

How do you set up urxvt to do that?

My niggers.

What: bspwm
Why: sane defaults, easy to configure, easy keybindings, good mouse integration if wanted.


Fading for the text and shading for transparent backgrounds.

Oh nevermind only the text fading works for the active terminal, I thought there was a way to do it for the background too but I can't figure it out.

screen or tmux?

pros and cons for both pls

xmonad has all of that and is only 1000LOC
I bet bspwm is 50K LOC

>always have whatever I'm doing maximized
>rarely have more than my internet browser open
>sometimes have music playing but shows song info in top bar and control it with multimedia keys
>just corner tile if I need more than 1 program open

why should I use a tiling wm on my laptop instead of gnome?

can you make a webm of what you mean?
use ffmpeg for recording since it's most likely installed

>that massive title bar