Linux is a joke

>install debian testing full DVD
>Install texlive-latex-recommended
>prompts me to put in an installation disk into the CD-ROM
>don't have a cd-rom
>insert USB with stretch iso
>doesn't recognize
>cancel prompts for cd-rom
>install TeXmaker
>can't save files because D-Bus not found and cannot communicate with klauncher
>remove all Tex shit and try again with texlive-base
>same problem
Linux is a fucking joke.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Install Gentoo

You need to uncomment cd from the source list

>CDs are in the fucking repos
What the fuck are these idiots thinking?

repeat after me
"debian is not a userspace-oriented distribution"

That never happened to me so my guess is you're retarded.

>install antergos
>no autismal setup and muh rolling release distro
>everything just werks out of the box
ur a faget

Remind this

"Ubuntu is a userspace-oriented distribution"


Your life is a joke.

Agreed, OP is some special kind of retard to screw up a debian install, it has an installer a monkey could use.

I didn't screw up the installer. I installed, then apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended and it prompted me for FUCKING SOURCES FROM A CD LMAO

IT'S 2016

It's a USB 3.0 issue actually. You can fix it by just moving it to a new port

Anyways kill yourself OP this board isn't your blog.



>i'm way too hardcore to install n00buntu, i'm going to try debian/arch/gentoo when i have no idea what i'm doing
>wtf i hate linux now
Why do so many of you fags do this?

OP I think you mean Desktop Linux is a fucking joke.

Which it kind of is. Don't worry, every nerd has their "Linux is going to take over the world!!!111" phase. You grow out of it eventually, or you remain a manchild.

Literally sudo echo "deb jessie main contrib non-free deb-src" > /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt update
I have literally never used debian before and figured this out in 1 minute of googling, see

Also, relevant:

It's amazing how little has changed in 9 years.

Just Wincucks Pajeets trying to shill for their PooOS.


> compiling your stupid kernel

Bitch that's asterisk.

Linux is objectively better than Windows.

Source: I'm a Microsoft Developer.

no worries, neo Cred Forums is nothing but children, we don't want them on Linux anyway

>Linux is a joke

Itt: OP doesn't know how to computer

>CD sources

You need to add the sources to the apt you mongoloid.

>debian is a joke

fixed that for you buddy.

Actually that's the hardcore gamers mentality. They think they can do everything the hard way because they can beat linear game from the first try. Problem is, this thing isn't linear at all, so they try approaching the problem from two directions, it doesn't work, so now they think it's broken.

More like remove CD sources kek
What a joke