Which one should i learn vim or emacs?

which one should i learn vim or emacs?

Other urls found in this thread:


emacs of course

>being so retarded you have to "learn" a text editor

Better be both.
You can rice your Emacs, but with Vim you'll be always capable to edit files on remote servers (vi is a default editor in UNIX systems).
If you want, you can always install Vim hotkeys upon Emacs btw.

Vi and by extension, Vim, cause it's POSIX compliant. Anything else is worthless.

>tfw Nano isn't part of POSIX and not every server I ssh into has it

Why not both?
It's not like your brain can only handle one piece of software.
Just start with vim for example and learn emacs some other time.

The actual default editor in UNIX systems is ed afaik

Either is fine. But Vim is ubiquitous. I would start with Vim.

Some Linux systems actually don't come with ed. Just goes to show that Linux isn't Unix.

ex then vi. Emacs is for Unix haters.

If you learnt vi, learning ed won't be a problem since vi is VIsual ed.

Start with Vim, then try emacs with evil-mode. If you like it better, use that- if not, just stick with Vim. I personally don't find that emacs is useful with my workflow, but ymmv

LINUX = Linux Is Not UniX

You just need the very basics of both.
Practice 3-4 day on each one and at the end of the week you are familiar with both. I'd say vim first emacs later.

btw I'd learn to touch type first.


How do you learn a text editor?

>Cred Forums is not for technical support

but for vi it's vimtutor.

Learn VIM, skip emacs. Emacs is just a giant GNU IDE piece of garbage, there are not benefits except getting arthritis later in life. Everyone arguing that EVIL somehow makes emacs usable are fooling themselves, don't fall for the meme.

Vim's more lightweight and Vi will be on every Unix/Unix-like PC you use.

Because rebinding keys in emacs is so hard

Learn vim then use emacs in evil mode.


Are you suggesting that rebinding the keys in emacs is somehow the problem? The problem with emacs is that it's a fucking frankenstein application that tries to do everything.


Its called evil for a reason you know. Don't spread this disgusting blaspheme around.

No it doesnt. Having the ability to add in custom scripts doesnt mean it tries to do everything by default.

If you think emacs is an IDE by default then you are delusional.

Vim. Because I like vim.

If you are using emacs to run vim then what the fuck is the point unless you are using a fuck ton of plugins. Stop falling for this idiocy while you still have a chance.

This. Thread over.


Emacs for daily use and Vi because it's everywhere

Emacs does plugins better then vim by far. The keybinds just suck ass.

I like how there have been zero advantages to using emacs actually listed in this thread. Not even GNU trash know why they using emacs anymore.

You only further prove my point, enjoy your IDE my friend. I now see its just to late for you.

I use emacs because I can universally edit all my files from it, keep organized and quickly take notes with org mode, make spreadsheets, read email, use it as an IDE, manage directories, and probably a lot more that I just haven't discovered yet.
Oh yeah and I can use it to fuck your bitch

type :help reg for better information

Learn? You don't need to.
Just... Use it.

Does it mean you have no dick?

Funny I can do all of that outside of my text editor. Enjoy your IDE though :)

Dont you need to learn a good bit of stuff, even if by use, to use either of them *well*?
Learning how to use them basically, so they're as or at least a bit more efficient than something like a notepad program or nano is easier than most video games that are worth playing, but getting GOOD requires learning a bit, even if by practice.
Or, this is what it sounds like from what ive heard

Wasn't there a message about helping poor people get clean water or something

That's cool man. Are you enjoying the overhead?

no need to learn anything, just get a proper ide and get to work instead of thinking about text editors

Learn the basics of vi from the man page. If you're ssh'd into something, you'll almost always have a vi variant (I prefer nvi).

Then take on Emacs. O'reilly has two books--one of them handling the basics of elisp. Emacs for programming, org-mode, IRC, NNTP... Emacs is the one you customize to what is perfect for you. vi is what you use to edit a config file on a remote host.

Emacs only

Real emacs user here.

If you want to be a lisp programmer, use emacs.
If you're programming in general, STRONGLY consider emacs. You can configure it to be a very slick development environment. If you want to sit for more than 2 hours, make something, and get absorbed, there is nothing better.

If your use case is just editing a few text files really quickly, use vim. I don't use vim at all, but I can tell that modal editing is slightly more effecient than using keychormoires you're a developer and you want to use vim, I think you should set aside some time to learn how to use a window manager well in order to zip back and forth from your source files to your terminal.

>not using slimv

I butchered the hell out of that.
*key chords. If

>not using a lisp interpreter to connect to another lisp interpreter to make more lisp interpreters

>reminder that emacs is a travesty of c and a dumbed-down lisp

>not using mcclim

Yeah, this. It isn't even that it's better just as its more standard.

You can totally learn and use emacs but you SHOULD ONE HUNDRED PERCENT know vi if you are going to be working with servers.

there is on mine

learn vi, not vim. Those shortcuts are omnipresent, and they're really useful as you can structure your editing in a comfy way.
Then learn emacs. That thing will enable you to do things that modern programs can only dream about. It's infinite extensiveness will always come useful to you.
Emacs is made to have an extensive environment approachable to a perfect IDE, while VIM is made to edit text in the most efficient way. So, after you learned vi and emacs - install evil mode in emacs and enjoy the ultimate programming environment.

>I only use vanilla vi for all my text editing
Either a you're a *nix admin or typical neet who does shit the hardest way possible to seem cool on Cred Forums. I'm leaning towards the latter option.

vi when you're sshing into a server and need to edit something. Emacs in evil mode when you're working on code/any other text in your local machine. Plugins make shit much faster and help you. Emacs handles them far better than vim but vim has superior keybindings and modal editing is the shit.

People claim Emacs codebase is shit but it's nothing compared to the vim source which is a fucking joke and the reason you can't have nice things on vim.

>but with Vim you'll be always capable to edit files on remote servers
Emacs allows remote editing via ssh.

Does Emacs have the ugliest fucking logo ever created? I think so


Spacemacs is not an editor, just a config file for emacs.

it's emacs with evil mode and other ton of extensions installed... but who cares? it's awesome to work on

I like it

But it's not. ex was an extension to ed by Bill Joy and vi is the visual mode of linemode ex.

elisp > vimscript
easy choice once you have the pertinent facts.

vi is part of POSIX, and has been since 2001.

EVERYONE is saying you can modify this and that, yet when I search HOW TO, its 200 steps guide and its strongly dependent on the distro you use, and for a beginner, skipping one or two ot those 2000 steps is the end.

Can you recommend a guide to actually modifying spacemacs, emacs, vim or nvim ?

All I want is autocomplete and intellisense on C++ and Python


>spacemacs, emacs
not this shit again

Oreilly has a book on elisp for emacs if the existing major modes don't do what you want.

try pico instead of nano next time.

With evil mode, emacs is a better vim than vim. There's no reason to use vim in 2016.

I actually use neovim. But yes Emacs codebase is shit and I honestly just can't handle the smell. Like mostly everything GNU has its filthy name attached to, emacs is a super application that tries to do everything but fails to actually do whats is meant to do without outside intervention.

Just do what the GNU trash do and program your own editor and call it emacs. Then you don't have to read any guides.

>emacs is a super application that tries to do everything but fails to actually do whats is meant to do

Na, it's meant to be a lisp interpreter since lisp died and it does it perfectly.

>fast editing of raw text
emacs --daemon && emacsclient -c
>editing remote files
>feature complete emulation of vi's modal editing
So why do you need to use vi(m) again?

GNU EMACS = Generally Not Used, Except by Middle Aged Computer Scientists

Install Vim.

Neither. They are barely used in the industry and only used by NEET "hackers" who cant get payed for their programs. Use Eclipse or Android studio.

You have to learn Vim and Emacs because they're retarded in the first place.

GUI text editors are too simple and using simple applications makes people like OPs have PTSD episodes of their daddy raping them

Use Atom

>being so retarded you have to "learn" to walk

vi isn't required by POSIX.

Before you reply and get buttblasted, go read the POSIX spec.

>Android Studio
>for programming
I would have at least liked a chuckle from that joke

>read the POSIX spec
Autism detected

Vim... or gedit when you need some higher functionality... but vim... especially for C stuff.

just do it, just run vimtutor.

btw, how come there is only ONE mention of vimtutor ITT?

why the hell did they remove it in some distros?

Yes it is under the SUS austin group (ie modern POSIX)

Vim all the way man!!

Ah, an anal lover I see!

>This utility shall be provided on systems that both support the User Portability Utilities option and define the POSIX2_CHAR_TERM symbol.
>On other systems it is optional.



Good thing all terminals have been character addressable since...well 1972??

Congrats on not knowing the difference between linemode (ex) and visual mode (vi) terminals.

I see you conveniently ignored
>User Portability Utilities option

It's optional and doesn't need to be included, no matter if your terminal supports it.

Congrats on not being able to read.

IF the system provides a terminal that is character addressable (POSIX2_CHAR_TERM) then you must provide vi otherwise you provide ex.

>[UP] [Option Start] ex
I wonder what that UP means...

>[UP] [Option Start] User Portability Utilities [Option End]
>The functionality described is optional.
Oh I see, it means you're retarded.

The utility itself isn't optional retard. It's why it's in the spec. You are talking about functionality being optional.

vim is absolutely autistic. On the other hand emacs requires flexible fingers

The utility itself is optional. Providing the utility is the functionality.

>This utility is marked as part of the User Portability Utilities option.

>User Portability Utilities
>The functionality described is optional.
>Where applicable, utilities are marked with the UP margin legend in the SYNOPSIS section.
>Where additional semantics apply to a utility, the material is identified by use of the UP margin legend.

ex is marked UP in the SYNOPSIS, the utility itself is optional, not some ex feature like you're grabbing straws at.

I like of the vitards only argument to use their pathetic shit of an editor is "it's useful in ssh". That's a fucking niche usage and isn't worth using your shit for that.

Bitch, if I'm administrating machines, I'd install a decent remote editor like nano that does it's fucking job at letting me edit the file without having to deal with this mode bullshit, and keep using emacs whenever I can.

Spacemacs in evil mode
its like the best of both worlds

>That's a fucking niche usage
I work as a systems administrator. Editing files over ssh is half of what I do.

1. You can edit files remotely using Emacs, or hell, Vim (although Vim really sucks at it).
2. Why aren't you using configuration management?

If you're still editing remote config files, you're either an incompetent sysadmin, or you're working on Soviet Russian tier legacy infrastructure, which is pretty fucking niche.

m8, if you are retarded and can't learn how to use vi/vim, don't blame or get mad at other people
try using any openwrt router without vi, let us know how it goes...

Its not an exaggeration to say that emacs is an operating system, anyone who thinks they can learn to use emacs just by memorizing key bindings has no idea how emacs works.

pic related is the only book that will explain how the entire emacs system works

what color scheme is that?

If you insist on being autistic, vim.
But it is essentially

lets look at the standard:

For an implementation that conforms to POSIX.1-2008, describes a feature or behavior that is mandatory. An application can rely on the existence of the feature or behavior.

For an application or user, describes a behavior that is mandatory.

then lets look at the first line of the vi spec:
This utility shall be provided on systems that both support the User Portability Utilities option and define the POSIX2_CHAR_TERM symbol

so there we have it. vi is mandatory on any general purpose UNIX that supports a vt100 style terminal.

Modal editors are easier on the hands. I use nvi.

>lisp died
What is Scheme? What is Common Lisp? What is CLOS? What is anything?

pico has some worrying issues, like the fact that it hard breaks long lines
nano does that too, but you can turn that shit off (set nowrap)

Well it's hard to kill software but LISP machines died.

What the shit?

Every day I learn new things and technologies, latest being Ember. Could somebody explain to why on earth I would want to learn yet another complex system just so I could type faster

If youre a beginning programmer, youre not going to notice any improvement by learning vim or emacs, it will actually slow down your learning process because youre already going slow when you are learning. Its not till you become professional level and you have hundreds of files that you in a project that you have to access quickly and move text around that you will see the need for vim or emacs

>he fell for the posix meme

Great thread OP. I am entertained.
It is definitely worth knowing how to exit vim.
Emacs is love, emacs is life.
Whichever path you choose, I definitely recommend learning org-mode. Org-mode changed my life.

It should still be there. Vim just selects one of a handful of messages so the Uganda one isn't always there.

ed is the standard editor. Learn it because you may one day need it.

whatever is fine, they are both equally as good, it takes only about 15 minutes to learn everything before you write code in both so just choose whichever you like, I chose Emacs because I like GNU and it's great, I use it daily, I get the same reaponses from VIM users and it's just as good, learn whichever one you want, pick your poison

What do you suggest using in the meantime then?

Sublime, Atom, VSCode and Brackets are all good, they have easy to understand and use hotkeys and have plugins for about every possible language and framework

Write your own editor. Then you can make it exactly how you want it.

Use a piece of paper. There's no reason to be programming on an actual computer until you know what you're doing.

You're right LISP machines and the Lisp OS have died. I wish Stallman made a Lisp OS instead of GNU. The world would be a better place with less GNU.

GNU Bash uses emacs keybindings by default, and lots of GNU utilities use them too. You can use GNU Emacs to edit files over ssh, so it doesn't matter what editor is installed on the server you ssh into.

>I wish Stallman made a Lisp OS instead of GNU
It exists and it's called GNU Emacs.

>tfw GNU Emacs takes the most time to boot out of everything, and my computer could boot much faster without it
Too bad that not having GNU Emacs available to me makes my computer unusable.

(set-desktop-mode 1) is all you need. Sessions on vim are a shitshow, and I'm tired of spending half an hour finding a plugin that can have all the files I had previously open, automatically open again when I open vim.

That said, it's still useful to know the keybindings.

>Whichever path you choose, I definitely recommend learning org-mode. Org-mode changed my life.
this video is a good explanation of how org mode goes beyond text processing and lets you outline and organize written material

Use ed, it's the only standard editor. Heck it's righ in the name.

ed was made by Ken Thompson, he uses sam now, its stupid to use ed when there is sam

spacemacs for best of both

use atom then if you don't like it learn vim as you gain experience slowly, don't waste your time and learn thing you don't understand why you would use. Learn something just when you need to do it.

How complete is evil-mode?

So it's not the visual ed. It's the visual ex. Thanks for admitting to being wrong.

Note the consistent user interface and error reportage. Ed is generous enough to flag errors, yet prudent enough not to overwhelm the novice with verbosity.

“Ed is the standard text editor.”

Ed, the greatest WYGIWYG editor of all.


When I use an editor, I don't want eight extra KILOBYTES of worthless help screens and cursor positioning code! I just want an EDitor!! Not a “viitor”. Not a “emacsitor”. Those aren't even WORDS!!!! ED! ED! ED IS THE STANDARD!!!


When IBM, in its ever-present omnipotence, needed to base their “edlin” on a Unix standard, did they mimic vi? No. Emacs? Surely you jest. They chose the most karmic editor of all. The standard.

Ed is for those who can remember what they are working on. If you are an idiot, you should use Emacs. If you are an Emacs, you should not be vi. If you use ED, you are on THE PATH TO REDEMPTION. THE SO-CALLED “VISUAL” EDITORS HAVE BEEN PLACED HERE BY ED TO TEMPT THE FAITHLESS. DO NOT GIVE IN!!! THE MIGHTY ED HAS SPOKEN!!!

Can you name a single POSIX operating system that doesn't have vi?

I had a hunch that using and preferring CLI editors was a mental disease.

word who cares about performance
computers are so fast now :^)

Emacs is not Lisp OS.

Pfft, you didn't look at the manual for zygotes?

Emacs has it's own package manager for plugins. M-x list-packages will start it, and you can pick and choose packages. If you want more packages, you'll have to enable MELPA by putting some init code in your .emacs config file.

Search online for what packages you need to get for what you want. I use a package called flycheck for syntax checking. I've never tried getting autocomplete set up, but I know there are multiple options for it.

It might feel strange at first, but it's really easy to get things set up if you use the package manager. Just to be clear, emacs uses key chords. So M-x is 'alt' + 'x'. Then, a prompt will open for you to type a function name. That's when you type "list-packages".

Hope this helps.

>using emacs...to run vim
Nigger do you even no what the fuck you are saying? Cred Forums confirmed underage memers jerking vim for Reasons some1 smarter than them originally posted but they didn't understand yet they were so firmly grasped upon this meme they had no choice but to continue jerking

emacs for lisp machine mourners
ed/sam/acme for true unix lovers
mg/nvi for minimalists
(neo)vim for hipsters

>being this retarded
It's obvious that you've never used either ed or ex. Nice wikipedia research though, kid.



Emacs hands down. Once you learn it, even if you only learn some basic shortcuts like save and close, it's just fabulous and the GUI version has drop down menus like other GUI text editors unlike vi/vim and once you know the basic shortcuts you can use the command line version just fine on remote servers.

Acme you faggots


But I have user, and they're different. Nice shitpost, my friend.

>Emacs hands down. Once you learn it, even if you only learn some basic shortcuts like save and close, it's just fabulous and the GUI version has drop down menus like other GUI text editors unlike vi/vim and once you know the basic shortcuts you can use the command line version just fine on remote servers.
you are using emacs like a notepad++ babby and pretending you know how to use emacs, you dont, youre just pretending

They are, being able to navigate with the keyboard is a thousand times better than having to go to the mouse

This is the way to go. Best of both worlds

vi is a requirement if you do any kind of server work.

Vi isn't in minimal Debian.
nano is though.

>They are so different it's like learning something new

Good job admitting you're retarded or lying about your use.

Emacs TRAMP is pretty great. You can even use it to edit files in Docker containers that don't have vi.

delet this

Why am I in the mood for asparagus?

>No Furaffinity or a questionable booru
Your gag tab game is weak.

If you really want to move fast through directories in emacs you have to have the ido, smex, projectile modes installed

The default one that comes with Spacemacs.
This is actually one of the screenshots from the official site: spacemacs.org/


I started with Vim, but tried out Emacs and had stuck with it. It just feels more natural, but much more powerful than a regular editor.

>Hurr i'm too stupid to learn a fork of an editor from the 70's.


Just realized the other day you can ctrl z your cli textedit session any time to get you're regular terminal back and fg when you ready to (vim) again.

>That's a fucking niche usage
No, that's stupid-common usage.

I am an Emacs dude, so I use TRAMP for that, so the point of Emacs over SSH is kinda moot anyway. But don't call it an edge case, because it really isn't.


>Can you name a single POSIX operating system that doesn't have vi?
Unrelated to the topic.


It isn't unrelated. Every modern OS that wants POSIX conformance must have vi. Shall = mandatory according to the spec.

>Every modern OS that wants POSIX conformance must have vi
And this is wrong.

Re-read the thread. it's been debunked already.

You are wrong, this has been debunked multiple times, even in your own post.
>that both support the User Portability Utilities option and define the POSIX2_CHAR_TERM symbol

Also, why do you link me to this ill-formated trash post and why did you misuse the codetags?

>that both support the User Portability Utilities option and define the POSIX2_CHAR_TERM symbol
You don't know what this mean.

You don't know what this means.


Epic arguments
When will you learn how to read mate?

>User Portability Utilities option and define the POSIX2_CHAR_TERM symbol
Once you tell me what you think this means I will concede. I've already told you but you ignored it.

That a system that does not define the POSIX2_CHAR_TERM variable and/or the POSIX2_UPE variable does not need to have vi.
Do you want more spoonfeeding?


You mean a system that can't support a vt100 terminal gets an exemption from software that requires that hardware? Otherwise, if can then it is mandatory? wow. how many systems can't support a vt100 terminal being made today.

Nano can't navigate through search results

Holy shit, why do you keep ignoring the POSIX2_UPE part? Can't you read?
Also, nice backpedalling, not to mention that nobody said anything about POSIX_CHAR_TERM (only about POSIX2_CHAR_TERM).

I thought it was assumed that every UNIX system supports POSIX2_UPE. But I guess I should know I'm speaking to an idiot that dodges every argument.

>I thought it was assumed that every UNIX system supports POSIX2_UPE
POSIX considers it optional. Are you a retard?

Oh, so you know one system that doesn't have the POSIX2_UPE flag set? please tell me that release.

How the hell is this relevant to the discussion? Please stop being dense.

calm down pajeet

Ahh I see. You still think POSIX and the SUS are separate and not unified under the Austin group. Gotcha.

Not relevant to the topic at all.
Is this some kind of mental illness?

SUS not relevant to POSIX.

sure, old dude. POSIX has been getting its orders from SUS since the early 90's. Are you really that old?

Are you drunk? Serious question.

Posix sucks. It wont let you store file list as an array, forcing you into ugly slow hacks. github.com/ranger/ranger/blob/master/examples/rifle_sxiv.sh

# Implementation notes: this script is quite slow because of POSIX limitations
# and portability concerns. First calling the shell function 'abspath' is
# quicker than calling 'realpath' because it would fork a whole process, which
# is slow. Second, we need to append a file list to sxiv, which can only be done
# properly in two ways: arrays (which are not POSIX) or \0 sperated
# strings. Unfortunately, assigning \0 to a variable is not POSIX either (will
# not work in dash and others), so we cannot store the result of listfiles to a
# variable.

Are you senile? POSIX 1003.2a (the UPE flag) is required under SUS and has been since the 90's. I'm assuming you're just an old dude from the 80's that hasn't kept his skills sharp and thus blathering on the internet with old news.

POSIX is for portability not performance.

And the topic is about POSIX. Any other standard is not relevant.

That emacs logo kinda look like Arabic writing, are you a terrorist OP?

this desu

Don't even bother using paper until you can render it from wood and make pens by slathering shit on feathers.

>not starting by carving stone tablets

>The SUS didn't deprecate POSIX
This is where you're wrong. Google Austin Group.
So which is it? Old compliance dude or young and stupid.

No it didn't. Just because POSIX is part of it, it doesn't mean that it's deprecated.
Also, even if it was deprecated, the talk is still about POSIX. Is this so difficult to understand?

this is the best guide I have seen

I sort of regret learning vim and its keybindings first because I've come to accept Emacs is better in all other respects but I can't get used to it. It's nice that vi is on every unix system, but that's the only upside.

Vile sucks.

It's been the same standard since the early 2000's

Beginning in 1998, a joint working group known as the Austin Group began to develop the combined standard that would be known as the Single UNIX Specification Version 3 and as POSIX:2001 (formally: IEEE Std 1003.1-2001). It was released on January 30, 2002.

"QNX welcomes the timely merger of the IEEE POSIX specification and The Open Group's Single UNIX Specification," said Peter van der Veen, chief architect at QNX Software Systems. "Growing support for this specification will benefit developers immensely, since it allows them to choose the best OS for the job at hand, without having to rewrite their entire code base or change their programming model."

I know. I just dont understand why desktop users must suffer

About The Austin Group specification

The combining of the IEEE POSIX specifications and the Single UNIX Specification replace the existing IEEE Std 1003.1, 1996 version, IEEE Standard for POSIX--Part 1: System Application: Program Interface (API) [C Language], and IEEE Std 1003.2, 1992 version, IEEE Standard for POSIX--Part 2: Shell and Utilities, and The Open Group Base specifications for the Single UNIX Specification, Version 2. The new standard has also been submitted for ISO/IEC approval.

>a text editor
>do one thing and do it well

>a bloated bunch of shit that you don't need

>does it well


If does though. His second point is shit though.

No text editor who has a separate "Insert" mode that you have to manually enter in order to be able to TYPE TEXT, which is WHAT TEXT EDITORS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO, should get any attention.

I sincerely think all of you faggots who use Vim and Emacs on a regular basis are just phony hipster assholes who just want to be different and get anxiety attacks when things are too simple.

Do you guys use vim/emacs for programming? How do you live without syntax checking while you type?

VIM: I like Unix and Unix philosophy and I hate LISP.

emacs: I like LISP and LISP philosophy and I hate Unix.

I use Emacs because it has some really useful things in it that I like using.

And the reason people like modal editing is because it lets you transform and navigate text in ways that are harder without it. If all we needed was to be able to type text without worrying about navigation or manipulation, we should all just use cat.

Emacs actually has really good syntax checking for quite a few things. (Pic related is JavaScript)

It even does fancy refactoring and type inference.

It is also very fast, far faster than most IDEs with similar capabilities.

I really should say "any", but I could be wrong. I just know of nothing faster.

Nice. How did you set it up?

90% of it is just regular js2-mode. package-install and go basically.

The more advanced type inference like pic related is Tern, but you don't really need it.

Also, Emacs is arsenal-tier when you connect to the thing you are developing. (This is not mine, but shows it well)

Lisps in particular do this well: youtube.com/watch?v=j-kj2qwJa_E

You can pretty much build an entire program, as you are running it.

I prefer kate/kwrite

you shouldn't have to "learn" a text editor

Why not? It seems like a pretty good investment if you do.

Also, you can use vim-style EVERYTHING: browsers, file/window managers, shells, all kind of stuff


How does it compare to Emacs these days?

I tried it when it was released and didn't like it as much as I thought I might. How much has it changed?

There is only one valid answer:

I prefer it as my text editor. I use it mainly for html, css, javascript, and c++. You can also get some really cool/useful plugins too.

I also do some python in it too.

>You can also get some really cool/useful plugins too.

That' a fucking gimmick you retard. You use it for a day and then you realize it's fucking stupid.

Thank you for entrusting me with such arcane knowledge.
Could you please inform me how to breathe too?
Or maybe some other things I probably didn't know?

i'm going to teach you some command line magic kid

sudo apt-get install nano

n Doom 64 the Cacodemon first appears in MAP03: Main Engineering

Damn, that's pretty early. They don't even appear in the first episode on DOS.

What editor was DOOM written with?

Doom was created on NeXT computers so I imagine he used the NeXT IDE with GCC. I think he used watcom on DOS? which has it's own editor.