You have an hour and 45 minutes to explain why you aren't using neovim

You have an hour and 45 minutes to explain why you aren't using neovim.

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It has a lot of dependencies and I don't feel like compiling them all.

Because I use emacs.

>Because I am GNU Trash.

Why should i care what text editor Keanu Reeves uses?

Evil mode exists.

Because I use vim+tmux over SSH, dick.

i am (or vim and tmux)

I use visual studio code

because we vim8 now, nigger

Because neovim is vim which is vi, and vi sucks donkey balls.

I use vanilla vim. I don't have much of a reason to switch. Maybe if I was a plugin developer or something a cleanly written vim would seem appealing.

best text editor ever created desu

emerge neovim wow so hard

it's just not as good as vim yet.

this. BTW fuck neovim - vim8 integrates async API now.

Neovim user here, these are the main reasons I'm using it and not stock vim:

1. It's significantly faster for large projects. Starts up almost an order of magnitude more quickly, even with more plugins. I used to have to wait 10 seconds or so for startup, now it's down to about 1 second.

2. etc. keybindings just work out of the box. On vim I need to hack around it by making the ESC-sequence itself, which is annoying and unreadable in my config file.

3. The plugins tend to be better and faster, mainly because neovim supports both asynchronous plugins and python plugins, which attracts a lot of plugin developers. Stuff like deoplete is orders of magnitude faster than YouCompleteMe, and lldb+neovim integration is pretty neat as well (although I personally have little use for it).

I can't even get deoplete to work.

Because I use Visual Studio Code

Did you follow the installation steps at ?

It's fucking shit and will actually cost you a job if you mention it in an interview.

Source: I mentioned it in an interview and was literally laughed out of the building. I was crying and emotional as I left.

How about you tell me why should I use it instead (of vim)?

Why would you want to work for autists?

What does it do better than vim?

ahahaha you deserved it, you faggot
who the fuck even uses those web trash editors? the CTO of the company I work for uninstalled atom after 2 days of suffering. Not even our frontend devs are brave enough to use that crap.

Except that's a lie, emacs is excellent. You're clearly shitposting.

what does neovim offer that vim doesnt have?

What are you using?

Is there anything it doesn't do particularly well that vim does? If there are no major downsides I would switch if only to support progress.

Cause I use Emacs, bitch.

EMACS and I'm not a cuck using non-free software

vim when in the terminal, emacs with evil mode when writing code for personal projects, IDE at work. Will probably switch to emacs at work too, once I'll learn to use it properly. IDE's lisp support simply suck donkey's balls.

Because I'm using GNU Emacs.

So far I have run into nothing that works on vim but not in neovim, so I currently have no reason to ever switch back unless vim significantly improves.

Neat. I'll certainly give it a shot.

Because Emacs with evil-mode is a better implementation of vi than neovim for general use. If I want something lightweight I'll just use gvim instead.

Because I'm using vim.

Here's something I always wonder about evil mode and other “vim emulation” modes: Do they emulate vi or vim?

For example, does “ciw” work? What about recording macros (e.g. “qqXYZq” followed by “100@q”)? What about tag/stack navigation (e.g. ctrl+] and ctrl+o/i)? What about code folding? (zm, zz etc.)

Whenever somebody says “vim emulation” I just tend to think “oh wow, it probably supports hjkl and i and not much else”, so I'm curious as to how much of vim it _actually_ emulates.

Not him, but I can't get deocomplete-jedi to work. It does autocomplete from the same file, but not from imports. If I disable deocomplete-jedi and enable jedi-vim, it does complete from imports. (But blocks neovim.)

Please don't assume I am using the meme distro.

Oh, sorry, I see you enjoy using a distro that fights you instead of one that embraces you

I'm fine with ex. I don't need no fancy character addressable terminal shit.

idk what a neovim is OP