C or Rust? Which language to learn next?

C or Rust? Which language to learn next?

C. Rust is just a meme language.

Java. Everything else is just a meme language.

C++. Everything else is just a meme language.

What did they mean by this?


people don't realize it but Cred Forums is like 80% of shit posters.
They were the major colonizers of /his/


C literally takes like a day. No point in reading the entire standard.

C of course, there is a lot of free software written on C.


C - almost fastest language in the world, sometimes faster some of lisp realisations.

C, C++, Java, and the various assembly languages are going nowhere in the foreseeable future. C/C++ are highly prevalent and close enough to ideal for their purpose. Java effectively mops everything else up. Assembly will always be relevant in embedded.

Past that, everything has an expiration date. Things may never come to a full stop, but they sputter out. Those four languages have been around for way too long and we're probably not going to see the end of them until the end days of our lives.

what anime is this from

Yes, it's an extremely simple language. The standard looks bigs, but most of it is fancy filler to make compiler writers not do dumb things.

K&R alone will teach you most of what not to do ever and K&R is a quick read honestly if it's not your first language.

Then you can read up on standard library features as needed likewise with C11 standard for any features you want.

Next time tell us what you want: vydiaGaems, robots, sites, blenderPorn(the only reason to learn phynton).
Theres no ultimate language.
There none i would recommend for everything but C++ is quite usefull

Non non biyori, reverse search next time C.uck





1 V 1 Me in rust M7

> no new hardware coming out ever

ok good luck

or do hardware mfgs make compilers for their own damn selves now?

>C or Rust? Which language to learn next?
This is a stupid question, you have to understand C thoroughly before you start to learn a language like Rust.

>C++. Everything else is just a meme language.
There is nothing bad about C++, it still has minor use cases the same way Fortran has minor use cases. But to think its a more productive solution to modern languages like Go, D, Swift, Rust is idiotic. C++ still gets used because the people who teach at universities only know C++. Industry still uses C++ because that is the only compiled language students are taught at university. If you want to break out of that cycle of stupidity and become more productive you would be well advised to learn a modern compiled language. If your time is worthless and you dont mind ignoring all the advancement in compiler technology that has happened in the 30 years since C++ was developed and having development time being 10x longer than it should be than by all means keep using C++ for large complex projects.