
>And then she proceeded to name the two FSF employees allegedly bullying the unnamed transgendered individual.
Why is this bullshit allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


>sjw trans is """bullied"" by employees
>complains and gets fired because the managers realize """she""" is a retarded sjw
>another sjw """"""trans"""""" hears this
>"""she""" has control about the libreboot project and for some retarded reason now thinks GNU made a mistake

See, this is why you should avoid there retards

Since forever.

I don't understand, what the fuck happened?

I don't know if she was bitching before but they break up a few days ago from GNU and FSF though.


Is there any proof of this bullying? Like it'd be fucked up if that actually happened, but where's the proof?

>She is also seeking that the Free Software Foundation refund $6120 USD she has reportedly donated to them since last year.

I think that is the funniest part of the article.

It's not like how the Vandals sacked Rome. This bunch grew from within us like tumors, and poisoned us for a cruel, humiliating death.

Cred Forums needs their own fork. Anime boot logos mandatory

I don't understand what's the big technical deal in forking this simple coreboot derivative anyway...
All Libreboot was doing was deblobbing and packaging the ROMs so they play nice with simple tutorials. Deblobbing isn't even possible anymore with the new ME so there aren't going to be any new machines getting Libreboots for X86

>Is there any proof of this bullying?

afaik no.

Would you, Cred Forums?

That's not how donations work, Lou.

Note: Leah controls the libreboot.org website, don't assume anything posted there is any more factual than the post on the mailing list.

So it's drama vs dictators
>grabs popcorn

Looks like a dude with a wig

Feminists are trying to take down free software, as usual

Don't let them pull another applebaum on these poor, innocent GNU members

No, there will never be proof. This is how feminist PSYOP works. They undermine somebody's credibility simply by crying “rape!” or “bullying!”. They don't need to provide evidence, because the SJW army is powerful enough to bully anybody into submission.

I wish I knew of a way to fight back.

>wont name bullied tranny because "we want to protect them"
>proceeds to spew out the names of the accused, without proof.

The fuck is this shit.

Can't they sue for libel?

>Would you, Cred Forums?

Because people like you will immedaitely jump on the dox train.

What's Stallman's opinion about this?

Really disappointed to see that of the people discussing this on that board, the ones with the most posts all support it.

"if you don't do everything I want you're a racist"

Ignore them. They are doing it for attention. When people react, it only gives them a bigger platform to shitpost

They're impossible to ignore when they're forcing tech community members out of the industry

Although I suppose in some sense it's their own fault for getting too close to them. #1 guideline is to never stay alone with women you wouldn't trust with your life, if you're in the tech community, I suppose.

I suppose that in some perverse way, you could argue this to be the male equivalent of rape. Always gotta watch your guard.

>"The dismissal of the staff person was not because of her gender. Her gender now is the same as it was when we hired her. It was not an issue then, and it is not an issue now." - Stallman.

>waah I want muh donations back!


that's because it is