Is lua still relevant or is it just a meme?

Is lua still relevant or is it just a meme?

its not either

let me rephrase my question then; is it worth learning?

Not really. Unless you're just doing it for the experience.

It's nice and fast as an integrated scripting language, but don't excpect to make a gaem with it

Lua is a nice language. But isn't worth learning unless you have a specific use in mind. Is it embedded in something you're using?

LÖVE is a pretty nifty engine. It works for smallish games.
If only LUA wasn't retardedly still doing that fucking base 1 for arrays...

its not that big of a deal.


Learn it to make shit hacks for gmod xd

It's not, true, but if you're like me and switching languages on a frequent basis, it will trip you up.
And that turns it into a minor annoyance that doesn't offer any apparent benefits and only drawbacks, which makes me question the reason for this bullshit.

Not a game per se, but LUA is used for scripting some AAA games.
-Source: My ass(To lazy to search)

No idea what you're talking about, people make plenty of games with lua+love2d. I just made one myself for a weekend game jam, in fact.

Tcl > Lua

Love2D and LuaMacros

Also Lua must be Cred Forums approved since it's specifically made to interface with C (no need for C++)

>someone making a gmod hack from scratch

wow for example

I prefer it to javascript at least.


Pretty nice to make a nice UI for WoW

I use it as well in my shit 2D game engine. It's really easy to embed, and its fastest scripting language i think.

Using corona or love, game made can

Leaned it to make a WoW addon for my guild back in WotLK which worked great until the guild was kill. Still fun to be able to mess with some game's interfaces but I'm nut entirely sure it's worth learning unless you are doing something extremely specific with it.

Awesomewm uses lua.