>tips fedora

Why is fedora not the go to GNU/linux? I've been using it the past few weeks, and literally have had no problems with speed or software installation. Is it because it's not bleeding edge or what?

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fedora is bleeding egde, sometimes it acts strange due to huge upgrades incoming from repositories

because it neither gives no bragging rights nor it is completely for newbs
If I weren't an archfag I would use it or sid

>not bleeding edge
It is pretty bleeding edge. That's a reason to not use it.

I would use it if it was a rolling release or had some form of lts version. I'm in no mood to upgrade every 12 months.

systemd garbage

Fedora is not bleeding edge, it is always behind Arch and Gentoo Testing in terms of package versions and each release version remains stable and has no soname bumps to cause software issues to the point patches will be backported to avoid api/abi breakage.


the upgrades are smooth as butter though

you can let it handle everything automatically or you can literally go through each config file overwrite one by one and choose to replace, merge, or keep

It's the go to for a lot of GNU users. Nothing wrong with fedora. Don't let Cred Forums fool you into thinking there is One Good GNU Distro and the rest are garbage, that's just Cred Forums being underage and stupid.


It looks interesting as I work with a lot of RHEL / CentOS stations but fucking hell it never works as it should on my workstation.

This. Fedora is pretty middle of the road as far as distros goes. It does everything competently, but it doesn't do anything exceptionally well. I used Fedora 20 a few years ago because no other distro wanted to play nice with my wifi card or my laptop's touchscreen out of the box and I didn't feel like dicking around with it. Also, pacman is my favorite package manager. Never cared for yum.

Yum was replaced with dnf

yum is deprecated

It has had problems on every system I installed it on.

Interesting. I might have to give Fedora 24 a spin this weekend.

Can't seem to get steam to work on it, it won't update. Can't find shit on google.

The rest of it seems fine though

I chose fedora 24 as my first distro and haven't looked back. It was between ubuntu and fedora and I can't for the life of me remember why I chose fedora but I'm glad I did. DNF is great and updating the system is so easy.

Pretty much everything works out of the box aside from multimedia codecs, but those are easy enough to find and install.

Its GNOME3 integration is surprisingly good too, given that I've heard such bad things about GNOME3.

I'll be sticking with fedora for a long time, I should imagine.

Linus Torvalds uses Fedora + GNOME

It's the best.

He also runs it on a MacBook Air. Just saying.

Mandatory systemd. Other distros come with it, but work without it. Fedora won't work unless systemd is used.

Actually he uses a dell xps developer addition now


Linus Torvalds gets paid by Red Hat
>you do it for free

So does your OS pay you?

I didn't think so pajeet.

>Its GNOME3 integration is surprisingly good too
Fedora is supposes to be the Gnome distro. A lot of gnome devs are linked in one way or anoter to redhat. Same for wayland and systemd.

Fedora will always be Redhat's showcase.
Some will say fedora users are beta testing the softwares for rhel, for free. This is true but it's not as bad they want you to think.
At some point rhel will be based on a newer version of fedora, it's not insane to want to use future professional-grade softwares + a few bugs.

The only issue I have run into with Fedora is font rendering, which is a really easy fix.

My school used fedora for work stations. It's honestly pretty good and a very good way to learn how red hat works because the system is basically the same in terms of directory structure and package management. I would recommend it for first time users as it's not all that difficult to get working. It also supports a lot of different software.

It is not horrible but I just strongly prefer Debian based distros. Whether you are configuring a SMB or NFS server or even just changing some SSH settings, the configuration files don't come with an example so I have to either remember the syntax or look it up which kills some time. Also you HAVE to communicate with SELinux (which comes enabled) for most things and when the only reason a service isn't working due to SELinux is annoying.

buggy unpaid beta testing for red hat's new bullshit

enjoy shit constantly breaking after updates, like the systemd SSH/screen fiasco. Red Hat's sense of defaults is atrocious. Most other distros go with significantly more conservative defaults, but red hat wants to push their “progress despite pain” agenda

Nevermind I was thinking of debians shitty documentation for sshd.conf. But still, since SELinux comes enabled I have to run a semanage if I change a default port, which I sometimes forget.

Based Fedora

I tried Fedora briefly, it was my observation that software packages in the Red Hat system are less tied to repositories and that you can just download software off the internet instead of going through a package manager. So it seems that software is more up to date to the latest versions as well as having more obscure software that doesnt show up in Debian repositories. Is my impression true?

Your impression is neither true nor false, it just doesn't make any sense

It was horribly unstable piece of shit back in Fedora Core days. Like ten years ago. So it has some of that reputation left.

Then there are the total freetard autists sperging over how it's connected to muuulti billlliooon big bad corporation (that's basing its business 100% on open source with Fedora default repos being very serious about not letting in non-free software unlike Debian, but hey it's big corporation so gotta be bad am i rite fite teh power comrades xD).

Finally there are the other autists bitching about systemd and not understanding it has spins and netinstall possibility.

That's my two cents.

>buggy unpaid beta testing for red hat's new bullshit
>like the systemd SSH/screen fiasco
As far as your example goes, it's pretty shit. Fedora 24 doesn't use systemd 230, which introduced the change. It's still on 229. As for 'fiasco' - Debian changed their build flags before it hit Testing, and RHEL isn't even close to shipping it.

It's not bad, it's just that Arch is better.

>Not rolling release
>Much smaller repository than Arch even with rpmfusion
>No non-free software (or even free software that can do stuff like play nonfree media formats such as MP3) in official repo
>Arch has more up-to-date packages

If you're going to use a binary distro on your home desktop, just use Arch instead.

It simply just works and it bores the typical Cred Forums user. The autisms want a system that breaks every time they update so they can make a thread about it.

Because it's beta-test RHEL and it's unstable as fuck even compared to Ubuntu, plus the development cycle is short as shit so you get the fun of upgrading every eight months. Why the fuck would anyone want that?

Oh right you're here shilling for more beta testers. No thanks, fuck off Rajesh.

nice meme

None of that was a meme Raj.

nioce double meeeming

Because KDE is fucking shit on Fedora

And GNOME 3 is fucking shit in general.

I'll stick with opensuse leap tyvm

>using KDE

linus torvalds uses fedora

>400$ for a 500GB ssd and 16GB ram
did apple set the benchmark on overpriced upgrade

Maybe fedora was the first distro with systemd and glibc, gnome is always on the edge.

It's the only distro I've found where:
1 - Defaults are not pants-on-head retarded and don't require hours and hours of configuration.
2 - Upgrades don't break the system in the most stupid ways, while still providing recent packages in a timely manner (like the kernel)
3 - All hardware and a couple of finnicky language-related pieces of software I need work out of the box, period.

Everything else I've ever tried was always "pick two". Sometimes not even that.

How did you fix it?

You can install from .rpm or by automake but it's still way easier through the package manager. Flatpak might change things though.

Not him but I added rpmfusion repos rpmfusion.org/Configuration

$ dnf install freetype-freeworld

then made a file called local.conf in /etc/fonts and pasted the below










What does fedora offer to me that arch doesn't? This isn't a shit post or anything, I'm just doing some distro hopping on my main and thought "why not?"

Arch is my current go to, although I was gonna install Manjaro for memes for a while.

in gnome tweak tool set antialiasing to rgba and hinting to slight

Then if you are running x run

echo "Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault" >> ~/.Xresources

or if running wayland:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/11-lcdfilter-default.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/

why not debian

You don't have to edit a config file for literally everything.

this. /thread

pretty sure I just read an interview that said he ran ubuntu with cinnamon but ok.

I don't have to edit a lot of config files anyways so I guess I don't understand?

It's not outdated it's stable!™

If it's the article I think it is the article writer was using the same Dell XPS as Linus but with Ubuntu.

ah yeah, that may have been it.

Because I like having packages from THIS decade.

>Not used to no problems.
What were you using before? Windows?


i don't know why but it always gives me problems

What works best for you?
I can throw anything on my desktop with no issues. My laptop is a fussy little bitch but fedora worked.

Was running arch on my desktop and fedora on the laptop but I kept trying to Pacman on my laptop so just switched them both to the same.


I am running into this error while trying to build some modules against the kernel. Anyone?

Mandatory systemd isn't bad and has no impact on a desktop user except faster boot times anyways.

It's literally 1 line to disable SELinux
sed -i /etc/selinux/config -r -e 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g'

Everything Fedora does, OpenSUSE does it better.

Fedora is pretty much a bare bones distro without any technical advantage except that uses rpm. Red Hat at least has long-term stability, but anyone who wants that without paying would use CentOS instead. And on the other spectrum of the rpm based distros, OpenSUSE has YaST.

Help I guess. I'm using Fedora through a VM. When I double-click Fedora, I have to scroll down a couple times to select my virtual hard drive installation. I already removed the virtual disk. How do I delete the other selections?

You had no problems with it because you use your computer as a web browser machine. Getting anything else done in Fedora/CentOS/RHEL is an adventure not only tedious, complicated and possibly disappointing, but these distros have extremely poor resilience to any kind of error. Not booting should not be the goto behavior for an OS whenever there's a comma in the wrong place or a package installation was interrupted.

>it is always behind Arch and Gentoo Testing
That's probably because people who use Redhat have important things to do with their computer, and hence they are more careful with the packages they let into Fedora, whereas people who use Arch or Gentoo have no life and have nothing better to do than to fix their OS, therefore giving users unstable packages that break the OS is pretty much giving them a gift.