What's the best password manager out there?

what's the best password manager out there?

The standard unix password store utility, pass

hm ok something that can be used cross plataform?

passwordstore.org aka pass is cross-platform. It only relies on bash (cross-platform), GnuPG (cross-platform), Git (cross-platform) and some basic unix utilities like tree/rm/etc. (all cross-platform)

ye ok but i cant use it on windows. what about last pass?

Go check out the other 4 threads currently open


Windows - KeePass 2
Linux - KeePassX
Android - KeePass2Android


It's pretty good. GPG integration and automatic git commits.

the keychain app builtin in all apple devices. literally nothing can beat it

password managers are retarded. It creates a single point of failure.

More NSA information profiling threads today.


encryption, version control, backups

You're a single point of failure.

note pad and pencil.

>using a password manager

>using shitty passwords


Paper beside my desk.

You might think this is a joke, but it's actually a pretty good idea. There won't be any corruptions.


you should write "sage" in all lower letters and not as your Name but in the Options field

How long can a brain remember a password without using it.


oh, I forgot my /s

Brains are shit. They have no read-only capability. Information can only be recalled through an error-prone rewriting process.


KeepassX. Just store the database file on a cloud service and store the key file locally. So even if someone manages to get your database file they will never be able to open it without your key file which will always be offline.


So is your email account.

>using a password manager
use a memory palace you vapid whore. fucking normies, I swear

>implying the websites I'm registered to require an email