"...and would you like to be paid in Bitcoin?"

>"...and would you like to be paid in Bitcoin?"

>not a single white interviewer

I twirl 360 and dance away.

>using bitcoin

The bitch in the middle is white she's just spray tanned to shit

>negroid facial features
>lol dude she's white she's just tanned


She looks like Olivia Wilde.

>she looks like this other person she isn't, therefore she's the same race as the person she's not


What does it matter to you?

That guy on the right isn't white?


I'll take cash, thanks.

Bitcoin is worthless trash.

He's an old mexican

Say "Fuck your meme coin", turn 360 degrees and then walk away.

>not paying for your VPN with bitcoins you mined from your free malware

He has blue eyes; he's still white.

How stupid can you be, if you turn 369 you're facing them you stupid Morin's, what, you gonna walk through the desk and that lady and then somehow magically walk through glass?

I'll take fucking anything at this point, sir.


I wouldn't mind. I'd just set up a cronjob to sell my BTC via the kraken API and have them pay it out to my bank.

plz, no...

Sure, just makes buying drugs easier
