Cred Forumsmail

Ok so I've been using gmail for a long time now because I've only ever cared about easy-to-use and not about privacy because I had nothing to hide. However, I came to the conclusion that I don't want to be spied any further. How bad is jewgle Cred Forumsmail and which email services does Cred Forums use?


can you fuck off with your nigger compression shit. you turned a fucking static into an immage and now its 12 KB less goody fucking job a whole 12 KB now if only we were in the 1980's where that would have been important

You're not thinking the whole picture (heh). This may mean jack shit for 300x300 images but this will definitely help load 4K images faster across all internet connections.

Also relax, I will stop posting webms of images when whoever the fuck owns this shitbird known as 4chins finally fucking allows us to upload Webp images.

how does it work though? is it even lossless? I can't get the original PNG smaller than 14.9kb

>how does it work though?
Here are my windows batch scripts, all they require is you have ffmpeg installed.

for %%f IN (*.jpg) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.jpg" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -crf 16 -quality best -threads 4 -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

for %%f IN (*.png) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.png" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -crf 16 -quality best -threads 4 -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

Basically ffmpeg makes a 2 second video file at 1 FPS of a given. This is done to prevent looping too quickly and unnecessarily stressing out your processor.

>is it even lossless?
No, it's lossy VP8 compression. Some detail is lost but depending on content it's somewhat hard to notice. Also VP8 is very efficient at compressing vectorized like images (especially chinese cartoons).

Don't listen to the haters. Keep it up, user.

>Operating System

gNewSense (Riced w/ Full Disk Encryption)





>Web Browser


>Web Search

Searx, DuckDuckGo

>Portable Telephone

Absolutely no smartphone unless it's BlackPhone 2 from Silent Circle. Maybe Nokia's latest $37 phone if you're half serious. Limit cell usage by using online services if Nokia.

The pictures on their site show a home screen filled with Google apps.

I'm speaking about BlackPhone, forgot to say that.

Doesn't that just put you on a watchlist

protom mail.

>worse quality
>isn't an actual image
Stop spreading this shit meme

I use Kolab Now. Works well for me and private enough.

We're all likely on at least one watchlist just for visiting this site. Let them watch, I don't give a fuck.


Is GMX okay? Just for a normie email that isn't Google.

mods please permaban this faggot

They'd be OK if their website didn't force you to look at their cancerous tabloid clickbait news crap before logging into your mail account

No, it's fucking terrible.

No smartphone? What about AOSP based ROMs on my Nexus 5X?

>spot the child porn collector

No, the only alternative to Google is Zoho. Preferably with your own domain.
