How difficult is it to fake programming?

I am trying to get a entry level software job just to see what I need to work on to be qualified for it. I can make mostly simple programs (in java) such as : An email retriever that displays the emails in a list of buttons which you can click to see what the details are, Top Down shooter gaymes, little shitty rpg gaymes, and pretty much any other thing you would expect a noob to do.

I believe what is holding me back is my inexperience with databases and algorithms from getting a job, but I am not certain. Any tips on faking it or anything I should learn in general to be prepared for the working world?

about tree fiddy

What do you mean?

Go read the gentooman library there's a few books on databases that are easy to understand there.

Google a java code of what you need
Copy paste
Spend the time blamming the computer when your boss is in the office
And repeat

There you go

Faking shit will only get you fired, go to college

The list of things you say you have programmed / are able to program is more complex than what the vast majority of comp sci grads could do. I'm not kidding

Are they?
I'm actually curious, I can do all the stuff OP mentioned in a couple different languages + more and I still think I'm at beginner level.

I believe you but at the same time it seems that there is no way in hell that is true. These people are getting tens of thousands in debt and not learning a thing about programming? I assume Computer Science is more a science than computer if that's the case, correct?

If you have no experience with databases, then yes, that's definitely holding you back.

You don't have to be able to do big data, realtime data, statistics, nosql, visualizations or database administration.

You do have to be able to make a simple CRUD website backed by a simple SQL db. And to keep the project in source control.

Awesome, thank you for the information!

programming is easy. Programming well is really fucking hard.
My advice is: read up. Expand your horizons with new knowledge.
Start with databases and algorithms, since you're lacking that. Then move to software engineering, understand the design patterns, try to get why are they used, learn more of them. Learn about the functional programming and why pure functions are important. If you're not into that, maybe you should avoid advanced techniques, but you should at least know that they exist.
Learn a little bit about security. Will absolutely save your ass some day.

milhouse is not a meme is not a meme

>that response

Why are NEETs so insecure?

You have enough experience for even more than an entry level job, but yes you should definitely know some basic database and web stuff

I've found character and attitude more important when looking for work, not only in interviews, but also on your CV. It has to show that you're really eager and quick to learn, and that you're honest.

It's better to admit "I don't know X technology, but I love learning new stuff, so I think I should be able to pick it up in a few days" rather than lie and say that you know.

Thank you as well for that! I have found pic related to be absolutely god tier in terms of learning design patterns. Would recommend any newbies in here to pick it up as well.

That is another area that I severely lack. It feels as if it takes me a substantial amount of time to become proficient at a new technology. I can usually pick up the foundation of something in about 3 days, but actually feeling comfortable with it takes months.

What response? What are you quoting?

The image, retard.

that's pretty much normal, user. But, usually, the software solutions follow some patterns.
For example - the company I'm working for decided that from now on they have to use DynamoDB by amazon to reach a goal, because it was meeting their specifications, so me with my colleague were chosen to learn it and implement a namespace following those specs.
We did it in 2 weeks - mainly because, since we already knew how databases work picking up a new one wasn't that hard. It's like with programming languages - once you know the concepts it's easy to learn their practical implementations.

Not at all, especially if you don't mind the core dumps.

I can confirm computer science is not computer. Jury is still out on whether or not it is a science, but we have the best people on the job. All unemployed NEETs the world round are arguing about this in various internet forums and will reach a conclusion in no more then 35 years.