/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on /fglt/: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
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*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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OP Copypasta:

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Please respond


I've used linux for 6 years and with pretty much every distro from ubuntu to gentoo, I've never had "dependency hell".

>Can someone explain why perfect (no dependency hell), and even universal, Linux package management is such a difficult issue?

some people hate apt, some people hate pacman, some people hate certain distros.
Once all distros become the same (that will never happen) then universial package management will be a thing.

besides, there a plenty of package managers that you can install on your current Linux distro. Like 0install.

Slackware's slacktools and slackpkg doesn't have dependency hell because you're responsible for managing dependencies. It usually isn't a problem.

Thats still dep hell bruh

Does anyone know if you can autohide the top panel in Elementary Loki?

In light of these replies I'm really curious about this now
Is this correct? Are all dependency difficulties caused by not specifying library version exactly in applications?

having to manage dependencies (and the dependencies' dependencies) is what dependency hell is all about.

>forced devs
I dont want 50 copies of a lib in my system, just because certain devs dont want to bump to the next milestone.

You will never have what you are talking about.
It will never happen at any point in the future.

How much are you installing? Usually a program has 1-3 dependencies. It's better than Debian and Ubuntu that give 30+ packages and almost all of them are recommended and not actual dependencies

>how much are you installing


You clearly dont know shit.
There is nothing to question here
Just stop

Surely that's better than having a bunch of exact duplicates of 1 version of a library and bunch more duplicates of every other version as well

Isn't that what you get with the "snap" package manger? It just gives you every library needed with every package every time.

I'd rather have versions 1, 2, and 3 of a library on my system and a bunch of programs all linking to those, than to have 10 copies of version 1 scattered around my system, and 10 copies of version 2, etc..

What the fuck are you even on about, retard?

ls /usr/lib/
Now look in there
Take a fucking look
Thats where ALL YOUR LIBS GO

Just don't use stupid snap

That's an edge case and slackbuilds.org says they're all optional dependencies, as in you can build and use it without all those dependencies.

why is this not working
sudo sed -e 's/^/megaget ' list > get.sh

i would like to create .sh file which content is
megaget file;
megaget file2;
megaget file3;

Filenames are listed in file "list"

Why are you getting angry?

and I've mentioned "snaps" twice now. It's clearly you who has no idea what I'm talking about. Go read.

and calm down.

Yeah, compile the kernel without coreutils
tell me how that goes for you

You want a program to come bundle with 10 versions of a library, for the sake of "system comparability'.
This is asinine

coreutils comes under the a software set, the set of basic essential software for a slackware GNU/Linux build. I don't know why you're getting this upset, calm down.

Do you really think that greater minds than yours have not pondered this?

How do you kill a script name with its name or similar (something that doesn't change everytime it runs like the PID) ?


>You want a program to come bundle with 10 versions of a library, for the sake of "system comparability'.
That doesn't make any fucking sense, are you even trying to understand or are you just being a dick?

Ubuntu wants to use "snaps" that will make every program come with every library it needs. This is their solution to universal package management.
So if you install two "snaps" where one uses library-1.so and another uses library-2.so then the snap package manager gives you both. The problem here though is that it's just stored with the package.
So say you then install a 3rd application that also uses library-1.so now you have 2 copies of library-1.so

Why is Ubuntu doing this instead of just letting our systems use 1 copy of that library as usual?
Because developers don't call "library-1.0.so" from their application, they call "library.so". So you can't just have 1 version of every library and expect every application to function properly. That's the problem Ubuntu is trying to solve.

Now, all I'm asking is, what would happen if every application called its specific library version. If they called "library-1.so" or "library-2.so" instead of just "library.so" then you could retain the universality of "snaps" but without the redundant libraries that comes with each application.

We would just have 1 copy of "library-1.so" and 1 copy of "library-2.so" regardless of how many applications use each version.

I do. I'm ASKING if the conclusion we can draw or not is that one issue comes from applications not specifying their library version or not.
Is there a benefit to having 1 version of every library and every application using different versions of it just calling a generic "library.so" and hoping that the version we have installed works?

>local linux related forum for troubleshooting
>some guy is having issues with his WLAN
>insists on using an older kernel version thinking it will solve his problem (windows mindset) and older versions of distributions because they're more "lightweight"
>post a longer reply saying why that's not true and offer a bunch of troubleshooting advice
>people encourage him to go with the older kernel approach

Please debian friends.. I need to get over this. Take a look at this thread I made please.

It takes 12 seconds to search for that online. Way longer than it took this fool to spoonfeed you.


Why does this man hug his laptop when he hates computers so much?

>Because developers don't call "library-1.0.so" from their application, they call "library.so".
No, they dont. They specify the exact library that is needed.
>they called "library-1.so" or "library-2.so" instead of just "library.so"
They do...
>function properly
But it already is and has been for decades.
>We would just have 1 copy of "library-1.so" and 1 copy of "library-2.so"

>I do. I'm ASKING if the conclusion we can draw or not is that one issue comes from applications not specifying their library version or not
>I do. I'm ASKING if the conclusion we can draw or not is that one issue comes from applications not specifying their library version or not

>using Linux Mint

I dont know but my Laptop's keyboard randomly thinks that CTRL keys are being pressed, is there a way to make it so that if I plug in a keyboard it ignores the input of the base one?

Is there anything functionally wrong with different desktop environments?
I see people argue all the time here, but I'm not sure if they're just talking about cosmetic differences. I want to install debian, but am not sure which DE to download.

No we don't dumbass.
Are you talking about the fact that you have "library-1.3.4.so" on your system and 2 symlinks "library-1.so" and "library.so"?

Is that what you're screaming about when you say we have every version? You only have 1 fucking version. Those are symlinks.

I honestly have no idea why you're even getting angry?
If having a conversation on something you (clearly) know nothing about frustrates you, you should just ignore it rather than spew false information.

hmm. have you tried reinstalling the operating system, editing the source to include the jessie repos, THEN installing the packages?

So opposition means someone is angry?

>kernel without coreutils
But that's the norm?

the reason I asked, is because killall didn't worked
I tried killall the name of the script, the whole path, the filename.sh
only thing that seemed to work was
>killall bash
but I'd like to just kill that just specific script, not the others.

Test everything and decide for yourself.

First for Fedora.

No, trying to make the exact same point 5 times while responding to a single post just to make the other guy look bad and using all caps for half your post is what makes you look angry.

i would suggest just installing a wm and seeing how you like it. most things are actually easier and faster in command line. also on wm you can still get plenty of essentials like a program launcher, status bar, etc.

it's much more lightweight and looks cooler if actually customized nicely.

Use "pgrep" with the -f flag to find the PID of your script then use "kill" to kill it.

replace -e with -i (in file)

That's what pkill is for.

Only one person is supposed to sign an ISO for GPG, right?

>i get all of my knowledge from memes and don't think about them for a second: the post

First you suggest him to only install a window manager, but then you tell him to install additional things like a program launcher, taskbar and others. Guess what, those things make up a desktop environment. The very same thing he wanted to have. Desktop environments also have a window manager, who would have thought.
It's not much more lightweight if he installs the same things, idiots. Looking cooler is also subjective. Especially when talking about window manager looks when you can't even see its looks (except for the titlebar theme).

Stop posting cringe-worthy myths and spreading false information.

>old op pasta
nice digits tho

True, I just looked and pkill has a -k flag.

sed -i 's/^/megaget ' spisak.sh > get2.sh

sed: -e expression #1, char 12: unterminated `s' command

I need a work machine next year, i'm getting a laptop. But i wanna install Linux on it, I'm not too familiar with it but i didn't like Ubuntu.
Which one do i get?

if drivers for my graphics don't exist i'm just fucked right?
i just want to install steam to talk to people

He doesn't hate computers, he hates non free proprietary software and his laptop provides him with maximum freedom.

the one im using

Whichever of the others you like the look of and has a packaging system and update schedule that suites you.

You using embedded graphics that come with the motherboard like Intel HD or an external graphics card?

Not him, but you're just arguing semantics.

People use "desktop environment" to refer to the standard bundles of software that are distributed as desktop environments.
and they say "use a window manager not a desktop environment" to refer to the act of building your own desktop environment.

I'm not here to argue which is the better way to use those phrases. I'm just telling you that that's in fact how people use it. I'm pretty sure you already know that too.

most windows managers come with program launcher it's kinda essential - as well a status bar. ya you can just use commands to get the time, battery power, etc but wh ynot put it on a status bar?

just because it comes with some useful utils doesn't mean it has to be a bloated desktop environment full of unwanted software and features.

sed -i 's/^/megaget/ ' spisak.sh > get2.sh

you forgot the closing delimiter

it works like this:


what distro is this?

Thanks, it works with pkill -f.

Basically some DE customized to be a Windows 7-like UI?

>cant change NB controller software
>cant change SB controller software
>cant change SATA controller software
>cant change RAM controller software
>cant change USB controller software
>cant change ETHERNET controller software


I meant -f

thanks user, but i fixed megatools and im syncing my data know.


it is deepin, it looks like taskbar, but that is only thing that looks like windows. You can choose betwen that and docker

What do I need to see .webm thumbnails?

ffmpegthumbnails or whatever didn't do the trick so I assume there's something else I need.

I'm getting webm thumbnails thanks to ffmpegthumbnailer in Nemo (file manager). Which file manager are you using?


this is linux, use the terminal

Which file manager are you using?
Which player are you using?
When i set vlc i can see thumbs, when is "Video" i cant

I don't see what the Linux kernel has to do with thumbnail previews and terminal emulator usage.

Actually it's GNU, linux is just the kernel.

Scratch that Dolphin used its own settings when I figured it would use general settings, so I had to enable it there.

Thanks anons.

>he doesn't have thumbnails in his terminal

How to start nm-applet as sudo on startup? (If it makes any difference I'm using i3 and trying to get it on the --tray)

I'd just like to interject for a moment.

Are you using systemD? Shouldn't starting the network-manager service start it as superuser already?

Why would you want to do that?
Set your init to load networkmanager and you just need the applet to run as user.

oh man, when i installed arch i had problems with that too

Ich möchte nur für einen Moment einwerfen. Was Sie sich beziehen, wie Linux, ist in der Tat, GNU / Linux, oder, wie ich vor kurzem nannte es, GNU und Linux übernommen. Linux ist ein Betriebssystem, nicht für sich, sondern vielmehr ein weiterer kostenloser Bestandteil einer voll funktionsfähigen GNU-System nutzbar gemacht durch die GNU corelibs, Shell Dienstprogramme und wichtige Systemkomponenten , die eine vollständige OS wie von POSIX definiert. Viele Computer-Nutzer, eine modifizierte Version des GNU-Systems jeden Tag, ohne es zu merken. Durch eine eigenartige Wendung der Ereignisse, wird die Version von GNU, die weit verbreitet ist heute oft als "Linux", und viele seiner Nutzer sind sich nicht bewusst, dass es im Grunde das GNU-System, von dem GNU-Projekt entwickelt. Es ist wirklich ein Linux, und diese Leute benutzen es, aber es ist nur ein Teil des Systems, die sie verwenden. Linux ist der Kernel: Das Programm im System, die Ressourcen der Maschine zu den anderen Programmen, die Sie ausführen zuweist. Der Kernel ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Betriebssystems, aber allein nutzlos; sie kann nur im Zusammenhang mit einem kompletten Betriebssystem funktionieren. Das gesamte System ist im Grunde GNU Linux hinzugefügt oder GNU / Linux: Linux wird normalerweise in Kombination mit dem GNU-Betriebssystem verwendet. All die so genannten "Linux"-Distributionen sind wirklich Distributionen von GNU / Linux.

I think systemd should completly replace stuff like grub and display managers. Who is with me?
>do one thing and do it well

The wiki clearly says how to solve that.

no, I'm not using systemD, at the bottom of the i3 config file "exec --no-startup-id nm-applet --tray" it runs as normal user. (I'm new, excuse the ignorance)


Nothing worked for me

I was connection to wifi via wifi-menu

Then i did something with network manager dont remmember what, but everything is ok now

Y-yeah porn haha

More like my fuckhuge collection of bird webms

partly for aesthetic reasons as it looks better running as sudo (not sure why) and also I have trouble connecting to VPNs as a normal user

a init system should initialize the system, so systemd should also replace boot bios etc

it just feels inconsitent overwise

You should solve the problems then, running something with sudo because it looks better is not a good solution.

grub yeah but display managers no.

that's why I said partly, it is not my primary concern, the concern is I can't connect to VPNs without running it as sudo

Don't post google translated shit

Solve it then, what you're saying doesn't make much sense.

Haben Sie viele Hinterschmerzen?

Someone explain why Gentoo is better than other distros. Afaik the point of Gentoo is compiling packages with flags, but you can do this with nearly all package managers. If I want to build a package with my own configurations, I just run the package managers command that downloads the source (if it isn't alread there like on arch), customize the config and build it using the package manager. That way I don't need to compile EVERYTHING, but still have the packages the way I want them. Is Gentoo just a timesink or am I missing something? Honest question.

Do you redo that config edit every time the package gets updated?

While obviously you can do it with any distro, if you want to customize your packages it's just less of a hassle to do it with a source-based distro since they are geared towards it.

>partly for aesthetic reasons as it looks better running as sudo (not sure why) and also I have trouble connecting to VPNs as a normal user

Wow, that's just, wow.
It looks different because root uses a different GTK theme. Apply that GTK theme for your user and it will look the same.

Which distribution are you using that's not using systemd? How do you start NetworkManager?

gentoo is for the generatirc crowd.
They have nothing else to do in the retirmenet home, so they sit by and watch the source code compile.

There is no need to use gentoo

>lol you have a shitty slow toaster.
I dont have time to update once a week, and week a week updating, to then spend another week updating.You dont actually get to use your system

Thanks, makes sense (updating with the same changes, etc).

>click link
>it actually works
Jesus christ.

It's more stable because everything is compiled against the versions of libraries you have on your system.

That and, yes, use flags. Which are definitely easier than doing it yourself. I mean, I'm not going to waste time trying to figure out how to remove pulseaudio support from a program because I'm not using it

and on most modern machines the compile time is pretty low. Other than doing a full upgrade installing individual packages in some cases is almost as quick as installing the binary on other package managers.

There's just a few big packages you have to watch out for, but Gentoo offers those in binary form too, like libreoffice or firefox.

>math test-exam
>need to hand in pdf files from assignments on usb stick
>my turn to turn in
>dont have it

Any other of this shit i need to prepare for in the future? Dont want to risk this again since it costs tons of money. Any libraries or dependencies, filesystem types or alternative programs I absolutley have to get to survive in the enterprise and education world? This cannot happen again.


sadly botnet

>turning in usb sticks
huh, that's a new one

df -h

anyone know why after I log into fedora my monitor comes on and off saying no signal. I tried googling and nothing has worked so far

>need to hand in pdf files from assignments on usb stick
Weirdest shit I've heard today

Its common practice alot of places of education. Handing in electronic assignments on USB sticks titled your name. They do it in alot of different courses on alot of schools.

>Any libraries or dependencies, filesystem types or alternative programs I absolutley have to get to survive in the enterprise and education world? This cannot happen again.
How did you get from turning in a pdf to all of this nonsense?
I did that in middle through high school.The school gave them to us for this purpose,

power management

weird, for me it was usually hard copies or uploading on a site.

oh well.

To clarify - there is one usb stick in possession of the school that was passed around for everyone to drop their documents onto. It was exfat and i didnt have exfat installed.


I know that, what I'm asking is if there are any other things I should install to futureproof / compabilityproof my computer before similar situation happens again.

You may want to consult your a schools system administrator, as well as your teachers, as they are the ones setting all of this up.

MS Office

i'm ready to get called a fucking retard because I definitely feel like one right now

i installed bunsenlabs and it doesn't just werk for me because i'm a fucking idiot so i'm trying to make my usb drive into a boot disk for ubuntu so i can start with baby steps

my problem is, while I have the ubuntu iso i literally cannot find a program that "just works" to let me make my usb into a boot drive

i've googled like six or seven programs and tried to launch/install all of them but i cant figure it out

my head hurts and i'm feeling pretty gay, can anybody spoonfeed me?


>It's more stable because everything is compiled against the versions of libraries you have on your system.
Like, in every other distribution then?

is there a way I can modify this without logging in because the second I login in my monitor turns on and off

i've been using the terminal for about 2 hours total at this point i don't really know what to do with that

Type fdisk -l to list your drives
find the drive its called /dev/sdX where X is some random letter.

sudo dd if=./ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8129

Obviously replacing the X with whatever appeared in fdisk -l.

man dd

the first command returns:

fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/sda: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdc: Permission denied

did you write "sudo" first? You might need administrative privileges to run the command.

sudo fdisk -l

I guess, but aren't there cases where it gets messed up? I thought that's basically why Ubuntu tends to break when you try to upgrade to a major new version.

I don't really get environmental variables. In this case I'm trying to set one for libreoffice.

Do you use env or export? Do you need to specify what you're setting e.g. something like env/export VARIABLE=VALUE libreoffice? In the case that you don't, will this have knock-on effects outside of libreoffice?

I've read the archwiki article and it didn't really make much sense to me.

Cred Forums, what is the best file manager to use?

The one you like desu. I use ranger because I can make custom commands using python easily.

I'm not sure about all the specifics of env and export (especially env), but my understanding is you use export like:
Then execute the application afterward. Doing it that way is when you want to set the variable for the entire duration of that terminal session. (if you close it or open a new terminal the variable is gone).
and if you just want to use the variable for a single application you use it without env or export like so:
>VARIABLE=VALUE libreoffice

It might only have effect on other programs if you use export and then run a second program. But I've never seen a case where it actually causes any problems.

How do I get krunner to see my scripts in ~/.local/bin?

How well does dolphin work with Android? I like how it has thumbnails working out of the box.


the harddrive filled up and nothing can be written to var. can't update any packages how fucked am i?

Also suggest making ~/.local/bin have the same permissions as /usr/bin

It is in my path

post path

which package manager?

I see, thanks

any way to make this permanent for all future sessions?

It is in my path ffs. I know how to set path but krunner isn't seeing it.

>but it is in my path
>but it isnt finding it
Post path

proove it

What difference does make whether I tell you it is in my path or if I post the actual locations which include the one I want to use? I'm telling you it is in my path, if you can't help then fuck off.

That's not a busty girl OP image either :(

Are they executable?

Have you restarted it since setting it in your path?

Are you setting the path variable in .bashrc or .profile? Maybe try moving it to the other one and see if that works (make sure to restart the program before testing it too)


I cant help because you're being a retard, and preventing people from helping you solve your problem

Lets follow logic here
You belive it is in your path, yet a program is not able to find it, using your path.
1.Your path is wrong.
2.You have found a bug that on one else in the entire world has had. File a bug report and wait for dev interaction.

Or you know, you could post your god damn path.

Yes, I have restarted it many times since setting the path.
>Are you setting the path variable in .bashrc or .profile?
I have tried both, I read somewhere that krunner uses .profile but doesn't work for me.

Then solve the problem yourself faggot

It is in my path, I am telling you this, assume this is true, because it is. I have checked and it is. Me posting the path here doesn't change that or prove anything.
>1.Your path is wrong.
>2.You have found a bug that on one else in the entire world has had.

Or krunner is not using my path. But you don't have any idea what you're talking about so forget it.

I don't know anything about krunner, it seems kind of an unusual solution but maybe you could just try specifying the path directly on the command line while starting krunner like:
>PATH=$PATH:/your/path krunner

Does Linux Mint spy on their user's like ubuntu does?

Then fuck off, you clearly have a special snowflake issue that none of us lowly mortals can help you with.
Its not your fucking social security number, its your fucking path

Fuck off

I don't care whether you see it, I am telling you it is in my path. If I posted it here then I can obviously check that it is listed in my path myself and don't need you to confirm for me that fact. It is in my path, I can assure you of that. Now, assuming that, what is your next step of troubleshooting? I would love to know because I seriously don't think you have any idea what you're talking about.

I'm seeing these threads for such a long time already and I always wanted to say that /fglt/ looks too much like /fgt/, change that maybe otherwise it looks like a thread for faggots

well that's all have a good time

I wont assume anything from a retard who cant even post his god damn path to try and get help with

Go and let your eyes get checked

>I don't have any idea but I'll keep shitposting in case someone thinks I look clever

Just ignore this faggot. He is obviously stupid as hell and/or trolls you.

I cant generate an idea because you're being such a little bitch.
If i cannot assure your path is setup properly, there is nothing else to go on, as that is the biggest issue that may be happening, but due to your inability to provide the most basic of diagnostic information, i cannot help you at all or even form an idea of what may be happening.

>I cant generate an idea
That's obvious.
I can
echo $PATH

and see the location I want. It is in my path.
So what next?


Post yer god damn path

>I'm still shitposting, running out of clever looking retorts though

Safe to remove "$Recycle.Bin" and "System Volume Information" from a send hdd that came from a windows machine?

I know how to set path, I know how to check path. The location is in my path.

send = second. damn phone


Still waiting for your next step/advice user, shame you don't seem to know enough to help.

For what purpose? If you want to integrate the hdd into your linux system you should reformat it anyway

why don't you just post the fucking path then?

Thank god I don't work in any kind of tech support.

Because if I were to post my path then I would be able to see if it is listed there. I have echoed my $PATH and I see it listed there. Next step please.

I'm sure McDonald's is glad to have you.

network manager starts normally? all I'm doing is adding the nm-applet icon to the tray but I want it to be ran as sudo so it's more accessible to connect to a vpn

Still waiting for you to provide the information requested to resolve your problem

Sure you are user, it makes you look very clever repeatedly posting that.
The location is in my path, I can launch scripts from it from other places such as my terminal. It is in my path.
So next step?

>I can launch scripts from it from other places such as my terminal. It is in my path.
Yet it isnt working

not the same user .did you add it to bash_profile or bashrc or where

Yes user, that is the issue. It is just krunner which doesn't see it, other things, such as my terminal, do see it.
So now we have that out of the way, what next?

Originally set in bashrc but I have tried it in .profile and bash_profile as well.

Try logging out, logging in.
which name-of-program

should return where the program is in your path.
Make sure it's executable.
Make sure your filesystem isn't mounted noexec.

>asked help
>told to post info
>refuse to post info

could you compare please echo $PATH in ROOT and user?

cont. from prev thread >What turns them on?
Startup, getting out of hibernation, and the hardware switch too funny enough (I use it for switching wifi but it also switches wwan and bluetooth)
I'll look at the kernel module thing though, thanks.

It is not in root's $PATH, this is one of the things I was wondering, which path would krunner be reading?

maybe it is running as root
in that case you could fix it adding it to roots path i think

Why do you put your script there?

Your home is already local.

~/.bin is your local bin.

Also put shit in your PATH.

echo "$PATH" to see what's in there

What even is krunner? Is this some KDE shit? (guessint from KDE's k autism)


>What even is krunner? Is this some KDE shit? (guessint from KDE's k autism)

I will try that, I have a feeling that is the issue, thanks.

>I don't know what I'm talking about but I'll shitpost anyway

/fglt/, I need your help. I want to use linux, but there are so many versions and I don't know shit about the differences, so can someone please tell me what's the best linux so I can just install it and go on with my life? Thanks!

>+ 56.5s (userspace)


cool meme

debian for learning
debian unstable for daily use

Not bad

Install Trisquel.

>shit for learning
>shittier shit for daily use

Are you compiling the kernel on every boot?

>Using precompiled software

>using xft fonts in your terminal

This is a work safe board and busty women are completely unrelated to both technology and GNU/Linux so (please, because we're friendly here) fuck off.

What's that wierd white pixel?

>he doesn't like big friendly boobies

So is anime. Fuck off.

>Manually compiling all your software

>doesn't like boobies
found the pedophile

Anime is relevant in all threads, because this is an anime-based image board.

I like them, but that's irrelevant. It's off-topic and breaks global rule #5.

So you are trying to tell me that a busty woman HAS TO HIDE their boobs in order to be work save?

This is a technology board. Check the board title retard.

They usually are not bare titties.
yes, chop them off or its offensive and will lead to promotions.


Who's going to >interject?

I never understood that anime thing. What's so nice about it? The girls are poorly drawn, unrealistic and mostly children.

why is gentoo still such a pain in the ass to install?


Busty women in general are not "work safe"

When I said "image board" I meant the entire site. This site is anime-centric. Look on pretty much every board and notice the anime everywhere. It's because originally, the site was almost exclusively centered around anime/manga and otaku culture.


clearly not windows

>Busty women in general are not "work safe"
That's the definition of sexism. Fuck off.
A busty woman has the same rights like a flat women.

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as a technology board, is in fact, a anime/technology board, or as I've recently taken to calling it, a anime plus technology board.

is it possible to make a .desktop file for an alias?

Alternatively would editing the .desktop file to include certain options work?

>is it possible to make a .desktop file for an alias?
Yes. Change the extention to .sh and put "#!/bin/sh" in the top of it. Here's how it looks like:

notify-send "message from user" "Youre a fagget."

In order to make it work, you need to make int executable. (either run chmod +x file.sh, or right click on it and check the related checkbox).


what about elementary os for a first time linux user?

Linux Mint is better for the new user

What's your purpose for switching to linux?

trying new things

>Linux Mint

I wish'd beginners would stop giving advices. Mint is the worst distro currently, broken and insecure.

Use Ubuntu.

hey Cred Forums can you give me a list of good gaymes for linux? im kinda bored at the moment. Thanks a lot.

i actually want to learn linux so maybe i should just install arch

arch is the worst distro you'll ever use.


>I wish'd beginners would stop giving advices. Mint is the worst distro currently, broken and insecure.
Can't decide, ubuntu or linux mint, which one has a more hideous looking color scheme. Makes you wanna puke looking at it.

What was the name of that program that basically tells you what the code for a key is so you can set custom keybindings?

Like you press the up key and it says '86' or whatever the fuck the actual code is.

Check out Cube2 games like Red Eclipse, Tesseract or the good old Sauerbraten.

Also check the OP for torrents.

You don't learn anything by using Arch. Just because it doesn't come with an installer doesn't mean it teaches you more than installing it.
You can learn GNU/Linux on every distro.

If you choose your distro by looks you are doing it wrong. Looks are there to be changed (with ease).

Quit fucking around with games. Pick up a book, read it and learn something worthwhile.

AYY LMAO: Isolation

Check out Slackware. It's a bit more in depth to install than a beginner's distro, but isn't so complicated that you can't install in ~1 hour (but probably less). It's very old, very stable, very simple, and you can do a lot with it. It also won't make you feel like a lil baby.

Make sure to read up on package management with slack (it's different than in other distros) and subscribe to the mailing lists. 14.2 was *just released so you have that on your side as well.

Only stable, secure packages are ever included in slackware releases. It's a great distro

True. But can they possibly make it anymore less appealing. If it was a chick would you date it? No

Arch is the opposite of learning... it'll most likely end up blindly installing AUR packages like 90% of other Arch kids.

Some advices:
- Buy a mac
- Never come back

Macs have shitty gpus though

Christ I bet your GF is one ugly bitch. (if you have one)


Would it be a good idea to put /var on a separate partition?

not even on an ssd
its old time relics

How the h*ck do you make a bootable USB drive on OSX? Unetbootin just says the USB drive won't boot on Macs and I've never gotten it to work

>software hasent been updated in 5 years
>have to manage all new packages by your self
Yeah so fun

You're retarded. I was speaking in the context of images on worksafe boards. I also said "in general" because there are exceptions to almost every rule.

If a picture of some busty woman/women happens to be related to technology (and GNU/Linux in this thread's case), then it's fine as long as they aren't showing off in such a way as to get someone in trouble at work. The same logic applies to sexy men, but they aren't typically an issue considering this site's demographic.

Is there anything like YaST for apt based distributions to let me manage packages and automatically handle dependencies?

I know apt-cache search kind of works but it's shitty.

What is a good tiling/dynamic wm for someone who has never used one before? Or should I just stick with openbox?

not him, but a slack user, alot of the time were talking about one or two libraries at most, theres no need to update the whole damn system. Some exceptions are when you get into really graphical stuff like desktop managers or things like that, still not too much dep hell as long as you match the libraries right, biggest problems i've had was with developer laziness.

What do I fit on my t450.

>Been using XFCE
>Just installed KDE

Jesus christ, I think I just came, this is exactly what I've been trying to make XFCE look like

Anyways, does anyone have any experience with using class compliant audio interfaces on Linux? I just found out about a new DAW, Bitwig, and I want to see if I can migrate to it but I'm only running Linux in a VM for now

>RMS's favorite distro
>FSF approved
>Deblobbed Linux-Libre kernel
>Botnet-free fork of Ubuntu
>Comes standard on the Libreboot X200 laptop (the laptop that respects your freedoms)
>Easy to install and use as a daily driver

Why aren't you using Trisquel? Do you hate freedom?

site won't post
ssl handshake fail
are we die

>Why aren't you using Trisquel
I've been using Parabola for a while
Don't care for pacman or systemd and it's too much of a waste of time to reconfigure it when I can just get Gentoo running how I want quickly. It's too bad there isn't a FSF Gentoo derivative like there is for Arch. Probably has to do with the sour relationship between OSS ideology Gentoo and FSF

I'm getting a desktop that I'll be using as a dedicated linux machine. I also want to do some light gaming, a 750 ti is probably my best bet right?
I've heard radeon drivers on linux aren't the greatest.

Likely to be Sunday evening maintenance

Because my wifi requires a proprietary kernel module, which is naturally removed from Linux-libre, so I go with Debian.

Wish'd people would put more work into libre modules. ;_;

>I need a work machine next year, i'm getting a laptop. But i wanna install Linux on it, I'm not too familiar with it but i didn't like Ubuntu.
>Which one do i get?

Install Linux in VMs for training, then on a second machine for practice at bare metal installs. Never use your work box for fucking around.

You can always get more computers and having more than one is useful for backup. Use machines range from free to trivially cheap and if you are going to use Linux then computer refurb should be shit you can do in your sleep. Used Thinkpads (visit Thinkpadforums) are well-loved for good reason.

At least you are FSF approved user. I prefer Trisquel because it uses apt and upstart. Upstart does use a little of systemd's code, but I'd rather have a little than the whole thing. Parabola and Trisquel are the only Libre based distros that work on my hardware. Dragora has a nice concept, but 2.2 is outdated and doesn't work on a lot of current hardware. Dragora 3.0 should fix that. Gnewsense has the same problem.

Anyone know how to fix:

/usr/bin/ld: warning: libnvidia-tls.so.352.63, needed by /usr/lib/nvidia-352/libGL.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libnvidia-glcore.so.352.63, needed by /usr/lib/nvidia-352/libGL.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)

followed by a slew of 'undefined reference to' ... errors

When building a C++ opengl program.

I broke X installing CUDA on linux mint 17.2. I managed to fix X this by purging my nvidia drivers and then re-installing them. I have found an alternative to using CUDA on my linux machine, however I have a computer graphics assignment using freeglut/glew/glm/assimp and the demo program is now refusing to build.

The program compiled successfully prior to my disastrous attempt to install CUDA.

I have already googled this problem extensively but I haven't found a solution that has worked for me.

[spoiler]If I can't get this going this week im going to ditch linux for this assignment and use visual studio. My friends have told me that VS can install and link the packages I need. Time is my main enemy here.[/spoiler]

Visual Studio is fantastic. Stop fucking around with hobby operating systems and get work done you google.

>linux mint
found your problem
mint isn't mean for actual work

I would recommend trying to use -rpath or -rpath-link

>Any other of this shit i need to prepare for in the future? Dont want to risk this again since it costs tons of money. Any libraries or dependencies, filesystem types or alternative programs I absolutley have to get to survive in the enterprise and education world? This cannot happen again.

A windows box. Computers are trivially cheap and the idea of having just one is retarded because any electronic device can die at any time without warning.

Always keep a spare,reliable Windows machine for dealing with rest of world. The idea of running one OS when no one (except businesses subject to audits) in their right mind pays for software is silly. Always keep a Windows VM on your Linux hosts, and if you like a Linux VM on your Windows hosts. OS everywhere means no downtime.

If you encounter idealists, ignore them politely and go do useful work.

Microsoft Office is mandatory because the purpose of office software is to communicate with the most other office software possible.

You need to maintain Windows application proficiency anyway.

how new are you



I see. One solutions is to stop using hardware that doesn't respect your freedoms. One alternative would be >fsf.org/resources/hw/endorsement/thinkpenguin
but there are others available. Remember user, "almost-free" is not free enough.

Your reaction is emotional. That has no place in getting work done.

Too many Linuxers are in love with their leet process instead of getting results. Poster needs to make money. Linux is a hobby unless you are a sysadmin or developr. He wanted to get work done and I answered him accurately.

Linux needs zealots, but not for interaction with end users because many Linux zealots despise end users.

Responses like trash and cuck have no meaning and are used because there is no valid counter-argument. I like Linux, I've been using it since the Corel Linux era, but I don't bullshit people who need tools for a job.

On the job, all that matters is getting shit done. Sometime Linux is better, but Windows applications usually need Windows to run. Go run AutoCAD on Ubuntu and tell us how it works out.

There is no obstacle to running two, three or many OS at once.

Must be nice to be rich and able to buy a new computer because it fits your ideologies.

here we go

fuck you gnome chess

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

why doesn't VLC allow you to jump to earlier times in a live stream? Isn't there a setting that allows to cache, say the last three minutes so you can rewind back?
I don't think the default cache setting has anything to do with this because that controls how much of the buffer to prefetch.

how do you change this? it's ugly and i don't like it.

new debian install and i'm retarded.

Is there an easy way to GPU passthrough yet, i'm a mintfag scared of the console.

why are you taking a corporate angle of discussion on a Vietnamese pottery forum? You're just going to flood the threads with shitposting.

I wouldn't do a job that requires using proprietary software. There are enough jobs out there, theres no NEED to be cucked. Being a cuckold is a choice.

>but Windows applications usually need Windows
what is wine?
inb4 crap because you're not able to get shit working

You can mod older Thinkpads instead of buying if you are that into it.

is shitposting. It is not useful information any more than what the Anal Avenger posts in .gif.

Notice no one else but me posted information OP can actually use. He is now learning many Linux users are just asshole teentards, but he's on Cred Forums so he should expect that.

This is not a Linux forum. I suggest going to those to learn about Linux.

OP mentioned enterprise and education, but didn't mention WHAT he expected to need in enterprise and education. Ars Technica is a decently useful site and the mods crush idiots promptly so the content is pretty good.

Change the theme?

>Anal Avenger

hey Cred Forums
I got an 2:1 tablet as a gift, its not really a tablet, but not really netbook either...
came with windows10
model is multilaser M8W, for whatever that means...
so question is, how can I find the specs?
and what should I install here? either Arch or actual Android?
the proc architecture, I not really sure what it is either, from they told me is not 64-bit but also not arm

>Linux is a hobby
top kek

i did. it still has the ugly buttons. i'm using arc dark.

kill yourself pajeet, nobody want's your crap

if you need to justify yourself for being a proprietary cuck, go write a dairy, but stop pushing others into the botnet

>You can mod older Thinkpads instead of buying if you are that into it.
I have the hardware that I have. It's not about choosing anything.

Did you close the browser and open it again?

10/10 made me laugh out loud

sounds like your hardware owns you, user. it should be the other way around.

According to github.com/horst3180/Arc-theme you need gnome-themes-standard and gtk2-engines-murrine. Do you have those two packages installed?

fuck you!!

It's not corporate. I was answering OPs question. You didn't.

>but Windows applications usually need Windows
what is wine?
inb4 crap because you're not able to get shit working

Show me AutoCAD 2015 with all related Autodesk progs running on Wine or eat shit.

People who work use specific tools. They don't care about your autism. You didn't offer OP a useful answer either because you don't know how.

i'm using kde

Who is the Anal Avenger?

pls answer I need info

Could someone give me some insight on to why my wifi on my laptop is always hardblocked from kali and ubuntu? I've tried so many things (that I can't really remember).

Anything I tried was only temporary and continued to do it when I powered off my system.


Both Firefox and Chromium use GTK. I assumed you were using one of those.

if you can't help, don't post
check the thread title faggot

I was just expressing my lols

He shows up with pasta shitposts like the Stallmanposts here. He haunts anal sex threads trying to discourage buttfucking in the most autismal way.

Quite like OS autists, he's unable to acknowledge any worldview besides his own.He's been a fixture for at least three years.

Does Debian not automatically install those two packages?

What make and model and spec is your laptop?

How can I sort a bunch of words by length?
(vim or shell)

You didn't answer the question that poster had. Suggesting another OS for a question regarding GNU/Linux in a GNU/Linux thread is plain shitposting. Don't expect anyone here to eat it up.

I don't know. Grep it.

dpkg -l | grep murrine
dpkg -l | grep gnome-themes

I don't really mix QT and GTK but I think you'll also need the GTK theme version of your QT theme.

>Does Debian not automatically install [Firefox and Chromium]?
Depends on the DE you choose to install. Some may or may not come with a browser.

If you install Debian with no DEs selected, you get no browser either.

how can you use a search engine?

But the buttons aren't like that in chromium; only Firefox esr. Do I need to install normal Firefox instead of esr?

Its a shitty Acer Aspire ES1-521 with 8GB RAM and an AMD A8-6410 APU

-> New
-> -> Thread

Because chromium mostly ignores themes.

Why did you fill a captcha for the sole purpose of being a faggot?

to encourage others not to spoonfeed the mentally retarded

>friendly gnu linux thread

Fucking moron.
Stay rich.

>want's computers to be fucking useless
>b...but this laptop with chinese backdoors is free!