It's time to make the switch to GNU/Linux

>mfw winfags don't realise how easy it is to install software and updates with a single simple command
>mfw winfags don't know the tab key auto completes commands in the terminal
>mfw winfags don't know how easy and powerful cli access to all system tools and programs is
>mfw winfags don't know what --help or man does
**Give me ONE reason besides muh adobe and muh games Micro$oft Windows is still relevant.**
[spoiler]you can't[/spoiler]

Other urls found in this thread:

There is no reason besides muh games, but muh games are important to me so until I can play them on Linux, Windows will remain the only option for me.

free time that isn't eaten up by fixing shit after it breaks for the 8th time that day

theres a reason linux isn't used in the real world outside of very niche applications

OSX is the best

>works in powershell as well
>works in powershell as well
>Get-Help, help, /?

You are right, but because of other reasons. Your post makes you seem like a computer noob, though.


if games aren't an issue, you can still use adobe products on a mac

Because every other graphical operating system decided to grow up and stop forcing a command line onto every user, thus increasing productivity, easing workflow, and making things more accessible.
Command line program installation in 2016 is pretty dumb man.
Plus program compatability.

Wrong board, literal fags.

Linux is widely used for all kinds of applications, which are hardly niche. It's GNU, which doesn't make for a normie-proof desktop OS.

Fuck off. We all know windows 10 is spyware. Do you like giving your credentials and pictures for others use? No don't think so. Us linux and install steam.

Power users use the command line/terminal emulator all the time, regardless which OS.

Great argument there, champ :^)

I want Cred Forums to leave

GTFO retard.

Linux is the victim of doublethink

Its fans want to have two mutually exclusive truths:
>Linux is just as good and easy as Windows for home-computing, anyone can use it now!
>You have to (or ought to) put time and energy into mastering your OS, and it's your fault if you can't get some basic shit working

I'm writing this from Linux and I think Linux is fine, but any time I want to do some basic thing in Linux, I basically know I'm going to be spending an hour on Google browsing through forum threads from 2012 and saying "why the fuck hasn't this been fixed/automated/streamlined?" And that's me, someone who is pretty willing to learn the ins and outs of it and gain some poweruser skills, and I'm already using a version that is supposed to be streamlined for everyday use. Doesn't matter - half of the shit I do requires bizarre workarounds, self-installed patches, fixing shit that the devs didn't anticipate because no one mans the project anymore, etc. All Linux office suites are complete garbage.

No normie I know could use Linux, because they'd break down and kill themselves after 20 minutes. I'm willing to sit through a lot of shit, I'm OK with computers, and even I'm mostly annoyed with it. I talk to CS majors who are amazed that I build my own PC. Fuck, I talk to CS majors who are amazed I use a PC rather than a laptop. Most people are not cut out for Linux, if I barely am.

If you want to turn around and say "well it's for hardcore l33t niggas like me," fine who gives a shit, but then don't complain that people who don't care about computer ricing don't use it.

This guy seems to get the problem.

You Are What's Wrong With The Linux Community =[

lmao my mom and dad use Ubuntu, ever since the Windows 10 upgrade annoyed the fuck out of them.
They do office work, mail, web surfing, basic photo editing, play some Mahjong game and my old man occasionally records audio. They are both 60+. They certainly didn't put any energy into "mastering" the system, just as they did not on Windows.
It just works, the same as OSX or Windows itself would.
The only people who are having problems with GNU/Linux are self-certified POWER USERS from Cred Forums

>winfags missing out on the true computing experience

Windows 10 isn't the only windows os user. If you're so happy with installing linux then why do you feel the need to ask others to do the same?

Why do winfags insist windows 10 is necessary evil for "innovation". FUCK THAT. Windows downloads your pictures to check for kiddy porn, text files stolen, wifi passwords are swiped, advertising baked into the kernel. Riddled with backdoors.

Yet you choose shit?

Win shill detected



>muh privacy

If the government wants to look at your files, the will look at your files. Christ linux fags are computer hipsters

>poor decision derived from stupid reasoning (fap games)
>zomg Cred Forums just got fuking 0wned guiz


>tfw Illusion games suffer from weird bugs in Wine because they use obscure DX9 methods

That's common in a lot of jap code somehow. They're really awful at code and refuse to use gaijin engines for their shit on top of it.

There's probly a wine version that handles their nonsensical calls properly.

>CPU: 5930k OC'd at 4.5Ghz
>GPU: 980 TI OC'd at 1500Mhz
>Sexy Beach Premium Resort installed on PCIe SSD
>runs at 5fps

Does anybody here use KVM/QEMU?

From what I've seen, it is the way to run Windows at the same time as you're running Linux and there is virtually no performance loss. I haven't tried it because I've heard that setting it up is a bitch.

I do have a WindowsXP installation made for Virtualbox and I'm amassed with how well it works, but it has no GPU passthroughs so you can't play games or do anything GPU intensive at all (like video editing) in it.

Once the FOSS community has perfected this stuff, there goes the one reason to be using Windows as your main OS. You can just open up your Virtualbox Windows sandbox when you want to play games.

They learned from their mistakes eventually. Honey Select is in Unity, although pretty sure it uses DX11

Yes, I use a Windows VM with a passed through graphics card.

It is not easy; It requires specialized hardware, you need to be using the very latest versions of QEMU/KVM to deal with latency issues, and there is still some janky problems with it.

On top of that, good luck finding a config which isn't built by retards, so you need to understand KVM/QEMU/Libvirt pretty well just to get started.

And no, you can't use Virtualbox for this.

But it works, and it works well. I pass through a GTX 970 to the VM and it runs as well as native.

Arch has a few wiki articles on the subject, like this:

But they're not up to date and the configs they give you will be less than ideal.

What the hell are you doing that requires so much work? Are you just using Arch and have more config files to set up?

I honestly believe Linux is no harder to use than Windows.

Perhaps the average user could save themselves a little trouble if they buy hardware that's guaranteed compatible before jumping into it.

Look, a computer!
Everything's cool: it's the future!

>Give me ONE reason
Active Directory.

Microsoft still owns enterprise. It's not exclusive, and many companies run mixed environments, but you're more likely to find an environment that's exclusively Windows than one that's exclusively Linux.

Novell comeback when?

Linux is perfectly capable of handling a lot of users. You can even integrate it into Active Directory, though I don't know why the hell you'd want to be running Windows even as a business.

>muh games
That one

I love GNU PLUS LINUX tho, and wish this wasn't the case

Not him, but how do you think that will happen on a non-proprietary system?

There are a LOT of games which DO work and I'm not just talking Libre gaming
>tux racer
>quake3 clone #99

I mean steam runs on the linux, there's a whole library of things you can run with only like 95% of it being shitty mobile apps.

some games legit run well in wine, skyrim worked out of the box when it was released but later bethesda games don't work for anyone out of the box. Others take some jiggling but anything that doesn't HARD REQUIRE directx 10+ is viable.

About 43% of my games run natively on Linux, and my past experiences with Wine and graphically intensive games haven't been great.

From what I understand, the situation is improving though

What you have to do to make wine games run is to decode all the windows voodoo and then completely repeat it on linux. It's ass.... but like 99% of the random DLLs you need to run WILL run on windows, they're just disabled by default in place of Wine's libre replacement versions.

With enough native DLLs, most windows applications will run on linux, performance included.

Yes, there has been a lot of Direct3D work within the 1.9 branch. Codeweavers has been working on mainline for the past few years and it shows

I can. My hardware be shit on linux. I have to deal with screen tearing and shit performance on desktop. I would accept that on games, but on desktop? Give me a break. Even hackintosh works better.

loniy was always irrelevant and will stay irrelevant with its 2% turbo autistic userbase

Yea lonix is totally stopping the goverment, every 3 letter agency is on suicide watch, you totally just destroyed the system wow


This! You fucking get it user.

I like Linux as well, I think it's cool and for some people it might be perfect, but I hate how there are always issues with everything. My keyboards backlight wasn't working, and had to use a command and sometimes it would break my numpad and it wouldn't work.
That is just one of the problems that happen, there is more.

I haven't had any problems at all with Windows 10, like ever. I do have to admit though that moving on in the future it is going to become terrible, especially with what we are hearing for
future plans.

bill wurtz??

Because GNU has been unusable, with the notable exception of gentoo/funtoo, since 2012, and getting worse every year.

You don't need to have the government in your threat model. If there's a backdoor, any malicious user can find it and use it.

Actually they outright rely on bugs to correctly render (hint: they're not the exception).

>b... but muh software

This is vendor lock in and it's form of cuckoldry.

You think they don't have a Linux division?

>search for a program not in the official repository
>add this obscure ppa
>sudo apt-get add ppa
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt install program
>would you like to install this? Y
>randomly install in some obscure directory
>the program doesn't have volume control on screen (a fucking video player), have to use keyboard shortcuts
>surely this is a bug, google it
>bunch of people all parroting that a video player shouldn't handle volume control but the OS should instead
What the fuck am I reading

LEEENUX has no software

I'd rather wait for reactos or a bsd to become usable anyways

This is like the 20th thread like this in the past few days.

Why are these threads suddenly being spammed? I feel like soon I'm going to have to add "linux" to my filters just to avoid this shitposting.

>LEEENUX has no software

This, a thousand times. I'd really like to install a distro on my laptop. It would be nice for programming, listening to music and watching shows but I also need video editors, illustrator and photoshop, so.. Fuck that.

Suckless philosophy in a nutshell.

It's because windows is downright unusable currently. Updates outright brick some machines and make every program crash every 5 seconds among critical issues. People on Cred Forums thus start to consider really moving to GNU instead of merely pretending.

>Linux philosophy in a nutshell
>If it's easy to use and intuitive, you're doing it wrong.

A distro really needs to pursue a simple method of installing and uninstalling things not in the repositories รก la osx

Ever heard of kerbos and FreeIPA?

GalliumOS. It's basically xubuntu heavily modified.

Only reason the windows partition should be a thing.

The installation process is not the issue, it's the fact that most "creative" software (photo/video editing, digital painting, DAWs for making music, etc.) simply don't support Linux. The reason people prefer OS X to linux isn't that they're dumb and don't understand computers, it's that they can actually get work done on the system, without having to spend a ton of time figuring out how to even run the software they need to use.

Should i let Ubuntu update my shit?, i'm somewhat paranoid and don't want it to break something

Yes, it's a wonderful is for server applications. Those are marvelously stable. But everything else is lacking strange features, crashes constantly, and looks horrible. Last time I used Linux the screen compositor sucked so much ass and caused screen tearing, I was told to install Compton but that gave me massive mouse lag, a perfect example of how Linux fucking sucks.

Are you really that naive, or are you just in denial? It doesn't matter what OS you use they can spy on you all the same, in fact using Linux probably paints a bigger target on your back anyways. Your right to privacy doesn't exist anymore and you have no say in the matter whatever you do, get used to it.

Pic related, it's how you feel right now.

>This post
>AKA: I have a lot of time and patience to set up, tweak, and use a very unstable virtual machine setup and therefore it makes windows useless to me.

Some of us actually have jobs that require Windows.

World of Warcraft
wine is shit

You saw the old dumb X server graphical stack at work.
Pretty much everybody agrees it objectively sucks ass and are now collectively trying to write something better.
"Something better" is called Wayland. Unfortunately, while it does work, is pretty and has compatibility with older programs, it's still lacking in polish and convenience features and has too much bugs so nobody uses it.
Though I have no idea what exactly crashed for you. As awful as X server is, it is really stable. I didn't have anything crash on me besides Firefox for a long time.


Japs have the second lowest computer literacy score in the world and, like, less than 50% of households have PCs at all. Coupled with about 90% using smartphones for their computing.
And those that do use (the wealthy ones) mostly use it for Excel and work.
All the video games are also played on consoles, handheld or not. Erotic games? They literally stayed on PC because that was the one place nobody could ban them on.
2chan users might be more savvy about the Interwebs just for the fact they're on the site at all, but Japan itself is pretty much the epitome of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mindset in tech. And they're certain pen and paper never broke.
Sorry if I don't use them for my tech news.

When you say ''muh (insert a noun here)'' and begin throwing ad hominem attacks, you've lost the argument.

Not him, but I actually wasn't unable to play most games for a long time since I switched to Linux. I got by with what I had left, though, but at times I just had to give up on something I was excited about. Not that I played games much before I switched either, I guess.
And yet, I wouldn't even think of just switching back to Windows. And dual boot is a bother because it requires rebooting.
Now I soon will finally get the hardware needed for passthrough. Of course I'm planning to set it up.
For me, it's not about "I do a lot of work to run Windows in a roundabout way, and thus Windows is useless".
For me, it's "I can finally get rid of one of the few flaws my OS has". Hell, VM even technically is more secure to play games in, I guess.
It's not that setup makes windows useless to me. It's that the fact Linux works better make Windows useless to me, and this thing mitigates some of the trade-offs my choice had.

No, it doesn't run as well as native, unless you have some mega beefy CPU you're getting bottlenecked. I tried the exact same thing and I was loosing nearly 50% usage in everything compared to native.

Not an answer

Do you know what 'non-proprietary' means?

Solidworks. I dual boot for it and games.

Feels bad man.