
What Cred Forums thinks of java?

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Basically just a meme programming language for autists

It's fucking based. There is no faster way to put real power in the hands of a novice programmer. Buy stock in Oracle today.

System.out.println("OP is awesome for creating a Java thread.");

poo in loonguage

It's alright when it comes to speed, but trying to write anything that runs fast will have you wanting to kill yourself.

Really shitty language, forces you to use billions of abstractions layers (POO as usual), but man the JVM is just good, and once you get the hang of it shit you can optimize it and fix most of the bottlenecks in performance of it.

If you want to study it, know how the Garbage collector works, as it is the main problem with Java.

Good enough language if you don't have performance constraints and have an international team because everyone knows Java but that can't be said about the meme languages/g/ shills.

I have yet to see a software written in Java that is not a complete memory hog. Pic related.

The main idea behind java was excellent but yeah the implementation of it is shit and it has not changed no matter how many years has passed.

That's because Oracle started fucking it up way beyond what Sun could do when they bought em out

It's good. It's easy on the programmer. Problems with memory consumption are are real. C#, in comparison, works in a very similar way but the language is even more convenient - for example I don't think any other C-like language has magic async/await constructs (I think Javascript is planning those in later versions).


No, just a rational person.

this isn't a lisp thread fuck off

Memory doesn't matter as long as it doesn't run out. If you're super worried about memory consumption then Java is not the right language for the job regardless of how much memory it consumes.

Java 8 is pretty cool
Really my only problem with Java is how people go FullAbstractRetardFactoryBeanFactoryAdapter with the verbosity

Well, not entirely. We're working with gigantic dictionaries and it does matter if the same amount of data would take 10GB or 40GB.

It's a toy for "coders" [sic] who don't know how computers work.

I don't like java but you are just talking out of your ass cunt.

t. wrote fizzbuzz in C once

It's really good for what it was designed for: enterprise software development. It's easy to learn, easy to write, easy to debug and platform independent. Pretty good for smaller companies too as long as the projects are decently sized

It's the autistic Indian step brother of C#. The JDK as a platform is amazing though.

Makes the dumbest kids in uni think making large 3D games in java, c#, or python is efficent.

Java itself isn't the worst language, but it is still terrible.

>If you want to study it, know how the Garbage collector works
don't the exact details change with any minor version of the JVM?
and is it really worth it to know more than "at random intervals, the gc frees unreferenced objects and everything comes to a halt until it's done with that"?

+$0.01 to your account!


It's great for learning, but actually using it depends on lots of things.

>source: grew up in java

It's annoyingly verbose but it's cool to have a cross platform API for threads and networking
Sorta like Golang in these ways

This isn't the Haskell thread lad.

Javanese is alright for learning

His the fuck does Java pass parameters?

to what? functions? entry point?


Objects by reference
Atomic types (bool, int, char) by value

It's a way to make good money if you can stand its flaws, but in the long run it's going to be deprecated by C# which does everything Java can do better and with less autism.

According to pajeet overflow it's strictly pass by value

like any C derived language

IIRC built-in types are passed by value and objects/etc are passed by reference automatically

C is pass by value

I meant syntax wise

Don't fucking use inheritance. Just use that motherfucking inherited class as a field instead.

class A extends B {}

is shit, do this instead

class A {
private B b;

If you need polymorphism use interfaces.

Anyone can suggest me any good Java books; for begginers preferably.

if the Method were defined as
public void foo(Dog someDog) { someDog.setName("Max"); // AAA someDog = new Dog("Fifi"); // BBB someDog.setName("Rowlf"); // CCC }

let's look at what's happening.

the parametersomeDogis set to the value 42

at line "AAA"

someDogis followed to theDogit points to (theDogobject at address 42)

thatDog(the one at address 42) is asked to change his name to Max

at line "BBB"

a newDogis created. Let's say he's at address 74

we assign the parametersomeDogto 74

at line "CCC"

someDog is followed to theDogit points to (theDogobject at address 74)

thatDog(the one at address 74) is asked to change his name to Rowlf

then, we return

Now let's think about what happens outside the method:


There's the key.

Keeping in mind thatmyDogis apointer, and not an actualDog, the answer is NO.myDogstill has the value 42; it's still pointing to the originalDog(but note that because of line "AAA", its name is now "Max" - still the same Dog;myDog's value has not changed.)

By value (of the reference(so some people say by reference))

Head First Java
Once you're comfortable with it "Effective Java"

there's no point in those abstraction layers if you still need to completely understand them in order to write reasonably fast code

Thanks senpai.

C# > shit > Java

Well the c the compiler might pass a structure by reference if you don't write to it, but it'll happily copy the struct on the stack of you do.

this post reeks of NEET

Java is designed to use as much memory as it's assigned to improve performance.

Although base java data types do use more bytes than C/C++ it's reputation is unfounded.

Cred Forums probably does not think that bad of java, but they have to compensate with learning autists meme languages and hate all other languages.
Java is a really decent language, but not the best for every job. Great scalability, low development time and cost, cross-platform and even poo in loo can pick it up.

objects are passed by the value of their pointers. They're not passed by references in the c++ sense (i.e. in Java, if you change the passed variable to point to something else, it will not affect the original pointer), but java coders don't actually know what a reference is so they like to call it "pass by reference"

Hard and software engineer actually. We do embedded systems mostly. Seeing clients mess around with Java is pretty cringy.

I need some help:
I have the source code for some MID2P apps. Anyone has a tutorial for compiling them?

I only changed some values in a text editor and recompiling them in a jar midlet

why is Notch pictured with a one man one jar caption wtf

*and want to recompiling them ina a jar midlet

>retards on 4 chan talks about how java is bad in general and how you should never use it to make a video game
>guy make billions making a game in java

explain this

From retard for retards.

You don't get to billions by making something highly advanced or complex. It's like trying to sell a programming language. But you can sell sell shit to shit people, like $50k HDMI cables and $.99 video games, it's nothing since mommy has over 15k on her CC but multiply number of retards in this word by $.99 and u earn millions

>over 90% of internet doesnt use adblock

you make money by pandering to retards and causing controversy. Cred Forums - Consumer Electronics should know this better than anyone.

My uncle works for Oracle. Best company why you joke around goy

Inclined to agree with these. I've been liberated from Javitude and moved to a C# shop last year. Didn't know much going in aside from plausible similarity, but I now have stomach pains from thinking about the prospect of going back to Java work. C# does what Java was supposed to do better and more comfortably to everyone involved. I really hope it eclipses java soon so I can stop fretting my potential return to the dungeon.

It helps to know what generations are.

There are two successful marketing models.
One relies on turnover. If you can turn your stock over, at a profit, in a short time, you'll make money. This is the model for supermarkets. They run at a profit margin that's in single digits so they need rapid and repeating turnover. Microsoft, Google, Samsung.
The other is margin. You need to sell your product once to pay all your bills and make a profit. But it's usually a hard sell. This was the original IBM model. Sell a $10milllion computer once a year and you're made as a sales rep.
IBM went into decline when the shareholders got greedy and demanded IBM sell commodity gear (PCs etc). They never made a profit on the PC because they didn't have a commodity culture.

C# is cool as a language on its own (except the godawful method naming convention), but it will never get really big because Microsoft. Only autists and Microsoft shills use c# on Linux.