State of Linux graphics

>tfw 2016
>tfw still Linux "graphics"

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw still Linux "graphics"
What's the purpose of that image?

Also if you're interested into the state of linux graphics, at least related to the open source drivers go here:

As you can see most drivers are near from OGL 4.5.

If you want to compare performance phoronix is a good place for that:

AMD opengl drivers are still worse performance-wise compared to nvidia tho but seems that vulkan will help.

If you're interested on how games looks on linux there's some channels on youtube:

If you're interested on what games available on linux steamdb is the best place:

Hope this helps.


At least play a game not in alpha lad


This is the technology board. You made this thread to talk about video games.
Go into any one of those four boards. Fuck off.

The problem is not the state but that the main developer dislikes linux and it's very passive-agressive about that. It behaves as if linux users were on a big debt with him and acts as if he were a victim. I dislike that guy to be honest.

Idkfam, amdgpu kernel with staging patches and mesa radeonsi userspace performs pretty well

All the next gen game engines are being ported to Linux, I'd say the future is bright.

Butthurt lincucks, why is it so hard to accept lincucks sucks so hard in 2016? The first step in solving a problem is accepting you have a problem, this is why nobody takes freetards seriously.

They're unable to write a decent window compositor, what did you expect.

There's simply not a lot of God tier graphics programmers wanting to work for free.

>There's simply not a lot of God tier graphics programmers wanting to work for free.
A lot of graphic programmers on linux works for money tho.

>They're unable to write a decent window compositor, what did you expect.
What is your criteria for considering a compositor "decent"? most DE i have used has way more features than windows for example, the biggest problem i have found is tearing but that's easy to fix on most of them and with wayland that should change.

>Games are the most vital part of an operating system
This is why nobody takes winkids seriously

they are the primary reason for general-purpose computing.
just look at general-purpose processors for which general-purpose means optimized for games. otherwise you wouldn't need all that fast double-precision floating-point arithmetic.

The community accepts that the problem exists, that's why them makes the compromise to support those developers who supports linux, you're just looking in the wrong place or maybe is an strawman created on purpose?

This is pasta but relevant:

The no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.

The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.

I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

Some links:

Keep dreaming dude...

Rust runs fine for me, maybe bad AMD drivers?

Gaming is a specialized purpose. Most people don't buy a new computer with primary intention of playing the latest AAA garbage that gets shit out every year.

I will thanks

Articles supporting your assertion?
LOL, lad
>not realize this is a board made up entirely of fanboys shitposting

>if you're interested...
Holy fucking shit that link is so sad, no wonder freetards think this proves something when Tux Racer is a masterpiece for their poor standards.

How do I get videos and sound to play in OpenMW 0.40.0?

that's a different definition.

general purpose for computers means designed for games.
that other software has to use IEEE 754 too, even tho it isn't really suitable for anything but games, clearly shows that.
No one passing CS 101 would be insane enough to use floats for spreadsheet calculations when starting from scratch. Meanwhile Excel does.

>The no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs

Why does OpenGL games run like shit on Linux then?

Why hasn't there been any noticeable improvement in the last 5 years?

Why do so many games now run on OS X, but not on Linux?

Speaking of graphics and such, is a Passthrough for a GPU a lot of overhead? Or is the overhead more of a problem with a slower computer?

Upgrading all hardware next year, want to start fresh with non-windows.

answer the questions on this pasta please :

>I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

I play Arma 3 on Linux just fine. Compared to Windows, I get more fps on Linux due to the system being more lightweight.

>not realize this is a board made up entirely of fanboys shitposting
True, the biggest ability of the people in this board is bluffing while trying to be as vague as possible, here's the perfect example:

Linux users are fucking annoying, entitled shitbags that act like vegans and sjw's. I can't blame him for being sick of Linux and its users who lash out as soon as you don't do what they want for free.

who cares about video gaymes?

UE4 runs perfectly on GNU/Linux.

osx has like 10% of the market and it makes sense to consider some time testing the games. no one's gonna bother optimizing their games to run on linux since it has 1% of the desktop market across all distros. when they do test and optimize things, it's for a specific version of ubuntu, which has even lower market share

the only exception was valve, when they were trying to pretend this shit was scalable, when it wasn't, and the only reason they were spending that time and money in the first place was to trojan others into doing it and because they have unlimited steam money. the funny thing is, csgo and dota 2 still have many bugs on linux and osx that they don't have on windows. so after all this time, even they failed

and that's not taking into account that they completely half assed steamos, their support for it, and for vulkan as well

>Why does OpenGL games run like shit on Linux then?
On nvidia the performance is very similar and AMD is getting their shit together just recently.

>Why hasn't there been any noticeable improvement in the last 5 years?
So from practically no games and drivers with barely OGL 2.1 to 2000+ games and drivers with OGL 4.3+ is not a noticeable improvement?

>Why do so many games now run on OS X, but not on Linux?
OS X has more marketshare and has been a target for games for a longer time, same as windows.

I've had no issues with graphics on Linux since I replaced my AMD card with an Nvidia card

inb4 triggered freetards make implications


Found the guy who fell for the install gentoo meme.

Steam on Linux has become an abandonware at this point.

Their installer doesn't work out of box, neither will installing from the apt repository.

The bug has been open since last year, but still no fix.

Their treatement of the linux users has been bad, any community would be angry with that kind of behavior, not just the linux community. Do you seiously see this as a tribal war or do you just lack complete empathy for customers being treated bad?

>lack empathy

Cred Forums in general lacks empathy.

And, so does most of the IT industry due to inherent level of autism required to learn the trade.

Cred Forumsermin have always been far more obnoxious cunts about everything compared to other boards.

games belong on consoles with the rest of the toys

That's strange it has worked for me ootb on arch. It's true tho, valve could be making a bigger effort but i get why they don't at this moment, it's not due to the marketshare but due to the lock-in, windows-only tools are practically the de facto standard and most game programmers are trained into using them so influencing the industry is the only way to flip the situation without spending a big amount of money which would be a loss battle at this moment, the game developers needs familiarity with linux first.

Probably true and the fanboyism just makes worse the situation even when being a fanboy means shooting yourself in the foot. A nice pasta describes how i feel about those who want to keep the microsoft's monopoy forever:

>Honestly, this is like watching people standing in the rain wondering why they're getting wet. I can't get upset about every single drop that lands on them anymore, because they're not going to go inside no matter what I tell them.

Wincucks on suicide watch

Don't use my video without my permission

delete this

I'm going to be using it a lot and there is nothing you can do about it.

copyleft it and sue him if he uses it

>state of windows graphics in 2016