We're colonizing Mars, gents

We're colonizing Mars, gents

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i hope the project doesn't blow up somehow... It's better than facebook colonizing it though

Who that arabic fool

Has he contributed anything to the betterment of humanity or is he just concerned about his own self



she's an activist and an artist

retarded kebab alert

Oh, so I was right. Contributes absolute fuck all. What a failure of a person.


>isolated incidence of a dumbshit facebook user posting something dumb

Musk himself says he would never go because the risk of death is too high. No thanks, famalam. I'll stay right where I am.



>repeatedly bullied and beaten to blackout by kids in SA before he moved to Canada
>parents split at age 9, raised by electromechanical engineer dad
>taught himself programming at 12 (in 1983) and sold a video game for 500$
>has gone on to help make some of the most important scientific advancements in the past decade


wow i wonder what our friend twitter has to vouch for, surely she/he has accomplish-

When Mars has a super sick colony where everyone is happy and rich she's going to be on twitter screaming about how unfair it is that she doesn't get to be a top elite scientist on Mars, and how the people on Mars should lower their standards to let her in, and how they only have it good because of pure luck.

Typical SJW - they want all the benefits, but none of the hard work. "More women in STEM, but you won't ever find ME spending 30 hours a week doing programming homework and math problem sets".

I would definitely go even if the risk of dying or you never coming back is great.

I have nothing to look forward on Earth might as well seek glory in eternity.

/fedora tip

>she's an activist and an artist
i lold

What's wrong with these people

This is exactly the type of people that ruined the internet post-2007 and shouldn't have been allowed to go anywhere near a computer.

Guys I think humanity is not worthy of moving forward and exploring space.

*balances checkbook profusely*
*pays taxes*
*drops kids off at private school*
*drinks milk*
*has consensual sex*

I can't even tell if these are troll accs or real individuals at this point.

this. the internet sucks dick now.

stop being a crybaby, the internet is fine

if she hates whites so much why doesn't she fuck back off to whatever third world shithole she crawled out of?

>wasn't on the internet pre-2007

kill yourself

>lel ur probably a newfig!
you're the only problem

underage spotted

Y-you're a white male!

but you are a newfag. it's abundantly clear at this point.


>now it's time for the >>>/reddit/ trick!
k tard

again, kill yourself.

you mean sept' 97, right?

You hit the nail on the head friend

>stay on earth and let me hate you being around me!
>don't go away from me shitlord!

This is what happens when you don't keep your women in line, Westerners. They start acting fucking retarded.

Muslims don't like art


Finally I can get one of those cockroach wifes that appear in Terraformars, similar to the one Linus Cucktips has.

Normies ruined the internet

You mean Linus Shill tips, Cuck tips is the side show with Luke

wtf are these people talking about


will the rocket crash on the moon after the autopilot gets switched on?


This is fascinating

>inferior races can't handle falling behind the race because of their stupidity & vapidity

I'm not Elon Musk though. I don't have billions to spend here on Earth.

People risk death driving their cars every day. I would gladly risk death for the ultimate glory.

check em

>>People risk death driving their cars every day
that's such a retarded thing to say can you please try to think before posting on this board

rocket confirmed for crashlanding and killing all the astronauts

it's true

the astronauts will be dead long before the rocket (coffin) crashes

You are the retard friend. The risk is smaller but it's still risk. Now please kill yourself.

fucking africans building space rockets to fuckup yet another planet

i didn't expect you to realise why it's retarded anyway

>africans building space rockets
what could possibly go wrong?


Why are Cred Forums children so obssessed with someone's opinion on social media?

That's fucking retarded, user, and if you don't realize why you should try thinking a little harder. Jesus.

Enlighten me

That was sarcasm, by the way, before you respond that I'm "too retarded to be worth explaining to" etc.

Well nobody has died yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>Literally cancer

Someone is WRONG on the Internet.

> someone to the left of me is dumb on the internet: well, what do you expect from mouthbreathing SJWs lol
> someone to the right of me or in accordance with my political views says something dumb: why do libcucks only cherry pick dumb people on the right, they never see the nuance of our views
> someone completely moderate says something dumb: wow what a cuck

>self-proclaimed "moderate" is butthurt that everyone points out his cuckoldry

The more you ignore it the more it is allowed to grow.

Quit acting retarded and false flagging for the benefit of libcucks please.

If you stopped talking in memes for one fucking second, your comments might actually be comprehendible.

I'm serious. You can quit your "look how dumb and republican I am" act. It's not smart or funny, and you and your libcuck friends can keep chuckling at your *passive aggresive* humor, but I'm not going to allow it to continue. Like said, I can't just ignore your (((tacticts))) and allow this sort of intellectual cuckoldry continue. Discontinue false falgging immediately, shillary drone.

Are you implying cuckoldry is somehow part of the political spectrum, and that you are one?

>grew up white in SA
>cisgendered, able-bodied male
he's the definition of privledged, shitlord. also
>has gone on to help make some of the most important scientific advancements in the past decade
this is just a crock of pure shit


I'm implying that others imply that. Read it again carefully.

>literal fucking nobody

how do you even find these people's twitter OP, who fucking cares what she thinks

> See a news story
> Can't relate it to the holy crusade against social justice and cultural marxism
> "I know, I'll crawl through 400 pages of tweets until I find something that will spark outrage against my fellow enlightened *chan friends."

Elon "Why won't my rocketships stop exploding?" Musk is a big fat con artist.

kyle mcdonald who worked as adjunct professor at NYU and had some residency at CMU liked her tweet github.com/kylemcdonald/

>Why does new technology not work instantly from the start

Why does the technology board act so retarded when it comes to technology?

You know, this could be great. What if we turn Mars into a successful, racially homogeneous world, leaving Earth to consume itself and these people to rant in the shattered remains about how those racist white Martians won't take them in?


>What if we turn Mars into a successful, racially homogeneous world
>Implying Mars can be terraformed.

>implying you need to terraform a planet to have a colony there

I'd rather take a red wasteland with no niggers and pajeets than a lively planet filled with billions of them.

>earth lives matter
>but they actually don't
>long before 2100 inhibitants of earth kill each other, leaving empty planet
>white privileged males come back from mars
and repeat every time world gets nasty

we only need to disable nuclear weapon before leaving the planet so they can't use it in their shitskin wars

Life circumstances don't matter to leftists, only race does, which doesn't exist of course.

he's a genetic outlier and a freak genuis
the average person needs nurturing and plenty of opportunities to ever succeed

Please don't leave me down here with these savages. I think people should have the chance to take a cognitive, physical and intellectual test, and the best scores get the chance of living on Mars.

>tfw Chinese will be the first to actually have perma base off-planet (on mars)
>Elon Musk and the US will try, but since the rise of the Chinese, their market will be nearly double of the US in couple of decades

>tfw getting ready to give up my freedom for real space colony

> now you can buy cheap shit from chinese mars
> "yeah i ordered this keycap set for like a penny from space china but it's going to take fifteen years without prioirty shipping"

Funny thing is, anyone able to live as an artist AND activist, is a pretty privileged person.

>made epic memes when i was in high school
>this was one of them
>an 8mb high resolution kebab remover
>nobody cared, posted it on /k/, was forgotten
>never did it again

Classic shill


You ran it through a photoshop filter, wooooow congratulations you ebin meemer!!1

fuck off

Stop giving her attention, it only encourages her.

wow now really is your time to shine, boy

Pretty sure I was on the internet then, sadly I was 9 and didn't use it for anything interesting

Daily reminder that Elon Musk is a recklessly unwise hack who will inevitably bankrupt all his entities:

Yes let's starve them to death in deep space because they're white. Real fucking classy. Do these fucks even listen to what comes out of their mouth?


Come on meteor. Melt the crust and let's start over

quite the contrary, you dumbass. the more attention you pay to them, the more adepts they gain
lrn2politics, retard


interactive television media.

what are you, retarded?

this is your daily reminder that Elon Musk used to be bald.

>tfw do all of these things

I'm so fucking white.

>elon musk in his lsd/heroin period

Remove skittle.

Literally no one implied this but you.
Congratulations on inventing claims that someone is more than just a worthless tool.