Software absent on Linux that keeps you from switching to Linux full time

>software absent on Linux that keeps you from switching to Linux full time.


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Time Machine

Although I am running Linux full time.. I just think there is no truly reliable alternative.


you fags can't even run CAD

There are tons of CAD software on linux...

rusty, a client for viewing the rcon terminal of my rust(the game not the language) server (it runs on linux but rapes your cpu while its open)

Firewire soundcard drivers

which are not used in any production company

Btrfs and snapper.

Foobar and Bit Che

this is the only thing i boot into windows for

I use linux full time though.
When I want to use FL Studio I dual boot into my clean install of win7

this app is my boo

there's a program that runs on the solidworks engine that also runs on linux. It's expensive and proprietary, just like most CAD.

There's also openscad which is finally doing cad in a way the autists can understand and thus will be going places.

Video games

did you try running it on a vm?

I tried installing football manager on a VM and it didn't proceed because it knew it was a VM, so I'm aware that that happens

None. Why would you allow your software to hold you hostage like that, OP? You do realize freedom is more important than nurturing your baby duck syndrome?

Then start your own Linux-based production company and be the first one

I have an old ass machine with terrible performance on VM.
I tried using wine but it didn't work. There were multitude of sound and font issues.

pic related

>Time Machine
Is this a meme? How is it better than any other backup service?

FFADO drivers on GNU/Linux were more stable than the driver that shipped with my M-Audio Profire 2626 for Windows.

>Why would you allow your software to hold you hostage like that
Not OP, but this is me Because there is no good linux DAW.

yeah wine is tricky and different versions of FL seem to work to varying degrees

Literally the worst backup service.

windows explorer
That's about it I guess.

For me it's foobar. Fast, lightweight, and with a wicked set of features.

>windows explorer
lol wtf

only thing that evince misses is .epub/mobi support really

>there's a program that runs on the solidworks engine that also runs on linux.
What's it called?
There's freeCAD which could be good if it gets some more work, and then there's tons of things that are only text-based.

And a good GUI.

iTunes, Photoshop, After Effects, Final Cut Pro X, Aqua (as a DE)

IDK man I've tried caja, thunar, sunflower, ubuntu default, they don't come close to explorer in win7.

i was like you but you know... You can't really progress until you move out of your comfort zone.



MPC-HC is pretty nice, but with the right config file mpv is good. I dislike that I can't skew it to fit just the right spot that I have left on my monitor, but it works. Foobar runs in wine.

No, freecad/librecad will never be good.

I don't remember if NX is what I was thinking of? But that's native linux. There's also a bunch of cad stuff that USED to run on linux and it might be in there. But NX is a major contender.

It's true, there is literally no comparison between explorer and file managers on linux because explorer is heavily embedded into the system and file managers are not providing the same functionality.


how do I pick up a blue chair from the floor?

>i was like you but i sacrificed my computer usability to fit in on Cred Forums

>I don't remember if NX is what I was thinking of? But that's native linux. There's also a bunch of cad stuff that USED to run on linux and it might be in there. But NX is a major contender.

this so much everyone who says there's no good CAD for linux has been stuck with cheap middle of the road shit like solidworks and never had the joy of experiencing a real man's CAD like NX

Yeah... I've come to realize a PC is basically useless for me if it can't run Adobe CS. I'd take a crack at running Linux full time otherwise but I'm not a dev -- it's a bummer, cause I like what I see otherwise.

freecad appears to have improved a bit since i last looked at it, but they still don't quite yet have assembly support, which is a pretty basic requirement for what i do

Select few people who already bought their personal islands can afford NX. It still puts 'professional' autocad shit to shame.

tfw when getting it for free from your university

i would have said the same thing early on when first trying linux, simply because explorer was very familiar, and very much integrated with the system

there's few file managers in linux with near the same level of integration, but i've found it's not really that important, especially once you learn to use the shell

but that's something sumatra misses more than most gtk applications. sumatra's GUI is atrocious.

In fact I wish evince had less clutter, like the ability to hide the toolbars when full screen is on, something that's only possible when on presentation mode.

nemo my nig

Unreal Engine
Adobe illustrator, photoshop, after effects and premiere

I will try them on a vm someday tho

Why not just dualboot?

Unreal engine is fine on linux, autocad is most inferior CAD though as already discussed.

Fair enough. Seems like a strange thing to list to me, I think it would the last thing I miss from Windows but maybe I did a bit when first converting. I didn't even use it when I did use Windows.

>I've tried caja, thunar, sunflower, ubuntu default, they don't come close to explorer in win7.

this is actually true

It's entirely true, file managers on linux are JUST file managers. They can optionally handle stuff like internal file associations, or they can integrate to your DE's file-association system, or they can handle things using XDG..... but they don't do that internally as a rule. Same goes for a lot of other minor features that are handled differently than they are on windows.

Wireless card driver.

It didn't seem to like my graphics card either, judging from the black lines that kept appears in my screen.

What the hell are you talking about?
Firstly did you try dolphin? Because I think that's a file manager superior to explorer.
Secondly what features exactly does explorer have that you don't see in linux?

oh i used explorer a lot, still use graphical file managers a lot, i always have a spacefm window open with several tabs

Smplayer and clementine replace those perfectly well.

Enjoy linux

No no no no the features exist in LINUX but they're handled differently, outside the file manager. Like dolphin hooks into KDE's file associations like through kcmshell or whatever. It's not universal association if you try and access things outside KDE/Dolphin.

File associations is the only thing I can think of at the moment though cause I haven't used windows in like 5 years. Thumbnails aren't a standard-ly handled thing, I guess?

the comfiest linux FM i've used from a new-to-linux perspective for me was definately KDE3's Konqueror

>Fruity Meme
how are those gRowLy wOBBLES coming along? still trying to get signed to monstercat?

I have file associations on a DE level, and file manager as well as everything else respect those.
Thumbnails? As in directory thumbnails? I'm not sure, never needed this feature. I'm only interested in picture thumbnails which work perfectly fine.

I'm a full-time Linux user now, but for a long time I wouldn't switch because SolidWorks only runs in Windows. I ran SW in a VM for a few years, but that stopped when the latest SW version refused to run in a virtual environment. I haven't done much 3d modeling since, but I'd like to learn FreeCAD.

-- it even doubled as a web browser... just like what Explorer did

Siemens NX runs on Loonix

What is Siemens NX?

It werkz, and I'm able to make what I want with it.
First time heard that name. I make music as a hobby.

kde3 was top comfy

They did everyone possible to make it feel like a better xp

foobar is a chinese botnet

I don't use them either, I don't know. It's still not universal cause DEs aren't. It is universal in windows cause it is. Unless you run pcmanfm on windows or something, for whatever reason.

But I don't have any file association problem both in Dolphin and Nautilus (which I use right now).
And you can use those pretty much in any DE (Dolphin for Qt, Nautilus for GTK)

The first one's free, kiddo.

Nothing good, let alone industry standard.

Because on the backend KDE/Gnome probly sync with the XDG mimeapps stuff.

I use deepin DE

NX... :~)

And CATIA server :^^)

What the fuck.
What the actual fuck.

If this is the """reason""" you can't switch to GNU, you might need to hang you'reselfe

Adobe CC


Any kind of video editor, there are a few Linux editors but they're all in some kind of development hell. Pitivi is okay but still a ways to go.

I don't even need much, I still use Sony Vegas ffs, but nothing on Linux goes far enough.

>sony vegas


kdenlive and pitivi are.... passable. They mostly don't crash constantly.

Far behind what exists on windows, but totally usable stuff.

>FL Studio
>Adobe Premiere

music players is something that linux has WAY MORE OF and they're bigger and better in every way.

FL does (generally) run fine under wine.


Because why bother? I'll just end up using one or the other.

give me examples of widespread DAW's used in any Linux distro which run perfectly and are as capable as their Windows/Mac counterparts.

switch to mpv

switch to quodlibet

I solved your problem OP



The world has enough shitty "produced" memerap and bleep already.

Learn music theory, compose on paper.
Actually great compositions don't need fancy effects and synths. Cage, Penderecki or Bach sound great with simple pianos.

I like bleep bloops. Plus, composing requires far more skill and I want to actually play some of the beats I make (drummer). I know it was bait, but still...

>WAY MORE OF and they're bigger and better in every way.
>names the one named just minutes ago


I know music theory. I started with music playing piano. And why that has to exclude using another "instrument" (DAW)?

>more music players
there are a million more music players, not DAWs. Every music player that has ever existed has been forked a hundred times for incredibly autistic reasons so now there's a near infinite amount of music players on linux. I still use the one that most approximates 1990s winamp.

Honestly there ARE some libre DAWs but I've never gotten into it. Don't need to, FL is fine on linux.

Mod+ncmpcpp > foobar

>Smplayer and clementine

in the trash.png

Pianos take up too much space and are way more expensive than memeware

Premiere Pro
After Effects
Synaptics Touchpad
Proper drivers

Word is more than replicated in libreoffice, excel is not. Getting close to a decent list except
>proper drivers
lol good luck with that
>windows stops supporting any device made before X year
>manufacturers won't release new drivers cause buy a new one fucker
And... touchpad can go either way, too variable.

>Synaptics Touchpads
Every linux I've ever used on any synaptic touchpad laptop handled the input better than windows

I've actually discovered that my netbook could scroll with linux, because windows literally never did it


infinality is shit.

Obviously if your computer in a 512mb ram pentium dumpster then you need to upgrade

Sumatra pdf
Skreamer radio
File picker and
File uploader (when you add a link into the name field of a file picker on Windows it downloads the file to tmp and uploads it automatically.)

Muh games don't really matter that much to me.

>music players is something that linux has WAY MORE OF
rather have one good music player than tons of shitty ones

There isn't any, I just prefer to use OpenBSD. There is one piece of software I use that keeps me from switching to OpenBSD full time though. I've been debating going back to 5.8 so I can have it back.

How about bitwig? Its just as good and theres linux version

They are infinitely customizable, just need to find some autist that has a good configuration and you're set.

Yeah or recreate the no-longer-made devices and software in your basement in your spare time for free so you don't have to run windows 98 in a production environment. Repeat in 2 years.

No good reason to stay locked in to windows when it's literally the worst option EXCEPTING a few things noted. Excel scripts for running an entire business infrastructure on (not spreadsheets), photo & video editing which works okay on mac....

That's it, no good reason to use windows.


Why not loonix?

Video games
A working version of Spotify
The entire Adobe Suite but mainly Lightroom + Photoshop
WhatsApp and Line
Utilities related to things above such as a powerful system-wide parametric equalizer, overclocking programs, benchmarks, monitoring software(Speedfan etc). A fuckload of software in total and most of which I use daily.

On my laptop I run Ubuntu but for my main desktop computer there is no way I'd "switch" or even dual boot. Zero benefit in my uses.

Amd drivers for my old gpu
Nvidia drivers for my old gpu (last kernel to even support it was 3.19)

>windows has better monitoring and configuration software
Trolls aren't even trying anymore.

i think whatsapp have browser version

Gotta work on your reading comprehension and baits.

It does but I generally despise running any kind of messaging software through browser.

Name one program thats on par with CPU ID hardware monitor and HWINFO

Red Hat shills on damage control now

You can do that inna container you know.

>using a linux gui


I run Linux full time, and I've gotten to the point in my Linux usage that using Windows is almost a painful experience.

I still keep my most powerful computer on Windows for video games though.

It's a noise issue. Not as autistic as ricing desktops.

For foobar2000, check out deadbeef. It doesn't have anywhere near as many plugins yet but it's really customizable in the same way foobar is.
I'm just happy to have the file tree panel.

I like OpenBSD.

Why can't things be this easy on linux?

I use Foobar with Wine.
It just werks.

It is easy.


Inb4 the usual retards come in with "why do you need gaymen faggot"

Also text highlighting and saving. And evince is not as lightweight. And im not even sure if you could use bookmarks with evince.
I second you on win xplorer, irfan and sumatra.
Even though pcmanfm +openbox are richer in features theres 3 things i dont like to live without.

Lots of windows games do work on the linux, with or without wine.

Irfan was always a fallback even on windows though, there hasn't been a REALLY GREAT lightweight image viewer outside of linux's retarded-lightweight console-tier image viewers. Not a lot of middle ground.

Because nobody's capable of/paid for creating good GUIs

>Lots of windows games do work on the linux, with or without wine.

Name 3 relevant recent games that work on Loonix

no foobar on linux

Theres also faststone.
On loonix i use feh and sxiv.

Try not moving goalposts

Fuck off

I don't honestly know what counts as relevant or recent. Skyrim worked out of the box. Not very recent, but as relevant as 'want to own' games go. Not a lot of triple-F games are looking good lately.

here's the default components it comes with. customization works just like foobar with splitters and panels.

Try pcmanfm. MB it works for you

forgot to add

inb4: a lot of windows games do work on linux", yeah not the ones that I, or most people care about

inb4: Use wine


That's pretty good.

Recent relevant games are what matter. I don't give a fuck if you can execute a 8-bit game from 1985 on linux, sperglord.

You're retarded.

Pathetic linux users have to settle for "it works for some cases" all of the time, that it has become the norm for them. It has shaped your mindset such that "not all games work" is actually acceptable.

> 4.7.4-1
You planning on putting that kernel in a museum or something?

Linux has infinitely more reliable alternatives than Time Machine. How many corporate websites do you think are solely backed up with Time Machine?

Given, you may not want to configure those options, but they are there.

I can play a metric buttload of games in emulators, I couldn't give less of a shit about modern triple A games, I've already got more than enough to keep me occupied.

Not him but:
In pcmanfm if i cut files and then create the folder i want to put them in i have to select and cut them once again.
No good filepicker, cant upload files from internet to, say, Cred Forums.
If I open a context menu my keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore

>recent games

Honestly... cut and paste on X11 is going to fuck you. It isn't pcmanfm's fault, you probly... selected some text or something.

You need a separate program to basically disable X11's features. This is a constant problem on all of X11's features.

You basically lost a good hobby because of the linux meme

>can't use my ugly autismal music player and the default video player that's bundled with my weeb codecs
>my computer isn't usable

wincucks everyone

>I have no arguments



The Mpc is a retarded argument. Use smplayer with the Mpc theme.

Foobar runs in WINE, but I find myself pretty in bed with mpd lately with cantana as a front end. I think it has a lot of work to go to be as nice as musicbee, but mpd alone does a LOT of nice things. I recommend it.

For me i have to keep coming back for proprietary engineering software. It just never gets any easier.

Also vidya. Im content with leaving all my games on Windows for now and just dual booting as needed.

good games

Grow up, grandpa.

Honestly I like to play a lot of old games so even if I was on windows my perspective would be skewed.

I can pop open my PlayOnLinux and.... other than falloutNV/Skyrim.... path of exile? It's mostly old shit, steam has a couple more newer titles but.... meh?

Bioshock infinite got a native linux client, all of valve's abortions, L4d*, dota, tf2, cswhateverwe'reonnow. all the saints rows, civ5 which was meh....

I imagine even some of EA's shit runs on linux but who would play that trash?

A decent Google Drive client.

I do use Linux full time though.

You can just use mpv and any old foobar clone

No, I selected files.

Thanks for the idea. I might try it if I don't quit using GNU/Linux on desktop

>hurr stop liking what I don't like

mpv, ncmpcpp

My favourite BF2 based game doesnt run on wine.

>It does but I generally despise running any kind of messaging software through browser.

You do know that the whatsapp windows application is just a webview pointing to right?

Doesnt it support webdav?

Does it run on windows? Or are you talking like planetside? that shit... they keep modifying it so it stops working. Eventually someone with wine will catch up.

Rsync or unison?

I don't know about recent, but as far as relevancy goes:

Dota 2

All of these run either "natively" or passably through wine.

I haven't read this thread, but I'm pretty sure you have been told about mpd+ncmpcpp and mpv, right?


I could of sworn that Foobar was on Linux, I'm not sure where I got this thought though.
But to answer your question I would say Foobar and Visual Studio, the only reason that I'm using the latter right now is Uni.

I gained another hobby (learning programming languages and writing math/simulation software), and thanks to this thread, I've learned that I can run a pirated version of Siemens NX instead of SolidShit which is an evil pile of garbage anyway.

>could of

nothing, even my favorite games are available form GNU/Linux
like eg WoT:


It does. No, its Project Reality

>industry standard
I'm not sure what industry you work in, but in my neck of mechanical the "industry standard," rendering software is about $15k to license and nobody would run it at home no matter what OS it was native to.

Griping about industry standard engineering tools not being on your OS is like complaining that your commuter car doesn't come with caterpillar tracks and a back-hoe.


Is the player base still alive? Years since I played that.

Oh did I trigger you autism me bad

Never had copy/paste problems on linux.
If you use some default file manager from LXDE then there's your problem.
That's the beauty of linux you know, that you can use whatever file manager you want.
Just install nautilus

What is the actual benefit of using mpd? Do you run it off a dedicated box or have the daemon on the same computer you listen to?

I tried googling around as to WHY I should run mdp, but I can only find articles and pages on how.

well winehq seems to think battlefield should run well, the mod installer might have some special reqs but should otherwise work too.

Just because things CAN work on wine doesn't mean regular humans can make them so, playonlinux helps for that shit handling multiple wineprefixes with winetricks scripts for shit.

No, X11 has copy/paste issues on linux. It's moving out but more than likely you had a clipboard manager come with your DE.

>making fun of someone's retardation makes you a triggered autist
Fuck you and your retarded memes.

I'm afraid by the time wine guys will catch up with it people will play Squad instead, for which i dont gave good enough hardware.


Since this is a bait thread, can I make it more constructive by asking what is the best linux distro currently for:

>browsing/videos maybe incl. flash
>easy to use and get accustomed to

I used Fedora in the past, liked it.


I dunno, never had a copy of BF2 (2142 for life). I'm sure with the appropriate dll overrides it'd work..... maybe go ask the mod designer guys what they hard require for the installer to function it'd go nicer.

Nope, don't have a clipboard manager.

Pick one.


So by itself, I find playback to be seamless. Never needs to buffer, clear quality, no stutters. You can also configure it so that anytime your music folder changes, it automatically updates your library. No "waiting around" for it to do so, no going to file import automatically. This is something I just discovered and honestly it's nice and convenient.

Also what the other anons are saying is correct - you can run it as a little server and steam locally, or with WiFi I believe. Maybe not as useful as it is some people (particularly those with a pi) but it can be nifty.

It gets the benefit of having tons of GUI front ends for it. Some terminal based, some GUIs, others being Web accessible. You get a lot of variety.

Unfortunately, a lot of these suffer from the "ugly design" syndrome. But that's pretty much all music players on Linux save terminal based ones in general.

I recently installed Manjaro though, and since it came with cantana as a front end preinstalled, I gave it a shot. Imo it's the most modern front end. Cover art view mode, artist pictures in the browser, and your standard music player plug-ins. I hope to see better plug in support as development continues.

It also takes a while to setup properly depending on what you want. It didn't default to pulse for me, so I had to configure it since sometimes I watch clips while I listen to music so alsa alone doesn't cover it.

It's worth a shot, I spent a long time trying to find something that filled the hole musicbee left in my heart, but when I started seeing what MPD can do, I realized that it's a pretty cool little bit of software. Your image may vary though. If whatever you use "werks" you probably won't find a whole lot in MPD unless you want more options to configure.

Visual Studio/c# and foobar
i know VS is bloated and a m$ botnet and whatever you want to throw at it
the thing with VS everything works the way its supposed to
unlike every other IDE that exists on linux
ie for c++/c#

not going to say that there´s no proper c++ ide eclipse for example looks great
but i can´t get it to work properly so it´s worthless

There are two categories of people on Cred Forums:
1. Stupid retards who use windows.
2. Retards a little bit smarter who use arch.

Video Games.
That's it.

please, these styles are timeless. Also posted this in the wrong thread lel.

*tips fedora

games and the lack of photo editinh software that doesnt suck dick

6/10 Almost got me.
People cannot be this stupid.

They are called Pajeet.

Razer and corsair drivers. And sound card drivers.

>red hat shills on damage control

>hurr durr muh adobe photoshit

GIMP is a superior in every way

Having never used photoshop and being windows-free for half a decade...... GIMP is fucking awful. I'm sure the tools that do exist are the equals of any but the project itself and the interface are just fucking disgusting.


>gimp shills believe this

Software evolution can't progress if people are locked to certain programs instead of certain features. There must be a program that does the same but has a different name.
>Video games
This is my problem too but I'm hopeful and waiting for SteamOS to get big. Some games are playable today though, either native or through Wine.
>A working version of Spotify
Spotify works great, they make the Linux version themselves. There are others too but I haven't tried them.
>The entire Adobe Suite but mainly Lightroom + Photoshop
People have used Photoshop through Wine and it's stable, but since I don't use it I'm not sure if the keybinds work. Other Adobe software might work just as well if people ever tried to run those in Linux.
Forcing people to use .docx and stuff is harmful for progress. Again the features should be what you focus on, not the name.
>WhatsApp and Line
Whatsapp works at least, I'm not sure about that other one.
There's tons of drivers, just use a new enough kernel to get them.
>Utilities related to things above such as a powerful system-wide parametric equalizer, overclocking programs, benchmarks, monitoring software(Speedfan etc). A fuckload of software in total and most of which I use daily.
Yeah these too sound like they most likely have alternatives with different names. If you use Arch you realize how much software actually is right there for you to install, all having a description text as well.
>On my laptop I run Ubuntu but for my main desktop computer there is no way I'd "switch" or even dual boot. Zero benefit in my uses.
Keep your current setup, you're already using Linux anyway. Just have an open mind about alternatives even though change is always scary.

>If you use Arch

opinion discarded

games and discord

that's it really.

Nice argument there, champ. You really prove the world that if you're terrible at something it doesn't stop you from trying anyway. You're a real inspiration.

Doesn't GIMP only support like 4 levels of pressure sensitivity for drawing tablets?

Fight me.

Green ti.

Linux is ugly and has no driver support

Please god switch to fucking Premiere dude.

nobody gives a shit

Ubuntu minimal + Openbox is about as lightweight and easy as it gets while still having every possible baked-in non-free convenience.

too slow (as in less responsive)
And i found that FCPX allows me do stuff faster

I don't you you quite know what that abbreviation means. Maybe you should just stop using it? :)

don't understand why anyone would need canadian dollar software anyway

I tried Exact Audio Copy on a VM but it wasn't working properly, so I have my clean Win 7 partition when I need it.

Other than that, there isn't.

Photoshop doesn't work with wine?

If you're comfortable with command line, there's morituri for Linux.

The user you quoted here.

>programs and features
My reason for sticking into a system and a set of programs is mostly just being used to the features and the user interface(s). Switching from a perfectly working ecosystem into something else would require more than just some other system offering the same features. I don't care about the fact that a program is made by Adobe or that it's called Foobar2000 or that many others happen to use them. I care about the features they offer and the ease of use. I'll pay for this if needed.

As for Foobar, I never came across a more robust and customizable audio playback program. With the add-on it's probably the most feature rich player there is and it is lightweight, easy to use, does library management and a plethora of other things really well.
>A working version of Spotify
I tried it 6 months ago and it had trouble scaling in full screen mode and was to stream into Spotify Connect -devices.
While you might get a single program working, I have my doubts that the Creative Cloud won't work as it's intended. They have cross program integration, easily transferring assets from one Adobe software to another e.g. doing photo library management, tagging and some editing in Lightroom and then choosing to import a batch of raw files to Photoshop to edit them as layers etc. It's handy and easy.
I focus about the features only.
>just use a new enough kernel to get them
And that's a double edged sword which often compromises ease of use and stability and requires more effort from the user to get stuff working. It also limits the distros you can run. On its own that's already something I'm not willing to put up with in my daily life, especially as I'm not adept with Linux.
>Keep your current setup
Thinking about getting a MacBook to replace my laptop in the case I start to need it more. Probably haram but hey, I'm open to alternatives.

>just as good
Have you ever touched a DAW?
Do you even know what a VST is?

If you did, you'd know that you're basically fucking yourself by not using Windows.

>muh music loops

>Hasn't been updated in a year
Yeah, about that ...

Deja Dup is pretty great.

video games

Literally anything




Thanks for the filling post.

I suppose I can give it a shot, though I still don't quite see the benfit over having a simple gstreamer player like Exaile.

I suppose it's one of those things you just have to discover by trying it, so I'll do just that.

A pain to use outside of kde

Dota, CS:GO

>Adobe CC
This. I use these programs on the daily, without even thinking about it.

Name any relevant game valve did that wasn't hl2 (you cant)


>not using kde

Can I run pirated office on it? Don't like the free alternatives

Initially started using back when x crashed all the time, but music would not be interrupted. Now I use it due to its networked nature - can easily control remotely (eg. phone).

2005 wants its memes back

2001 was first in line.

Slow on my computer

I know 2007 just needs the key, so it's fine, but 2010 needs activators, and I don't know if they work

what about bitwig

cubase was the reason i could never fully switch but bitwig+jack makes it totally doable, im never going back

you can even run windows vsts like massive and guitar rig with the airwave vst bridge with nearly 1:1 performance

also jack is better than anything windows has for what it does

>inb4 virtual audio cable

>Not having two separate computers, one for Linux and one for Windows

I don't actually do this. But that's because I'm broke. You people could very well do this with your disposable income.

>not having many computers and still having Windows on none of them
>not knowing what virtual machines are
>not knowing what dual booting is

try playing gta 5 in virtual machine then

It'd work just fine, I just don't have a gaymen computer.

Every adobe program.

Type Zero plebs detected.

CAD that available on linux have capability with SolidWorks

sure, I suppose at least 1080p and 60hz.

Of course.


Did you not just read that I don't have a fucking gaymen computer?

I read that. I am trying to say, what kind of specs would allow you to run GTA V in 1080p 60fps in a Virtual machine in Linux. Even if you have some gtx 1080 SLI with i7-6700k. I doubt you can do that.

Excel. Period. You need Windows to be productive in an office setting.

And no, wine doesn't cut it.


I do this
I have a laptop and a desktop with Ubuntu dualvooted on both just because I think the *nix environment is easier to program in
The lack of storage sucks but honestly hasn't affected me yet

I use a ton of proprietary software to do simulations, computations, and design work which don't have linux equivalents. I have to use windows since everyone else on my team uses it and software that only runs on it.

its only a lack of storage in winblows, linux has NTFS support.

I just wanna play video games

if your shop isn't using R... well you have a bullshit job

>what kind of specs would allow you to run GTA V in 1080p 60fps in a Virtual machine in Linux
About the same as you'd need to run it natively in Windows, the difference between gaming in a VM and actual hardware is like a 5% loss in performance

How many companies use libreoffice as their spreadsheet software? Almost 0. LIbreoffice is not an option.

what are you talking about?, this is dolphin on xmonad on nixos.

>McDonald's is the best restaurant in the world

>virtualization doesn't exist
>WINE doesn't exist

which means that even though you dont have to install all of KDE since version 5, you still have a crapload of kde deps installed to use it compared to others.

yeah, he is bullshitting you. But outside soft realitime appliclations virtual machine linux is usable. Even for CAD provided you have a graphic card

See the non icons issue a lot of people had, it works ootb on mate, but xfce for example wasn't showing icons


No I'm not, you fucking dumbass.

>None. Why would you allow your software to hold you hostage like that, OP?

For him, I suspect that you have a point. There are people who aren't being held hostage by Windows, so much as they are being held hostage by their employers though. You don't typically get to go in on your first day at that new job and announce to them that they are now doing shit your way. You use what you are told to use, or you look for another job. If you do happen to be given a choice, that's great, but it's still your responsibility to keep up with everyone else.


memoQ & Trados
OmegaT ate a large part of a collegue's doc once. That put things in perspective.

what's wrong with cdemu?

I guess if you don't understand how UNIX works you'd think you'd need that, but really you truly do not.

I've ran Wireshark and haven't seen anything


this triggers the Cred Forums

word is bricscad is the best autocad clone, and it's available on linux

maybe give it a shot

GPU passthrough is wonderful. I use it for any games that I can't run in GNU/Linux.

You just need the same GPU that could do it in windows. As long as the cpu usage in GNU/Linux is fairly low, there should not be much CPU overhead. If you do intensive things in GNU/Linux at the same time you will need a stronger CPU and more ram though.

For example: I play games in GNU/Linux as my friend plays in my VM.

>Visual Studio

you mean proprietary file format?

> VS
> Drivers
Valid reasons

naaa, you are full of it

Powershell's on Linux and is shit anyway. Linux also has multiple email clients better than Outlook

Forgive me, I haven't used Thunderbird or the like in years but last I checked it was grossly inadequate for properly handling professional mail in volume.

As for powershell, I've used it and bash for years and I know it's being ported to Linux too, but native powershell is at the moment, I believe, the most powerful shell scripting toolkit out there. Granted it gets less than half the fanfare of bash but its capability is not diminished by the lack of media attention.

I can't imagine an email client equal to or worse than outlook.

literally nothing. it used to be Photoshop but I just run that in a VM.

here. I actually listen to type-III/IV regularly. Trying to make some stuff like that as well.

zfs/ btrfs

Are you retarded? The Counter Strike series has been the best selling FPS titles to this day.

Lightroom, but there is VMware for that



>Linux also has multiple email clients better than Outlook

this is bullshit

Sure thing bud

>MPC-HC -> SMPlayer
Does literally everything MPC-HC does, it evens downloads subtitles.

>Foobar -> DeaDBeeF
This was also holding me from making the switch, but DeaDBeeF is a perfect replacement for foobar.

Never looked back.


Linux is what keeps me from running it outside of virtual machines for development.

>upgrade distro
>freezes dead on some irrelevant shit like a font package
>have to use live CD to salvage my files
>need to download all of my packages again on a new install
Nice OS freedumbs.

Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom.

The rest, I can deal with.

There are decent alternatives for Lightroom, but nothing for Photshop, and having that close connection is really useful.

No, it's not. Deadbeef has no library feature and the converter / mass tagger are way less powerful.


How is Illustrator better than Inkscape?
How is Lightroom better than Lumiance HDR/Hugin/UFW?

Not Linux's fault. Stop using shit distros.

That's it. Don't want to buy a USB network card just because there are no drivers for my PCI network card. That's the reason I'm not switching. And Visual Studio I guess

What kind of card isn't supported by ALSA?

So, the features you look for in a music player are converting and mass tagging?

ALSA is for sound, isn't it? And I have Ralink rt5592 (Asus n15 I think). Been trying to get it to work all day

>Ralink rt5592
That's a wifi card.
ALSA is the sound sub-system in Linux.

>Illustrator better than inkscape
-more extensive scripting, more powerful (i.e. reducing the time it takes to create complex objects)
-better integrated with auxiliary programs (Photoshop, InDesign, etc)
-better for print

>Lightroom better than alternatives
I've never tried Lumiance HDR/Hugin/UFW.
I did try RawTherapee and Darktable, the latter of which I consider equal, or maybe better in some aspects than Lightroom (that is until Lightroom got built-in panorama editing; don't know if Darktable has that now).
The problem is that the close integration with Photoshop is pretty important for my workflow to the point where I wouldn't want to give that up.

And gimp just doesn't come close to Photoshop.

Wine unfortunately doesn't play nicely with most versions of Illustrator/photoshop, especially if you try using a tablet.

starcraft 2.i can run it easily with maxed out graphics on windows while on linux i could probably make it work with wine im sure i would have to play with minimal graphics settings.dont underestimate the shitty pic it has pretty high system requierements because of the shit ton of units on the map.

>kill yourself gaymer fag.

it works on linux with bugs , no lags.
therefore its not a reason not to switch fag

>more extensive scripting, more powerful
Can you elaborate? You can write scripts in python for Inkscape.
>better for print
Better how?
>I did try RawTherapee and Darktable, the latter of which I consider equal, or maybe better in some aspects than Lightroom (that is until Lightroom got built-in panorama editing; don't know if Darktable has that now).
Hugin supports stitching panoramas.
>The problem is that the close integration with Photoshop is pretty important for my workflow to the point where I wouldn't want to give that up.
What do you mean by integration? You can integrate across tools by saving files.

i literally just downloaded the iso like 3 days ago and just did a default install, not real sure what you're on about


a proper window system
x is shit

>tfw I have an old 1366 i7
>My Asus mobo has corrupted IOMMU sectors because Asus never fixed it's shit
>Can't do GPU passthrough and wasted a whole weekend trying to set it up

Fucking video games man

>build £1000 gaming PC
>"use Linux user linux master race xD"

It is shit, and so is Wayland. For the life of me I don't understand why Linux, and FreeBSD/Dragonfly (even more so than Linux really) haven't took advantage of Xenocara. The patches were made available upstream from the start. It's just a matter of fucking using them. There's simply no reason not to. I mean it's not like it would be the first time Linux and the other BSDs borrowed shit from OpenBSD.

Xenocara doesn't completely fix X, but it is a huge step in the right direction. Definitely better than Wayland.