This thread?

This thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why did he put a comment between the curly braces. Why is there nothing after the else.

you fundamentally misunderstand, friend.


To indicate that code for windows 95/98 should go there.

The else is too show where code for other OSs should go


I hope that this is a contrived example...


this is art.

fucking last semicolon!



Obviously you gotta compress
are_equal(x,xx){return (x>xx)?(x

This is way too advanced, you must have a Master's

i dont even understand what this code is supposed to do

What's the right way to do this



>He forgot the ; after return 0
What a noob. Is it a Guy from Cred Forums ?

probably regexes
or at least match to an object

like if ('0123456789'.indexOf(number) > -1)

check type using parseNextInt()

throw exception if it isnt

bool are_equal(int x, int xx){return (x>xx)&&(x

I don't get it but it seems funny

fuckin plebs
are_equal = a => { => {
x>xx&&(return new Boolean(1))

rinput = raw_input()

lower = map(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1))
upper = map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1))
digits = map(chr, range(ord('0'), ord('9')+1))

if rinput in lower o rinputr upper:
print('its a word!')
elif rinput in digits:
print('its a number!')
print('that's some other shit')

and im a complete retard

It prevents Windows 9 from being released.

(defmethod are-equal ((x integer) (xx integer)) (and (not (> x xx)) (not (< x xx)) (eq x xx) (eq xx x) (eql x xx) (eql xx x) (equal x xx) (equal xx x) (equalp x xx) (equalp xx x) (zerop (- x xx)) (zerop (- xx x))))

>that unconditional return false in the end

top keke

console.log((a => (/[0-9]/.test(a))?'number':(/[a-zA-Z]/).test(a)?'word':'other')('0'))

Oh shit, I had forgotten about =
(defmethod are-equal ((x integer) (xx integer)) (and (not (> x xx)) (not (< x xx)) (eq x xx) (eq xx x) (eql x xx) (eql xx x) (equal x xx) (equal xx x) (equalp x xx) (equalp xx x) (zerop (- x xx)) (zerop (- xx x)) (= x xx) (= xx x)))

wait fuck so basically let the map function take 3 arguments, a b and c, replace x with a and xx with (c[b+1])
it should work

number = raw_input('> ')

test = float(number)
print "Nice number!"
except ValueError:
if all(c in string.letters for c in number):
print "That's a word"
print "That's a cob of shit"

please don't directly link that ever


What the el is going on in this pic

import java.lang.*;import java.util.*;public class IsNumberOrWord extends Object {public static void main(String args[]) {try {Integer.getInteger(args[0]); System.out.println("Nice number!\n); catch(Exception ex){System.out.println("Not a number!!");}}}}

ACTUAL abstract algebra
it's cool stuff

wait i missed a bracket but it still works what de fug

You forgot all the dependencies. Where is Spring? Where is the POM file?


To be fair it could make sense in C++...

That's linear algebra...

>using a meme language

but it's linear algebra over GF(28)
that has to count for something, right

shit, that showed up as a superscript when i pasted it in
pretend that said "GF(2^8)" or at least "GF(256)" or something


The extraneous return else, checking that it's equal in BOTH DIRECTIONS, the missing semi-colon. I think we've achieved peak I.T. student with this post.


Execute some code on Windows 95 and 98 only.


Unless the programmer was retarded enough define int as something else than int, no.

but that isn't a bad idea?

or maybe it is in shit java

the first three things encompass all mathematically possible inputs and the last line covers "everything else"

Underrated thread. Have a bump, free of charge.



(cond ((equal L NIL) 0)
((equal (car L) N) 1)
(T (0))))

This is a result of the time when you actually had to type the whole code yourself. Today we have IDEs, so we can actually have functions named "stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString" instead of "replaceAll".

Oh what an exciting time we live in

Isn't that standard practice? Would you throw an exception?





semicolons are used to separate statements. if you use one after the last statement you're creating an implicit empty statement at the end of your functions.

That's just impressively dumb as opposed to just plain fucking retarded like most example itt.

op of that thread here ask me anything

they are meant to be funny. Bad ways of doing stuff.



Last one I have. I know it's not strictly on topic, but it's not like the thread is overflowing with content.

>Occasionally write front-end code in PHP (WordPress) or Ruby (on Rails)
Do I miss something as him or are companies stupid?

Link kinda related
I'm certain one hippie has this on his phone.
Has someone made a git repo of the most ridiculous imaginable ways of inputting your phone number or what?

Pajeet KYS

Post the binary search one

>tfw the botnet wants you to be a webdev

irony detectors broken today?
Swift is one of the worst languages I've ever had to use




this is my favourite

what's the easiest way to achieve that ? i dont get the translation from checkboxes to int.
Does he check the whole group and see if it fit a pattern?

I just started learning java this week.
Why wouldn't this work?

it should be #include and not studio.h you fucking retard kill yourself nowwww DELETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THISSSSSSS!!!!!

it's a joke
Microsoft never made Windows 9 because some of their code counted "Windows 9" as 95 or 98, which is retarded.

Not him
not good and programming either

but I think what he meant was lenght of the number. Try parsing number that is out of range of int.

there's instanceOf for typechecking in java


Please tell me more...

print "number"
print "word"

I forced this meme
I didn't know it was true

Windows version numbers are the lead cause of software and especially drivers breaking in new windows versions.

Is this why MS skipped Windows 9 and went straight to 10?


it was vendors code that had that


Although, I've heard it was partially because the official way of querying for version was broken, so it may have been partly Microsoft's fault.


>Python fag here
>I use Python 2.7 because Python 3.X is not supported
>C is too complicated so Python is better
>Pliz subscroob to my dope blog

>we had to program like this for nearly a month in my first Java course because the instructor wouldn't let us use and code that hadn't been tought yet


I've never even written in C past hello world and I want to jump off a bridge now

The only reason to write that function in the first place is if you needed to use it as a callback. But even then, the whole function could just be one line:
return x == xx;


Install Gentoo.

insanely underrated



Yeah, he has no idea what "stdio" means, he should definitely be writing code.

Looks like he has a listener for the checks that runs a loop that does exactly what you thought, searches for a pattern and than associates it with an integer.

Best part is if that isn't WINAPI Sleep() then that will sleep for 1000 days.

>get system time in microseconds
>modulo by 10,000,000,000
>"Is this your number?"

You can't be serious. Memes aside, was he Indian by any chance?

function AreEqual(x: Integer; xx: Integer): Boolean; begin AreEqual := false; if x > xx then AreEqual := false; if xx > x then AreEqual := false; if (x = xx) and (xx = x) then AreEqual := true; end;


To pleb to handle Perl?

Baiting this weak

// new averaging system
float pp;
float x;
float xx;
float xxx;
float xxxx;
float xxxxx;
float xxxxxx;
float xxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
float xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;

That's more like "concrete" algebra. Abstract algebra doesn't really deal with elements of the group/ring like this.

what I meant is that back then, you actually had to type out everything, so stuff was frequently abbreviated, which isn't great for understanding

best example of practical abstract algebra is the floyd-warshall algorithm for shortest paths in graphs

it's directly and clearly the same as abstract matrix multiplication over the tropical algebra =


bool are_equal(lhs left, rhs right)
return left.operator==(right);

Am I doing this right, guys?

>call by value




>brown is darker than black
he clearly understands how && works, why is he not using it

does that affect performance at runtime at all?

Galois fields are abstract algebra.

He's utilizing short circuit if statements. It's still terribly done, but theoretically it's fail faster because of it.

I was gonna rail you for the near unreadable fuzzy screenshot but then
It's a still from Ex Machina isn't it?

It's one of the most famous ones.

Did the guy open source his code?


Fun fact, Galois died in his early 30s in a pistol duel.

Hey I work in tropical algebras, first time I've ever heard somebody outside of my office know what these are.



Never fucking use Try Catch behavior, it's not a solution, even if it helps in your logic.

If there is a way without using Try then it's better because of performance.

I've been through hell and back rewriting an entire application some code monkey wrote for the company before I joined, the fucker used Try Catch in EVERYTHING, whenever there was an exception he couldn't solve and whenever there was any kind of logic to do either A or B depending if A is null or gives wrong input.

That shit was slow as fuck because of this, and hogged RAM like a motherfucker.

Only use Try for critical accesses, like connections and files, but even for that using is superior.

These are made up, right? No one can unironically submit something like that.

C/C++ tutor here, it was probably coded by an autist. But at least it works.

I like this one.

Don't you only need the last two statements?

Is that like regular algebra with umbrella drinks?


He probably read some online tutorial on how to do decisions, and stopped short of switch.
Of course, every Unity dev I know does the same shit. Didn't even bother learning the language, just copy-pasted a bunch of tutorials and changed objects. That's why Unity games are infamous for memory leaks and shit like caching 2 GB of assets all at once.


We can still go dumber

Not bad, it could have been worse, if you have to program 2^x number of binary outcomes this makes it easy to make sure you don't miss any.

I know this fucking feel, man.


>modulo operator

ilyen nekem is van.legalább van mivel kitörölni amikor nincs kulapergamen itthon.

Reminds me of the terrifying spaghetti code undertale apparently is